Author's Note: Welcome back to another chapter to Heir of the Garuda Clan. Now I'm glad you all liked the last chapter as it was very well received, as I also hope that you are all ready for more. Now I don't have much to say, other than that. So without anything else to say, let's get into this chapter.
I don't own High School DxD or any other crossover elements.
"..." Character P.O.V.
'...' Character thoughts
"..." '...' Speaking or Telepathic Link
"..." Attacks
Chapter 2: The Reveal
- Hyoudou Residence -
In the aftermath of what happened at Kuoh Park upon arriving at home, Issei was on his knees in the living room of his house. Now rubbing a few lumps on his head, as he looked up at Sona. Who herself was holding a bamboo sword accompanied by a not so very happy expression on her face that went along with the current situation.
The moment Issei got back to his home and put the groceries away, he had seen Sona already sitting in the living room. Already waiting for him to arrive, as after Issei got settled in and cleaned up he had gone on to tell Sona what happened.
Leading to his current situation, as Sona found his actions reckless. Even for someone as strong as him.
"I hope you've learned your lesson, Issei." says Sona with folded arms, and a serious expression while still holding the weapon as Issei looked up to her.
"Yeah I have." says Issei, still rubbing his head. "Doesn't mean you can't lighten up on the force you use in hitting me." says Issei speaking under his breath, as Sona spoke once more while glaring a bit.
"I'm only doing this because you played a reckless game Issei, for which you like to call "strategy". What were you thinking? Luring a Fallen Angel out into the open to attack you, knowing full well what they were after. Alongside that the consequences of such a move could have been 50/50." says Sona making her point while tapping her foot on the floor, as Issei let out a sigh.
"I understand that along with where you're coming from, Sona." says Issei as he developed a serious expression. "So I apologize. Not only for acting recklessly, but for keeping you in the dark about what I was about to do as well." says Issei apologizing, as he never broke his gaze away from hers.
Sona on her part, looked on for a few moments to see how sincere he was. Considering Issei had a tendency for doing the same reckless, and arrogant actions over again.
Only to see that mysterious shine in Issei's eyes accompanied by his serious expression, as it became an all new experience for her. Though at the same time for her, it meant Issei was serious about what he was saying.
So after establishing that, she let out a deep breath before speaking.
"I accept your apology. I just hope I've made myself clear, don't do something so reckless like that again." says Sona now turning around with her back facing him now, as Issei got up.
"Oh come on, Sona. Don't be like that." says Issei, looking a bit disappointed at Sona's behavior, as he spoke again. "I said, I won't do it again and I meant it." says Issei trying to reason with her, as Sona spoke.
"Still doesn't lighten my view on the whole matter. Hence why I am being like this." says Sona still keeping her back to him, as Issei let out a small sigh.
Seeing this could be difficult, if he didn't fully sort this out somehow. Issei decided to make an offer that might work on her.
"I'll do your homework for a week." says Issei in an offering tone.
"You can wear my scarf, if you'd like." says Issei, making his second offer.
"I'll take you shopping?" asks Issei with a smile on his face, hoping this would work now.
"..." Only for Sona to still remain silent, not to say anything.
As Issei let out a heavy sigh, before making one last offer.
"I'll do whatever you want for a day. You choose the time and place." says Issei in a serious tone.
Which in turn causes Sona to immediately maneuver her body around to face Issei with an eerie but devious smile on her face. Only making him now very uncomfortable alongside Ddraig.
Who could see it from within his host, and had to admit he got a cold chill himself upon seeing this look from the Sitri Heiress. As it only made Ddraig decided to speak to his host upon seeing such a look.
'Partner…' says Ddraig in an uneasy tone.
'Uh, yeah…' thought Issei, responding to his friend with that same uneasiness.
'As your friend and as the Red Dragon Emperor, I find myself obligated to say these few words to you...' says Ddraig trailing off at the end.
'And those words would be…' thought Issei now sweating just a bit, as he continued to look at Sona.
'That you're royally fucked for whatever she's planning to do to you.' says Ddraig letting Issei know this, as he spoke again with a sigh of relief. 'Though on the other hand, I don't have to watch. So...I'm a head out.' says Ddraig as he went fully silent now, leaving Issei totally flabbergasted at his last words.
'Wait what?! Ddraig no, you can't do that!' thought Issei yelling in the link now, as he got no response. 'Ddraig? Ddraig?... Ddraig?!' thought Issei once more, only this time yelling the red dragon's name, as he heard the voice of Sona speak again.
"Issei…" says Sona in a very sweet voice, too sweet for his liking.
"Uhm…yes?" asks Issei in a shaky tone of voice.
"Right after we finish dinner, I'll be cashing in on that "anything" offer of yours." says Sona, as she continued speaking. "In full to be exact, my sweet little bird." says Sona making her point known by the look in her eyes.
Forcing Issei to back up now upon seeing that very familiar look. As it only seemed to send chills up his spine. For which it only made him speak with much fear present in his voice.
"Uh! I need an adult." says Issei backing up even more now.
As this response only seemed to elicit a soft giggle from Sona, making her speak with much calm vigor in her voice.
"Oh Issei…" begins Sona in a calm but very joyful tone. "You won't need one. At least...not when I'm finished with you that is." say Sona in a now much more dangerous tone.
Issei went to fully back up onto the couch of the living room now. With Sona moving to walk towards Issei slowly, only to stop right in front of his knees, when she watched him fall back on the couch.
Only to tower over Issei now with a giggle present in her voice. As he went to speak for a final time in order to try and reason with her.
"Please...please have mercy." says Issei, making one last ditch effort.
"Sorry, Issei. All out of mercy." says Sona, still maintaining the smile on her face.
Now dropping the bamboo sword onto the floor. As that only did it all for Issei, causing him to go pale in fear of what was about to happen his entire being.
- Somewhere In Kuoh -
Meanwhile in an abandoned building somewhere in the town of Kuoh. Dohnaseek was getting his arm and two fingers put back together while looking very pale. Due to the fact of blood loss.
Accompanied by this was the fact that Dohnaseek was still in so much immense pain. While at the same time thinking about how he lost so easily, and could have lost his life in the process.
Especially to a kid from the Garuda Clan, who he had underestimated tremendously. As he still only had his life thanks to interference from the Gremory Heiress, but even that could have gone both ways had the young Garuda decided to kill him on the spot.
So as these thoughts continued to run through his mind. Dohnaseek felt a twinge of pain coming from where his right arm was supposed to be, and decided to speak to the person handling his healing.
