Yo! Long time no see, right? I know I said it was going to be a while, but this chapter shouldn't have honestly taken so long. It's really been pissing me off, but hey better late than never. These chapters also seem to get longer and longer every time! Geez, at this rate Ch 15 will be like 40k. But enough about that, let's get on with the show!
What do you see, it's chapter three! Inside you'll find the key, how to do so is just plain insanity.
That's what he woke up to. A throbbing headache seemed to beat the inside of Jaune's head like a drum, causing him intense pain. There was also the aches and fatigue in his limbs that came from even the smallest of movement. And how could he forget the bubbling urge to vomit his insides out? Yes, after emptying what little that remained in his stomach in what Jaune realized was the toilet of his dorm's bathroom did he recognize the familiar afflictions.
He was dealing with a hangover. A bad one too.
Normally that meant Jaune had drunk more than he should've, but that really wasn't a hard feat to achieve. He had pretty bad tolerance for alcohol and that included when dealing with the resulting hangovers. Getting hammered was always a mixed basket. Mostly he'd feel mortified at the realization of how his drunk self acted, and the rest of it would be happiness at the fun Drunk Jaune usually brought, but that was only when he wasn't feeling like Ruby on one of her over the top cookie binges. Ughh. This was always the worst part of drinking. Every time this happened, he swore that it would be the last, but the universe said fuck him and always caused some way to get him drinking past his limit and end up wasted.
At least he was a fun drunk, or at least that's what everyone told him. From the bits and pieces he was able to remember, he always felt embarrassed at his drunken behavior. Usually from the zany antics his wasted self got into that sober him would never do despite how exciting they usually ended up being. The trouble they created to sober him was never worth the pleasure. Oh Brothers, he hoped that he didn't act like a fool in front of his teammates! The odds weren't in his favor, considering he extremely doubted Drunk Jaune's ability to get back to Beacon especially when he had an equally plastered companion to take back as well. Speaking of which, where was his supposed cousin?
Taking a look at his right, he was met with a very familiar boot in his face. Said boot was connected to a leg sticking out of their bathtub with the rest of the body sprawled out looking like a pathetic mess. The mess groaned and moaned, but was still very much sleeping. Huh, well he found Cloud. Problem solved, but it spoke much to Jaune's sorry state that he hadn't even noticed Cloud was there. Damn, how much did they drink?
Before he could try to piece together the jumbled mess that was his memories of last night, he heard the bathroom door open. In came his beloved partner. Oh shit. He had forgotten how his partner would react with him out drinking late. Luckily, there was no trace of anger or a frown, just a patient smile and eyes showing relief. She sweetly gave him her signature greeting, "Hello again~"
It was a picture perfect scene. He tried to respond, he really did, but his stomach decided to go for round two and thus his head took part in sloppy seconds with the toilet bowl. Argh, why couldn't he just die and be done with this suffering. Instead of giving him the sweet escape from the painful world of the living Pyrrha, helpful as always, gave the next best thing and soothingly rubbed his back while humming a pleasant tune.
After finishing that awful date in the bathroom, Pyrrha carried him to his bed where he wanted nothing more than everything to stop feeling so terrible. He wished that the pounding migraine and his dry throat would go away as they felt the worst. His partner seemed to read his mind as she nudged his prone body with a bottle of water and some pills which he prayed was aspirin. Sitting up was a hassle, but getting rid of some pains was worth it. After a few minutes and an empty bottle, Jaune felt good enough to stop contemplating whether or not suicide was a good solution. Pyrrha sat by his side through it all with that smile never leaving, she was waiting for Jaune to recover so she could get an explanation from him. Unfortunately, Jaune wanted some answers too and very much didn't feel like having this conversation so soon. Too bad there was no chance of him escaping.
"Jaune-Jaune!" An excited outburst came the door, signalling the arrival of his fellow trouble maker. On the plus side, she brought two plates of food with Ren coming in with three. Down side, that meant his odds of leaving went into the negatives and that he had slept so much that Ren was up before him. Sheesh, he must've been really drunk.
"Yay, you're finally awake!" She took a quick look at him up and down. "You look terrible! Makes sense considering how craaazy you got last night!" Nora's wide smile suddenly turned predatory. "Mmm real crazy…" She muttered that last bit under her breath. Was Jaune seeing things or did it look like his teammate was biting her lip? He wasn't sure, especially when Nora's usual excitement came back as quick as a flash like nothing had changed. "Now you can give us the big scoop, Pyrrha didn't let me wake you up early. Soooo, c'mon c'mon, tell us. Did ya meet a girl? You go to a party? Who's Cloud and why is he in the tub?" Nora excitedly pestered.
"Ughhh! Nora, calm down. My head is still swimming and you're not the only one who wants answers." Jaune whined. "Last night is a blur, I'm still trying to figure out what happened. I remember getting some drinks, meeting some jerks, and I think the police showed up too."
