A/N: No, the Misao X Satania story is not dead. I'm still waiting on getting a laptop replacement, and once that happens I'll do my best to get on it. In the meantime, however, Yuru Yuri is providing me with surges of inspiration for one-shots, so this is going to be the second of potentially many. I know the last one was Chitose X Akari and I love that pairing, but this one will focus on Chitose X Ayano (with a twist!). Hope you guys enjoy, and as usual, feel free to leave your criticism!

Current POV: Chizuru

It started out like any other study session between my sister and Sugiura Ayano. The two were seated at the table in Chitose's room going over their geometry problem set, while I had my ear pressed against the wall, listening to every word they said to each other, imagining the two of them in a wholesome, romantic relationship and drooling all over my bedroom floor.

See? Just like any other study session.

However, a half-hour in, something different happened that put me in a horrible mood for the rest of the night. Yep, Chitose started talking about her again.

"Ayano-chan, how was your date with Toshino-san the other day?"

"D-D-D-D-Date?!", Ayano and I replied simultaneously. Fortunately Ayano was loud enough to hide the fact that I was eavesdropping on them in the other room.

"I was in the mall's cafe for the student council luncheon when I saw you and Toshino-san walking out of the movie theater. I was wondering why you couldn't make it, but I suppose you had a really good excuse," Chitose answered with a giggle.

"Y-You have the wrong idea, Chitose! She's the one who invited me! I don't have feelings for -"

"Ayano," my sister interrupted, sounding much more serious. "I saw the movie tickets you were holding before class. You wanted to invite her, too, didn't you?"

"I-I-I-I..." I could feel Ayano's blush coming through the wall to my bedroom as she stuttered. "Y-Yes... But I couldn't bring myself to do it, I just got really lucky that she invited me first," she continued with a sigh.

"I don't know why you can't just be honest with her, Ayano-chan. Isn't it obvious that she likes spending time with you?"

"I... I know she does, Chitose, and I do too... I just don't think I can initiate anything. I've always been way too shy when it comes to romance."

"I can tell," she giggled. "Listen, Ayano, I want to help you become more aggressive in your pursuit of Toshino-san. You're my best friend, and I can tell that she's the one who makes you happy. So I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get you together."

Much like the glass in my hand that I promptly threw onto the floor, my heart shattered into pieces after hearing that. I've known for years that Ayano and Chitose would be perfect together, and Chitose's only sacrificing her own happiness by helping her spend all her time with that brat Toshino Kyoko. Unfortunately, though, I have a similar problem to Ayano. I just can't bring up the topic of romance around my own sister. I'm not a tsundere like Ayano or anything, it just feels weird talking about my fantasies with my own identical twin.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I looked up to see the door being pushed open by the exact person I wanted to see.

"Chizuru, is everything okay? I thought I heard something break in here."


I knew I had to say something. I couldn't just let myself sit back and watch Chitose ignore her own well-being anymore.

"Nee-san... What do you think of Ayano?"

"Hm?", she asked, tilting her head quizzically.

"The two of you always spend time together, and I know she makes you happy... but she always talks about that Toshino Kyoko. Do you... enjoy being the third wheel? Wouldn't you feel better if you were honest with her?"

I could instantly tell that my words had cut her deep. She tried to stay in-character, but her eyes sunk as she flashed me a sad smile. She began speaking as she pulled the door shut.

"Chizuru... You really do know me so well. Of course I love Ayano, but I know that she wants to be with someone else. As her best friend... I feel the need to support her in her endeavors. Besides, my fantasies are more than enough to make me happy."

I knew that last sentence was a lie. Chitose has been having nosebleeds a lot less frequently lately, and I had a feeling I knew why.

"I... I need to go back and help Ayano study. We can talk about this more in the bath later today."

"Okay... nee-san." I averted my eyes as she exited the room. I really didn't appreciate Chitose outright lying to me, but I understood why she did. Ever since we were little, Chitose has been the stronger of the two of us. She's only ever wanted to make people happy and feel at peace, even if it means hiding the truth from them.

Once the door was shut, I told myself "no more." No more resting on my laurels and pretending everything was okay. My sister's happiness is at stake. I needed to find a way to get her and Ayano together.

"I just don't think I can initiate anything. I've always been way too shy when it comes to romance."

There's no way in hell Ayano would ever be up front about anything romantic. Not to Toshino Kyoko, not to Chitose, and especially not to someone she barely knows, like me. If I wanted this to work, I was going to have to be the aggressor. I logged in to Amazon and began putting my plan into action.