"Damn it Kalawarner! Be a bit gentler with what you're doing!" says Dohnaseek yelling while grunting out the words.
This response only made the woman attending to his wounds look up with a glare now, as she went on to speak.
"I am being gentle. You're the one who bit off more than he could chew, and got one of your limbs severed in the process." says Kalawarner in a harsh tone, as she continued her work.
Kalawarner is a tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscures her right eye. Her attire consists of a maroon, trench coat-like top with a wide collar, and a matching miniskirt with black heeled shoes.
The trench-coat top is open at her chest, giving view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wears a gold necklace around her neck. As she also appears to wear a white shirt underneath her top, but it can only be seen from the bottom.
"Be lucky that we were able to acquire Phoenix Tears. Otherwise you'd be without your right arm and fingers." says Kalawarner, as she went to apply them. "It's bad enough we're on tight resources, and for you to lose your arm in whatever way that you did. Does not help our cause in any way." says Kalawarner as she applied one drop on the affected area.
Causing the wounds start the quickened regeneration process, as Dohnaseek's right arm and two fingers became fully reattached now. Along with restoring his health, as Kalawarner decided to speak for a final time while cleaning things up.
"The wounds along with your health are fully healed. As for blood loss, you should drink fluids and begin eating something." says Kalawarner, as Dohnaseek put his jacket back on.
"Right." says Dohnaseek in a calm tone, causing Kalawarner to speak for a final time.
"Keep what I said in mind. Because the next time it may be your last, when it comes to underestimating an opponent." says Kalawarner getting the man's attention. "Especially one, who was clearly stronger than yourself. As you could've kept your distance to test the waters out before proceeding." says Kalawarner in a still very harsh tone.
"Oh? And what happened that would cause such action to test the waters out? As you so put it." says the voice of a new individual in the room, with a very much amused tone.
Which makes both Kalawarner, and Dohnaseek turn to the third person. Who was accompanied by another, now present in the room. Causing Kalawarner to speak first in order to give the person an answer.
"Ah Raynare, I was just giving Dohnaseek some advice about his actions for the future." says Kalawarner informing the identified holder of the third voice. "Specifically when it comes to opponents that he cannot defeat on his own." says Kalawarner still keeping her serious expression.
"I see." says Raynare with an amused expression. "And who was it that caused this much of a fuss?" asks Raynare, getting to the point, as Dohnaseek decided to speak.
"That Garuda boy with the Sacred Gear that you failed to kill." says Dohnaseek in a serious manner accompanied by a small glare.
For which, made Raynare's entire amusement go away now. Only to be replaced with shock and surprise upon hearing these words, as she spoke.
"What did you say?" asks Raynare hoping she heard that right.
"You heard me." says Dohnassek in a serious tone, before continuing to speak. "As a matter of fact, I think he went easy on you. Too easy in fact when compared to what he did to me." says Dohnaseek making this clear to Raynare now, as she spoke again with narrowed eyes.
"How so?" asks Raynare, wanting an explanation, as Kalawarner spoke.
"Dohnaseek came back here with a severed arm. Two severed fingers, and a light spear wound through his left hip." says Kalawarner, shocking her fellow Fallen Angel. "As such, I had to patch him up and use the Phoenix Tears. So yeah, he did go easy on you." says Kalawarner making her point clear, as Dohnaseek spoke up again.
"There's more, and I feel that you should know the whole story." says Dohnaseek, as Raynare looked to him now.
"Go on." says Raynare in a serious tone, making the man nod now.
Dohnaseek went into full detail about his encounter with Issei. How he was lured into a trap, due Issei knowing he was being followed.
To how the fight began with how much power was displayed from the young Sura-Devil, as Issei barely had to use magic. Only to reveal how he lost his arms and fingers, how Rias interfered before he could deliver the death blow, and how he was let go with a message.
Overall everyone present, who listened to all of this was shocked beyond belief. Especially for Raynare, who was stiffed at the message Issei asked Dohnaseek to relay to her. As it became clear that Issei was a man of his word when it came to finishing what he started.
Not to mention all of this was throwing too many wrenches in her group's plans. So while she was in thought, the voice of the fourth individual in the room decided to speak now.
"So that explains why the Sura-Devil defectors from both the Ananta, and Asura Clans never even showed up." says the fourth individual with a frustrated sigh, as Dohnaseek spoke.
"Yes Mittelt because he's been either killing or eating them." says Dohnaseek identifying the fourth person, as he continued speaking. "Though it does handle that problem on our end, considering the leader of their group had an agenda of their own in mind." says Dohnaseek as he thought about it now.
"But the question remains. Just what are we going to do about this Garuda brat?" asks Kalawarner, as she continued to speak. "He presents a problem and a large one at that if he's someone, who could easily kill the extra help we requested. As this throws an unmovable wrench in our plans, and will continue to do so for us at every turn." says Kalawarner, as she spoke for a final time. "So I'm asking this now, just what are we going to do?" asks Kalawarner now looking to Raynare for an answer.
As the woman in question was currently in thought about the whole situation for a few moments. Between losing the extra help, most of which she wasn't complaining about. To herself and a member of her core group getting manhandled in the span of two days.
Issei presented an obvious problem for her, and one that needed to be handled quickly. Which is why Raynare decided to speak now.
"I think I've got a solution." says Raynare getting everyone's attention now, as she continued speaking. "It's risky but it may work, if we move in the right direction. So listen up." says Raynare in a now much more serious tone.
Now moving to explain the new course of strategy on how to move forward under the current circumstances. Especially when it came to situations regarding the problem known as Issei.
- Hyoudou Residence, Morning -
Currently morning time in the Hyoudou Residence now, the entire house as a whole was quiet. The sun shined through some of the windows with not a sound to be heard. Except for the gentle snoring coming from two occupants sleeping in a bed together.
Only to have this relatively peaceful silence disrupted by a familiar and dreaded sound coming from nearby.
Beep Beep Beep Be- Bang
"Umm alright. I'm up, I'm up." says Issei as he tossed over on his back to look up at the ceiling. "Doesn't mean I have to like it." says Issei, obviously very tired more so than usual as he looked to the left side of the bed. "Get up Sona. We have to get ready." says Issei while shaking her a bit now.
"Mhmm… Five more minutes, Issei. Don't feel like...getting up now." says Sona, clearly sounding tired at the moment, right now.