"Booo! We already knew all that!" Nora made her displeasure known with a thumbs down. "Hmmm… Oh! What if I give you a quick knock on the head with Magnihild? That should fix those pesky missing memories. Trust me, I'm a certified expert!" She pulled her 'certificate' out, beaming with pride.
The unreliable voice of logic Ren disassembled Nora's theory and assurance, and grabbed the paper. "Disregarding the brain damage you would cause, this says Leg Breaking Specialist and is written in crayon. Nora, I'm sorry to say your skills can't help here."
"Ahhh, gimme that!" She tore her 'certificate' back from his grubby hands. "Quit being a party pooper Ren!" Nora pouted.
"Sorry, I can't help it. I was born like this." Ren did in fact not sound sorry at all. Giving his daily dose of parade rain, he turned his attention to his lethargic leader. "It's good to see that you're up. The memory loss is an issue, but expected."
"Expected! The heck you're talking about! I woke you up twenty minutes ago to help get lunch! Stop trying to act like the silent know it all type. That's not your character!" Nora exclaimed.
"Yeah Ren, everyone knows that you're the lazy butt of the team. We all got to accept our role in life." Jaune added in. His body couldn't move that well, but his mouth still was able to spit out quips like normal.
Unless someone took an enhanced zoom of Ren's face, then they would fail to notice the miniscule lowering of his eyebrows. "I guess you're right. That must mean you don't want to know my plan to help figure out what happened yesterday. A shame then." He dryly said.
"Noooo!" Nora shouted in despair. She grabbed Ren's shoulders and shook his very being violently. "You can't do that! I've gotta know all the dirty details! C'mon! C'mon! I'll let you sleep the whole day." She pleaded.
"Nora," Pyrrha chided. "Come now, you know the only reason you're saying that is so Ren won't stop your normal tomfoolery. Just apologize and I'm sure he'll let us know his idea. That goes for you too Jaune." Nice to see that Pyrrha was still a reliable mother hen. His partner was always so polite and trying to make sure the whole team was on its best behaviour. After all, Jaune sure couldn't be counted on to do it.
"I'm sorry." Nora and Jaune both apologized. "Can you please tell us how we can get my memory back?" He asked with a weak grin.
"Hmmm, I accept it on the condition that Nora gets no pancakes for the rest of the day and Jaune be on Nora watching duty for two days."
"What?! That's not fair, I already have Cloud watching duty." Jaune indignantly cried out.
"Jaune, I believe watching clouds in the sky is a hobby. Also one I am sure that you don't partake in, but then again it would make sense for one who loves to have their head up there all the time."
"Not those!" Jaune let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine, you win. Please just tell us already before you make my headache come back."
With a tiny quirk of his lips, Ren explained. "It's simple. First drink this." Seemingly out thin air, Ren brought out a glass of… well Jaune didn't know what the hell it was. The liquid, if you could call it that, looked thick and viscous. It was a very dark green like that of leaves in the spring, but the smell coming from it made it seem more like vomit. "This herbal concoction I made will boost your cognitive functions particularly the ones concerning memory without fail. Or at least that's what it said on the recipe I found. To help, we'll recount what happened when the girls found you and ask some questions. It should force your brain to utilize the boosted cognition and be able to jog your memory."
To say that Jaune wanted nothing more than to get out of drinking the poisonous gunk from the darkest corners of Dustbook would be an understatement. Ren was always making these really weird oddities that he said was food from online recipes, but they seemed more like biological weapons. He always said that he used all natural ingredients, but Jaune was sure from that one time that human blood didn't belong in the pan!
"H-Hehe, ummm Ren. I think I'm feeling better already, so you don't have to- Mrghg!" Taking advantage of Jaune's weak state and an open target, Ren seized his opportunity. He shoved the glass into his leader's mouth, forcing Jaune to drink the concoction. Jaune was suffering from the slow intake of his slimy medicine with Ren keeping a firm grip to prevent any hope of escape.
"You've completed the first step to recovery, onto the next. Pyrrha, if you wouldn't mind."
"Well, I guess I should start with after we got your phone call from jail. It happened like this..."
o()xx[{::::::::::::::::::::: o()xx[{:::::::::::::::::::::
Pyrrha burst into the police station. The doors swung fast and wide, letting everyone know of her arrival. Normally, she wouldn't move with such ferocity and would care about the attention she'd bring especially with how well known her identity was, but her worry for her partner clouded those thoughts. Behind her came in Nora bubbling with excitement. She swung her arms back and forth and carried a wide smile. In contrast, she walked quickly, but not urgently.
"Hello! Can somebody come and please help us? We're here to get our drunk teammate?" Pyrrha frantically cried out.
"Gosh Pyrrha, you're the only one I know that would get more worried after finding out where our Fearless Leader is. I've said this like a bajillion times, but girl calm down! I told ya, be more like Ren here!" She said while shaking her Ren-Pack. The sleeping boy was still unconscious with no sign of waking up despite being on his partner's back the entire journey.
