I promised a chapter yesterday! Trying to get better at my updates but my old story Into the woods kept bothering me to continue it so I'll be editing that chapter and updating that as well! Anyways! Please enjoy this chapter, I've been playing animal crossing as well sooo… yeah….

"Oh no. Oh, no-no-no-no-no!" The bed shifted and my breath stilled. Light filtered into the room and the warm body next to mine turned. "Shit." An arm slung across my naked waist and I nearly screamed as it tightened.

Ok. What the hell happened?!

Sleeping peacefully was non-other then Shikamaru Nara. A newly declared enemy of hers and last nights tormentor.

Straining my neck I took note of our surrounding. 'shit, how did we get inside a guest suite!' Glaring at the entrance to the living room and my salvation. Having worked with Rin I sometimes had to drop off wine, chocolates, and -gross of all- condoms, into these kinds of rooms. Unlike normal ones, the suites were usually more expensive and reserved by a richer clientele. Which said a lot about the guest itself. Anyways, the suite really reflected that with gorgeous light fixtures, two showers, a spa, and even its own walk in closet. I mean, it's a hotel. Who is going to buy or bring enough stuff to need a walk-in?!

Wiggling slowly, I did my best to get out of his tight grip. "You're thinking too much, go back to sleep." I froze. Was he awake?

His eyes were still closed, and his breathing seemed too even for someone that was conscious. Or so I thought. Nibbling my lips in contemplation I decided to bite the bullet. Grabbing his arm, I lifted it up. Or so I tried too.

You have got to be kidding me. His arm didn't budge but that didn't stop me from admiring the definition. It was clear that he worked out, I wonder what other parts of him were toned. "No Yukihara, stop." Muttering again to myself. "Focus!"

Trying another tactic, I soon realized that he was playing with me! Giving me the ability to turn towards him and get closer but not letting me scoot back. Fuck! His arms tightened and pulled me all the way towards him. leaving no space between us on this huge bed. His hands were now firmly on the small of my back while my breasts were squished against his hard chest.

"Ok, I know you're awake!" Cheeks red.

"Hello!" I wiggled in frustration at being ignored. 'Wrong move Yuki, Wrong move!' Felling a stiff like rod rising from between our legs.

How did you; smart, wonderful, and very organized Yukihara end up in bed with Mr. Hot Jerk?

Oh kami, I hope we used protection! Dread overwhelmed my senses at the thought of being pregnant at 16. 'ok, think, think, what happened last night.' The porcupine battered will have to give in to the charade sometime.

The Night Before.

The birthday celebration was going as planned. Booze was flowing, people were chatting, the lanterns were all lit, and Rin was happily checking off the presents as more people came to drop them off. "How's it going over here?" Taking a quick break from delivering tropical bruschetta to small groups scattered in my designated area. I couldn't wait till my break to munch on the leftovers!

Her hair was done up in a class brown top knot. Wearing a purple Yukata that I recognized from when the hotel performed 'The tale of Genji' last month. I made a very nice tree. "Nice fit, Hime-sama," I joked. "Oh Ha- freakin-ha, Yuki. At least my ass isn't hanging out." Ah, but what a fine ass I had. "Someone's a little grumpy." And another group came to the drop-off table. "Thank you, and your name?"

"Inuzuka, Hana."

"Great." She looked down and tapped quickly on her tablet, "Great, you're all set! Have an amazing night!" I just stood and smiled. Ignoring the looks the teenage boy shot me before heading over to Kino's area. I really hope those lamp shades don't fall.

"I have a break in 5? You wanna join?" Tapping her shoulder lightly with the silver serving tray. Singing a bit, "We can get a few poppers in before we have to serve them!" Her brown eyes dulled. "And leave Kino here?"

"It's the drop-off table, the easiest job here! Honestly, I was a bit surprised to even find you here." Drop, sign, leave. It was very simple on the guest's part.

"Usually, but these Uchiha people are super anal about how everything is listed." Shoving the tablet to my face "Family Name, First Name, Present size, color of wrapping paper. And sorry but I just started to let Kino count the napkins without freaking out." I chuckled at her exasperation. "No way am I letting her manage the presents!"

"Is that our tablet?" I don't remember the company buying a blue one? Our colors were usually black and gold. "It's theirs, they didn't want any information to leak so they gave me this to use for the night.- But that's not the point Yuki!"

Right, right. "Yeah they do seem to be anal…." Whispering a bit, when I noticed another incoming group.

Backing up a little I prepared to leave. Not wanting to bother her anymore. Clients like the Uchiha were very particular, and I was smart enough to go rather than to stay and get my head chopped off if anything went wrong.

I heard Rin go over her spiel while I passed the ice sculpture. "The Naras. Shikaku, Yoshino and- where the boy?"

"We really need to stop meeting like this." Five minutes, and a plate of jalapeno poppers with a side of bruschetta, into my break did I meet up with none other than Mr. Hot Jerk.

