Authors Note:
Hello, and welcome to 'The Prince's Tale: Year 1.' Normally the authors note will go at the end of the chapters, but I wanted to go over some things with you before we begin.
I'm Syraxes and it's a pleasure having you read my story. You might recognize me from my Naruto Fanfiction story, 'Team Seven Chronicles: Genin.' In which case, welcome back! If this is the first time you're reading a story of mine, welcome! If you're a Naruto fan, I hope you'll consider checking out my Team Seven Chronicles fic!
I've wanted to write a Harry Potter story for a long time. I love Harry Potter fics where characters are sorted into a different house than the one they had in canon. It's probably my favorite genre within the Harry Potter fic community. So the reason for this story is that I wanted to put a character in a different house than they had in canon. Originally I was going to write a story about Albus Potter, but after rereading the Order of the Phoenix, I just couldn't get my head out of the Marauder era. So I decided that I would focus on it.
I chose Severus Snape because he's my favorite character. Simple enough, right? I then decided to set out and actually write the story, only funny enough, I ran into a problem very early on. There aren't exactly a lot of established characters in Hogwarts at the time of the Marauders, are there? OC's in fanfiction is one of my biggest pet peeves, and I rather avoid using them if I could. So what to do? I was playing Hogwarts Mystery at the time and the idea came to me; what if I put the character from the game into the Marauder era fanfic I was writing? It would give me a fair few characters that aren't OC's that I could use.
So that's exactly what I did. This fanfic is an AU, where not only am I changing the house of my main character, but I've added him this Hogwarts Mystery cast.
That done, I went over if there were any other characters whose houses I would change and I'd decided yes. If the characters come from Hogwarts Mystery, I might change the house they end up in. If the character is from the Marauder era, I will not change the house they were sorted into (with, of course, the exception of Severus Snape)
I just wanted to get that thought process out of the way. Now I have one last thing I want to go over before the chapter begins. I hate bashing in stories. It's a personal opinion of mine. If you like certain characters being bashed, that's cool; to each their own. However, I will be doing my best not to bash any characters. Personally, I'm biased against James and Sirius. I am firmly in Severus Snape's camp and there is nothing you can say that will change that. Believe me, I've been arguing about this since I was a kid and first had access to the internet. However, going with what I said about bashing, I will do my best to portray James and Sirius in a neutral fashion.
Now I will be writing from Severus' third-person point of view. Severus will be a lot more biased than I will personally, and what he thinks about certain characters is not a reflection of me. I will do my best, but Severus might twist that neutral light and make them come out looking for the worst, as children often do.
Everything that has taken place before Severus' sorting as happened like in canon, such as Severus and Lily meeting Sirius and James.
Lastly, before I begin, you might see some familiar text, in concerns to McGonagall's welcome speech to the first years. I imagine that's what she says to every group and have put it in this fic. Besides that and a few other lines you might be able to find here and there, the rest of the chapter is my words.
That said, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Severus Snape: Year 1.
I, Syraxes, do not own the Harry Potter books, movies, or other assorted media. They are property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. I am a humble fan, making this for the enjoyment of other fans. Please support the official release.
The doors swung open at once, revealing a tall, black-haired witch in ruby-red robes. She had a stern face and Severus knew she wasn't one to cross.
"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," said the groundskeeper, whose name Severus had already forgotten.
"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here."
The stern witch, McGonagall, flicked her wand, and the door opened wider. The entrance hall was so big, Severus knew not only could it fit his whole house inside, but his neighbors as well. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, and a magnificent staircase facing them lead to the upper floors.
They followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor. Severus could hear the sound of hundreds of voices from the doorway. The whole school must already be there. As Severus looked around, taking in the sight before him, he could hardly believe that it was finally here; that he was finally at Hogwarts. He had dreamed about it for so long.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room.
"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.
"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."
Her piercing eyes lingered on them for a moment.
"I will return shortly when we are ready for you. Wait here quietly," said, before she turned around and swept out of the hall.
