The new pair walked down the hallways of the school, preparing to take their finals. Of course, the bantering never stopped between the two.

"You never do that.", Shikamaru called his girlfriend's bluff.

Temari puffed her cheeks angrily at him, "Yes I do, Nara!"

Ino sighed, "I regret introducing you two. You never quit bantering. And do you ever call him by anything else other than his last name? What about a cute nickname, or you know, his actual name?"

Temari stiffened and Shikamaru smirked smugly.

Temari hit her boyfriend in the stomach and walked faster than the rest of the group, and Ino looked at Shikamaru oddly. Shikamaru laughed and winked at Ino, "Only on special occasions."

Ino's eyes grew wide and started to laugh, "And you guys thought I was bad with being open about sex talk."

Temari increased her pace, walking away from the two and Shikamaru laughed catching up to her, "Come on, Tem. Why don't you call me by my actual name?", he teased, slinging an arm around her shoulders to slow her down.

Temari stopped and pointed an angry finger at him, pushing him off of her, "You keep this up and you'll never hear your first name leave my lips ever again.", she threatened and Shikamaru's face deadpanned, "As in no more-"

"Yup.", she cut off and continued to walk ahead of him.

Ino caught up with her roommate and best friend and patted Shikamaru on the back.

Shikamaru slumped with a groan towards Ino, "I blame you."

~~Wahhh and that's finish ~~~

Thank you to everyone who came back and supported my writing even with my lonnngg break.

I look back on this story and I really like it, but the more i think about it, it's really friken random of a story lol. Also, i'm sorry if the characters were definitely out of character. I dont know, it just seemed right making it these two, but at the same time I didn't put myself into their perspectives to see if it would really fit them.

I hope you all like it!

Thanks for reading :)