Vile: Time almost seems to slow down during pandemic times, but all we can really do is stay safe. It's been a long time since my last ARMS trailer, and admittedly this is one I had the schematics done for quite some time now. Guess I just never got around to making something out of it until now, but better late than never. Enjoy, folks!

ARMS: A New Sheriff In Town

The glow of the setting sun illuminated the ground of the gulch area that the crowd had gathered to. A dry wind blew, moving a tumbleweed along the dirt. The area was covered in various apparatus that seemed to be used for training: Tires and small boxes, walls with climbing points, a large net, and a few wooden targets strewn about. All of a sudden, a yellow target similar to the ones from Skillshot poofed into existence on the field, moving from left to right. BANG. The sound of a gun was heard before the target was destroyed by a small bolt attached to a wire.

The bolt was then retracted alongside two more, reloading themselves into a blue version of the Tribolt ARM, which was actually attached to the barrel of a green pistol. Said pistol was then twirled by its holder, a man dressed in some kind of police officer's uniform, with a tan shirt with two pockets, brown pants, a dark green tie and shoulder guards, a green belt with a few other supplies on it, two holsters on his back, tan cowboy boots, and a gold badge on his shirt in the shape of two pistols crossed over the typical shape of a police badge. Bringing the pistol to near his head, the brown-bearded man touched the ARM to the brim of his dark green cowboy hat. "Let's ride." He tipped his hat upward to reveal his green eye mask and his brown, unspiraled eyes.


*Gameplay Footage*

Byte and Barq wandered into the Training Gulch, Bullseye accepting their challenge and attacking the robot with his blue Tribolt shots, taking care in order to dodge any of Barq's attacks. With each punching motion of his arms, Bullseye pulled the trigger of one of his pistols, launching his ARMS on an extendable accordion of metal before they did their primary method of attack. Due to all the props around, both fighters sometimes took the chance to duck behind or jump on top of one to avoid attacks, which broke after enough punishment.

While idle, Bullseye twirled one of his pistols, but then he charged them up, the bolts glowing white before being launched again, Byte being frozen from the Ice effect. This let Bullseye launch both ARMS for a grab, pulling Byte toward him before rapidly launching the ARM itself into his face by repeatedly slamming the hammer of one of his pistols when it retracted, the fifth shot knocking Byte away.

Moving to a different battle against Ribbon Girl, Bullseye switched out his ARMS for two new ones resembling black riot shields, which glowed yellow on charge. Launching one of them forward, he began to strafe around The Airess as she punched as the shield, having to put up the other. As he strafed, the shield actually strafed with him, continuously repositioning itself in front of Bullseye. He actually sent one of the shields forward to bash Ribbon Girl, but outside of the Stun effect, it barely even seemed to hurt her.

Bullseye switched his ARMS once more to face off against Mechanica, having equipped a red version of the Revolver ARM, the bullets inside being black with brown tips. A charge made the bullets start glowing orange before they were fired out rapid-fire, the third bullet for each ARM causing a nasty explosion right in front of Mechanica. Bullseye seemed to be gritting his teeth as he kept firing.

Once again fighting Byte and Barq, Bullseye fired off another shot with his Tribolt, but then he pulled the hammer back, causing the ARM to immediately retract without firing a shot. Byte had already committed to his attempted dodge jump, allowing a second shot to hit him out of the air. Bullseye continued using this tactic, throwing punches with his pistols and immediately retracting them to fool the robot into taking actual hits, though Byte sometimes just guarded rather than dodge, leaving himself less open.

During their fight, yellow Skillshot targets would sometimes appear, the fighters' attacks often striking them in the process of going after their foe since hitting the targets didn't slow their ARMS down. Each time one was hit, the one who hit it briefly flashed yellow, the same yellow that signaled a Rush. Eventually, one struck target directly led to Bullseye activating his Rush, pulling the triggers at rapid speed to launch a storm of small missiles from medium range, pummeling Byte like a gatling gun before one last shot of three knocked him flat onto the ground, no HP left to continue the fight. Victory assured, Bullseye twirled his twin pistols before attaching them to his belt (from the sides, not the front), pulling the front of his hat over his eyes.