As soon as she left, whispered conversation broke out. Everyone was speaking about the Sorting and wondering what it could be. Severus had been wondering that same question for years, but his mother was always tight-lipped around it; "You'll find out when you go, Severus. Think of it as something to look forward to."
Severus occupied his time by scanning the faces of the people around him, searching for Lily. They rode on the train together but got separated when the groundskeeper ushered them into the boats. Severus caught sight of the two boys from the train laughing together, but they didn't notice him.
He finally caught sight of Lily at the edge of the crowd, speaking to a brown-haired girl he didn't recognize. The familiar feeling of jealousy surged through him, but before he could put his foot in his mouth, Professor McGonagall reentered the room. "Form a line and follow me," she said briskly. Severus fell in behind two boys, whispering as they walked: "- a mudblood, she is. What kind of name is-"
The boy's conversation was cut off as they entered the great hall. Hundreds of candles floated through the air, above the heads of the students, who were sat at four tables. The velvety black ceiling was dotted with stars, an enhancement placed on it to resemble the sky if his History of Magic textbook was anything to go buy. Severus caught sight of the golden plates on the tables and wondered if it was real gold. He didn't have a chance to get a better look, as Professor McGonagall led them up past two of the tables, up to the long table at the end of the hall, where the teachers were sat.
Severus watched as McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On it, she placed an old, filthy hat. Severus blinked and wondered why it was there before it opened its mouth to sing. The song told them about the characteristics of each house and the house's founders, but Severus tuned it out; he already knew about each house and the founders. He did find it a little interesting that the hat would do the Sorting.
Severus already knew where he was going, given the choice. As the song ended, the whole hall broke out into applause. Severus clapped politely, but his heart wasn't really in it; he just wanted to be Sorted, sit next to Lily at the Slytherin table and eat until his stomach was full.
Professor McGonagall stepped outwards, holding a long roll of parchment in her hands. "When I call your name, you will step forwards, sit on the stool, and put a hat to be sorted. Abbot Jones."
A sandy-haired boy, who had been speaking about mudbloods, stepped forwards. He took his place on the stool and put the hat on. A second later: "SLYTHERIN!"
The table second from the right broke out into loud applause. Harper quickly jumped off the chair, putting the hat down and ran towards the Slytherin table.
"Bones, Edgar."
"Black, Sirius." One of the boys from the train stepped forwards and after a good half-minute, the hat cried out: "GRYFFINDOR!'
Severus sneered at him, as he approached the table to the far left. Of course, he would end up there.
"Cresswell, Dirk."
"Evans, Lily." Severus' breath caught in his throat. He watched his best friend shoot out of line, blushing and made her way to the stool. The sorting hat covered her face. Any minute now, the hat would put her in Slytherin and he'd join her. Severus was debased of that illusion quick enough: "GRYFFINDOR!"
When the hat shouted out the word, Severus couldn't believe it. His whole plan, him and Lily in Slytherin, was shattered so easily. Severus never did care much for Gryffindor, with it being Slytherin's rival house and had since come to dislike it as he associated it with the two boys he met on the train. How could Lily be sorted into that house of all four houses? Any other house would have been better than Gryffindor.
Severus wanted to be in Slytherin, but if that was the house he was sorted into, what would happen to his friendship with Lily? Slytherins and Gryffindors hated each other on principle. How was he supposed to stay Lily's mate when she was a Gryffindor?
Severus saw her give him a sad smile. He couldn't return it.
On and on it went. Mulciber, Ryan went to Slytherin. Potter, James went to Gryffindor (of course both of them ended up there). All the while, his thoughts raged. The more he thought about it, the more losing Lily as a friend seemed more likely. If he was sorted into Slytherin house, would the other Slytherins be okay with him having a Gryffindor friend? No, he didn't think they would.
Why did you have to be sorted into Gryffindor, Lily?
"Snape, Severus."