As she went to turn her body in order to face away from Issei. Pulling the covers above her head while in the motion of doing so. Making the situation a bit bothersome now, as this course of action along with her words only seemed to get an eyebrow twitch from Issei now.
Not even bothering to speak at the moment, as he went into action by pulling the covers off Sona and himself fully. Now taking the time to speak in order to point something out.
"And whose fault is that? You're the one who decided to go overboard last night." says Issei sounding slightly irritated now, as Sona turned over to face him.
"Oh don't you start this now, Issei. You owed me, and I cashed in." says Sona with equal irritation and grogginess in her voice, as she spoke again. "Plus, you weren't complaining after giving in." says Sona with a victorious smirk on her face.
Making Issei to let out a sigh now, as he went to sit up with Sona doing the same. Both without a shred of clothing on their bodies, nude as the day they were born. With Sona moving to stretch and let out a yawn while Issei looked on, enjoying the little show placed before his eyes despite his earlier words.
Before he himself decided to start pushing the last bit of hair out of his face. Considering it wasn't in his usual ponytail currently. Only to start going through the motions of stretching his upper body, as he winced in pain while still very groggy.
"Urg…Well I'm definitely complaining now. My damn back hurts." says Issei rubbing the center of his back now, only to start on his shoulders. "I swear besides everything you did last night, that'll be the last time I let you stay on top." says Issei as he went to stretch his arms out.
Sona on her part, only went to deepen her smirk even more now, upon hearing such words.
"Oh? I wonder how long that'll last." says Sona, sounding very satisfied with herself, as Issei turned his head towards her.
"For a while. That much is certain." says Issei with a calm smirk on his face, while he continued to speak. "Considering I'll be getting you back for it. You can count on that." says Issei making this small lighthearted vow with a smile.
Which in turn, makes Sona crawl over to Issei and snake her arms around his neck. Beginning to speak, as she looked into his beautifully colored eyes while doing so.
"Then I look forward to it, my sweet." says Sona with a content smile on her face.
Making Issei fully lean in to lay a gentle kiss on Sona's lips. At the same time, making an effort to wrap his around her waist, bringing her closer onto his lap. As Sona responded with much vigor by leaning into the kiss, as she went to slip a bit of her tongue into Issei's mouth.
While Issei only moved to fight back with the same passion, as he pushed Sona onto the bed continuing his assault on her mouth. Eliciting very small moans from the Sitri heiress, as Issei's hands were roaming her body.
With Sona doing the same to Issei, as both of them were very eager to proceed in doing more. Only for the mood of their current situation to be quickly ruined.
"Issei! We're home!" says the joyful voice of a female individual.
Making both Issei and Sona's eyes widen in shock, upon hearing this familiar voice. As both of the teens sat up on the bed now, only to look at each other and back to the door of the room.
With Issei managing to speak out a few words.
"Crap. Crap..." says Issei in a tone of dread.
- Downstairs -
"Issei! Are you here?!" asks the female individual raising her voice once more, only to get no response. "Hm, I wonder if he already left for school?" says the female individual speaking out to herself, only for another individual behind her to start speaking.
"Do you think he overslept, Miki? His classes don't start for some time." asks the voice of a male individual right behind the woman, while identifying her now.
"I don't know, Gorou." says the now named Miki releasing a sigh, as she spoke again. "That boy, I swear he can sometimes take on my bad habits. Though it's expected, when we leave him with the house for a few months on clan business." says Miki thinking about it now.
While the now named Gorou went to put down some bags, and stand near his wife.
"You can't really blame Issei all that much, Hon. This house held a lot of memories for him as a child." says Gorou pointing this out, as Miki narrowed her eyes.
"It still doesn't give him an excuse to miss school. Which I have a feeling he's trying to do, right now." says Miki with folded arms, as she huffed out a bit of fire, only to speak again for a final time. "I'm gonna go wake him up. You go get the rest of the bags." says Miki in a tone of order while going up the stairs now.
Leaving Gorou there to contemplate what just happened. As he continued looking at the spot where his wife had previously occupied.
'I sometimes feel like I'm the one, who doesn't wear the pants in this relationship. Even after years of marriage...' thought Gorou with a sweat-drop towards his wife's attitude.
- With Miki -
After reaching the top of the stairs, Miki began walking through the hallways of her home towards Issei's room. Passing by some of the memorable pictures on the walls, while still keeping the serious expression on her face, as she continued on her way.
It was clear that Miki had learned much about her son's pattern of doing things when it came to school, or any of his other habits. Considering Issei had taken after a good majority of both her husband, and herself. Growing up to be a smart, strong, and well mannered young man
Though the one issue, and pattern that she had tried to break him out of was his love for sleep. Something that she enjoyed a lot herself whenever she had free time, and something that she had refused to let translate over to Issei.
And by leaving Issei with the house, it would only prove to promote the habit. Something of which Miki had already expected. Which is why if Issei wasn't up, she would introduce him to her fist.
So once she was nearing her son's room, Miki decided to speak out again.
"Issei! You better be getting ready for school. Otherwise you'll be dealing with me, and it won't be pretty!" says Miki shouting out through the hallway.
Keeping her calm, pace of step on the way to Issei's room. While in the process, hearing the sounds of what she could assume to be was a struggle coming from the other side of Issei's door.
Confirming her assumed suspicions on Issei sleeping through his alarm.
- Inside Issei's Room -
"Untie my wings, you kinky bastard!"
"Be still for a moment, and let me do that!"
"Just hurry up, so we can get some damn clothes on!"
"Just be still, or I'm gonna hit you with this!"
- Back With Miki -
Upon reaching the door, Miki didn't even bother to wait as she turned the doorknob. Speaking in the process, as she walked in.
"Issei I'm coming in, and you'd better be..." begins Miki only to become shocked at what she saw before her eyes.
As Issei and Sona were both currently tangled in the covers. In a very implying position at that, as both of the teens were on the floor. With Sona being on top of Issei with scissors in her left hand and leather flogging whip in her right hand.
Though as for Issei himself, he was right under Sona with all of his wings tied up in red silk rope, accompanied by a face of utter shock. And alongside that, there were two sets of handcuffs attached to Issei's limbs. One on his right arm and the other on his left leg.
So in other words...this was a very awkward situation for both sides.
"Dressed." says Miki, finishing what she wanted to say with wide eyes now. Forcing Issei to quickly speak now.
"I swear on everything, this is not what it looks like." says Issei in panic at being popped in on like this.
Only for Sona to not even help the situation by what she said next.
