A/N: So a little update. First off thank you to everyone who reviewed. Secondly answering a few questions I got. Anakin is a little bit more obnoxious, selfish and arrogant then canon(impossible IKR?) and he didn't speak up for Ahsoka in this story(unlike Clone Wars which is a fantastic series by the way but the movie Anakin is very one dimensional as an arrogant selfish prick so that's what he is in this story). Also someone asked if this was abandoned. No this story won't be abandoned but new chapters will take some time from now. A chapter a month is probably a good estimate of my schedule but inspiration can strike any time. See I like to write when inspiration comes(sorry if it sounds cliched) and while I did say that I had the general idea of where this will go and where it will end the rest of the journey comes to me new every time. So that explains most things. Also people commented that there was a lot of action and incidentally chapter is more dialogue then action tbh. But the pace of the story will remain fast. I know people thought I made the story far too fast but that's the thing. I love the stories it was inspired by but while they were amazing they were too long for me as an author to ever contemplate finishing in my stories. I hope they are finished someday but that's the problem with those long stories. You start out great but at some point you get tired of it all. I want this story to have a beginning middle and an end which is why things will continue to happen at the fast pace as they are happening here. Regarding Harry's powers. I know I've said this a lot of times but Harry while being powerful will have limits. I hate the stories where he is a literal god on earth, has a harem of a thousand women and basically has no enemy or story but keeps destroying/having sex with everything. This chapter is also a little mature but no lemons. I could not write lemons for the life of me and I'd like to keep the story at a T. Suggestive themes are there but they will be limited to flirting/banter/suggestive themes etc. Enjoy!
Ahsoka felt like she had just gone through a hyperdrive and by that she meant *physically* gone through a hyperdrive. By the time the feeling ended, she and Harry landed and she promptly emptied her drinks on his feet.
"So sorry blargh", Ahsoka said.
"No worries," Harry replied, "Apparation is not for everyone. Let me tell you, the first time I did it I splinched my pen... well maybe I'll tell you later. Important thing is we are safe and those annoying pent up hermits are off our backs."
"Language, Harry", Ahsoka replied smirking.
A forgotten memory. A girl with buck teeth, brown hair a desire to learn and a cute smile. Someone whom he had forgotten. Drawing a ragged breath to compose himself, Harry continued.
"So this is my sanctuary. A little place down in the really, really low levels of Coruscant. It's down enough that the bozos up in the big cities up there can't find it and it's hidden from the monks with twitchy glowsticks. Not even the Force can penetrate my shielding," he told her with pride.
Ahsoka looked around. The place was strange, even by Harry's standards. They were in what appeared to be a living room. Attached to it were two doors presumably leading to the bedrooms. She could also see a kitchen with the standard equipment. Harry had furnished it nicely for his rather spartan tastes. Nice table in the centre with a red cloth for company, a chandelier on the top and what appeared to be the sky outside on the ceiling. Wait a minute, sky on the ceiling?
"Aren't we in the lower levels Harry?" Ahsoka asked.
"Precisely dear girl", Harry smirked.
"And there is no sky in the lower levels riiiight?" Ahsoka asked.
"You would think, so wouldn't you?" Harry smirked mischeviously, Dumbledore twinkle TM on display.
"Then why is there a night sky on the ceiling?" Ahsoka asked exasperatedly, not even mentioning the fact that it was the middle of the afternoon.
"That is an interesting question young one. Very interesting. And I promised you answers as soon as possible. But that little display out there took a lot out of me, so if you don't mind I'll be taking a nap," said Harry and plopped down on the couch.
"Harry!" Ahsoka spoke indigently but was promptly ignored as the human promptly started snoring. She sighed resignedly and looked around. A comfy room with what appeared to be a desk, chair and bed just like the Three Broomsticks was right next to the dining area. On the left was a much more ornate room, possibly the master bedroom. But the strangest thing was the desk with some silver instruments, what appeared to be a bowl filled with with odd water and bottles of grey coloured fluid next to it. Respecting the man's privacy however, she moved on. Morpheus was waiting though. The tiredness, the events of the day, the teleportation and the drinks finally got to her and before she could see more she fell asleep as well in a dead faint.
Back at the Three Broomsticks a huge commotion had started. People had heard the "Hero With No Fear" screaming like a little baby and had come to take holopics and videos. The bar was a mess. Bob and several other of the Coruscant police after observing everything and staying out of the way of the rage monster that Harry could become now cuffed Anakin.
"But you should get that guy! I'm innocent! He is kidnapping a knight of the Order", Anakin protested.