It was finally his turn. The last thing Severus saw before the hat was dropped over his face was the eyes of the Great Hall's inhabitants on him. Then all he could see was the inside of the hat.
"Hmm. A difficult customer." A small voice whispered in his ear."A lot of talent here. And courage. A very keen mind. You would do well in Slytherin. Yet so full of doubt. Hmm... Yes. I see. You're afraid of losing your friend."
"Lily's been my best friend... My only friend."
"And you believe being in Slytherin will make you lose her friendship?"
"Yes. Gryffindors and Slytherins can't be friends."
"I would disagree. Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin were the best of friends. I have found, in my years of service, that friendships between Slytherins and Gryffindors can be quite strong."
Severus shook his head. Gryffindors and Slytherins didn't like each other; that was just the law of the land. There was nothing he could do about it.
"Hmm. I can see you don't believe me. This weighs heavily on your mind. In that case, I think it had better be RAVENCLAW!" The hat yelled that last word to the whole hall.
The shock jolted through Severus; Ravenclaw? Out of all the houses, he had always thought that Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad a house to end up in if he wasn't placed in Slytherin; better than Gryffindor or Hufflepuff at least. But he had his heart set on Slytherin.
Severus took the hat off, setting it back on the stool and made toward the cheering Ravenclaw table. When Severus sat down, a curious sensation washed over him; almost like warm water, only he wasn't wet. He looked down at his body, noticing his robes had changed; his black tie was blue and bronze, the Ravenclaw crest was emblazoned on his robes, and a splash of blue dotted the inside of the robes. Snyde
Merula went to Ravenclaw. Wilkes, Mathew went to Slytherin. Finally, Winger Talbott was sorted into Ravenclaw. With the sorting complete, Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment, took the hat and chair, leaving the hall.
Severus was still in a daze when dinner appeared. Lily, being sorted into Gryffindor, weighed on his mind. It seemed the night hadn't gone how he expected at all. He missed whatever Dumbledore had said, too caught up in his own thoughts to pay much attention. He stared at the empty good plates in front of him. When the food came, appearing on the golden plates, Severus' stomach growled. He didn't know how hungry he had been until then.
At home, Severus had never gone hungry before, though his family wasn't the most well off. His father was the only one who worked and a lot of his salary went towards alcohol. He never starved, but he was never able to eat as much as he would have liked. In all his life, he had never seen as many things to eat, and definitely not all on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and peppermint humbugs. Severus' mouth was watering just at the sight of it.
The boy next to him, another first year, was already piling food on his plate. Severus loaded his own plate full of sausages, bacon, steak, pork chops, lamb chops, and a large helping of Yorkshire pudding.
When everyone had eaten their fill, the food vanished, leaving the plates sparkling clean. A moment later, desert appeared; blocks of ice in every flavor, treacle tarts, eclairs, jam-filled donuts, more pudding, pies, mountains of chocolate-covered strawberries. Severus loaded his plate again and by the time he was finished, his stomach was close to bursting. All the thoughts of Lily and Slytherin vanished in the feast, and all that he wanted to do was sit back and sleep.
The desert vanished and Dumbledore stood again. Severus tried to pay more attention to his speech, but he found he couldn't focus. When he was through, he dismissed the hall. Severus rose with the rest of Ravenclaw house. An older boy and girl, both wearing Prefect badges, were calling the first years. Severus fell in step with the other Ravenclaw first years, following behind the two. They lead them out of the Great Hall and up the marble staircase.
When they were away from the crowds of students, the girl finally spoke: "I'm Angelica Cole. This is Chester Davies. We're the fifth year Prefects. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us."
"You were all sorted into Ravenclaw house. Our emblem is the noble eagle, soaring high where others cannot follow," the boy, Chester, spoke. "Our house colors are blue and bronze, so wear them with pride."
"Right now we're taking you to the Ravenclaw dormitory, located up in Ravenclaw Tower," Angelica said, as they came to another staircase and began to ascend. Severus felt heavy, his legs were like stone. He slowly climbed the spiral staircase with the other first years, tuning out the Prefects, who were going on about the qualities of Ravenclaw.