"Good morning, ma'am. How are you today?" asks Sona in an oblivious manner. Trying to diffuse the awkward situation before them now.
"I'm fine, Sona. It's...good to...see you again." says Miki trying to find the words, as she went to close the door. "Issei you're running late, same for you Sona. So...get yourselves ready." says Miki in a neutral tone, while closing the door behind her.
Trying to get the image of what she had just seen out of her head. As she went back downstairs in a hurry.
- With Issei and Sona -
"Do you know what our son is doing up there?!" asks Miki in a raised tone of voice.
"Why are you yelling at me?! You just told me to go get the bags!" says Gorou yelling now. "What? Issei isn't ready for school or something? Let the boy have his time to get ready!" says Gorou with much frustration.
"No, not that you idiot. It's about the activities he was performing with Sona while we were gone!" says Miki yelling while making her point clear.
"Wait, what? That's what you're surprised about? Even I knew something was up with those two! Especially when Issei didn't stop grinning for a whole entire day, two years ago!" says Gorou yelling now with frustration in his voice.
With this conversation being heard from Issei's room, and continued on with back and forth yelling. It only seemed to make Issei blush with embarrassment now due to what he was hearing. Alongside Sona, who let out a sigh as she spoke with a small blush on her face.
"We just had to get caught in a position like this, didn't we?" asks Sona in a calm manner, making Issei look at her.
"You weren't helping all that much. Speaking in such an oblivious manner like that." says Issei while letting out a huff in the process.
"Oh be quiet you, and let me cut the ropes on your wings." says Sona gently leaning over to do so, as Issei remained quiet as told.
Cutting three ropes now, as it went to fully release the restraints on his back holding down the wings. Giving Issei a bit more freedom to stand up while picking Sona up with him. Only to put her down, as Sona used a nearby key to unlock the cuffs on his limbs.
Fully freeing Issei from all of his binds, as he went to throw the covers on the bed. While Sona went to put on a few articles of clothing, as Issei cleaned up the room a bit. Laying out fresh clothes now, as Sona spoke.
"So…" begins Sona getting Issei's attention, as she continues on. "Didn't stop grinning for a whole entire day, huh?" asks Sona with a small giggle, finding these previous words from Issei's father amusing.
Causing Issei to now speak with a blush on his face in order to clear this up with a reason of his own.
"It was our first time. Can't blame me when you were the same way as I was." says Issei with a shrug, as Sona nodded with a smile.
"Of course, of course." says Sona, turning her head to look at the clock. "Now if we want to make it to the Academy on time, we'll have to take a shower together and be quick about it." says Sona with her expression turning serious now.
Making Issei fully aware of this due to looking at the clock, as he moved to nod in acknowledgement of her words.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." says Issei grabbing two towels from nearby, and went for the door.
Opening it while waiting for Sona to walk out first. As she did so with a nod and smile at the gesture. Making Issei follow out right behind while closing the door to his room. Ready to begin the day, after a much awkward start.
- Sometime Later -
Meanwhile downstairs after some time, Gorou and Miki had just finished getting settled in after bringing all of their luggage into the house. As Gorou was sitting at the table reading today's newspaper. While Miki began making a quick breakfast for both Issei, and Sona to take with them on their way to school.
Setting the mood of the home to be overall quiet and peaceful, as both Issei and Sona came downstairs. Now wearing their respective school uniforms, after getting ready upstairs. As both parents looked to the two teenagers, with Sona being the first to greet them.
"Good morning, Lord and Lady Garuda. It's nice to see you two again, after so long." says Sona speaking politely with a bow, while showing the proper respect to both adults.
The reason why Sona was doing this was because Issei's parents were no ordinary people. They were Sura-Devils, whose reputation, name and power spoke for itself. Along with that, their own individual skills in battle spoke for itself.
As Issei's mother, Miki Hyoudou Garuda, formerly known as Miki Vritra was the former heiress of the Vritra Clan. Next in line to be king, as she decided to choose her love and marriage over succeeding the position. And as such, Miki is 2nd ranked in the Garuda Clan due to her marriage.
While Issei's father, Gorou Hyoudou Garuda is the current king of the Garuda Clan and has been since the passing of his father Juzo Hyoudou Garuda many years ago. Making him 1st ranked in the clan.
So with this being said, Sona actions as of now made Miki let out a sigh of lighthearted irritation. Before she went to start speaking in order to stop her.
"Sona, how many times have we told you this? You don't have to be so formal around us." says Miki with a smile.
"Of course, Ms. Hyoudou." says Sona correcting herself now with a nod, while looking at said woman.
Miki appears as a tall, athletic woman with a slightly tanned skin-tone. Having long, dark-brown, wavy hair as she possesses crimson flame-colored red-orange eyes, the same as her son's. Possessing an intimidating aura, which is something that Issei also inherited from her.
And due to being a part of the Vritra Clan, Miki has a pair of red horns, three on either side of her head which protrude through her hair, as this is her sura characteristics that can't be transformed. Though they can be hidden through special earrings that conceal these non-human traits.
Along with this, Miki herself also has twelve large, dragon-like red wings that she can generate and dismiss at will, as the pair at the top possess bat-like accents. As Miki also wears white pants and a black short sleeved top that covers her chest but does not extend to her muscular abdomen. The top also covers her neck and partially her fingers, as she wears a dark red scarf around her neck.
So with this being said while the ladies were having a small conversation. Issei on the other hand, turned to his father and walked over to the man in order to speak.
"So dad, how long are you and mom gonna be able to stay here?" asks Issei a bit curious, making Gorou put the paper down entirely as he spoke.
"For a couple of days at most. Some business here and there, and then a bit of time to relax before we have to head back." says Gorou answering the question, while moving to ask one of his own with a smirk. "Why? Wanna know when you'll have the house to yourself again?" asks Gorou, making Issei blush and dismiss this with a wave of his hand.
"Not at all. Just asking." says Issei calmly dismissing the question, as he looked to the window.
As this only seemed to make Gorou chuckle with amusement in his voice while speaking again.
"Right. Like that was the only reason." says Gorou, still keeping the smirk on his face, as he went to take a sip of his coffee.
Gorou himself appears as he appears as a tall, athletic man with a slightly tanned skin-tone. Possessing long, white hair and gray eyes, as the upper part of his face is covered by a gray mask for which is actually his sura characteristic that can't be transformed, and is permanent just like the marks around Issei's eyes.
Though it can be hidden through special earrings, just like Miki does for her horns. Considering the mask is actually something passed down to all direct descendants of Garuda, including Issei who uses it in his Sura Form.