"Keep it moving bub. Knight of the Order, he says. You chucked that poor girl out on the streets and she was minding her own business before you assaulted them. You may be a general but that doesn't mean you're above the law. Attacking a private citizen in broad daylight would have gotten you a day in jail but ex-Coruscant security? That won't earn you any favors. Now I suggest you excercise the right to remain silent till we get to the station," Bob replied, "You too Master Secura".
Aayla came much more easily. She knew the repurcussions of what had transpired here and with the war going as it was it would only be problematic if she stopped them in anyway. Most common folk thought the Jedi had too much power so it was important that they obeyed the laws of the Republic in order to be upstanding citizens. As the binders were put on, she also thought about the young human with cerulean green eyes. The power he displayed was far beyond anything any Jedi had seen for nearly a thousand years since the Great War. Sith and Jedi both had displayed such feats in the past but it had been impossible to teach beyond legends due to the archives being destroyed so often. He also bore a passing resemblence to someone she had seen before but she simply could not place who. The lightning was also concerning. A characteristic Sith power displayed with such brazen anger had to be reported to the council at once.
Anakin was a whole other matter entirely though. He fumed inside on being arrested but didn't have the capacity to resist. Whatever the dark side weilder(Anakin had decided firmly that only a Sith could beat him) used still had after effects on his body and nerves. He had to almost be carried to the police ship. Yes revenge would be his. No one crossed Anakin Skywalker and lived to tell the tale.
Meanwhile at the Council...
"Have you seen the recordings Master Yoda?" Windu asked worriedly.
"Yes, indeed I have. Much trouble, this young one caused. Far too much power, must not go unchecked hmm," Yoda replied
"The man clearly is a dark side user. Could he be the Sith we are looking for. To heal such a wound. It is impossible", Shaak Ti asked with awe.
"Far too obvious, it would be. Reveal himself so soon, he will not. But still very curious. To heal as he has, I have not seen for nearly five hundred years. Not since... ," Yoda replied.
"Masters, do you think he has Ahsoka under his influence. We know the Sith have used such powers before," Obi-Wan Kenobi asked, afraid of his answer. Ahsoka felt like a sort of granddaughter to him being the apprentice of his only apprentice. It created an affection for her in him and he was the only one that had disagreed with the Order calling her back.
"I think we were far too hasty with young Padwan Tano. We should have used more caution. But this new threat must be neutralized. We can no longer afford to have another Grevious in the midst of this war," Windu said firmly.
"Agreed," replied Ki Adi Mundi
"I think we should first assess the man. It seemed to me your former padawan unnecesarily attacked him Master Kenobi," Shaak Ti said, worried where things were going
"I know", Obi-Wan replied rubbing his hand over his forehead, "Anakin still has no self-control over his impulses. I blame him for my gray hair".
"Be that as it may, I think I should go meet this young man. I have negotiated with hostile opponants before and I'm sure we can reach an accord. A master would also be better suited to deal with any situations that pop up. And have Padwan Tano back as well," Shaak Ti suggested.
"With all due respect Master Ti the man literally blasted Skywalker into the next building", Yaddle said worriedly.
"I trust Master Ti to deal with this being. I think we should let her do so," Fisto said showing his support for the idea.
"Get the young ones out of jail first though masters," Poof laughed.
"I'll do that," Allie replied.
"I'll take Master Secura with me once she is out. We should be able to provide backup", Shaak Ti said after a pause.
"Decided it is then. Go find him, you shall. But cautious you must be. Do not let yourself down his path. Much darkness I sense. May the Force be with you", Yoda warned.
"Of course master. And with you," Shaak Ti replied ending the matter
In a darker corner of Coruscant...
"Hunt down the rival Lord Tyrannus. Let none stand before us. There can only be two", Sidious informed his apprentice.
The dark side demanded this abomination's death. Another of Bane's line? Unheard of. Must be a remnant of the old Sith Empire. No matter. Sidious would end this pretender before he ever challenged the thousand year old legacy of the Sith. His plans for the Death Star were nearing completion. The apprentice was also coming along nicely. If Dooku killed the pretender it would all be fine. However, if he failed Sidious would put a stop to him himself. No one challenged his rule.
Harry woke up to find Ahsoka snoring on his carpet. It was daybreak so they had to have slept through the entire afternoon and night. Going into his refresher for the morning call of nature, he returned to find Ahsoka sitting on one of his cushions.
"Truth time Harry", Ahsoka said impishly smirking.
"An old teacher of mine told me that the truth was a great and terrible thing and should be treated with great caution," Harry said bemusedly, "Of course he did have a tendency to eat lemon drops so take that as you will."
"I will tell you a lot of things young Ahsoka. Not all things because some secrets are mine to keep. But if you earn my trust you'll get to hear them. Just have some patience yeah?" Harry told her seriously.
