"If you feel yourself hitting up against your limit, remember for what cause you clench your fists! Remember why you started down this path, and let that memory carry you beyond your limit." – All Might

It had been about 3 months since Ed started training Izuku. The studying part he had down, learning even faster than Ed ever did. The training consisted of teachings in the ways of Alchemy, Muscle training, breathing exercises, meditation, the laws of equivalent exchange and the Taboos of Alchemy:

Human Sacrifice

Human Transmutation

The creation of Currency

Deku had wondered who would think to do any of those, especially the first two, when Ed started to tell a story, "There was once a man, who got so obsessed over the craft that he heard a voice. He made a body for the voice, and put it in a jar. The voice taught him things he never knew about how to make alchemy better and how to progress the craft…."

"Is that where the sacrifices started?" Izuku pondered, while Ed shook his head.

"No, the man was very loyal to his kingdom. He did whatever he could to make it better to live in. For both the king and the subjects. The voice convinced him to make a large alchemy circle under the city, saying that it would rebuild the walls and building into a pure steel, making the city that much harder to invade. They worked together to make a stable body for the voice, so that it could leave it's jar. They wanted to make the world a better place, or at least that's what the man thought. Once they had figured out how to make a more stable body, it was too late to stop it. The voice had a large mouth, and multiple eyes. It's grin was monstrous. It activated the circle under the ground and in an instant every human was disintegrated. Gone to atoms…"

"Then the man died as well?" Ed kept shaking his head.

"Let me finish brat. All that was left of the city, was two copies of the man. Both immortal and have seen the gates of death and beyond them. They were the first philosopher's stones. Able to do alchemy with a clap of their hands, and to do it without limits. No equal exchange, no needing an already existing soul to create life. Nothing." There was a tear running down Ed's face. He looked off into space for a bit till snapping back to attention. "Brat, show me how you breathe. This time focus on your legs as you do so, and sprint."

"Yes sir!" Izuku got into a sprinting position, and slowly breathed in, dashing forward at a speed faster than a human should be able to. He ran into a post, slamming his face against it. He then looked at his teacher, "How was that possible? At all? I mean there should be no way that breathing affects the human body like that!"

"This is one of the techniques I picked up in my travels, it allows the user to increase the strength in their body for a very short amount of time. Using it for too long without turning it off for a short period would be dangerous. You should combine it with a fighting style you enjoy to make something unique to you. I won't be teaching you how to fight whatsoever though. For a combat alchemist, that is something that you need to figure out on your own, as to not be countered. One of my good friends used a family fighting style, which led to his demise." Ed seemed to smile once he started talking about his friend, till the last part of the sentence. Ed only seemed to smile before becoming Izuku's teacher. Afterwards Izuku hadn't seen him smile once, except for just now.

"What was your friend like?" Izuku pondered out loud, recovering by rubbing his legs.

"He was loud, obnoxious and really strong. One might say he was almost just like All Might. He always fought for what he thought was right, down till the end. NOW THEN…" Ed clapped. "Back to training. Figure out the way to make a weapon of choice with Alchemy! Once you do, It's time to spar." Izuku started to scramble looking through his notes. Among them were notes on the history of somewhere he had never heard of, Amestris. He looked through notes on fighting styles that he had picked up on through Ed's stories. He took his time and drew a circle with a star interconnected on the ground. He put his hands to the rim and up came a large two handed war hammer, with the same kind of circle on the ends of it. Ed's cane started to glow, and thinned out becoming a spear.

"A hammer is a good choice for an alchemist, although it's very obvious to another alchemist. You will have to land hits with those ends to deal major damage, including blowing up your opponent's body." Izuku gulped at hearing that.

"Did you really mean that? And why are you talking like I will have to fight other alchemists?" Ed took up his spear and got into a fighter's positioning. He dashed forward to strike Izuku, when the hammer head morphed and changed into a staff with a shield in the center blocking the thrust.

"Because you are not my first student, and will not be my last. I teach those with potential. I have seen quite a few with it, and not all of those are on the side of heroes." Ed spun the spear around with the agility you would not expect of someone his age, aiming to take off his student's head, switching at the last second, sweeping his feet. "I have one other set of techniques to teach you before I continue on my travels. Then I will leave you with some words of advice, and a warning." Ed held out his hand to help the boy up, which Izuku accepted. Once up Ed pushed him back down. "Meditation position now. Also a nice idea with the hammer, refine it more, and maybe you will have the best idea out of any student."

Izuku did as told, crossing his legs and sitting with his eyes closed. His teacher's head touched his back. "One thing I learned is called Nen, once this world gets a grasp of it, everything will change. Anyone could be a hero or villain. It takes years to master, but with what I'm about to do, it should take you the rest of the time till the entrance exams." Izuku's eyes went starry, looking up to his teacher.

"Anyone could be a hero? What is it, How does it work, How do you learn it?" Izuku started to ramble off before Ed motions with his hand for him to shut his mouth.