Gone was his sloppy casual look and as a replacement he was decked down in- what I like to call, Richboy chic. A dark green polo with the letters ABU, an expensive clothing line, along with black shorts and a pair of Nara sunglasses.

What a brand whore. "Excuse me, I was just in a great mood, so if you wouldn't mind." Waving my free hand in an uncaring motion, "Bugging off, that would be great."

His eyebrow arched, "Aren't you girls supposed to be worrying about your figures?"

"Are you calling me fat?" Was this guy just asking to get his ass beat?

He laughed. "No, you are nowhere near the definition of fat." I could almost feel the way his eyes scanned my body. Biting down on the toasted baguette, I'm secretly surprised that he escaped Frank's tyranny. Some people have all the luck. "So, why are you here?" They were stationed in the back of the hotel where the kitchen was located. A few feet away from them workers were rushing in and out to ensure a timely delivery of food. I had always found it ridiculous, but Management had said it would 'kill the magic' if the guest saw how much of a frenzy we actually got through to prepare their events.

Anyways, the party was outside, and it's clear from how he dressed that he was a guest. But if so, why was he all the way back here? Surely someone would have found him by now and directed him back to the guest quarters?


A smirk bloomed on my face as a thought occurred. "Don't tell me you're a party crasher?" Remembering the fact that all of the guys were wearing the same colored traditional garments. Clearly, he didn't get the memo.

Maybe my last day won't be such a bore after all.

"What no-"

"Can I help!" Fuck Frank and his little party. The burning passion of revenge coursed through my body. All the years of suffering under the tynery of that 5'2 bastard would be resolved by breaking one little rule. All I had to do was sneak him in, get him dressed, and presto! The perfect crime that wont get Rin in trouble but give me all the satisfaction.

Plus, Mr. Hot Jerk was clearly rich so he wouldn't get into a lot of trouble anyways if he was caught. Frank had a soft side for… them. "But you can't rat me out!" I added quickly.

Maybe he was a loser who didn't get a party invite. Or maybe he was a hidden lover to whoever this Sasuke Uchiha was and was banned from seeing him! - It would be horribly sad since he was so good looking- but in the name of love I need to help!

"What? Stop you've got the worng-"

"I promise I'll help you!" Ignoring his words, I shoved my pinky in his face. There was no need for him to explain himself. I'm modern enough to not warrant a justification for his love.

He paused. Brown met green and I did my best to hide the blush that I knew was creeping onto my face.

So, sue me. Not even I, the great Yukihara, was immune to a hot guy in need.

"Fine." Yes!

Lopping his crossed arms into one of my own I pulled him forward. "Come on!" Shoving a few poppers into my mouth before dropping the plate. A sacrifice needed to be made in the name of love. "I'll sneak you in through the back!"

"You're crazy aren't you." I smacked his arm, ignoring the amused look on his face. "Shush, come on!"

Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Standing guard was two armed guards. ARMED GUARDS. What kind of birthday party needed people with actual guns!?

"Of all the parties you wanted to crash, you picked this one?"

"Like I was trying to say-" Eyes still trained on my target I patted his hand. "No need to apologize RHG. I made you a promise." Curse me and my pure heart. The two of us were crouched down behind a series of shrubbery that ran parallel to the hotel walls. I knew this spot well, using it to sneak into the hotel when I knew I was going to be a tad late. From this point we were far enough to see the guards, but not close enough for them to see us. Like I said before. Perfect.


"Random Hot Guy."

"You think I'm hot." I mocked my cough. "Not the point." Kami, if I didn't want to smack that grin off his cocky face. "The point is, I need to get you past those two." Fingers parting in a V in their direction. "Without getting you shot."

"Oh, I don't think I'm the one you need to worry about." He laughed, his warm breath brushing my shoulder. I don't know why it bothered me so much, but it did. "You're such a creep. What would your boyfriend say?" He paused. "My what-"

"Ok stay here. I have a plan!" Before he could say anything else, I popped up from behind the bush and ran toward them screaming. What man would ignore a female in need?

"Help! There's - There's someone chasing me!"


"I said help! Someone is chasing me."

Again, nothing happened. "Really, what kind of idiotic, small dicked -mph-!" My mouth was covered as RDG rushed over to me and smacked his dirty hands over my mouth. I was only a few inches while shouting bloody Kami at the guards. How rude.

I could tell they were about to shout at me before they stopped. "N-Nara-sama!" Eyes widening, they put down their weapons and saluted. "Our apology, we didn't know she was with you. Are you ok? She mentioned something about someone chasing you. Which way did they go?"

Now they care?! And Nara...As in.

Remembering seeing his name on the guest list I froze.

My struggling stopped and I looked over to RDG in a new light. This lying bastard tricked me into helping him when he didn't even need help!

But another second went by as the man was talking to the guards when I finally realized something. Oh, I was in so much trouble.