"Who are you? How did you survive the lightsaber attack? How do you know how to use a lightsaber? How old are you? Do you use the Force? What was that stick? Why are you a bartender?" Ahsoka asked in a hurry. She was left breathless by the end of it.
"Woah slow down. Okay first things first. I really am Harry Potter. I'm not telling you my age because that is unladylike to ask," he winked at her at that, "I'm a bartendar because it is fun and I meet all sort of interesting people. Oh and the babes, love the second two are a little more complicated but tie in together with the other questions," Harry ticked off the questions one by one with his finger.
"I guess telling you is ok. Tell me what do you know about the Sith?"asked Harry.
Ahsoka panicked looking around for a way to escape. She was about to go into a fighting stance when Harry interrupted her.
"Woah easy easy. I think I get the picture. I meant history wise. By now you should know I won't hurt you. Tell me how they started", Harry told her.
"Well the Sith started when fallen Jedi went to Korriban. They took over the planet and were hailed as gods by the Sith species. A dark lord emerged that called himself a Sith Lord but later there was also a lot of interbreeding so there wasn't much of the Sith species left as such. Then they had an empire and fought with the Republic often but later Bane ended it and started the Rule of Two. One master and one apprentice. One to embody the power and the other to crave it," Ahsoka told him what they had been taught as younglings.
"Correct," Harry replied impressed, "Not a lot of you lot pay attention to history which is something I really hate your save our virginity fan club for. But that history leaves a lot of things out. Not your fault you must understand because so much war has bankrupted the galaxy of knowledge. The people who left hadn't fallen per se as you told. The problem was that they were idealists. People who thought that the Jedi had to take a much more proactive role to fight evil", he paused.
"Slavery was still rampant in the Outer Rim and those Trade Federations and other corporations were destroying poorer planets with their export tarriffs and other problems. Ironic how much of it still remains today, by the by. Every hundred years or so the Force produces some overpowered wacko that makes an empire like the Eternal Empire or some super weapon like Revan's Star Forge and destroys entire civilizations. It is actually surprising how common those things were even back then," he explained,
"These young men and women asked the Order why certain teachings were forbidden. Why was alchemy and other subjects exclusively the purvey of the dark side users? Why the Order couldn't fight for what is right instead of doing what was easy. Meditation and centring yourself could only help so much when your house was on fire. The Order had a stick up their asses as big as today so they called them dark siders. Banished them, threw away their records and made sure they would be the villains of any story. And thus Ajunta Pall and his friends Xoxaan, Sorzus Syn, Remulas Dreypa, Karness Muur and others left the Order. They were called Exiles. Twelve beings turned away by their own".
Ahsoka listened to him, rapt with attention. She had heard the history of the formation but nothing with this detail or insight. And she knew history was written by the victors so hearing this side of the story was interesting. Harry had a wonderful way of making it all come alive.
"The planet they found was full of a people called the Sith. Now the stories tell you how they interbred and took the Sith with them, creating the dark side's pawns and tools. All bullshit. They never fell to the dark side. The Sith however were not so nice. Korriban, it is a twisted place," Harry grimaced recalling the planet, "It is full of dark side energies and even more so now after the tombs. Back then it was the Sith people. They practiced unholy arts and brought forth demonic energies. But the Force wasn't something available to them. Black arts, sacrifices, blood rituals bind you to them. There was no dark side to speak of because the Force was untainted," Harry told her.
"They first welcomed the exiles, giving them fruits and flowers. The Exiles in turn helped them grow their cities. Eventually they became close. But then the exiles were captured. The Sith betrayed them as they always do. The Sith gave them dark power but they took away their humanity. Twisting them, torturing them. The Sith species created the Dark Lords of the Sith. The first of those would be the leader. Eventually the marriage of the demonic powers and the Force within the Exiles created these new beings. But it was the folly of the Sith species itself. The lords were more powerful then the Sith. The dark side created by the twisting of the energies would be the undoing of the Sith species. The lords led by the One wiped out the entire civilization and took the people as slaves. Eventually the Jedi found out. They fought a war that you know more about then me about and they bombarded the planet at the end," Harry said nonchalantly.
"But what they did not know was that there was a Jedi still loyal to the cause. He had come back from the dark side and was on the brink of bringing his friends back. All he needed was more time. He had spent thousands of hours in the Korriban labs pretending to be a dark lord but secretly trying to bring them back. Said lord sent a communique to the Order begging them to stop so that he could evacuate the survivors and the ones brought back. They didn't care. The entire planet was decimated by turbo lasers. All vegetation, homes livestock, life itself was destroyed. The Jedi miraclously survived but all his friends were gone," Harry spoke with his voice breaking.
