"Pound it!"

As the magically charged ladybugs flew across the Parisian night repairing the damage from there most recent fight, Chat felt a piercing pain in his side. Wanting to spare his lady the worry, he tried to hide the pain. Of course she notice the sudden intake of breath from her partner.

"Chat, are you okay?" she took a hesitant step twards him.

"Ya, just fine. Sides are bothering me. Pushed myself a little too hard." He took his own step back. His miraculous began to beep. "I'm about to change back. She you next time my lady." he turned and ran for the nearest building pulling his baton off his back and extending it to get on the roof.

After getting up, he took stock of what was hurting him so bad. he unziped his suit a little to see what was hurting him so much. Wincing again, he assessed his options. He couldn't go to the hospital. they would want to hold him overnight and his father might make a small crater when he found out his son was in the hospital. the wound was definitely going to need stitches (At least).It was then he remembered Marinette. She was the best designer he knew. She had to know how to sew. just in case, he would need to pick up a first aid kit on the way.

Landing on the roof, he fell to one knee and grabbed his side. he had given plagg some cheese befor he stopped by. ladybug would kill him if his identity got out. he smiled at the thought of his lady and almost didnt notice the hatch on the roof open. Marinette seamed annoyed until she saw chat wincing,clutching his side, and carrying a first aid kit.

"Chat, whats wrong?"

"Sorry to bother you purrinces but i need some help. do you know how to put in stitches?"

"Um, ya... why?"she looked confused until she looked to his side and put two and two together. "Come inside."

Chat jumped inside and almost fell over when the pain in his side flared up almost causing him to lose conscious.

Next thing he knew, he was sitting in a bathtub with an opened first aid kit next to him and a very concerned Marinette infront of him.

"What happened to you? Does ladybug know your here?"

He felt a blush cross his face. "No she doesn't. I must have been stabbed during the fight. didnt notice until the fight was over."

"So why did you come to me? you should be in a hospital." Anger and anxiety were mixed in her expression.

"I couldn't go to the hospital. for one, they would probably hold me overnight and secondly, they would panick if they thought the miraculous ladybug didnt fix everything."

A touch of worry and understanding were added to list of emotions displayed on her face.

"Fine, show me what im working with."

Chat unzipped his jacket and there was a surprised and shocked gasp from Marinette. there was a sheet of red covering his side and an ugly gash about 3-4 inches log just under his ribs.

"Well... if you cant go to the doctor, then i guess i'll do." She took out the curved needle and thread, and got to work. Less than 3 minutes later she was done.

"Good to go Chat. Not my best work but its not ment to me fancy."

"Thank you princess, I should head out." he tried to stand up but lost his balance as his eye sight narrowed. Marinette extended a hand to help him up. he took it and got to his feet with his head swaying. H got to the window and opened it to leave. "Again, Thank you so much." and with that he jumped out into the night.

From the street below, Alya was on her usual walk home after recording an akuma fight. This was the first time one of paris's heros had such a tough time with an akuma. She wondered if they had made it out okay. she saw the way ladybug had watch Chat as he left. she seemed worried. although alya didnt usually walk by the bakery her friends parents owned but tonight she decided to forgive herself the extra mile when she happened to look up and see Marinette's window open. She got her phone out just in case and was suprise to see Chat Noir give his regards and jump out. She knew she had her the biggest scoope yet but was concerned for Marinette.

Later At school, Adrien walked in to find Marinette cornered at her desk by Alya. Marinette looked uncomfortable and Alya had that look in her eye that ment trouble. befor he could realize what he was doing he asked,"What's this about?". Alya rounded on him, shoving her phone in his face.

"This is what's up. She goes around with her heart on her sleeve for you and then does a 180 and invites Chat Noir into her room? Unbelievable."The video was of him saying goodbye and jumping out Marinette's window. Adrien was impressed she got her phone out so fast to catch the whole thing. then what Alya said hit him. "Wait... you have a crush on me Marinette?"The girl's cheeks turned Crimson and she looked straight down.