Name: Bullseye

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Brown, not spiraled

ARMS Material: Ultra Hand-like extendable metal

Title: The Crack Shot

Symbol: Two pistols crossed over a law badge shape.

Victory Pose 1: Twirls his pistols before locking them to the sides of his belt, pulling his hat over his eyes.
Victory Pose 2: Does a combat roll, pointing his guns to his left, then his right, before standing up and lightly pushing his hat up with one of them.

Appearance: Bullseye predominantly wears an official police uniform in typical camouflage colors (green, brown, and tan), his symbol on the chest as an actual badge. While he doesn't possess the ARMS power himself, he does wear a green eye mask, and his brown hair is hidden by a dark green cowboy hat with a brown ring on the top part, though he has a well-kept brown beard. Strapped to his belt are two holsters where he keeps a pair of odd green pistols, and his back has two holsters where attachable ARMS are kept when he's not in battle. The ensemble is completed by a pair of tan cowboy boots.

Personality: Bullseye takes his job seriously, and when he's on business, he's rarely seen smiling. Despite occasionally being a bit of a hardass, Bullseye is known by others to be a very effective officer in the line of duty, as well as a fair individual that gets all sides of a story. His serious attitude still somewhat remains while off-duty, but he is not immune to being amused and smiling, usually just by watching other things unfold. As one of the older ARMS fighters, Bullseye sees potential in the current generation of fighters, showing that his outlook on the ARMS world is overall positive and that his job has not embittered him.

Character: This agent, known as "Bullseye" to his peers (so much so that his real name is rarely used), is a member of law enforcement, but unlike Byte & Barq, he's much higher on the food chain: He is a member of the ARMS world's version of the FBI, the leader of the ARMS Crime Division, a task force created to deal with people who use the ARMS power for criminal means. Though much of the Division has ARMS, Bullseye does not. Instead, he wields a weapon dubbed the "ARMAMENTS", a pair of pistols that can attach to ARMS and be used in place of the power, and Bullseye has mastered the use of these guns. His presence in the ARMS League is strictly business: Known criminals are entering the League, and with Max Brass giving him the permission to operate, he's here to bring them in.

Abilities: Bullseye's ARMAMENTS are capable of throwing fake punches to fool enemies: By quickly pressing Attack again with an ARM that's already extended, he will trigger the retract function immediately, retracting the ARM again and making it ready to fire. Retracting a charged punch will not use up the charge, but using the fake punches too often will jam the function for a while.

Grab: Rapidly fires one ARMAMENT at the opponent at point-blank range four times, using the classic technique of pulling the hammer immediately after each shot, before knocking them away with a fifth shot.

Default ARMS:

Tricicle – An Ice-Element version of Spring Man's Tribolt, firing three freezing projectiles in a horizontal spread. This is Bullseye's primary ARM for non-lethal pursuits.

Blockade – A Stun-Element version Shield ARM designed to look like a riot shield. While it's not very good to attack with, having somewhat reduced damage from other Shields, it keeps positioning itself in front of the user rather than stay where it's launched. Bullseye uses this to provide extra cover on missions.

Rebuster – An Explosion-Element version of the Revolver ARM, firing three exploding bullets one after another. When dealing with particularly violent criminals, Bullseye uses these to shoot to injure or, if the need arises, kill.

Stage: Training Gulch – Bullseye's training range located in what seems to be the Wild West, taking place at sunset. The various props strewn about (tires and small boxes, walls with climbing points, a large net, etc.) provide plenty of things for not just Bullseye, but other fighters to hide behind or jump on. Occasionally, yellow Skillshot targets will appear on the field, and hitting them will give a small boost to your Rush Gauge.

Vile: Can you guys tell that I'm kinda hyped for the ARMS DLC in Smash yet? XD I still think ARMS is an underrated gem that still needed work in order to be a powerhouse, so I hope that Nintendo gives it the chance it truly deserves someday. If you guys liked this trailer, leave a review for me (if any of you care about ARMS, of course). Hopefully my next upload won't take so long. Ja ne for now!

Computer Voice: Vile, logging out.