A/N: I don't usually write two fics at a time but I think you'll like this one. This is another idea for a Star Fox fic and I just think you'll all like this one a little bit. I know people like Falco/Katt pairings but I've got to be different. In this fic Katt gets feelings for Fox. Now what exactly do you suppose Krystal will have to say about that? This fic DOES NOT take place in the Star Fox timeline whatsoever. Also, the fic takes place at a high school, and the characters are young teenagers rather than adults. All the characters are the same age and in the same grade. It was just a whole lot easier this way. I really hope you all like this fic. Please don't flame me, and if you don't like it, save yourself the trouble and don't come back as it is a much bigger waste of your time than mine. This first chapter is a little short. Also, remember, I'm also working on "The Vulpine Prince" and I feel that fic is actually pretty good. This one is definitely a better idea to me though.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Star Fox. Nintendo and/or Rare do. As usual I have made up characters. Any relation in any way is entirely coincidental.


Chapter 1-Best Friends

Katt and Krystal were best friends through thick and thin. They were in the tenth grade now and they'd spent much of their life together. They'd known each other since first grade, and they always stuck together. They had their fights and sometimes they didn't. They had the same classes and were constantly working on assignments together (or copying the other). They'd been close for their entire lives.

Katt and Krystal went all around looking at all the cute furs and flirting with the same one constantly. Seeing the boys dumbfounded was the funniest thing to them. Sometimes they dated the boys and other times they didn't. It was a fun life. It was fun until the met one boy, a fox rather. They'd flirted with the same guys before, but that was just for fun. But when this fox came up in their life it was different. They both had very strong feelings for him. He was also a little different than the other boys. He wasn't quite as clumsy and wasn't quite as egotistic and self-centered. It all started at that party. The party where they both met him.


The party was at Bill's house. Bill always threw the best parties. He had the grill going and he cooked himself. Burgers, hot dogs and stakes. His specialties too. He knew just how to cook it right. Since his parents didn't do any cooking he took the liberty of taking a cooking class. Who knew that it would help him make so many friends?

Katt and Krystal went together as usual. Star Fox High wasn't a very large school compared to others. The population of the school was just a little more than 800 students and only about 45 teachers total. Compared to the schools with 5000 students it was small. But that made it the best school to go to.

When Katt and Krystal were at the party, they were doing their thing. They were scouting for boys. "Look at that blue avian over there!" Katt said and pointed to Falco Lombardi.

"You always notice him. Why don't you go up and talk to him already? You never know, he might like you." Krystal smiled. When they both glanced at Falco, who was standing next the punch, he looked back at them and smiled before he walked off. Probably to hang out with other friends.

They walked over to punch after Falco had left and got themselves a glass. "Help me look Krystal. I need a boyfriend!"

"You just had a relationship with Slippy why are you complaining?"

"Because Slippy was too geeky for me! I need a guy that looks good too!" Katt said. "Slippy wasn't a bad little toad...he was just weird."

Krystal rolled her eyes but managed a giggle. Seeing Katt with Slippy was one of the funniest things the entire school had seen. Katt wasn't even sure what attracted her to Slippy. He wasn't exactly the best looking guy in school and his voice was so strange too. Everything happens for a reason I guess.

Krystal and Katt continued their search. "Look," Katt said pointing to a black fox with a white muzzle. He was dressed in all black and looked pretty good in it too. "He looks cute. Maybe we should go talk to him."

"Um...I don't think so." Krystal said shyly.

"Oh, why not?"

"That's Shane, my ex-boyfriend." Krystal blushed.

"You never told me about him!" Katt pouted. "We're supposed to tell each other everything!"

"Well, it was nice dating him at first. Then I found out he had a lot of problems. I think he may be scared of another relationship. He had some pretty bad luck I'd say." Krystal looked at the fox next to him. This fox had light brown fur (or orange depending on how you want to depict it) and had a strong body build. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and that only made him look better. 'What beautiful eyes too' Krystal thought. He looked a lot better. He was wearing a white vest with a red undershirt and his hair was beautiful.

"Look at that catch right there!" Katt said pointing to the fox that Krystal was looking at.

'Is she pointing at MY fox?' Krystal looked at Katt with shock. 'Oh no!' Katt and Krystal may have flirted with the same guys, but when they went searching for boyfriends Krystal wasn't one to tell Katt about a crush. The reason being, Katt always screwed her chances by walking directly up to him and telling him everything about Krystal. Then she'd mention that Krystal liked him and that usually embarrassed Krystal.

"Let's go talk to him Krystal! He's so hot! Come on!" Katt pulled Krystal over.

Krystal went along, it wasn't like she had a choice. 'Not this again!' The other problem was that when Krystal had a crush on a boy, and Katt like him too, Krystal usually didn't get him in the end, Katt would. What did Katt do that Krystal didn't?

They finally stopped and interrupted the conversation the fox was having with Falco and Shane. As soon as Shane laid eyes on Krystal he was suddenly struck with an "I have go" feeling and so he walked off.

Falco looked at the two girls staring at them. "Hi." Falco said casually, looking at Katt.

'There she goes taking all the attention again' Krystal thought. 'Let's get this over with.'

Katt looked to the fox next to Falco. "So what's your name? I already know him." She said and Falco frowned.

"My name is Fox McCloud." Fox said.

"Fox?" Katt said. "What an...interesting name. I think. Its not likely that you find someone with the same name as their species."

"Oh, you're one to talk KATT!" Krystal laughed.

Katt smirked. "Well, now you know my name. I'm Katt and this is Krystal. You're cute did you know that?" She said.

'There she goes stealing the furry of my dreams again.' Krystal thought. Fox was so handsome looking and he was well groomed even. 'I wish I had a chance with this one.' Krystal thought to herself.

"Well, thank you." Fox said, bringing Krystal out of thought.

"You're Welcome." Krystal replied.

Katt nudged Krystal and leaned to whisper in her ear. "Don't screw up MY chances with this one."

'What are you talking about? You're screwing up MY chances.' Krystal wanted to say, but she didn't.

"So do you dance?" Katt asked.

"Nope, don't know how." Fox replied.

"Neither do I." Katt lied. She always strived to be compatible. It was in her blood.

"Well, I think I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air now." Krystal said and walked onto the patio of Bill's house.

As Krystal ran away, Fox leaned to Katt's ear and whispered something. He waited for an answer but didn't hear a reply.

Katt glanced at Krystal and then back at Fox. "Excuse me."

Katt ran after Krystal and stood next to her on the patio. "What's wrong?"

'Oh, you're just taking all the glory of getting a boyfriend again, but that's okay because you're Katt and you're supposed to get whoever you want.' Well, that's what Krystal WANTED to say. As good of friends as they were, boys were always an issue between them. "Nothing, I just felt a little hot, I guess."

"Are you sure? Wait, did you say you were feeling a little hot?" Katt said. 'Oh, no.' Krystal nodded. "You like him don't you?" Katt asked.

"No, of course not. Where did you get that idea? I really am hot. I just need time to cool off before I roast in there."

Katt shrugged. "Well, OK. Guess what?"

"What?" Krystal asked. She knew it was going to be something she didn't want to hear though.

"Fox asked me out on a date next weekend." Katt replied. Yep, definitely not what Krystal wanted to hear.


A/N: I think this fic got off to a great start! I'll update soon. This fic isn't going to be quite as long though. But I think that this strikes an interest and I hope you all like it. Please don't flame me.