A tired, mature voice broke in her reassurances. "For once I agree with Ms. Valkyrie. Ms. Nikos, you need to remain calm. Your partner isn't in any danger, from the police or other inmates that is." Professor Goodwitch was dragged into the mess as a result of Pyrrha calling her. Unfortunately, she wasn't in the best of moods considering it was late, and dealing with law enforcement and drunks wasn't her idea of a fun night. "The sooner we retrieve Mr Arc, the faster I will be able to return to sleep and deal with this mess's paperwork in the morning."
At that, Professor Goodwitch took command of the situation with the ease of experience from countless visits taking care of juvenile students creating misdemeanors. The senior officer on duty quickly recognized the combat instructor and after looking at the three kids with her promptly understood the situation and escorted the group to their Huntsman holding cell.
"Sir, if you wouldn't mind, could you explain why exactly my partner is doing here?" Pyrrha asked the portly police officer. She couldn't think of what he'd done to get arrested. Jaune normally wasn't somebody who would attack someone or destroy anything. Then again, she had never seen him drunk before and alcohol had a way of changing people.
The jovial officer responded, "It's no problem little lady. If I remember correctly, we picked up them Huntsmen bout a few hours ago from the Crow Bar." He gave a hearty laugh. "They was drunk outta their mind and causin a ruckus in there with some of the other patrons, ended up creatin an ole fashioned bar brawl. Can ya tell me which of the two yer lookin for? I'll be able to tell ya what he got charged for."
"Oh my! Well, our leader is blonde, has a sword, is a little skinny, and should be bursting with happiness and energy."
"Miss… Sorry to say, but that don't really help much, kinda describes 'em both." The officer weakly shrugged.
Nora added in her two cents. "He's wearing a hoodie with a really cute rabbit on it."
The officer snapped his fingers in realization. "Oh, The tall one!" He stroked the stubble on his chin. "Let me see it was… public indecency. His friend came in fer the assault." He explained happily.
Pyrrha looked surprised while Nora started snickering obnoxiously. To say that was the reason their friend was in jail wasn't the first one they would've thought of. Pyrrha had thought it had been underage drinking. Nora placed her bets on destruction of property.
"Calm yourself Ms Valkyrie. I'm sorry sir, but could you explain what happened in more detail?" Professor Goodwitch inquired. "I know Mr. Arc, and it's safe to say that he doesn't possess enough self esteem to appear nude in front of a crowd."
("Did the professor really say that? I really didn't need any more damage to my pride. Weiss does enough of that already. ")
("I'm sorry, but Jaune… I don't think you'll really have to worry about any more harm to your pride.")
The officer looked at the reports he had been carrying. He hummed while reading the details. "Based on eyewitness reports and testimonies, yer two Huntsmen had been drinkin loud and proud, actin like a usual nuisance for the bar, but nothin illegal. The trouble all started when these couple of punks took their heads so far up their asses that they thought it'd be a good idea to fuck with 'em." He let out a deep breath and swept a hand through his hair. "Those numbskulls had a little too much and started to mock and jeer from afar, but those two were in worse shape and stuck in their own world. Seein no effect, they got ballsy and surrounded their table. From there, the punks started makin fun of 'em up close and personal, sayin how they could be the protectors of humanity and look so pathetic." The man's face was full of disgust, most likely feeling offended on their behalf due to their shared duty in helping the people. "That they were a disgrace to the Huntsman name, and that they were probably a pair of fakers that turn tail at the first sign of trouble. Y'know what they did?" His face regrew his previous big grin. "Just laughed their drunk asses off! Acted as if there was an inside joke only they knew. One of 'em was getting fed up with how none of it was workin and decided to go below the belt."
"Woo! That's our Fearless Leader!" Nora cheered for her leader. "Always rolling with the punches! Those silly guys should have known better than to hit his self-esteem. You can't hurt what he doesn't have!"
"Nora!" Pyrrha scolded.
"Whaaat? I'm just saying how awesome Jaune is, Pyrrha. C'mon mister, keep going! The story's getting good! What dastardly deed did they do next?"
"Haha! I like you littler lady!" He guffawed. "Also, I ain't no mister, makes me feel old. Call me Chief Hawkins. Alright, where was I? Yes, I remember. So the ballsy dumbass said to the two that the reason they was drinkin just the two of 'em was cuz that they couldn't get any beautiful women, and that even if they could get one, they didn't have good enough 'equipment' to keep 'em around." He shook his head in disappointment. "That got to the blondes, got rid of their laughin real quick. That's when the party started. A real man don't ever take a hit to his manliness lyin down after all." Chief Hawkins explained sagely. "Well then the tall one got up on the table and, in front of everyone, dropped his pants!"
("No… You're kidding me? There's no way I actually did that, right? Right?!")
("Hate to break it to you Fearless Leader, but it's on the police report. For eeeveryone to see!")
