Sorry for the wait, I had some personal matters to attend to. Anyways, lets get right to it.

'internal thoughts'

"Normal conversation"

Naruto dashed towards A and B with a low stance while simultaneously performing hand seals and jumped in the air.

"Katon: Karyuu Endan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Blast)"

He exhaled a huge fire ball in shape of a dragons head which was thrice his size at the duo causing them to jump away from each other.

Naruto focused on A and fell from the sky with an axe kick aim right at his head. A, instead of dodging, chose to block the attack by raising his hands in a X formation above his head, catching the kick on his arms and cratering the ground beneath him. The strength from the kick caused him to buckle and fall on his knees, not expecting the attack to be this stronger powerful.

Naruto backfliped from his position and landed few meters away from A, B meanwhile had decided not to interfere yet.

"That was a good block" Naruto praised "considering one of your arm is broken, you still managed to get it up in time, those are some good reflexes you have"

"I was not expecting your attack to be this powerful" A remarked "You are deceptively stronger than you look".

Naruto smirked and got back into a fighting stance, motioning A to bring it on, who readily complied by dashing towards him.

Both of them fought for a couple of minutes using only their raw strength and hand to hand skills, but it was becoming very clear as they fought on that Naruto was having an upper hand as A was only fighting with his left arm.

He steadily began to push A back while also increasing his speed and strength. Pretty soon A was on the defensive, blocking his punches and dodging when he could, it was clear now who among them would win if this continued.

As Naruto threw a punch with his right hand, aiming straight for A's face, who raised his left arm in defense, Naruto smirked and faster than eyes could follow, threw a chop at his throat. A widened his eyes as he saw this and attempted to jump back but knew it was too late, so he decided to take the hit by reinforcing his neck with chakra as a last ditch effort. But it was not needed as this was the moment that B chose to interfere.

B appeared in the blind spot of Naruto and made a horizontal slash at his back with his two swords. There was a screeching sound, similarly to two swords grind against each other while sparks flew from the point where the swords met Naruto's skin.

"Normal sword attacks like those even won't peirce my skin" Naruto informed as he halted his attack on A's throat and jumped back to gain some distance from both of them "Its an advanced form of chakra manipulation and control, stacking layers of chakra just below the skin to make it neigh impenetrable, See..." he continued as he showed them his back and sure enough there wasn't even a scratch on him only torn cloth.

Naruto raised a finger pointing at B and motioned him to attack. B gladly obliged and rushed towards Naruto with his swords raised and slashing down towards him, Naruto side-steped the attack by few inches with no visible struggle, B kept on attacking with his swords, using as much speed and strength he could muster but each time his attacks were dodged by hairs breadth. This went on for several minutes, B was now getting very annoyed of Naruto dodging all his attacks and not retaliating even when he purposefully gave him openings to do so. His attacks, which earlier were precise and skillful, were now get very chaotic and ragged. He had completely forsaken diffense and was single mindedly attacking Naruto with everything he got.

After few more minutes, Naruto finally got bored of dodging and abruptly stopped, B seeing his chance readied his blades and lunged at Naruto's throat, intending to behead him, but it was not to be. Naruto raised his index finger, which was covered black-red chakra, and halted both the blades in their tracks with it.

B looked on in shock as both his blades were stopped by a single raised finger. Silence fell on the battlefield as everyone looked in utter shock and disbelief. "Now, it's my turn" Naruto announced as he raised his other hand and made a single hand sign. The surrounding was filled with the sound of chirping birds as from his raised hand a sword made of lightning appeared.

"Chidori Katana"

With that said he slashed his hand from B's shoulder to his hip. "B!!!" A shouted as he entered his lighting armor mode and dashed towards Naruto with his fist raised and slammed it to where Naruto was standing. There was a loud crash as the ground cratered under A's punch, as the smoke from the punch cleared, A was seen holding a badly wounded B with Naruto standing several feets away from them.

"Don't worry, I didn't cut him too deep" Naruto reassured, "besides, that's hardly enough to take down a jinchuriki".

