Hi everyone! This is NiteOwl18 with a brand new story! I know I posted a brand new story on Saturday, courtesy to my partner Jawen96. But this idea was too great to dismiss! I love My Hero Academia and Total Drama series (Not Total Dramarama!) I found out there was one story in progress. I knew I could put this story out there. On Sunday, I wrote down the main synopsis of the story. Ladies and Gentleman, you love my Total Drama one-shots and you're a fan of superheroes, get ready to read the story of Muskoka High: Plus Ultra!
Muskoka High: Plus Ultra!
Chapter One: Choosing an Undercover Spy
It was a typical day at U.A High in Musutafa. The day was mostly cloudy with twenty precipitation of rain. It was in mid-January with the cold air and slight rain mixing in. Classes weren't in session despite it being a school week. Monday to be precise. When Class 1-A prepare to leave their dorm rooms from Height Alliances, they were given a message from Aizawa there will be no classes today. With the students surprised at this, they were thrilled and somewhat curious of why their impatient teacher would send a message before they even left the building.
What the students, who are destined to become heroes, don't know is that the reason there were no classes was the rest of the teachers and staff, followed by several pro heroes, are having an important meeting right now.
In the meeting room, the teachers of U.A were called on behalf of Principle Nezu to discuss what he had to say. Along with Aizawa, the rest of the teachers and staff are here; Gran Torino, All-Might's former mentor, was called by Toshinori as he too was involved in this. The meeting has to be important like the retired hero had said as pro heroes are here to hear what the news was. Several of them happen to be in the top five Hero's Ranking list; Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot and Mirko. Also Fat Gum was here as well as he is currently eating his third candy bar.
"Is everyone set?" Principle Nezu sat in his chair, addressing the entire audience. "Thank you all for coming. I know this news was unexpected, given this is the beginning of the school week. But this concerns you all."
"Is that why you had to cancel classes?" Vlad King asked. The teacher of Class 1-A also wondered as well, despite wanting to take a nap during class.
"I'm sorry you all have to cancel sessions, Sekijro, and to you, Aizawa," Nezu nodded his head to the two teachers.
"What is the problem, Nezu? Has The League of Villains prepared their next move?" Endeavor asked, crossing his arms in a self-manner gesture.
"No. It's something other than that," Nezu began his news. "Since the beginning where people manifested quirks, we have established a community to raise and teach a generation to become heroes rather than fall into villainy. Eighty-five percent of the world with quirks follow the path of hero while fifteen percent fall into villainy. We had done a great job teaching students to use their quirks for good. U.A High has become the number one hero school in Japan, if not, the world. We even have a ranking list a while back and a new Symbol of Peace. But today, I received news from a city in Canada," Several heroes in the room peek their heads in interest of a country from across the world when Nezu dropped the news. "In a city called Wawanaka, there are seventeen percent of people who have quirks. All of them are students in their sophomore year."
"Only students? The rest are quirkless?" Aizawa said, his tone was a little surprised at what Nezu gave.
"Not only that, but there are no active pro heroes in Wawanaka or anywhere in Canada. This is the first generation of quirks individual, but none of them have goals to become a hero," Nezu finished his news.
"How can that be? Isn't what they're supposed to teach those who have a quirk how to use them in one day becoming a hero?" Toshinori asked, concerned about what the teachers at the school are teaching them.
"The school they attended isn't a hero school. Just a regular public school," Nezu said. He asked Thirteen to turn on the lights. In front of Nezu was a laptop that was connected to a projector that above them. Nezu presses the remote control, and the first screen shows a photo of the school. "This is Muskoka High School. Your average public school instead of a hero training camp. The classes in the school aren't basic hero teaching subjects."
"So what's the problem?" Rumi Usagiyama asked, not seeing the problem what the hybrid animal was telling.
"The problem is this," Nezu showed another photo, this time was a video. The video is pressed play; the heroes and staff are baffled by multiple warehouses that are completely on fire. Fire fighters are trying to erase the flames but something from the large fire horrified them. From the wreckage of the fire, a monsterous entity with its body made out of magma rose up. By opening its mouth, shoot out a lava blast at the fire fighters. To the surprise of the audiences, the magma monster lay out a harting laugh. It's form disappears to the ground, only to reappear as a sixteen year old male with a mohawk green hair and piercing on around his left eyebrow and left ear. He then left the scene while still laughing. The video ends there, and the next video is the inside of what appears to be a mall; it was taken by a security camera at one of the stores. Inside said clothes there were two teenage girls. One was a sixteen year old female blond with a blue bandana on her long blond hair, and she was fighting with the other girl over a cashmere sweater. Their hands grab the neck of it. Then the weather was ripped in two. Both pause in dismay at the ruin sweater. The girl didn't see the bombshell blonde's eyebrows twitching, and laying out a loud shriek that caused all the windows of the clothing stores to break and the people covering their ears. The scream stopped as the bombshell saw in horror what she did with people still covering their ears, possibly from a hearing injury. A third video shows a couple of students who are jogging outside of the gymnasium. Then out of nowhere, a flash of blue lightning passes them with high veracity and it knocks them out. Appearing at the finishing line was a sixteen year old Canadian African-American wearing a blue jersey with a large Number 1. He then started bragging to himself and kissing his biceps. One of the students that were jogging insulted the bragging jock while giving him the finger. The jock's eyes flashes blue light and his body is covered with said blue lightning. The two students are left with their underwear tied and hanging from on top of the football end zone net. A fourth video is played outside of Muskoka High; this was taken from a phone. In the background stood a slim sixteen year old chestnut hair talking to a group of girls, possibly flirting. As the male student held his hands up for some reason, the girl's clothes were blown away by a shrill air force leaving them in their bras and panties. The girls then glared at the pervert who had no idea what happened, and started chasing him in fury. Nezu stopped the video and faced his attention to the audiences with the lights back on.