Along with this, Gorou himself also has twelve large, white wings that he can generate and dismiss at will, as the pair at the top possess bat-like accents. He also wears black trousers and a thin black jacket with thin white outlines.
So with this being said, Gorou finally stops sipping from his mug. Only to look at Issei with a serious look on his face, as he spoke again.
"So, how is everything here so far?" asks Gorou in a serious manner, causing Issei to speak while making eye contact.
"So far everything is fine. Besides the little Fallen Angel problem that's minor and is being handled. As I've already cleared out most of the Sura-Devil traitors from both the Ananta, and Asura Clan's that were present in the area last night." says Issei as he continues speaking. "So it's safe to assume that the stragglers that were left behind have also fled the area entirely as well. Which means all that's left to do is deal with the Fallen Angels." says Issei finishing his small report, as Gorou nodded.
"Very good. Looks like things are moving accordingly in terms of keeping peace and order here." says Gorou taking this in, as he went to pick up his newspaper.
"Yes they are." says Issei while keeping a thoughtful expression on his face.
Thinking about everything that led up to this point. Alongside that his meeting later in the day after classes end with Rias Gremory, and her peerage. As the one thing that had been on his mind was how the Ananta and Asura Clan Sura-Devils fit into all of this. Proving to make the whole situation confusing for Issei, as he continued to think about it.
Though after a moment of thinking, Issei's thought process was interrupted by a tug on his sleeve. Making him look over to see it was Sona with breakfast for two in her hand, as she went to speak.
"Come on, Issei. We should get going." says Sona reminding him of their limited time.
"Right." says Issei nodding in agreement, as he turned to his parents. "We'll talk more at length when I get home. I'll see you guys later." says Issei as he turned to leave with Sona.
Heading for the door now, as Miki spoke before they were gone entirely out the door.
"Have a good day, you two!" says Miki yelling out to the two.
Forcing both teens to send a wave of goodbye with a smile, as Issei closed the door behind them both. Leaving the two adults with the house now, as Gorou let out a sigh.
"Finally, peace and quiet. Which means I can finally catch up on…" begins Gorou as he went to look at his wife with dread now.
Seeing the duck tape in her hands, accompanied by a serious expression. Forcing the man to ultimately sweat in fear upon seeing this, as he went to speak nervously in order to get an answer.
"Hehe… So uh...what's with the duck tape?" asks Gorou, managing to find the words. While Miki herself walked towards him slowly, as she spoke.
"I recall you raising your voice to me, after I came back from checking on Issei upstairs. Sounding very much irritated by what I told you." says Miki while rolling out a piece of the tape with a snap. "But the frustration wasn't directed at what I told you. More so it was at me, like you were trying to assert yourself in something." says Miki narrowing her eyes a bit now, as she inched closer to her husband.
"Well, I uh-" begins Gorou in a haste, only to be cut off.
"You're not sweet talking your way out of this, Gorou. You will be punished." says Miki making this very clear now.
Forcing Gorou to fall entirely silent now, as he knew words wouldn't help his situation. Especially against someone like his wife...
- Not Far From Kuoh Academy -
It didn't take too long for both Issei, and Sona to be within reach of Kuoh Academy. As they could students were making their way in while those who had already arrived were talking in small groups. Taking the time to relax before their classes were to begin.
So, as they were approaching the gate leading to the inside of the Academy. Issei was going through his daily routine of snugly wrapping the back of his right with a black cloth. While Sona walked next to Issei while wearing his scarf, only to look over and ask a question.
"You almost finished wrapping your hand with that cloth, Issei?" asks Sona curiously, causing Issei to look over to her now.
"Yeah, just about." says Issei answering her question, as he continued speaking. "Plus, it's better to keep this out of sight for now anyway." says Issei also giving his reasoning for doing so.
While Sona noded at these words, only for her to speak once more.
"That part is understandable. But are you sure about this as well?" asks Sona pointing to the scarf around her neck.
"Of course I'm sure, Sona." says Issei, answering Sona with a smile. "This is something that we both wanted to do for a while. So, why not do it now and get it over with, right?" asks Issei, still keeping his smile present as he finished wrapping his hand with the cloth, only to put his headphones on.
As this response only seemed to make Sona smile back, as she proceeded to speak in order to answer him.
"Right." says Sona agreeing with Issei.
Making him offer his right arm to Sona, who gladly accepted it while they made their way into the Academy.
- Kuoh Academy -
Upon walking through the gate of the academy, heads started to turn. As everyone nearby took notice of how close both Issei and Sona were. Making it clear to everyone left in the dark that they may have been dating for a while now.
Due to no obvious blushes present on either of their faces. Along with how content both Issei and Sona looked at being so close to each other. With the icing on the cake being that they were all eyeing Sona, who was wearing Issei's scarf.
As it was even more proof to the student body on how close they were, leaving many students even more shocked. Due to most expecting Issei would go after Rias, only for that assumption to sink upon looking at the scene unfolding before their eyes.
"No. There's no freaking way." says one male student with a shocked expression.
"Just when the hell did this happen?" asks another male student, sounding a bit jealous that Issei was with Sona.
"Were they hiding it?" asks a third male student, a bit stunned at this occurrence.
As this was the same for the female students, who watched this take place. All looking shocked, and jealous, along with betrayed at the fact their prince was taken by Kuoh Academy's student council president.
"What is happening here? Just how long have they been together?" asks Murayama, looking shocked with a bit of jealousy in her voice.
"I don't know, but why did Sona have to go after Issei of all people?" asks Katase, sounding heartbroken with closed eyes, not wanting to even look at the scene.
Issei on the other hand just let out a small sigh, continuing to walk towards the main building with Sona. Not all that bothered by the reaction of the students.
'Well on the bright side, the countless offers for dates will go away. Not to mention, I like it this way. No more need to hide in all aspects after today.' thought Issei as he continued walking with Sona.
Looking over to see her face full of calm content. Which only seemed to calm his spirit even more.
- School House -
Reaching the large entrance hall at the main building, where more students were standing around. Sona stopped in order to turn, and face Issei with the purpose of speaking before heading off on her own business.
"I'll be busy for most of the day, Issei. So I'll most likely see you after school." says Sona informing the Garuda Heir, who spoke now.
"That's fine with me." says Issei with a nod. "I have some things of my own that I have to get out of the way, before the day is over. So do your thing." says Issei in an understanding manner.
"Mhm." says Sona with a nod at this information.