A looked shocked that Naruto had discovered B's secret so easily, he looked back and nodded at B, allowing him to use the beasts chakra to heal himself.

"How did you know that, thats a top secret information?" A asked as he entered his lightning chakra mode again and prepared to fight him, meanwhile B had entered the first stage of his tailed beast transformation, his body was surrounded by bubbling translucent red chakra, there were 8 tails waving behind him, almost like they had a mind of their own, on his head were 2 horns made of the same translucent chakra, as his transformation finished the wounds had all but healed, leaving not even a scar behind.

"When he was fighting me, he started leaking small amounts of the biju's chakra as he got more and more frustrated. Its was miniscule but i was able to sense it none the less" Naruto replied and entered a fighting stance and activated his own lighting chakra mode, the "Chidori armor", it was similar in function to A's lightning armor, as it provided Physical augmentation along with extremely enhanced reflexes by stimulating the nervous system and empowering the muscles.

"Enough chit-chat, now that the warm-up is over it's time to get serious, I hope you don't disappoint me, I haven't even activated my sharingan yet" Naruto continued.

"I assure you we won't" A replied, Naruto just grunted and stayed still "Guess I'll start" with that Naruto dissappeared from thier sight with a low boom.

A looked around in surprise until he spoted a blur moving towards B, who had yet to notice it, A only found him so quickly because of the nerve augmentation provided to him by the lightning chakra armor, he was about to warn B but it was already too late, Naruto was in front of B in a heart beat with his right arm covered in electricity, delivering a devastating open palm strike to his chest.

"Chidori" Naruto called out his technique and no sooner the words left his mouth, B was blasted off to the other side of the battlefield with a loud Crack followed by a boom, no doubt cracking his rib cage from the force and speed of the strike.

A dashed towards Naruto's position to engaged him in close combat. Both were moving too fast for a naked eye to follow, the only evidence of them even being present were the booming sound of their fists crashing against each other and the streaks of lighting they left behind when they moved.

In the beginning, A was defending and attacking excellently, considering he was only using a single arm but as the fight dragged on it was becoming clear to him that Naruto was faster and stronger than him even in his lightning armor mode and within few moments he was completely on the defensive. Naruto was attacking him just fast enough so that he would not have time to launch a counter attack, Naruto didn't even take advantage of the openins offered by B's useless arm but he didn't give him space to rest either, if A tried to move away Naruto would be on him the next instance, giving him no breathing room.

As Naruto was about to land a solid hit on A's face he notices a red streak moving towards him, he immediately disengaged A and jumped back to gain distance, no sooner he did that the red streak crashed into his previous position, throwing up dirt and debrie and covering it from Naruto's view.

As the dust settled, the red figured was revealed to be B in his version 2 Biju transformation. Where the 1st transformation only had a translucent shroud of red chakra away from his skin this 2nd transformation was more tightly wound around B, almost like a second skin, covering his entire body. His facial features had also being hidden, covered by the same red chakra in shape of a bull, along with the solid 8 tails his body had also gained mass.

"Its over for you now" A boasted "B has complete control over his Biju and its transformation, even I have some difficulty facing him in this form and its not even his final form!!!"

"You are forgetting that I am an Uzumaki as well as an Uchiha, my clans invented subjugating and sealing the biju's, defeating one is not beyond the scope of my abilities" with that Naruto deactivated his chidori armor and removed a pair of gloves from his pouch and wore them on each of his hand, while he was doing this B had started to grow a Bull shaped skull on his arm and A had rested enough to join the fight.

B started to run in Naruto's direction followed closely by A, they had finally decided to team up and take him on. As they neared him both extended one of their towards each other shouting.

"Double Lariat"

By the time they reached Naruto, he had already finished performing hand seals and was slamming his hands on the ground.

"Hyoton: Hyƍheki (Ice release: Ice wall) "

With a low rumble, a huge wall of ice 10 feet in length and 4 feet in thickness sprung up from the ground in front of him. It was too late for A and B to stop so they both crashed through the wall with a thunderous Crack throwing ice in every direction.