Current POV: Ayano

Three days after that study session, I walked into school holding a very special notebook. Over the past few nights, Chitose helped me come up with a long list of plans and strategies to capture Toshino Kyoko's heart. I began making my way to Classroom 2-5 with a grin on my face and a spring in my step, having spent the better part of last night preparing myself to execute Plan A. Just before I made it to class, however, I was approached in the hallway by Chitose herself.

"Good morning, Chitose-chan!"

Silence. It was very odd for Chitose not to reply to my usual morning greeting.

"Um... Thanks again for helping me strategize! Do you mind if I ask you a quick question about Plan H?"

More silence. At this point, I was really starting to worry. Had I done something to upset Chitose? Was she not feeling well?

"D-Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office, Chitose?"

Instead of being met with silence this time, however, Chitose brought her left hand up and caressed my cheek. I felt my face warm up the second she made contact.

"CHITOSE?! W-W-W-W-What's gotten into you?!"

I never received an answer. Instead, she moved her hand down to my chin, leaned in and kissed my lips, softly but firmly. I was in complete shock, but for some reason I felt like I couldn't pull away. Or rather, I didn't want to. After all the panic I had gone through the past three days, I somehow felt at peace in this moment.

I gazed into her eyes as she finally parted her lips from mine. I never truly noticed how beautiful those bright, blue orbs were until now. I felt tense, but relaxed at the same time, like I had just found the solution to all of my problems.

"Chitose... I..."

I didn't get to say anything more than that, because Chitose quickly turned around and ran away. I couldn't reach my hand out far enough to stop her, and as much as I wanted to go after her, I found myself rooted firmly in place. I brought my hand up to my lips, where hers had just been.

"Still warm...", I whispered to myself with a smile.

"Ayano!", a voice behind me called out. "Is everything okay? You've been standing there for a while."

"Yes, everything's great... Toshino Kyoko..."

Current POV: Chizuru

I darted into the nearest bathroom as soon as I was sure that Ayano hadn't followed me. I firmly gripped the base of the sink as I began hyperventilating.

"That... was scary... but I did it."

After I finally caught my breath, I looked into the mirror across from me.

"Heh... We really do look alike, don't we?"

I took out the blue-colored contacts I had ordered three days prior, placed them in their case, and began making my way to Classroom 2-1. Suddenly, I was stopped by my sister in the hallway.

"Ah, Chizuru! On your way to class?"

"Oh, hello nee-san. Yeah, I just had to stop for a minute."

"Me too, I had to go to the nurse's office for a moment until my nose stopped bleeding. I don't know why, but I got the sense that Ayano-chan was kissing somebody."

"That's... strange," I replied, looking down. "Speaking of Ayano-chan, I think she wanted to talk to you. You'll probably find her right outside of your classroom."

"Oh? I wonder what she wants. Thank you, Chizuru!"

"No problem... Chitose."

The second phase of my plan had begun.

Current POV: Chitose

Just as Chizuru said, I walked to Classroom 2-5 to find Ayano standing right outside the door.

"Ayano-chan, good morning! Did you look over the notebook last ni-"


Out of nowhere, Ayano turned around and wrapped me up in a firm embrace.

"Huh?! A-Ayano-chan?"

"Chitose... I had no idea that you felt this way about me! That you loved me! And... all this time I've just been ignoring you because of my little crush on Toshino Kyoko! Well... I'm not going to ignore you any more! It took me too long to realize this, but I love you too, Chitose!"

"Ayano..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All I could do was bring my arms up and return her hug, the way I had been dreaming of holding Ayano for years. I had no idea what was happening or when she had begun to love me, so it took a moment for the euphoria to set in.

It wasn't just Ayano that had been ignoring me, I had been ignoring myself. My mind was constantly crying out to me, begging me to tell her the truth, but I could never admit my feelings. All this time, I had thought Ayano only wanted Toshino-san, and all of a sudden I was just... so happy. I pulled Ayano even tighter into the embrace, letting years of pent-up affection take over. As a joyful tear made its way down my face, I looked into Ayano's eyes and said what I had been wanting to say for quite some time now.

"Ayano... Shut up and kiss me."

Current POV: Chizuru

It's been two months since that day, and Ayano and Chitose are closer than they've ever been. I still couldn't get over what I had to do to make it happen, (hell, that was actually my first real kiss), but it was definitely worth it to see that smile on my sister's face. And Toshino Kyoko ended up confessing her feelings to Funami-san the other day, so nobody was hurt in the end. As for me, I hadn't entered fantasy mode in weeks. There's really no point in imagining anything when I can see their relationship in-person every day.