Pyrrha said incredulously, "No…"
"...Way!" Nora finished excitedly.
The police chief gave his condolences. "Sorry little lady, but your pervert of a partnah really did it. That crazy fucker proudly presented his 'little' friend, shouted how he had nothin to be ashamed of with his 'mighty, long sword of rapture' and that he was 'establishing dominance.'" The police chief waved around an imaginary sword wildly. "Then he fucking winked at the poor waitress in front of him, fucking winked, but later questioning revealed that she wasn't really complainin too hard bout the view. With all of 'em shocked out their minds is when the other one struck." He clapped his hands loudly. "Fast as lightning, he drop kicked the one mouthing off, and that's when the party got wild. The bartender gave us a call, and our boys came in to help. Wanna know what they saw?" He leaned in close, like he was giving the punchline. "Debris from destroyed tables and chairs everywhere spread out on the floor except one in the center. Still standin there with his damn pants down was the tall one looking like some king viewing his castle while his buddy was still bustin the punks' skulls with his bare hands. Made one hell of a first arrest for our newbies, I'll say!" He chortled loudly.
By that point, Nora lost any sense of self-control and was furiously roaring with laughter. Her face was red and her howls so loud that the whole station could hear it. Eventually, her body was convulsing with laughter so much that she lost all strength in her legs, and she collapsed onto the floor, but never for a second did her cackles cease.
("Just kill me. Please, end my suffering. I don't think I could hear any more.")
("Come on Thunderhead, the story is just getting good. Let's keep going.")
("If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate if you would stop interrupting.")
("Sorry Pyrrha.")
Pyrrha and Professor Goodwitch shared the same reaction: complete and utter bewilderment. The image of the blonde leader they knew just simply didn't match with the one they've just heard. While it was common knowledge in Beacon that Jaune Arc was a magnet for trouble, he never actually was ever the instigator of it. It would just happen in his vicinity, always sweeping him into some new mess. Both teacher and student stood frozen still as statues, their features appeared solid like stone. Professor Goodwitch recovered first from the shock thanks to her professionalism and experience as an educator.
"Thank you Chief Hawkins for informing us the details behind the… peculiar arrest of Mr. Arc, but if you would please hurry us along to Mr. Arc's cell, so that I may be spared of any more pain from his… revealing nature."
"I understand Ms. Goodwitch, but ya don't need to fret. We're already close by." He reassured the professor.
Nora was finally able to recover from her hysterical laughter, and rejoined the group. "Forget everything I said before! Jaune's got the biggest kahunas around, they gotta be so big he must need a wheelbarrow to carry them around! There's nothing that can stop him now!"
"I don't know bout that littler lady. Our special Huntsman holding cell would beg to differ which also happens to be just through that door right there." He pointed to the rusty iron door in front of them.
That woke Pyrrha up from her trance. She rushed to the door blocking her beloved partner from her. Pyrrha was both eager and anxious to see him, she had been worrying about his well being for the better part of the evening. Now that she was so close to Jaune, she just wanted to bring him safely to their dorm room. Where he'd have to rely on her to take care of him. She would soothe away all his pain, trouble, and worries. As well as any of his… needs. (If it ended up with a peek at his hidden long sword, then it couldn't be helped.)
The first thing Pyrrha saw in the compact room was the bars. They were thick and shone as if brand new which contrasted the drab, worn walls of the cell. They formed a wall in the center, effectively splitting the already small room into two, and on the other side was Jaune. He was sitting carefree on a bench, laughing earnestly while leaning heavily on a shorter, spikey haired man that she assumed was the Cloud he mentioned earlier.
"Jaune! It's wonderful to see that you'r-" Pyrrha was suddenly cut off from a strong impact behind her. She ended up ungracefully knocked to the ground.
Nora burst into the room explosively like a bomb. "JAUNE-JAUNE! There you are buster! We're here to bust you outta this joint!"
Jaune turned his head towards her and squinted. "Nooora? Man, am I glad ta see you! Dish club sucks! They won't give us any drinks, how we supposed to keep the party going if we can't drink. Ya gotta get me outta here!" He whined.
"Well duh! That's what we came here for!" She hit the side of her head playfully. "Even when you're drunk, you're still the same silly Jaune-Jaune. Now stand back, I'm going to show my awesomeness and get you out." Nora then slightly bent her knees, spit into her hands, and rubbed them vertically excessively. She fiercely thrusted her palms forward facing the cell door and spoke the sacred words to her trick.
For a few seconds nothing happened, just Nora holding her pose with complete confidence, Jaune waiting excitedly for Nora's 'awesomeness' to work while Pyrrha was wondering just why she was still on the floor and when did Nora learn how to do magic? And Cloud? The doofus who questionably could be called an adult was looking at the pretty stones in his sword. Pyrrha could vaguely hear him saying something like ghosts living inside his Materia and coolest thing since the ShintraNet. Not that she understood what any of that really meant. Suddenly as if by magic, the door to the cell creaked open slowly. Naturally this blew the intoxicated leader's mind. Pyrrha was unfazed, she was long used to the insanity her everyday life now held.