"It was you wasn't it", Ahsoka realized, "That's how you knew about the lightsabers. The Force powers. You're one of the Exiles. That's how you could attack Skywalker. You were the one that came back "
"Guilty as charged," Harry replied tired of the emotional toll of his words and looking away. Now she would leave. No one wanted to be friends with a freak after all.
Ahsoka realized it was part of his consciousness to withdraw whenever some part of his life came out. Possibly shame and some guilt had wracked his life. She did something she hadn't done in a long time. She went forward and hugged her new friend to show support. Emotions were forbidden by the Order but here was a kindred spirit. Someone who had lived through being ostracized and hated despite being innocent. And he deserved to be shown that he had a friend.
Harry froze. It hadn't been easy adjusting to people hugging him. His hangups exhisted even now. A non-Hermione female raised his antennae to a hundred percent. But something was right about this. He put his arms around her and held her. Both had something to share. Burdens seem to be lessoned somewhat.
Eventually they broke up and smiled sheepishly. A faint blush crept up Ahsoka's cheeks.
"Well now the question is what do you want to do? I can set you up in one of my businesses on other planets. The Three Broomsticks is a franchise, after all. Or you could go anywhere you want. I have enough credits to get you off world by tonight," Harry asked quickly in order to break the tension.
"The Council won't let go of me that easy. Even now I bet they're plotting. And I don't want to be anything other than a Jedi. It gave meaning, purpose to my life. I guess I would still like to be a master and explore the Force. I want to stay with you," Ahsoka replied.
"Ooh naughty minx", Harry smiled flirtatiously, "Want to move in and we haven't even talked about relationships."
"I meant be your apprentice you goof. It wasn't unheard of in the old days I've heard. There is so much about the Force you could teach me. You are a Jedi Master or a former one anyways and you know about the Sith too. And your lightsaber technique would put Master Windu to shame," Ahsoka replied, turning away so that she could hide the smile.
"Bald big bad motherfucker? Yeah I've met him a few times. Hmm an apprentice. I haven't had one in nearly a thousand years or so. There was this great Twilek. Fantastic tits. You do meet those requirements. But to have to teach. And a schedule argh. But nevertheless I shall perservere. Ok my ex-geriatric robe club companion, you have a deal. Remember this though if you find out that things are far more twisted then you think you are free to go. I never know when my shenanigans get out of hand," Harry replied jovially.
"Fine master. As if you could ever let go of this fine rack," Ahsoka replied, getting into the game. Then realizing what she said she blushed again and held her face with her hands. It was getting infectious.
"Yesss my apprentice. Feel the dark side. I sense your hermitty frustration. Take my clothes. I am unarmed. Push me down and your journey to the naughty side will be complete," Harry said in a croaky voice.
"Puh-leeze Harry. I'm way out of your league. Lose the fake voice. We have work to do. Getting my lightsaber. The Order won't hand it over and I need it for training. Can we go to Ilum?" Ahsoka ordered.
"Hmm. Perhaps. Or I could get you the crystal from somewhere else", Harry replied cryptically.
"Where?" Ahsoka asked already dreading the answer.
"Tell me Ahsoka, what do you know about Exegol?" Harry replied with a smirk.
It was much late after Harry retired to his guest bedroom having explained everything to her. He gave her his because the guest one seemed rather sparse of luxuries. But he put away the instruments in his trunk after shrinking them(followed by Ahsoka's delighted request to teach her that). He had never had many guests to be honest. Which begged the question why he even put in a guest room. Oh well. Unfortunately for our weary traveller someone had already taken the bed. A goth girl. In her underwear. With an ankh on her forehead. And two pupils in each eyeball.
"Death," Harry growled, "I'm really tired could you not fucking play games already"
"Harry Harry dear. Why are you hanging out with that little thing when you could have beautful me all to yourself. How about you come in and we break this thing. I could be anyone you want", Death morphed into Aayla minus the clothes.
"Tempting but no," Harry said looking away.
"You didn't tell her about what really happened at Korriban. Where you came from? How you are immortal dearie," Death replied coyly, "What will she ever do when she finds out about it"
"She doesn't need to know," Harry replied, "She is a good person. She has a good soul. Stay out of it".
"How can I love when you are my monster. My greatest creation. My master," she said seductively in Ahsoka's voice, "I know you will call again Harry. This universe is screaming for the Elder Wand. Use it . Show them the power of the Endless. Would you like a golem? I hear Thanos is dead now"
"Stay out Death I'm warning you", he replied angrily.
"There there. Let's not fight darling. You're all pent up. Well I know how to help. How about this then?", she changed into Narcissa in a golden bikini.
"Ah fuck it you won't leave me alone till we go at it anyways" Harry always did have a problem with arguing with death. And boobs. And bikinis. And he still hated Malfoy. Resigning himself to his rather good luck, he started some necessary exercise...