A looked around in surprise and found Naruto standing several meters away from them.

"How did you do that, create ice out of nothing. Manipulating ice, I can understand since your sharingan may allow you to copy the ice techniques but that would still need an existing source of ice to do that, and we don't how any near us, so how did you do it, do you have hyoton kekai genkai too?"

"Who knows?" Naruto replied with a shrug "maybe i do, maybe I don't, we are shinobis I can't give you my trade secrets now, can i?"

With that Naruto made a single hand seal on individual hand and out of it came an katana made of white ice, he then covered each of his katana with his chakra changing them to black-red in colour.

B gave a loud roar and dashed towards Naruto with his fist pulled back, Naruto readied himself for the attack and got into a low stance. As B's fist was inches away from Naruto's face, he finally moved, there was a bright Crimson flash and Naruto appeared behind B, with their back facing each other.

"Shi Sen Suto (Death by thousand strikes) "

As he finished saying the technique's name his ice katanas broke apart, forming a pile of bloodied ice while B fell face first in the ground at the same time, his Biju transformation ended, revealing a bloodied mess with multitude of slashes covering entirity of his body.

"Take him and leave" Naruto said looking at A, who had an expression of shock on his face, "I've had my fun, continuing this battle will only lead to your death now. The both of you couldn't even force me to use my sharingan while I had to make a conscious effort to not kill you." he continued while walking back to Sakumo, "Both of you have still room to grow, it would be a waste to kill such fine talents" he stopped and faced A again "Grow strong, we will meet again soon, maybe then you'd be a challenge for me" with that Naruto dissappeared with a red flash and appeared besides Sakumo, scaring the he'll out of Yugito as he appeared out of no where.

"Come, lets go back to the village, our work here is done" Sakumo just nodded while Naruto put a hand on his shoulder and again dissappeared in a red flash.

Yugito reached A and B and started to help patch them up. "So we are retreating" it was more of a statement from Yugito than a question.

A just nodded and helped B up "We have no choice, we can't win against him, not right now and anyway. He way stronger than me"

Yugito widened her eyes "Surely you jest, you only lost because you were fighting with only one arm that's the only reason I could see fit" she denied, not believing A would accept defeat so easily.

"It wouldn't have made a difference with both arms either, you saw his speed and strength and he wasn't even using his sharingan, I believe that was him using less than 50% of his power, there is no way I can match up to that, not yet anyways, I know my limits"

Yugito looked shocked as A finished speaking, "We should count ourselves lucky that he is so merciful. If I was in his place with his power, I would have slaughtered everyone" there was silence between them as they walked back to their army "For now, we retreat and inform the raikage of this development. He will decide what to do next", with that they all joined back the army and ordered them to retreat.

The news of Naruto's victory over the Kumo forces had quickly spread through Shimogakure (Village hidden in snow). The village had given both, Naruto and Sakumo, a hero's welcome. There were people on the streets, shinobi and civilians alike, celebrating their victory, chanting their names, thanking and praising them.

The celebrations continued the entire day with food and alcohol being passed around the entire village. The Daimou personally thanked them and declared them as heroes, he even tried to forge a marriage contract with Naruto for his daughter but he was swiftly and respectfully declined, Naruto's reply was "I already have 2 betrothed to me, 3 would be too much, besides I don't think they would be willing to share me with anyone else and I don't plan on making a harem either."

After the celebrations were over, the work for reconstruction of the village had begun, Naruto and the other became busy with it, they also had to remove all the explosive tags and the other traps set as a fail safe in case of their failure.

Daisuke and Kazuo had made lots of friends during their stay at the village, which were a few more weeks till the reinforcement and their replacements arrived. Hiruko on the other hand had become a recluse and spent most of his time alone, blaming his lack of any talent for his failure. Naruto had tried to confront and help him but he would always be turned away or ignored.