So before she turned to leave, Sona went to walk up towards Issei. Standing on the tips of her toes in order to lay a kiss on his lips. Which Issei happily accepted, as it lasted for a few seconds.
Leaving those present inside the building to see it, a bit surprised. As she pulled away from Issei with a small smile, only to walk away towards the stairs with a small sway in her hips.
Issei let a small smile play across his lips, as he watched her walk away. Only for that to be almost interrupted. Due to Issei sensing a force coming up to him at quick speed.
Causing him to step back in quick dodge, as the person spoke.
"What the fuck?! Ack!" says the voice of Matsuda yelling, while falling over upon missing his target.
"Acting out on impulse will get you nowhere, Matsuda." says Issei in a cocky tone, as he watched his friend pick himself up. "Now, what seems to be the problem?" asks Issei, getting to the point now, as Matsuda spoke.
"Don't play dumb, you traitorous bastard! How are we supposed to trust you when you're dating the Student President?!" asks Matsuda, still sounding betrayed and jealous.
"Jeez. Temper, temper…" says Issei with a sweat-drop upon seeing his friend's behavior.
"Yes I have to agree." says Motohama walking over, only to speak again. "Calm down, Matsuda. Issei's our buddy, so we should let him explain." says Motohama putting a hand on his friend, as he stopped walking. "Now, where did you go and what did you do after you left yesterday?" asks Motohama while pointing a finger, as Issei let out a sigh of amusement.
"Well, yesterday I went on a date with my longtime girlfriend who you're just finding out about. Is that enough to suffice your curiosity gentlemen?" asks Issei with a small smirk on his face.
With this information only putting his two friends in even more shock and despair now.
- With Sona -
While Issei was handling his own small little problems, Sona had her own to deal with. In the form of someone speaking out to her, upon reaching the top of the stairs.
"You two seem pretty close." says the voice of the individual, making Sona turn around to see that it was Rias, who had a neutral expression on her face. "Hello again, Sona. It's good to see you." says Rias speaking in a neutral tone of voice, as well.
As Sona also noted that Rias was standing in a quieter place on this level of the building. Most likely due to the fact that she wanted to speak freely.
"It's good to see you too, Rias. And as for your deduction on what you just saw, yes we are close." says Sona speaking honestly, as she continued further. "More so than you could imagine." says Sona making this fact clear now, causing Rias to narrow her eyes a bit.
"I see…" says Rias taking this in thoughtfully, as she went to look over the railing.
On to the floor below to see that Issei was calmly playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with both Matsuda, and Motohama. Only to lose when he drew scissors against Motohama, who drew rock in response.
So as she continued watching, Sona decided to speak again upon seeing her friend's expression.
"I assume there was something else you'd like to discuss?" asks Sona, getting Rias' attention once more, only to speak again. "Involving Issei, specifically?" asks Sona with a serious expression, already hypothesizing what her friend wanted from this conversation so far.
"Yes, it does." says Rias, answering Sona while confirming her guess. "Which is why I would like to speak to you, in a more private setting." says Rias, getting to the point a bit further now.
Making the Sitri Heiress herself, nod in agreement. While moving to now walk away with Rias. In what Sona assumed would be an either long or short conversation, as it all depended on her red haired friend's frame of mind.
- Later That Day -
With the day going by in a breeze, along with the school day itself rolling around to come to a close. Issei could be seen sitting down in his last class of the day with his feet kicked up on the desk. Sitting in a seat near the window while enjoying the peaceful setting of his classroom.
With the reason being that Issei had a free period in this class of his. So in which case, there wasn't much to do except for talking amongst each other, doing homework from other classes, or using your phone.
Which is why currently, the Heir of Garuda's was scrolling through his phone trying to find interesting news stories, and whatnot. While at the same time, also thinking about what he was going to do with Sona after school was over, and once his little meeting with Rias had concluded.
Trying to pass the time while he was listening to music on his headphones. Only for that to be quickly interrupted, as Issei had picked up an aura coming in the direction of his class. Causing him to have only one very small thought on it.
'Hm…' thought Issei, sounding very much bored at the moment, as he continued scrolling through his phone.
The door to his classroom opened up gently the moment he finished his thought. Making everyone look over to see who it was, while in the process causing the female majority of the classroom to become very excited now.
As the person made their way in with a small wave to the crowd of girls surrounding them, with one speaking up in excitement.
"Look, it's Kiba!" says one of the female students, causing Kiba to speak now.
"Hey." says Kiba, greeting them all with a smile.
Issei himself made one subtle glance over to said blond, who entered the room while having one thought on his mind.
'So she sent Prince Golden Nuts, instead of coming here herself…' thought Issei with a small irritated sigh, before he went to look back at his phone.
Not even bothering to continue listening to what was going on, due to already knowing why the pretty boy was in his class. While Kiba decided to speak out in a calm manner once again towards the blushing crowd of girls.
"You're all looking lovely today." says Kiba complimenting them all with his still very soothing expression.
Only to begin walking forward and away from his crowd of admirers upon saying this. As a few girls spoke in response to this well received compliment.
"You look better." says Murayama, giving her own compliment with a blush present on her face, now watching Kiba walk away.
"I'm sorry the room's not cleaner." says Katase, with an equally present blush on her face while watching alongside her friend.
So as the girls continued to watch Kiba, they noticed he was making his way over in the direction of Issei's desk. Peeking their curiosity just a bit further, as the blond decided to speak again once he was within arms reach.
"Ah, there you are." says Kiba greeting Issei with a wave, as he stopped before him.
"Yeah, this is my desk. Considering I'm always here at the end of the day." says Issei calmly speaking while not even looking up from his phone, as he continued further. "Now with the pleasantries out of the way, could you get on with what you're really here for, Kiba?" asks Issei in a calm manner, while now waiting for an answer.
"Alright. As you already know, I'm here on behalf of Rias Gremory." says Kiba, keeping his calm demeanor while getting to the point.
Making Issei let out a small chuckle, before he decided to speak again in response to this.
"Yes I do, and you know something? I find it a bit comical that she sent you here in her stead. Once Again." says Issei now deciding to look at Kiba, who was a bit confused as he continued. "Kinda proves that despite everything, she doesn't seem to be taking this matter very seriously." says Issei giving his opinion on the matter.
So once this was said, Issei decided to take his feet off the desk, put them on the floor, only to begin standing up fully now from his chair. As Kiba spoke up once more upon taking all of this information in.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you." says Kiba giving his apology, causing Issei to speak again while grabbing his bag.