"Any thoughts?" He asked.
"That punk in the first video is already a villain by the looks of it," Ryo, also go by the pro-hero name Hound Dog, growled at the punk's dangerous quirk and the result of said quirk.
"Never mind that magma dude, what about the lungs on that girl?!" Hizashi remark, he, along with Fat Gum, Midnight and Gran Torino, are rubbing their ears at the volume of the video when the buxom bombshell erupted.
"And that guy using his quirk outside of the gym to cheat and hang two students by their underwear in the end zone?" Ken Ishiyama expresses disappointment at the jock's abuse of his lightning speed quirk.
"Or the kid blowing female clothing with his hands?" Keigo Takami wondered what kind of quirk it was, though he did find it laughable.
"And the list continues on," Nezu's voice urge with seriousness. "Several quirk-related incidents have happened in Wawanaka for over a year. Property damages. Lawsuits. Medical Bills. Injuries. Even sexual harassment. The city is tired of cleaning up the messes and telling their parents to control them. The Mayor and his associates can't spend anymore money rebuilding what was damaged. The Canadian Government had called me since he noticed the school's reputation, and the city's as well, of dealing with quirk-related incidents."
"So the government wants us to deal with the brats who are abusing their quirks?" Enji Todoroki grin a little. After seeing two people who used their quirks for their own amusement, he can't wait to "deal with them."
"Precisely Enji, but not in how we deal with villains," Nezu corrected. "The world had noticed the news of our students, primary Class 1-A, dealing with this kind of problem. If students from Muskoka high can't learn from their mistakes or their parents, then it's up to us to handle it."
"You're suggesting we go there and straighten the brats to use their quirks for good, and not for evil?" Nemuri translates what the principle is asking.
"Kids today won't listen to us, especially when we're the ones putting our lives on the line," Sorahiko grumbled. "Why would they even listen to us?"
"Canada is lacking pro heroes," Nezu sighed bitterly. "And so are the rest of the United States. People who are gifted with quirks choose not to be heroes or fall to the path of villainy. Rather, they would use it to focus on a more potential goal."
"It's a damn waste I'm hearing!" Fat Gum spat, chewing the last bite of his bar. "Seventeen percent of students with gifted quirks and they're using it for their own amusement and choice not to use it for heroic deeds!"
"And become internet famous," Nezu pointed out as he typed a website on the search engine. It landed on YouTube, where a video was playing. Several heroes jump scare by an overweight sixteen year old boy with blond hair. His attire was a large white T-shirt with a blue symbol of the Canadian maple leaf and short green cargo shorts.
"What up, people?! Owen here with a brand new challenge! I'm going to drink seven bottles of maple syrup and flip that truck behind me in one minute!" He professes his stun to the watchers of the web. On the table stood seven bottles of maple syrup and behind the giant was an eighteen wheeler. On cue, all seven bottles were swiped. His left hand grew twice like a giant's hand. Then by crushing all seven bottles, the blond boy opened his mouth to let all the light brown liquid guzzles into his throat. The heroes, teachers, and staff are left awed and somewhat disgusted at what the blond boy had done. After ingesting all the syrup, Owen made his way to the eighteen wheeler and stood there. Owen lifted his left knee, and brought it down. It sent a shock wave at the eighteen wheeler, causing the entire truck to flip and back where it stood.
"Whoo-Hoo! Did you all see that?!" Owen cheered, raising his arms in the air. However, his cheer was short as all eighteen wheels suddenly popped, the doors both fell down, and the hook that connected to the trailer broke as well.
"My truck! Did you do this?!" The camera moved to show the ticked off trucker.
"Oh crap! Let's run, Izzy!"
The video ended there. Nezu turned to the audiences and said it received over 100,000 hits.
Keigo whistled in surprise, "His quirk is similar to yours, Fat Gum!" Fat Gum nodded his head with a small smile, though he wishes this boy uses his quirk for a more potential goal. Aizawa can only shake his head in annoyance of what he saw.
"An internet star? Kids today are more likely to become famous with their quirks," He sighed in dismay. His mood over the news was getting to him. He wanted it to be done already.