Finally, they came to a stop in front of a large door. It had no door handle or keyhole; only a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.
"It is the entrance to our common room. In other houses, I hear that they use passwords, but that isn't how we do it in Ravenclaw," Chester explained. He pointed at the eagle door knocker. "With the sole exception of the first and last day of term, when you wish to enter the common room, the knocker will give you a riddle. You will have to solve it in order for the door to open. If you fail, you'll either have to wait out here for someone else to come and assist you with the riddle, or for someone else to leave the common room. It will only give riddles to the teachers, other staff at Hogwarts, and Ravenclaw students. If someone who does not belong to Ravenclaw come to the door, it won't announce a riddle."
"On the first and last day of term, the knocker has been bewitched to ask one very simple question," Angelica said. Severus watched as she walked up to the door and knocked once with the knocker: "What is the saying of Rowena Ravenclaw?" A musical voice chimed.
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," she answered.
"Indeed," the knocker said. The door opened and Angelica led them into the common room.
The Ravenclaw common room was a wide, circular room, airier than any Severus had ever been in. Graceful arched windows could be seen all over the room. Blue and bronze silks here hung all over the walls. It was too dark outside to see, but Severus knew he wanted to look out the windows in the day; the view must be spectacular.
Above him, the ceiling was domed, painted with stars, echoed in the midnight-blue carpet. Blue tables, chairs, and bookcases were littered around the room. Severus noticed the statue of a woman by a door, made of white marble. If Severus had to guess, this was Rowena Ravenclaw.
Chester pointed over to a niche in the hall. "That is the Ravenclaw library. It's not as big as the school library, but it contains almost as many books and it's a good place to study with other Ravenclaws, without anyone from the other houses around."
"It's getting late and lessons start for you tomorrow. So I will lead the girls to the girl's dormitory and Chester will lead the boys. I should caution against trying to go into the opposite sex's dormitories. For a very long time, an enchantment has been in place to keep the boys out of the girl's dormitory. A rather old fashioned rule, but the founders believed girls were more trustworthy. Professor Flitwick seems to disagree; he has placed a powerful enchantment of his own, which will keep the girls from entering into the boy's dormitory."
"Alright, you lot. Boys, follow me." Severus fell in behind Chester, going through the door to the dormitories. He led them to the right staircase, why the girls went to the left. He led them to the top of the stairs, through the hallway, right up to a door labeled First Years.
Inside were five, four-poster beds. Severus noticed four other boys entered the room with him. He was tired and just wanted to go to bed. He claimed a bed, put on his pajamas, and fell into the bed. Severus was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Second Authors Note:
Don't worry, normally you'll only be getting one of these notes per chapter.
Yes, I didn't actually write in a song. Allow me to tell you, that I have no skill in songwriting or rhyming in general. I couldn't write a good Sorting hat song to save my life and believe me, I tried.
Harper Avery, Mathew Wilkes, and Ryan Mulciber mentioned here are the same ones Severus went to school with. I looked everywhere, trying to find their given names, but I've come up short. So I've decided to give them first names.
As well as the uniforms, I changed them. I know in the books they're just black robes, but I liked how they're portrayed in the movies better. With the house crest on robes, and the colors of the houses added to them as well.
This fic will be more slice of life than anything. What I mean by that, is don't expect some grand plot. This fic will be focusing on the lives of our characters, as they go through their first year at Hogwarts. For the first two to three, maybe four, books in the series, it will most likely be a slice of life. Just magical kids growing up. Eventually, more conflict than just school life will bleed into the story, but for now, just a slice of life
Everyone who was sorted was not mentioned here. There were large periods where Severus wasn't paying attention.
Lastly, much like songs, I'm also bad at thinking up riddles. If you want to leave a review, or shoot me a Pm with some good, magically riddles the eagle could ask, I'd be very happy and give you credit in the next chapter.