"Not your fault really. Especially when the fault lies with her." says Issei speaking his mind on the matter, as Kiba noted he looked ready to go.
"Yes…" says Kiba trailing off upon hearing these words while not liking them very much, as he spoke again. "Well if you're ready, then please follow me." says Kiba taking his chance to now change the subject in order to get a move on, making Issei speak for a final time.
"Sure. Lead the way." says Issei ready to go.
As the two boys said their goodbyes to the girls of the class, and exited the room. Now on their way to the old schoolhouse. With Issei for his part, ready to settle his business with the Heiress of Gremory.
- ORC Building -
Currently the sun was beginning to set with the school day over, and not many students lingering around the Academy grounds. It didn't take long for both Issei and Kiba to make their way over to the old schoolhouse.
Reaching the building, as Kiba went to open the door for the both of them to walk in now. Only to proceed making their way over to the club room of the building now. While Issei could already sense three familiar aura's present in the building while on the way with Kiba, as it didn't take long for them to arrive at the club room.
With Issei being a bit impressed at the design of the room. As the interior is a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls. One side is set up to be able to be used as a bath, and from what Issei upon entering was a large Gremory Family magic circle. Which is most likely used to allow teleportation to and from clients, and amongst other things.
As this observation of the room quickly went away, with Issei's attention being brought to the person sitting on one of the couches eating chocolate. Someone who he immediately recognized from the start, as he decided to speak on it.
"So the first year student, Koneko Toujou is a member of the Occult Research Club." says Issei as he went to look on in silence now.
Koneko's appearance is that of a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes standing at a height of 138 cm. As the front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut.
She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair. Accompanied by usually wearing the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, without the shoulder cape.
"Yes she is, and a valued member at that." says Kiba making Koneko look over to them. "So there won't be any need for introductions, Koneko. As my friend Issei already knows who you are." says Kiba speaking to Koneko now, who in turn nodded.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now just yet, Kiba. We barely even know each other, so let's not jump to using the term "friends" but instead just mutual acquaintances." says Issei speaking in a calm manner while getting his message across.
With Kiba nodding in response to his words, noting that Issei was keeping them at a distance in terms of speaking. As the Heir of Garuda's continued looking at Koneko, while also noting a few things about her overall appearance.
Confirming something on his own part that he had guessed a while back to when he was being watched. Only for this small study of the eyes to quickly change, upon hearing running water coming from a nearby room. Making him have one thought on it now.
'A shower, huh.' thought Issei looking to the next room now, only to see the silhouette of a familiar figure with narrowed eyes. 'Figured something like this was why Rias sent Kiba to my classroom in her stead. She was taking a damn shower.' thought Issei finding this a bit unprofessional, and annoying considering she wanted to speak with him in the first place.
"Your clothes are laid out when you're ready, Ms. President." says the voice of Akeno on the other of the curtain.
"Thank you, Akeno." says Rias, sounding very much grateful.
Forcing Issei from his side of things to let out an exasperated sigh, as he spoke.
"Alright, this is starting to go well beyond the scope of my patience..." says Issei speaking under his breath, sounding very displeased with his current situation.
"It's not polite to spy." says the voice of Koneko, getting Issei's attention now while continuing to eat her chocolate bar.
"Oh really? Then you should really start taking your own advice." says Issei while looking at Koneko. "Especially when it comes to spying on other people like myself, little kitten." says Issei continuing to speak while causing Koneko's eyes to widen in shock now, as she stopped eating the chocolate bar. "So before you say something that is quite hypocritical, you should think about your own actions beforehand." says Issei, finishing off with a calm but intense gaze.
Koneko decided to look over to him, once he finished speaking. Only to be greeted by a very intense look in his eyes with Issei not bothering to tear his gaze away from her. Making Koneko feel a bit nervous while looking at Issei, as she continued to think about his words.
As this little stare-down went on for a couple of seconds more, only for it to be stopped by the soft voice of another nearby. Who had decided to break the silence that was gripping the room.
"Ara. Who is that?" asks the soft but familiar voice of Akeno, making Issei look over to see her. "I didn't see you. Ufufufu." says Akeno sounding very amused, as she calmly made her way over to him now.
Stopping when she was a few steps away from Issei, as said boy didn't make any outward reaction. Deciding to only silently analyze the third year. Noting a few things about Akeno in the process of doing so, due to finally being face to face.
Not lasting for very long, as Akeno decided to speak upon noticing Issei's gaze. While keeping her welcoming, and friendly tone of voice even under such a subtle look of the eyes.
"It's okay, I won't bite. You're the Garuda, who's been making quite the fuss after all, huh? It's nice to finally meet you up close and personal." says Akeno as she went to lean forward in a small polite bow, only to raise herself up after a second, which caused a slight jiggle in her chest to be made. "There's nothing to be nervous or so guarded about, everyone here is super nice. I'm Akeno Himejima, I'm the vice president of this club." says Akeno introducing herself with a small giggle.
Akeno for her part is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Standing at 168 cm, as her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.
Currently wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform for girls, along with black calf-length socks.
"Issei Hyoudou. It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Even though I know who you are already." says Issei being polite, while not being all that fazed by Akeno's breast jiggle. 'Hmm. Not a bad sight…' thought Issei giving one small glance towards her bosom, only to then go back to waiting in silence.
While Akeno herself went on to silently pout at no outward reaction from Issei. As she kinda expected something else from Issei like a stutter, or slip in his words. Though when it came to Issei, she figured he was the kind of guy with a serious and calm personality. Which only seemed to intrigue Akeno even more.
As Issei's attention was brought over to where the curtain to the next room was. Seeing that it was being pushed open by Rias, who was fully dressed and drying her hair.
"Sorry to keep you waiting. I know it's terribly rude, but I didn't have a chance to wash. Due to other business after our encounter yesterday." says Rias in an apologetic tone while explaining her reasoning.
"Considering the urgency in your voice yesterday at wanting to speak to me. Yes, it is quite rude." says Issei in a serious tone while reminding Rias of this fact, as she did not break her gaze away from him. "So, can we begin?" asks Issei, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
"Yes, now that you and everyone else is here, let's begin." says Rias giving a small smile, as she went to put the towel down nearby.
Proceeding to walk over to the front of the desk, placed at the back of the room in front of the two couches, and a small table. Only to lean back on it while folding her arms now, as she spoke again.
"Now since you're already aware or have been introduced to the three before you, would you perhaps like to take a seat?" asks Rias, curiously with a small smile.