"Woooaahh!" Jaune walked out his prison slowly with every fiber of his being full of awe for his explosive teammate. "Howda ya do that Nora? Iffa knew you could do stuff like that, then I would've sent ya an invite to the party. Yerr like a wizard!"
"Pul-ease~ If I couldn't do this much, then I couldn't call myself Queen of the Castle." Nora brushed it off like it was nothing. "Always gotta show off all the clout I got to my loyal subjects!" She said while flexing.
Cloud poked his head out of the door. "Somebody called? No? Awww." He retreated back to his comfy cell.
"Yerr like suuuper seriously amazing Nora! You were already the strongest on the team, I mean look at ya carrying Ren on your back like ish nothin, but now ya can do magic too!" Jaune just kept going with the compliments. "It must hurt havin to carry sha whole team on your back!"
"Ohhh stop." Nora was just eating up all of Jaune's praises. "But don't actually, keep admiring your queen, silly jester."
"Yerr so great! Where eva ya are, you always make everything be more fun and alive! Nothing's boring with you around!" He shouted with his hands outstretched like he couldn't contain the energy in his body. "Ya always try ya best for us and help us in ya own way." A contemplative expression appeared on Jaune's face. "Heya Nora, ya wanna know sooomethin real inteereessting I just realized?"
"Hmm, your awesome queen has been pleased with your compliments and will allow you to speak. So, let's hear it Jaune-Jaune!"
"Thinking bout all this hash made me think of ya differently. Like in a different light."
"Oh yeah, so how are you thinking of me now?"
Without a trace of his slur, Jaune replied smoothly. "Like you are a beautiful woman, Nora." Jaune then walked straight, confidently towards the ginger bomber. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are? How much joy and vibrance that you always spread? The kindness you give to your friends even if they don't understand it right away?"
Nora was shocked. Her eyes wide and mouth open in disbelief at what she was seeing and hearing. Funny enough, Pyrrha was mirroring her expression perfectly. What the f-fuck. Where did the goofy Jaune go? The Jaune that fumbled his words and radiated happiness and innocence like a child. Where was his slur and shaky body that had seemed to be constantly wobbling. The boy, no man, in front of her was way too suave to be her partner. He moved too fluidly and too in control of himself as if all his doubts had fled, leaving behind that self-assured confidence he only had recently grown in combat.
Jaune's flirtatious assault kept going and so did he. Nora slowly backed away from him to keep the distance, for what reason she didn't know. Perhaps it was from the shock of seeing a radically different side of her leader, or maybe it was her instincts warning her to stay away from this newly uncovered predator.
However, the mighty queen turned prey soon ran out of space in the confined room. Her Ren-Pack hit the wall, and with it came the predator's opportunity. Jaune pounced. He closed the gap almost instantly. Pyrrha let out a gasp at what she witnessed next. What she saw was something she had only seen from those romance comics in Mistral. A scene so aggressive and forward that she never would've believed that Jaune would do. (but one she secretly wished he would to her.)
There Jaune was, using his impressive height, to completely tower over the small ginger and leaned in close, so close that their faces were nearly touching. He had slammed his hand to the wall behind her, using it and his tall stature to prevent any chance of her slipping away. Nora, for the first time since Pyrrha had met her best gal-pal, looked completely and utterly powerless, vulnerable as if she couldn't fight back at all against her partner. Pyrrha was sure that Nora forgot that Jaune was most likely still drunk and not able to fight, but with the way he was acting, even Pyrrha found it hard to believe that he had been drunk at all.
"Hey Nora…" Jaune's voice was deep, low, and dripping with sensuality. Pyrrha had to strain her ears to hear what he was saying. "You want to know something interesting I just realized?"
Nora slowly swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yeah J-Jaune, l-let's hear it…" She uncharacteristically stuttered.
"People are alway comparing you to lightning. Saying how destructive you can be, how fast you can move, and how spontaneous you are, but they're forgetting the best and most obvious similarity…" Jaune brought his lips dangerously close to Nora's ear. "Just like lightning, you're positively electrifying!
Nora let out a gasp, but Jaune wasn't finished. "Your curvy, sexy body and that brilliant one of a kind personality together shock every fiber of my being! Every moment with you is exhilarating, you arouse feelings I never knew I had. All I ask now is..." He then moved his head back, and gave Nora one of the most intense stares Pyrrha had ever seen. "Do you feel the same way about me?"
"I-I…" Nora Valkyrie was totally defeated by the change in her Fearless Leader. That was plain as day for Pyrrha to see. From the fact that she couldn't respond clearly to the huge, red blush she had. At this rate, the young Valkyrie would be devoured by the wolf hiding in rabbit's clothing. Pyrrha turned to her combat professor to see if she could help, but she was busy discussing the terms of release with the police chief and filling out the proper paperwork. Knowing that she was Nora's only hope, Pyrrha rose to what she hoped was a commanding stance and steeled herself all in an attempt to save her teammate.