"And right what I'm about to bring this into our discussion," Nezu types on the search engine again. The site took them to a talk show where an early thirties man with black hair and wearing a newscaster uniform. He has an aftershave on his chin. Nezu begins, "This man is Chris McLean, the host of Quirks Talk! His network revolves around the quirks in Wawanaka. Every time a quirk-related incident happens, he reports it. Call it the new trend. Several of the recent students from the videos are shown here. He's a professional at it."
"He makes a living out of broadcasting quirks and makes the people famous for it?" Chiyo Shuzeji frowned, to which the principal nodded his head.
"Perfect. Just what we needed," Snipes crosses his arm, sharing the same dislike with Recovery Girl. "A selfish man viewing quirks as a trend. I'm not one hundred percent sure these kids want to be heroes if they want to be media hogs."
"Which is why I'm addressing the issue here," Nezu resumed speaking the news. "Wawanaka is left without a hero. In relation to the quirk incidents, crime is relative. With students expressing their quirks, they have no desire or motivation of becoming heroes to protect their town. They are left defenseless for whatever the future holds. I'm proposing an idea to change these youngsters' minds in using their quirks to help people rather for fame and fortune."
"And you want one of us to go and teach them?" Ectoplasm asked, starting to understand what Nezu is saying. Before he could, Nezu spoke otherwise.
"Actually, I was thinking of sending in one student. What better way of having a student who is currently on to the path of a hero to teach the students?"
"But why not a pro hero?" Hizashi asked in confusion, leading the animal hybrid to sigh. This time in a regretful tone.
"The town of Wawanaka has become distrustful of pro heroes. Since the huge amount of damages brought on by quirks, the people decided they don't want someone who causes so much destruction as their version of the Symbol of Peace," Nezu stated while folding his hands together. "It saddens me that a town can have a negative view on quirks, even a town who can't stand people being quirkless. Choosing a pro hero can further the negativity. Only one student from U.A. can change their minds to letting a hero, or a group of pro-heroes, to defend their town."
"It's an excellent idea, sir," Toshinori grinned a little. The teachers and staff share the same expression the former Number One hero felt. Even the pro heroes as well. "A town is left vulnerable by the hands of someone who can take over, one who has a dangerous quirk."
"Do we all agree? One student from U.A to transfer to Muskoka High to teach a generation of quirk students?" Nezu asked again to double check if everyone was on board with the idea.
"Yes, Yes, we agree," Shinya Kamihara said, feeling slightly aggravated. "All that reminds is one question: which student should it be?"
Nezu turns to the current classroom teachers of Class 1-A and 1-B and asks, "Is there anyone you have in mind, you two?"
"We can send one of our Class Representatives," Aizawa proposes. "Tenya Iida is a good choice. He can straighten those brats at Muskoka High in being heroes instead of an internet star. Though I'm not sure if the town has heard of his family's history, given he's related to the previous Ingenium. He can become a potential target to those with dangerous quirks, primarily the one with the manga quirk. Yaoyorozu is an alternative, but same thing. Comes from a wealthy family. Could draw more targets on her back."
"Itsuka Kendo is great at disciplining her classmates if they step out of line," Vlad King commented to the Class Representative of Class 1-B. "But with her trying to get Canada's quirk generation to the path of hero, this can lead to Monoma to draw out targets from Class 1-A," Everyone nod their head, given what the big mouth classmate from Class 1-B can get into trouble with Aizawa's class.
"Both Class Representatives are out. Who can we bring?" Hizashi asked, almost yawning after being stuck in the meeting room for thirty minutes now.
"I have one person in mind, and I know you'll agree, Toshinori and Aizawa," Nezu said, drawing the two mention heroes to glance at him. With what the principle is about to say, both heroes can figure out who the student Nezu wants to transfer to Wawanaka.
"Izuku-niisan, are you sick?" The ninth holder of One For All glanced at Eri who was looking at his savior with slight concern. Izuku Midoriya smiles in response and pat his surrogate sister's head.
"I'm alright, Eri. Just somebody was talking about me," Izuku said his reason why he sneezed.
"Who was it?"
"Probably close. Come on, let's resume playing," Eri nodded her head with a smile and continued playing with her surrogate big brother. As they were playing inside of Heights Alliances, a future waits for Izuku to teach a generation of quirk individuals to be heros.
What can go wrong?
What do you think of the first chapter? I already got some quirk of the Total Drama cast.
Duncan- Quirk: Magma
Lindsay- Quirk: Banshee
Lightning- Quirk: Lightning Speed
Cody- Quirk: Air Blast
Owen- Quirk: Blob
The rest is unknown but another author who likes my recent Total Drama one shots, Cthulhu rex, has provided quirks for the characters. Thank you Cthulhu rex. Next chapter is Izuku preparing to leave for Wawanaka to inspire the Total Drama characters to be heroes. Will he succeed?
Also, I have provided a list of girls both Izuku and Cody will have:
Again what you think? This is only the first chapter. Feel free to think about the story, the quirks the characters will have, and the harem list. I'll see you all later. Check out my other stories and current stories. Stay safe from the virus. NiteOwl18 out!