"No. I'm fine where I am." says Issei, answering her honestly while choosing to stand, making Rias' smile falter now, as she spoke again.
"Oh, I see. Well, would you like anything to drink? I could have Akeno-" begins Rias, only to be cut off by Issei, who had his eyes closed.
"Rias. Let's just cut to the chase of our conversation, and skip such niceties." says Issei, calmly beginning. "I know for a fact that you didn't call me here just to talk. Considering how your peerage has subtly positioned themselves around me." says Issei, shocking those in the room, as Rias spoke.
"What do you mean? We would never." says Rias, feigning ignorance while sounding very surprised and a bit offended while causing Issei to reopen his eyes.
"Really? Then I guess I'll have to elaborate." says Issei, as he continues to speak. "Your Knight behind me is obviously blocking the door. As his range is not too far and not too close, which is perfect for swordsmanship. I'll admit, Kiba's good but he's still very much a novice in the literal sense of the art he practices." says Issei, finishing off.
Only making Kiba overall shocked at such a claim. As it wasn't a common thing for someone to call you a novice in the art that you worked so very hard at perfecting. Not to mention, he had been taught by a true master of the blade for years when he was younger.
So the idea of Issei, a Sura-Devil they had little to no information on, seemingly claiming to have surpassed Kiba in both skill and ability, along with overall mastery of the blade was a scary thought. One of which only seemed to send cold chills up their spines.
Solely due to the fact that Issei's voice held no amusement, or room for joking. As the girls were the only ones last night, who saw a very small fraction of what Issei could. Just utter seriousness in such a calm tone. So with no one refuting these words, it only caused Kiba to be even more unsure of his abilities at this very moment, as Issei continued on speaking.
"As for your Queen to my right. She uses Holy Lightning due to her Fallen Angel side, which is effective against Devils, Vampires and other dark creatures. Alongside that causing temporary paralysis due to the light elemen. Though it would prove somewhat ineffective to an extent in close upfront combat, or how I use my own lightning attribute in a fight." says Issei, making Akeno's eyes widen with body shuddering for a moment at his words.
To which Issei took notice of, as it seemed to him she had problems regarding that side of her. Which only caused Issei to send a subtle apologetic gaze in his eyes that left swiftly as it came. Causing Akeno to take notice of that without showing some surprise, as he continued speaking.
"And lastly for your Nekomata Rook to my left, who isn't that far from me is obviously a close combat type. Who can apparently use Senjutsu, but based on her aura she seems to be refusing to use it all together." says Issei while analyzing Koneko carefully now.
With said girl looking very shocked like everyone else now. Due to not only their being a reason of her own behind why she refused to use such techniques, but because he was able to sense it very well. And so, Koneko knew if Issei could sense that much based on aura alone, then it meant he could use Senjutsu and very well at that.
Issei was able to make a spot on deduction of his position in the room alongside everyone else's. Alongside that he revealed what they were capable of, doing so in a calm manner without anger or malice.
Which is why Rias right now was wondering where to take this, as her mind let the words slip out unintentionally.
"How did you…" says Rias, trailing out the words with much shock present in both her voice, and face.
"Senjutsu is very useful when you're able to sense out auras of people really well. Which is why I said a few moments earlier before, Rias. I am no fool." says Issei, clearing this confusion up now. "My patience may run very thin at times like now, but even that's not a valid reason to throw away my respectful attitude. So I'll say this right now, please have your peerage stand down if you really want to talk like you say do, and don't want them getting hurt." says Issei, making his request while still maintaining his calm attitude.
Rias thought about what Issei had just said for a moment. Looking over to the members of her peerage for a few seconds, who were all a bit unnerved by such calmness. Not to mention, Issei was pointing out that Rias did say she only wanted to talk.
Making the current situation before them seem more like an interrogation room, then just mere talking between two people as Issei had surmised upon the facts laid out in front of him. Which is why Rias had turned her gaze back to Issei, as she spoke.
"Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba. Stand down." says Rias giving the three the order.
Causing all of them to silently nod reluctantly, as Akeno moved to stand next to Rias. Kiba moved from behind Issei towards the windows on the left side of the room. As Koneko went to relax her body while still sitting on the couch.
Which caused Issei to give a small nod to Rias, who spoke again.
"Alright, that should lighten the tension. So let's start with proper introductions." says Rias getting back on track, as she continued speaking. "Why don't you go first?" asks Rias offering with a hand gesture.
This in turn, made Issei smirk just a bit. Only to speak in response to this.
"It isn't proper manners for the gentleman to go first, considering it's always ladies first." says Issei sticking to a proper approach on the matter, as he went to speak again. "So it's better if you start us off first." says Issei, now waiting to hear Rias speak.
With said girl quietly sucking her teeth. Though at the same time, Rias had to admit he was good. So without anyway out of such
"Very well, as you know my name is Rias Gremory. I am the daughter of the great and powerful Devil, Zeoticus Gremory, who rules over the Gremory Clan. While holding the rank of Duke in the Underworld." says Rias speaking in a serious manner while letting her wings come out freely, as she spoke again. "Now, I believe it's your turn." says Rias, waiting to hear Issei give a proper introduction now.
As Issei silently looked on for a few moments, noting the pride in her voice. While now moving to let out a very small sigh, before he began to speak.
"Well, since you are so eager to find out who I am..." says Issei beginning while looking at Rias.
Only for a large pressure to overcome the room, surprising the group. As Issei now moved to let out his twelve large wings with a gray mask just like his father's materializing at the upper part of his face.
Alongside Issei deciding to use Cloth Manipulation to assume his Red Sky Attire, before speaking words that held power behind .
"My name is Issei Hyoudou Garuda. The first and only son of the great and powerful Sura-Devil known as Gorou Hyoudou Garuda, who rules over the Garuda Clan of Birds. Currently tied at No. 1 with the Bael Clan. Granting my clan the right to hold the rank of Great King in the Underworld." says Issei in a serious manner.
While finally finishing off with a very small but noticeable smirk on his face.
Done!, good, bad, don't like it that's on you. So yeah, sorry it took some time to get this out, as I was trying to add things in that fit while removing things that didn't. Not to mention still getting things done in my everyday life amid the pandemic before us.
Now aside from that, as of next chapter things will begin to heat up a bit, as I reveal more that I'm sure you will all seem to like. As I will also be explaining a lot in the next chapter, and coming chapters in the future. So without much to say, please review and I'll see you guys for the next chapter.