Xxx Few weeks later xxX

The backup arrived and Naruto and the others were more than happy to transfer their duties to them and return back home. They had stayed away from the village long enough and were feeling home sick now.

Naruto had decided to use his Hiraishin marker to teleport them all back to the village.

So after saying their goodbyes they were all gathered at they village gate, waiting for Naruto to finish his sealing array.

"So you mean this will teleport back to the village" Daisuke asked in disbelief.

"Yes" Naruto answered without looking up from his place on the ground.

"Then why didn't you just teleport us here from Konoha?" Kazuo asked.

"I couldn't" Naruto replied "For this technique to work there must be a sealing marker present at the location I want to teleport to and since I had not visited Shimo before there was no marker here"

"Why didn't you then teleport to Konoha and bring backup when we needed them? " Hiraku asked with some anger in his voice.

"I can't teleport so many people, the chakra required for that type of technique is enormous, teleporting the four of us in itself is quite a risk, I have never done this before." Naruto replied as he finished up his sealing array.

"Is this dangerous then?" Sakumo asked motioning to the array.

"No, I have calculated each of your chakra and programed it appropriately in the array" Naruto explained "lf I were to do it without this array then it would have been dangerous"

Everyone looked unsure and afraid now.

"Trust me everything will be alright" He reassured them "Just step into the array and form a circle by holding each other's arm"

After much deliberation, Sakumo was the first to step into it, nodding at Naruto while doing so, he was followed by the other three shortly after.

"Good, now holds each others hands and don't let go else you will all be disintegrated" swallowing a lump in their throat they followed his instructions and held onto one another.

From his position in the centre of the array Naruto finished completing the required hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground

"Let's go!!!, Hiraishin no jutsu ( Flying Thunder God)"

There was a Crimson light and they all disappeared in a flash.

Xxx Near Konoha Entrance Gate xxX

The ground infront of the gates glowed for a bit then an sealing array similar to the one in the Shimo burned into its place. This was immediately noticed by the guards near the gates so they surrounded that area and sent an message about it to the hokage.

The area was then immediately saturated with dense chakra causing the guards to fall on their knees due to its pressure, then there was a sudden flash of red colour and 5 people appeared in it, 4 standing in a circle and the fifth kneeling on the ground catching his breath. They were again surrounded, this time by Konoha anbu with their swords drawn.

"Stand down!" Sakumo commanded taking charge and stepping forward, "I am Sakumo Hatake, a jounin of Konoha. We are returning from a mission.." he then explained the circumstances of their arrival and introduced everyone "... and this is Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha" he finished.

As soons as Naruto's name was spoken they immediate sheathed thier weapons and apologized then just as quickly they held up the unconscious and vanished with a Shunshin (Body flicker).

"That was weird" Daisuke commented while holding up Naruto "It was as if they were scared witless as soon as they heard Naruto's name"

"Are you ok?" Sakumo asked Naruto while helping him walk inside the village gates.

"I'm alright" Naruto answered "That technique just used more than half of my chakra. I was not prepared for that"

Sakumo nodded, "All of you return to your homes, I'll debrief the Hokage and take Naruto to the hospital, you can come later to submit your reports at the office" all of them nodded, said their goodbyes and parted ways.

As Naruto and Sakumo were walking through the village towards the hokage tower they could see and hear many of the people pointing towards them and speaking in hushed tones, many waved and smiled at them respect and admiration while others looked away with fear.

Naruto was itching to interrogate one of the villagers for information but Sakumo wasn't having any of that, he made Naruto walk faster to distract him and avoid him causing unnecessary scene.

After entering the office and briefing the third on the mission, he was most impressed by Naruto's strength to say the least, it wasn't everyday a young boy like him won against an army, 2 S-class shinobi, one of whom was a Jinchuriki and the other a future candidate for becoming a Raikage.

After discussing the mission for few more minutes, the hokage personally paid them their mission pay as the mission went from A-class to S-class because all S class mission pay was usually handled by the hokage himself. The hokage then ordered them a few days of rest.

