A Funny Way to Redeem a Soul
Chapter 1: Strike Back
The Earth was shaking. Mario stood aghast as he saw the towering figure that loomed over him.
"Now the Chaos Heart is Mine!" the creature boomed. "I will use this to destroy all worlds and create perfect new ones!". The creature then dipped its long neck down to where it was staring Mario in the face. "So,shall we get started? Now I have all I need to become the KING OF ALL WORLDS!" bellowed the beast. The Ultimate show had begun...
"Dimentio?" a quiet voice said.
"DIMENTIO!"said the voice with anger in its tone.
Dimentio jumped up from his cell floor. His vision was blurry and his head was spinning. He felt like his body was about to implode. He blinked his eyes and the figure was getting clearer. When he realized who it was, he wished he was still sleeping.
"Oh Grambi.." he muttered to himself.
The figure was the Queen of the Underwhere and Teller of Sins, Jaydes. Dimentio could tell that she knew he hated her. But the queen had no time to quarrel with the jester.
"Finally you are awake." she said emotionless.
"Oh my dear Queen, how can someone not wake up when you use that beautiful voice of yours to wake them." Dimentio Cringed.
"Hmmm, i see your sense of sarcasm is still as high as ever. But there is no time for that, you need to get to work." She said as she summoned chains around his arms.
Dimentio was the highest threat level in The Underwhere and had to have steel capsules around his hands, to counter his magic. At the same time the work he did was just like one in a Flipside prison,in which he had to create keys for the houses in the underwhere where all the souls lived. He hated it because of the reason that he had to use the weak bit of magic he could do without his hands to make them.
"Oh joy" the jester said "I love working just as a cow loves the feeling of being branded by its farmer."
"I don't care what or how you feel, just get your work done! Now i must leave for i have a meeting with Grambi on the future of the Afterlife." she says just as she vanishes from the prison.
Dimentio sighed as the molds fell into his chamber. He thought about his dream or rather his past. He remembered the absolute power he had and how it was wrongfully taken from him. He snapped back to reality and levitated one of the molds. He started to make the keys when a demon in a suit approached his had blue skin and his suit was a clean white.
"Why hello there!" the demon said in a cheerful tone "My name is Avi and I was tasked with watching over you as Queen Jaydes does her business."
Dimentio didn't say anything to Avi and just continued his work.
Avi's expression then saddened, "Oh. I guess you're just like everybody else, ignoring me and my conversations." He then turned away and sat down near the bars.
As he did that, something caught Dimentio's Eye. Avi had a pair of keys in his pocket, the keys to Dimentio's chains. He eviliy smiled to himself "If i can get that numbskull to open my cell i can use the little magic i have to steal those keys right under his nose."
Dimentio then levitated one of the keys he made toward the cell opening and gently placed it on the ground.
"Oh No!" The jester acted as Avi looked back "I'm sorry for that mishap my friend, it seems that I am still getting used to my abilities! Would you be a pal and hand me that key like how a doctor hands a mother their newborn baby."
Avi looked down at the key and then at Dimentio, "Nice try Jester!" Avi yelled "But I am not fooled that easily, you losing one key won't be the end of the world."
Dimentio laughed, "Oh i know that my friend but you see that key locks the new doors of Queen Jaydes Chamber, without it she won't be able to relax and do her work in peace."
Avi's expression suddenly changed at the mention of the queen.
"How about this?" Dimentio said with a glint in his eye "If you give me that key, I will tell Jaydes that you were the one too make it perfectly."
Avi smiled with joy. All he ever wanted to do was impress the queen and get on her Inner 7th Circle of demons.
"Alright Deal!" Avi said as he opened the door " No tricks though!"
"Oh my pal, I wouldn't dream of it" he said as Avi approached his chains.
As Avi came closer Dimentio used his powers to quietly take the keys from Avi's pocket and sneakfully place them behind him.
"Alright here's the key." Avi says as the key hit the stone ground "And make sure that you tell Queen Jaydes that i made it or you'll be in a lot of trouble."
Dimentio smirked, "Don't worry my demon friend, I would never betray my comrades." As soon as he said that, he remembered the way he betrayed all his co-workers. He felt something but quickly put it in the deep dark place that he called his soul.
Avi quickly left with a spring in his step.
When he was alone, Dimentio used the key to unlock his chains and capsules on his hands. He hadn't been able to use his hands in a long time and it felt so good to be free again. Before he quickly left, he snapped his fingers and a clone of him appeared with the chains around him.
"I can't let them know that I took my leave, so you will have to do." Dimentio said with a cheer.
He locked the cell door and transformed himself into a regular demon, someone had taught him how to shapeshift, and waddled away from the scene.
He passed the prison and many houses before he reached the gate back to the Real world. He was about to jump into it when…
Dimentio froze. He slowly turned around to see Jaydes staring back at him. He knew he was screwed.
"You forgot to sign out with me." She said with a surprising smile "Every Time you have to leave, you have to tell me."
"Oh sorry my Queen" Dimentio said with a Low voice "My mistake."
"No problem, i hope you can bring torment to those above." she said as she left.
"Oh don't worry, i will." Dimentio said to himself.
With that he jumped into the portal and was free of this cursed place. He only had one thing on his mind: Revive the Chaos Heart.