Back in the feudal era, Sango, Shippou, Miroku, and Kirara had arrived at the well. Shippou picked up the note that Kagome had left for them and looked at it, unable to read.

"Sango. I think Kagome left us something." He said, handing the demon hunter the note.

"Dear Sango, Shippou, Kirara, and Miroku. Inuyasha and I have already gone into the well and back to my time. Please follow us. Kagome." Sango read, putting her boomerang down on the ground.

"So I guess we're supposed to go to Kagome's time without her.' Miroku said, holding a bag of clothes that Kagome had left for them.

"Yeah, Miroku, what is that?" Sango asked, pointing to the canvas bag.

"From what this little note says, we're supposed to put these clothes on so that we won't stand out in her time. He tossed her a bra and a pair of underwear.

"Here, Kagome said that you should wear these." Miroku continued as he pulled out a pair of tan slacks and a nice tee shirt.

"What?! I'm no wearing this!" Sango yelled in anger at Miroku, who had gone to go and change. Sango walked over to the bag and pulled out a long skirt, tank top, and hat.

"So this is what I'm supposed to wear. Thank God it isn't those things that Miroku shoved in my face." She went someplace away from Miroku and got into her clothes. When she got back to the well, she was surprised to see that the modern clothes that Miroku was dressed in actually looked nice on him. He was obviously crestfallen that Sango wasn't wearing what he had given her, but didn't say anything.

"Ok then!" Shippou said enthusiastically as he jumped on the edge of the well, "Let's go and meet Kagome!" Miroku grabbed Shippou by the tail and gave him a stern look.

"Wait Shippou. You have an outfit as well." He pulls out a pair of shoes, a pair of shorts and a shirt., "She says you either wear this and try to hide your tail, or turn into a puppy in the presence of people other then us and her family." Shippou took one look at the outfit and turned up his nose.

"I think I'll pretend to be a puppy rather then wear that." He said defiantly. Miroku nodded and let go of Shippou, almost dropping him into the well.

"Alright then, let's go." He said as he waited for Sango, Shippou, and Kirara to enter the well before him.


Keros had watched the entire episode with the cowboys and the weirdoes from the past from a hiding place he had found a few days earlier. Lucky for him, his chosen spot had proven a good one. He started to leave his hiding place for a bit when he heard another soft thump from the well area. He walked over to the well, smiling slightly as he made up a quick lie to tell them. As he looked down the well, he saw a woman holding a kitten, a man with a strange looking glove over one hand and a small child with pointed ears and a huge fluffy tail. He couldn't be sure about the child though, he blinked his eyes and when he opened the again, he saw a small fluffy dog in the place of the child.

"Excuse me sir." The black haired man asked, obviously uncomfortable in his clothes, "But do you know where Kagome Higurashi is holding her birthday party?" Keros stared at the group, a small smile twitching at the corners of his lips.

"Sorry guys, but there isn't a birthday party today. The person you're looking for was taken by a group of space bandits. Real mean ones too. My guess is that they took Miss Higurashi and her white haired friend up to their ship and killed them." He said grimly. Inwardly, Keros grinned at the man and woman's horrified, yet confused expressions. The woman climbed out of the well and was shortly followed by the man and the dog.

"Sir, what do you mean by space bandits?" The woman asked, worried.

"I mean space bandits. A group of thieves and murderers that go around the solar system in a spaceship killing people and taking anything of value." He said coolly, "My name's Keros, I've been hunting them for some time. From what I know, a man in a blue suit with green hair and a woman with purple hair wearing a scanty yellow vest and shorts were the ones that took the people you're looking for. They didn't destroy the shrine here though. That was caused by the meteor showers." He explained, noting their confused expressions at their surroundings, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Miroku, and this is Shippou." Miroku said pointing to Shippou.

"I'm Sango and the cat is Kirara. Please, you have to help us find Inuyasha and Kagome. We're not really all that worried about Inuyasha and Kagome, but we need to find them all the same." Sango said, grateful for Keros' help. Keros smiled slightly and turned.

"Well, we don't have all day. Come on, I'll take you to my ship. It's not far, but I crashed it a few days ago and I need to find some replacement parts." He snickered to himself at how he was going to round up the parts for his ship.