As Naruto was about to leave, Sarutobi stopped him and threw a book at him which Naruto caught with no trouble, he looked at the hokage with an raised eye brow.

"Its a bingo book" He answered "It contains all known information of black-listed ninjas. It's basically like a bounty book, high ranking village officials collect information on infamous nanjas and publish it here then they put bounty on those ninjas"

Naruto nodded he already knew all of that,

"But why are you giving it to me?"

"Open page 94" the hokage replied

Naruto obliged and opened the said page, he immediately widened his eyes at seeing his face on it.

"Congrats, looks like you have become very famous"

Naruto ignored him and looked at a photo of him of with his 2 ice katanas and begun reading.

"Name: Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha.

Bingo Book Rank: S-rank.

Nicknames: Akagami no Naruto.

Information : Is an Jounin of Hidden Leaf village, original homeland is Uzushio. Is affiliated with the Uzumaki and Uchiha clan. Is said to be a descendent Madara Uchiha. He considers himself peace-loving and would usually give you a chance to retreat as an act of mercy.

Abilities:Is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, strength comparable and exceeds that of Tsunade Senju of the Sanins. Is believed to be a master swordsman too. Has enormous chakra reserves and Is extremely well-versed in fire and lighting manipulation, has a lightning armor similar to A of Kumogakure but his is faster and stronger, it also has a certain sound of chirping birds associated with it. He may also posses other chakra nature but that is inconclusive. He also posses the "Hyoton (Ice release)", but if it's an kekkai genkai or not, it's not yet known. He may also posses the sharingan but was not seen welding it against 2 S-class Shinobi in a fight, possibly because he didn't need it. Is extremely skilled in sealing and barrier techniques, he also posses an ability to solidify his chakra into weapons like katana.

These were most of the abilities he displayed but he may have many more of them he has yet to use, so causion is advised.

Threat Level:Flee on sight, do not engage, alone or in groups, under any circumstances unless absolutely necessary or a kage level shinobi is with you. Retreat is advised in case of an inevitable conflict.

Rewards: 5 billion Ryo.

Naruto finished reading and returned the book to the hokage.

"So, do you have the Hyoton?" Sarutobi asked, excited at the prospect of a new bloodline in Konoha.

Naruto smirked and walked out of the room "Who knows, guess you'll have to find out".

He was not even 5 steps out of the hokage building when a black blur crashed into him.

Naruto had already sensed it so he was prepared for it.

"Mikoto" he breathed out " And I thought Kushina was the emotional one"

She didn't speak, just kept on hugging him tightly. Naruto sighed and flashed them back to their apartment, by now she had gotten used the feeling of teleportation so the hiraishin didn't affect her much anymore.

Naruto picked her up bridal style and walked to her bedroom and laid down on her bed with a her.

"I was worried you'll not make it back" she finally spoke "When I heard about the situation you were in, I requested to be sent on the backup unit but the hokage rejected it. I really thought I will lose you" she continued while sniffing back tears.

"I am truly touched that you worry about me so much but you shouldn't be so concerned, I am quite capable of protecting my self and others, Just believe in me and I will always come back to you all when everything is said and done" with that he gave a light kiss on her forehead, "enough about that now, where is Kushina by the way?"

Mikoto got comfortable in his arms and laid her head on his chest "She just left on a mission yesterday, she'll not be back for few days"

Naruto hummed and closed his eyes.

"I heard were going to take her on a date before your mission came up" she inquired

"Yes, it was her condition actually. She would train my students in my absence and I would take her on a date in exchange, I would have done that even if she didn't train them. All she had to do was ask"

"So you'll fullfill any of my requests too" she asked.

"Of course" Naruto opened his eyes "Your wish is my command"

"Then I would like to have sex with you" she asked as she straddled him.

Naruto just laid there dumfolded as she began to remove her clothes.

Sorry for the late upload guys, i had just hit a writers block. Hopefully, I would be able to continue successfully now. Anyways, please give your thought on the chapter, it would be much appreciated