"Jaune Arc!" Pyrrha bellowed strongly. She could not afford to show any weakness lest she end up in the same state. "What in the name of the Brothers are you doing?!"
"Pyrrha…" He drawled her name using that alluring voice. Oh no. "My precious partner. I was wondering where you had been." Just hearing her name had made her knees feel weak. No! She couldn't falter now! She was a champion! She would defeat all those that would challenge her place on the top.
"I'm not sure what has gotten into you, but you must cease this behavior at once! Can't you see how uncomfortable you're making Nora feel. Let's not forget that fact that you still ended up in jail too!"
"Nothing's gotten in me. I feel great as always, just living the life of the party. Also, I'm confident that Nora isn't feeling anything close to bad. Ain't that right No-ra~" Nora was breathing deeply and looked out of it. Before she could attempt an actual reply, Jaune set his sights on the 'Invincible Girl.' "But I can't believe it. Here you've been the whole time neglected even though you've probably been worried sick. Don't worry, I'll give you what you need…"
Pyrrha froze. That was the mistake which led to her downfall. Jaune took advantage of that moment of weakness. Before Pyrrha realized it, Jaune had disappeared from his position with Nora and a strong, firm arm had grabbed her waist possessively which then pulled her close to an equally sturdy chest. Pyrrha was now trapped in the predator's clutches, but she refused to fall to it's sweet words. Not like this!
"Jaune, l-let go of me. The party is over. We need to go back to Beacon."
"But Pyrrha…" He was doing it again, but their close proximity made it oh so much worse. "The night is still young. I've yet to properly show my appreciation to my precious partner. The person who first believed in me, the Huntress who always conquers the battlefield that leads the charge for Team JNPR, and…" Noooo. He was giving her those eyes, those blue orbs within him filled with such intensity and passion that they left Pyrrha weak. "The beautiful, angelic woman who has supported me every step of the way."
"I-I am sure you can show your appreciation tomorrow. I-I insist that you release me J-Jaune!" She weakly said. Pyrrha attempted to break Jaune's grasp by pushing against his chest, but she just couldn't muster up the strength.
"I can't do that. Not when you haven't understood how incredible you really are. A champion that crushes all of her opposition with breathtaking grace, yet a humble woman that will always nurture her loved ones with a smile so radiant that it could be seen as holy."
Pyrrha had underestimated her opponent. She thought she could stand against her leader, but having his full attention was extremely overpowering. This was the first time in her life that she had been defeated so thoroughly and overwhelmingly, yet was also feeling so intoxicated, and wasn't that ironic. Pyrrha's eyes became lidded while her heart was beating erratically. All she could feel was the burning heat underneath her skin. Pyrrha Nikos surrendered herself to her partner's whims, this was Jaune's undeniable victory.
A loud shout broke the suffocating atmosphere and the trance Jaune had placed. "Yoouuu blonde bastaaard! You're really pulling this bullshiiiit again!" Cloud reappeared on the scene, his sour mood now the complete opposite of the joy he had earlier. "Greeeat. Now the party really is over, I'm starting to sober up cuz of you. Thanks a lot, party pooper."
Jaune growled warningly at his friend. "Shtay out of this, Cloud! I'm keeping the party going all night. Ain't no way I'mma pooper!"
"No Mr. Arc, I believe that your night is over." Before he could do anything, Jaune was lifted to the air and stuck suspended. Face to face, Glynda Goodwitch had a terribly disappointing frown reserved for her student. "I must say Mr. Arc, this conduct of yours is both inappropriate and unbecoming of a future Huntsman. Do you feel any shame at your actions, or at the trouble it has created not only for me, but your team who has been concerned for you all night." The professor's glare showed no mercy and demanded answers. "Well Mr. Arc, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Jaune blinked slowly at his intimidating combat instructor as if he wasn't comprehending what he was seeing. Then it was just like he suddenly got it. Pyrrha swore she saw a lightbulb flash over his head.
"Heeeyy Professor! How's it hanging! Whatcha doing here at a club? You know how to have a good time? Thought that a woman's needs nevah existed in you, that ya loved your job so much, you didn't need nuthin else. Huh, gueeess I wash wrong. Now I owe Nep 20 Lien, or wash it Sun? Hmmm."
("...I fucked up…I fucked up real bad.")
("You sure did, Fearless Leader!")
"Hell yeah! Fun Jaune is back! Let's get the drinks... coming..." Cloud's voice died once he saw Jaune suddenly rocketed around the room by a powerful, unseen force. He hit every wall, the floor, and ceiling at neck breaking speeds. Eventually, the ragdolling ceased and a barely awake blob that resembled Jaune Arc was flopped out on the ground. What Pyrrha found surprising was that there was no trace of the abuse in the room's walls at all! It really was a Huntsman grade cell.