"Think of it like a quirk,except anyone can use it and the only limitation, is the category that you end up with, based off of your birth, and how you lived life till then. From there you can make any power you wish, you can even go against it and use something akin to the other side of the chart. For now, stay in meditation. I'm going to force some of my power through you to open your Nen pathways and allow you to start training." Ed began to channel his Nen through his body, then with a great force pushed it though Izuku, sending him tumbling through the dirty warehouse they had been training in. His hair covered in dust, along with his shirt and pants, turning grey. Izuku looked down at his own body, a white mist like substance leaking off it. "MEDITATE BOY!" Ed yelled as Izuku instantly obeyed. The white substance molded around his body and stuck to him. It formed a layer around his body, although it didn't hinder his muscles. It was like sitting in a fog. As soon as he tried to get up it started to flow out of him again. "FOCUS! If you let too much leak out, you will faint, then die." Izuku's eyes widened and then he glared at his master.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT BEFORE?!" Izuku started to freak out for half a second, before calming down and starting to work on his breathing, 'In slow, out slower. Breath by Breath. Be one with the air.' Izuku thought to himself while working on keeping calm.

"Good job kid. Now then you are in what's called Ten, This allows you to slow your aging, as well as not die from your life aura leaking out of you. It will also provide a basic defense from both Nen and physical attacks. Although it wouldn't stop as much as your shield stick that you made." Ed got up and grabbed a pile of books, slamming it down in front of Izuku. "These are everything I know about Nen, and how you will be learning it. Although in order to use it in your day to day, you will be working with me." Izuku nodded as Ed pulled out a card from a deck. On it was one of the circles from before, also known as transmutation circles. He threw it to the ground along with a few others. A full kitchen appeared in the warehouse, along with a few plates, silverware, pots and pans.

"Are you going to cook, sir?" The older man shook his head.

"You'll be the one cooking kid! While working on Ten and the next step, Zetsu!" Izuku looked at him sideways. "Better study unless you want to get hit!"

The two of them worked on training quite vigorously. The first thing that Izuku read was about the four basic forms of Nen.

Ten, or to envelope in a shroud. It revolves around the idea of keeping your Nen production going while containing it so that it doesn't drain faster than you can make it. Only people with a naturally strong Nen would be able to not use Ten without passing out eventually. The most basic form of Nen.

Zetsu, To nullify or suppress. This technique works by closing off the pore that let Nen flow out of your body. This completely conceals your Nen, at the downside of not being able to use any of it. While Zetsu is risky, it comes with the advantage of helping the user hide their presence from non-Nen users. The first form someone should learn, for their own safety.

Ren, To refine and enhance. The next level is said to the offensive counterpart of Ten. It forces the pores of Nen to expand, and release more powerful levels of Nen. This skill also drains you quickly compared to any other, but also allows for you to have more power behind your skills. It's important, but can be trained later.

Hatsu, Or to release and act. This is the final of the basic Nen forms. This is the ability to project one's aura to carry out a certain function. Whether it's lightning or an elastic gum. It can range in anyone of the six categories of Hatsu. This is the goal for Izuku at the moment. He wanted his own power. Although that said, you were to start with Zetsu.

The training was unique at the very least. Ed would sit near the kitchen with a long staff. He would occasionally swing it at Izuku, and if he were to use Ten, it would be covered in Nen. If he were to use Zetsu, it would just be the chunk of stone. It also taught Izuku how to cook, because if the food was bad, we would be sent for a ten kilometer run, as well as one hundred push ups, sit ups and squats. This kind of training went on for about two months, till Ed finally said he was ready to move on. Now it was the exact same training, except with more powerful Nen. Also, every now and then the pole would become a blade, at which point it was Izuku's job to counter. He would use Ten to try and power up his muscles, and reflect the blade. This ended up with Izuku getting a few new scars.

With only one month till the entrance exams for UA, Ed made the call to try out Hatsu. The older man used a few of his transmutation cards, to make a glass of water with a leaf in the middle of it.

"Put your hands around the glass and start to use Ten. Full power and no holding back. I'm sure you have already read enough to know what the outcome is signifying. So go at it!" Ed yelled, running out of breath near the end.

"YOSH!" Izuku started to channel his Nen into the glass. The water starts to bubble for a second till what looks like minerals start appearing in the water. It gets cloudy very quickly. Izuku stops channeling and looks at the water, now looking more like a thick mud instead of water. "I would guess this means I'm a conjurer right?"

"Yes my boy, now then it's time for me to leave. I never helped any of my other students learn how to make their abilities. Now it is your turn. Now my advice, think about things you know well. Maybe a toy you grew up with, or your favorite hero and use that to start your journey. Next my warning. If you meet anyone else with Nen that you didn't teach yourself, assume they are another student of mine and take them out before they take you out. Teach it to anyone you would think worth it. Make sure the knowledge of it reaches every quirkless, and give them hope. Make sure to pass on everything you can. Good day." Ed just turned and started walking towards the wall, then disappeared. Izuku was left speechless.

The next month flew by as Izuku was working on his own kind of move. He couldn't think of anything except one. He had decided, that was his first move. He had to make it possible….

"Find out next time on Shitty Fanfic!"