Chapter one

Hermione POV

The first week at Grimuald Place passed without anything really happening.

The second week I started to notice Sirius's eyes would follow me around while Mrs. Weasley had us help clean up the house.

He'd find excuses to help me with stuff, and excuses to be close to me without raising suspicion.

I started to pay more attention to him over the next few weeks.

I noticed that his eyes which I thought were purely Grey, had flecks of green in them.

And when he found something funny, he would look around to see if others laughed.

He noticed of course when I stared at him and every time he caught me staring, he blushed or winked.

Which caused me to Blush.

I could tell he was enjoying this sort of game we played.

He also never allowed himself to fully relax around anyone.

Expect for me when we started getting closer over many weeks.

Every couple of nights we would find ourselves alone in the kitchen, late at night.

We had amazing discussions about his life at Hogwarts, we would talk about Quidditch and how he loved it I thought I made no sense.

He would always laugh when I told him why I thought it made no sense

I loved his laugh, it was carefree and full of so much life.

Those conversations were the first times I acknowledged my feelings for Sirius.

The only people who knew of them were Fred and George.

And they teased me constantly about it, but they supported me as long as I was happy.

In the coming weeks when Harry arrived, Sirius withdrew a bit and I started paying attention to what the twins were making up in their room.

It was very impressive magic.

"So, what have you been up two been up to before I arrived?" Harry questioned and I could tell by the look in his eyes he wanted me and Ron to get together like him and Ginny had the previous year.

"Mostly just clean, nothing special" I say in an off voice hoping he'll drop the subject.

The truth was, I just didn't like Ron that way.

If I'm being completely honest the only man, I wanted was Sirius Black.

"There was something special, remember Hermione?" Ron said in a pouty voice that got on my nerves.

He tried to take my hand in his, but I quickly pulled it away and picked up the drink Harry bought.

"Oh? And what was this special thing?" I could tell Harry was intrigued at what Ron was talking about.

"Well, before you arrived Harry, me and Hermione had some alone time. But the twins busted in and stole her away from me" His tone in the beginning was suggestive but quickly turned into another pout.

"Something going on with you and the twins Hermione?" Ron had a laughing fit at Harry's suggestion that I could have something with the twin.

"What's so funny about that Ronald" I ask him coldly, sure the Twins were older, but they have expressed an interest in me.

"You really think the twins would want you?" His laugh gets cruel as he continues.

Harry looks slightly taken back at the new tone of Ron's laugh.

I had told Harry that before Fred had asked Angelina to the Yule Ball last year the twins asked me, I only declined because had asked first.

I told them I would have loved to go with them if I didn't already have a date.

"Is a man wanting me such a foreign idea Ron?" He's acting like he's some prize. Like he's got girls lining up for him.

"The Twins know that you're mine, they wouldn't dare touch you" His laughing had subsided

How dare he

My blood ran cold and I fought to control my face.

"Excuse me Ronald, I'm not your property nor am I your girlfriend. If I wanted to date the twins I would date them" I storm out leaving Harry and Ron with striken with confusd looks.

Harry's looked somewhat understanding however.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Sirius sitting there alone drinking a coffee.

My heart leaps with joy and some of my frustration seeps out me just at the sight of him.

He turns in his seat and gives me a huge smile and beckons me to sit beside him.

He pours me a cup, making it just the way I like it.

"Knut for your thought?" He asks as I sit down and take a sip of coffee.

"Ron's being a prat again" He makes an understanding face.

"What did he say this time?" Sirius knew that Harry wanted me and Ron together.

Every time he heard about me and Ron together he would get a cloudy look in his beautiful Grey eyes.

"He told me the twins couldn't have an interest in me because I'm "his" as he puts it." I make a face and he pats my shoulder sympathetically.

Electric currents race through my veins and my heart beats very fast.

"That Git" He spits out bitterly and I know he understands how I felt when I freaked out.

"On an unrelated note, do you like the twins Hermione? I mean you have been spending quite a bit of time with them" His voice held something I've never heard from him before.


He sounded Jealous that I was spending time with Fred and George.

"They're just good company, that's all" I try to figure out weather I was just imagining the Jealousy or if he really was.

"I'm good company as well" Sirius looked somewhat pouty as he made that remark.

So I know I wasn't imagining the Jealousy.

Was he just jealous because he had no one else to really hang out with, or does he maybe have a other feelings for me.

"I know you are, you're just always busy" I'm enjoying this banter we've started and curious to see how this plays out.

"Didn't they ask you to the Yule Ball last year?" He raises an eyebrow and his Grey eyes get even more stormy.

"Yes, but I was already going with Victor so I had to turn them down" He smiles a bit but he frowns as he thinks of more questions.

"How old was Victor?" I had not expected that question from Sirius.

"He was Nineteen when we went to the Yule Ball together, why?" I'm really curious as to why he wanted to know how much older Victor was than me.

Sirius looked off in thought and I have no clue how we got to Victor's age but it was apparently important to Sirius.

"Say you met someone Hermione, and they were a bit older than you." He pauses hearing for footsteps.

"Would you allow yourself to still like them?" His eyes look guarded and I don't fully grasp his question.

Does he mean the Twins or Victor, or something else entirely?

"What do you mean Sirius?" I ask him straight out so as to not answer his question without really understanding it.

He doesn't answer at first, he fiddles with his mug and refuses to look me in my eyes for some time.

This is not the Sirius I'm used to, I'm familiar with the flirty Sirius, Cocky/Smug Sirius.

Not shy Sirius.

I found it adorable.

"I'm asking you out Hermione" He finally looks me in my eyes and I see a hopeful look in his eyes.

I had no idea how to respond to this.

It was my turn to fiddle with my mug.

I did like him, and wanted to be with him.

But how would Harry react?

"Sirius, I would love to go out with you" I pause.

A huge smile graced his handsome features

"But, I'm worried about how Harry will react." I see him wonder about this as well.

I'm more worried however about how Ron would react.

"Let me talk to him. Okay?" He sounds sincere and I fully trust him.

"Okay Sirius, if that's all sorted then yes, I'll go out with you." His smile gets even bigger if that was possible and his Grey eyes lost the stormy quality and they glow like sliver liquid being warmed over a flame.

He leans over the counter and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

I hear a gasp from behind Sirius and we turn to see Ron angry face.

A/n I hope you all enjoy this new story idea. I was going through my stories and realised I didn't have a Sirius x Hermione story so I thought I'd try this out. I hope you all enjoy, and give me feedback because I'm not sure about this story.