"Hmph. How unfortunate, but it seems Mr. Arc has fallen unconscious from over consumption. Chief Hawkins?" The officer stood ramrod straight after seeing that display, only showing nothing less than courtesy and respect. "Everything has been taken care of, and my foolish student is now released back into Beacon's custody, correct?"
"Y-Yes ma'am, they're both free to go."
"Excellent. Come along Team JNPR, let us return to Beacon." The professor went towards the door.
"W-Wait a sec." Oh her partner still had the strength to speak. He was barely able to lift his head. "Ya gotta… briiing Cloud with ush too… Professor." Jaune weakly told her.
"And why is that Mr. Arc?" Professor Goodwitch challenged with a raised eyebrow.
Jaune grew the smuggest smirk she had ever seen. "Because… Cloud's ya new combat class ashishtant." He then passed out. His forehead smacked the hard floor like a brick.
Cloud grew excited on the other hand."You're my new boss?! Wow! Can't believe you want to get introductions done so soon! You sure are committed to your job. Name's Cloud Strife." He extended his hand out to shake, but the attempt looked quite silly from how much he was swaying.
The professor narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "...Who hired you?"
"The old pedo in the white tower! You know, the one who likes young girls? Good to know that the two of us have nothing to worry about, right?"
It seemed that that was the end of the professor's patience as she just suddenly used her Semblance on both blondes and walked out, the two drunks unwillingly following her in the air. Not wanting to be left behind, Pyrrha and Nora recovered their wits and swiftly followed behind. Soon, the group was back outside and everything seemed to be in control. Until Professor Goodwitch dropped her charges onto the sidewalk and promptly walked away towards the airship docks.
"Professor, are you not going to help us get them back to Beacon."
"On the contrary Ms. Nikos, I believe I have done more than enough for them. It should be a simple task for you two to carry them back. I will deal with them tomorrow lest my temper gets the best of me, so be sure to inform them that I will see them in my office no later than three. She waved her hand and went home. "Farewell Team JNPR, it has been an… eventful night."
Well… This was just grand. No better time to start than the present as they say. Pyrrha lugged her leader on her back while Nora just dragged the still awake Cloud. Off they went back to the dorm. Sometimes Pyrrha wondered whether Team RWBY ever had to deal with stuff like this.
o()xx[{::::::::::::::::::::: o()xx[{:::::::::::::::::::::
"We managed to get you guys back here, and you know the rest." Pyrrha finished her tale.
An older voice cut in unexpectedly. "So that's what happened. Didn't end in us getting chased out of a village, so this makes it better than last time."
"Cloud, you're up! How do you feel?" Jaune said.
"Little out of it, but much better than you. You look like a mess. Still can't hold your liquor, same as ever."
"Yeah, this is why I don't drink. Never worth the hangover. How come you always end up pretty much fine? Feels pretty unfair, if you ask me." He complained.
"Blame my biology." Cloud shrugged. "My cells just get rid of alcohol faster than normal." He then smirked. Great, he was feeling good enough to talk smack. "That's not all they're good for, they make me stronger than you as well."
"That might be true, but you know what they don't help you with?" Jaune fired back. Hungover or not, Jaune wouldn't take a shot from Cloud lying down. "Getting a date. I've never seen you get lucky with a lady at the bar, always just those 'special looks' from the other team."
"That's it!" Cloud's fuse seemed to burn shorter, guess he was still feeling something after all. Too bad that meant he was now heading towards Jaune.
Luckily, Ren was there to stop him. "As entertaining as this is, but could you please introduce yourself before murdering our bedridden leader?" He politely asked.
Cloud snapped at the lazy ninja. "Fine. Name's Cloud Strife, I'm that soon-to-be-corpse's cousin."
"Thank you, I'm Lie Ren."
"Hello again! It's nice to properly meet you, I'm Pyrrha Nikos.
"A member of our Fearless Leader's huge family? Cool! The greatest side character has appeared, how will he change the legendary story of Team JNPR? Hopefully, it'll be more awe-some~! Oops, almost forgot! I'm Nooora Valkyrie!"
Cloud sized each one of them up. What he felt from meeting them, Jaune didn't know. "We all buddy-buddy now? Great. It's time for your second date with my sword, Jaune. Better hope it ends better than the last."
Shit. He needed another distraction, something, anything, that would keep his squishy stomach from meeting with that hunk of metal. He'd end going for round three on spewing chunks. Wait, hunk of metal? Cloud's sword…? That's it!
"H-Hey hey guys," Jaune quickly blurted out. "Did you know that Cloud is actually Professor Goodwitch's assistant? He's going to be helping out with Combat class.
"Really, that's awesome!" Nora suddenly popped in front of Cloud, blocking his path. "Does that mean you'll show us your workout plan? I mean, I thought I was strong, but you carry that oversized sword around like it's nothing! Maybe the best way to get into a bar fight? Or how about pissing off Professor Goodwitch in less than five second?" Nora excitedly rambled.
Pyrrha and Ren did not share the same feeling. While not doubtful, they did feel some cautious curiosity. "So what you said last night to the professor was true, Jaune? That would explain why he is here, but that reminds me, is your head all cleared up now? I'm sorry, but could you perhaps explain what happened yesterday? You are looking much healthier now!" Pyrrha said.
It was true, now that he took a moment to focus on his body. He was feeling better, guess all he needed was for his body to get some rest. Yep, that's it. He refused to believe it had been from Ren's slimy gunk. No way, otherwise Ren would just make more and make him his guinea pig taste tester.
"You're right, sorry about that guys. It looks like it's time for me to do storytime now, I'll clear everything up. So I guess it all started yesterday when I went to go get some comics." Jaune began.
With that, the blonde leader regaled them with a quick recap of the unexpected reunion with his 'cousin.' Jaune couldn't tell his friends everything, so he just stuck with the story they told Ozpin, and if he left some minor details out, well they weren't going to hurt anyone.
"Then we went to go out and drink. I think you guys know what happened next."
"It sounds like you sure had a busy and interesting Saturday." Ren amusingly said to his leader before posing a question to Cloud. "So Mr. Strife, how long do you think you will be staying with us? It'll be a little cramped with five people."
"None of that mister crap. It's not my style. Just call me Cloud." Cloud waved off all that formality. "I'll be staying until I can get back the stolen package. Shouldn't take more than a couple of days, but knowing our track record, it'll probably be a few weeks."
Jaune just couldn't help himself. "Well, if a certain dumb blonde hadn't lost everything the minute they got here, then there wouldn't be any trouble now would there?"
"Wow Jaune, you still want to open that big mouth of yours? Fine, I'll just have to remind you why you're a dumb blonde too." He warned his fellow blonde.
"Go ahead, I've got nothing to be scared of." Jaune boldly said. After all, there were plenty of things that Cloud knew that would embarrass him, but Jaune also knew some that did the same. Jaune was used to being the butt of the joke, he could deal with some embarrassment, Cloud was just bluffing.
"Gold. Saucer."
No no no no! Anything, but that!"Cloud, how could you?! You swore you'd never bring that up ever again! You're a backstabbing bastard." Arghh, the memories! They were surfacing from the deep dark recesses of his head where he had buried them. The first time he went to Gold Saucer. The hidden Entertainment Square… His debt… And worst of all the frenzied, aged hands of needy widows.
"I'm the backstabber?!" He yelled back, clearly offended. "You have the balls to say that to my face! You're the one who keeps bringing up my blocked memories Rabbit's Foot! This is me just returning the favor.
"Screw you Thunderhead!" Jaune shouted before suddenly feeling numb like all his anger was being washed away.
"What the hell is this?" When Jaune looked at Cloud, he noticed that his body was stripped of any color and left a dreary gray. The emotions looked to be slowly leaving him as well.
The culprit Ren peacefully intervened. "Alright, let's just calm down now." His Semblance was in effect and put a stop before their fight turned ugly
"Thank you Ren. This is what's going to happen." Pyrrha laid down the law firmly. "Ren will stop using his Semblance, you two will behave, and then we'll all eat the food Ren and Nora kindly brought from the cafeteria. It'll be a nice late lunch! Do you think you can do that?" She challenged the two of them.
"Yes, Pyrrha." Jaune answered neutrally.
"Yeah." Cloud replied in the same tone.
What happened was exactly how Pyrrha described it. Jaune and Cloud hadn't thrown a single jab at each other, both verbal and physical. Why? Because even though she was the team's smothering mother hen, when she put her foot down, there wasn't any stopping her. You either listened or suffered the consequences. Right now, Jaune sure didn't feel like taking one of her heart crushing gazes. The kind of look that just screamed how disappointed in you they are.
So Jaune just enjoyed the food with his team and Cloud. They talked and joked around, just enjoying each other's company. By this point, the lingering effects of his hangover were gone, and he could just keep having a good time. He wished that this wouldn't ever end. He desperately kept praying and hoping his wish would come true because when he looked at the time, it was a quarter till 3.
Was it too late to go back to jail?
Can we get some Fs in the chat for Jaune? It's not gonna be looking great for him next chapter. Speaking of which, god damn. My pacing feels so off, like planned for this to be a short story, but I've covered two days in only four chapters. Yep, we're finishing up Sunday in the next chapter where we'll meet again with Team RWBY! Wonder what they'll be talking about now hmmm? Anyways, I'll try and get the next chapter up sooner, but in the last chapter I said I was starting to go back to 'work.' And then I found out the next day that I was starting schools. I graduate Thursday. So, I have to start actually working on Friday. Ugghh. Well time for me to peace out yo. Hope y'all enjoyed Drunk Jaune!