
This has been on my mind a bit while I was sick (with the flu and not Covid-19, within February and working on part time), and I saw there are hardly any completed fics with this category at all: WFRR (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) and HP (Harry Potter) Crossover.

Now I know what you're thinking: Aeroza, you have a few stories already, you should be working on those, even correcting the errors you made (which I plan to do eventually, before a new chapter pops up).

The thing is, I have folks and do expect them at least either in End of May to End if July for more (as I am also going to update/post the others whenever I get a chance). I did give ya guys 4 new chapters based on the full 1st movie within the "Golden Dragon", didn't I? Also a new chapter to "SMHP4". There is also going to be updates to most of my fics as after this is posted, Zerina and a few others will be nearly done or so within the time frame, alongside the next "Bizarre" adventure for our favorite character within Beauty and the Witch Sister: Morgana, as all I have to say on that is I plan to add my own twist of things while keeping the plot somewhat the same, again, and leave it at that.

Also, I noticed that one PM told me about my sentences, and all I have to say is that I barely have any help at all (to remind you guys), and most of the time it's only myself as such. Plus it's my own category of writing technique that makes me, well… Me. And I tend to also rectify my mistakes (which those that follow would know from the App the site offers for Phones or the Site itself) would know I do fix and update my stories, as each story is deemed my part of my hobby coming to life and also letting you all enjoy as all at the site, has real lives as well, and writing stories is what we also do here on Fanfiction, especially since the Covid-19 Virus going on.

Now there will be no warnings or numbers, as I will rate this at least "M" once I post it up for most things in relation (no lemons, you pervs). And if I mentioned specific places, it would be the same in said movies or other franchises as such (unless I detail it as it would be the same within the specific movies or other). Though I have picked as to whom to already pair My Main with, and also letting you know that Toons are also the following: Regular, Anime, Computer, and Game… You will sometime find out as you read within the story itself as to what they mean, when she "Goes Back".

So do expect certain characters to appear in this Fic and small details as to why or how they came to be. Also to notify you guys, that some, and I mean, some specific Anime will be in use as "non-existent" in this Fic, while others will be for Toon Reasons. And after this gets posted alongside how many chapters, I will make a mixed "Poll" for my own reasons.

Just simply enjoy the few chapters I posted as this story does have a beginning teen female Harry Potter (around 13, for once), and that's all I have to say about a spoiler, for the beginning.

Surrey, England; Around in the hot afternoon on May 2nd, 2014, on a Friday:

Within this rustic yet simple and boring neighborhood of Surrey, England, was a person being forced to work out in the garden by her aunt's orders.

She didn't mind though as, despite the fact that being a good cook and other, she needed the air as being closed up in her stuffy room like a captive, and her personally sneaking scraps to manage herself, that is if they ban her from food.

For you see, this girl was no typical thirteen-year-old as she was considered a Witch, and not in a bad way, to a secretive society, and had to do things commonly until she was seventeen years old.

To comment, she was petite and was also currently wearing a shoulder summer dress that her olive skin complexion revealed very easily as some of it was dark due to being out in the sun, and a bizarre, crescent-like cross-shaped scar that's near her heart. She also has shoulder-length ebony hair with two natural, silvery streaks on the sides with her face being dainty yet oval-shaped, almond-shaped emerald green and storm grey imbued eyes, and lastly wore old sandals with around her neck, was a small green gemmed spiked, black and bronze lined choker around her neck as a gift from her friend, Hermione, and light brown colored leather constricts with snake designs in etching, going down her arms up to her wrists from Second Year's issue with the Dueling Club. Her face, to illustrate this truth, would make her resemble closely to a younger India Eisley, as her doppelgänger.

She is recognized, everyone, as Harribel "Harriet" Tiana Potter or the Girl-Who-Lived, and many other things as mentioned, and secretly, more without her knowing… And she prefers either Harriet as such for her name, then the weird one, and not the male equivalent version as well.

Harriet was in this situation as she, for once, revolted and also talked back to her aunt… Plus all the things she had been put through as such: Her mishandling from her so-called kin. Her refusal of a trial for both of her Godmother and Godfather by the names of Sirius and Bellatrix Black (which they're on the run together), and her moments at her school… Which was both good and bad.

If I could speak of this, she indeed had good and bad experiences in her schooling at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Her First Year was finding out she was a Half-Blood Witch with weird magic mixed with her own, from her time at Gringotts, and stated around or close to fourteen she would have more awareness of said magic within her. After that was the train ride where she didn't make a great start yet she befriended a few people, and even made enemies. Then she was sorted into not one, but all four houses, somehow, as the Old Hat himself was rather sure about it yet the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, made sure she mostly stayed within the Lions House or otherwise named the Gryffindor House, and the other three Houses during the weekends (much to the most except a few Snakes or Slytherin House's own ire).

After that, things went downhill and from then on: A crazed professor with Voldemort's Head behind a turban, a three-headed dog, tricked detentions, bullying by some of the older students (which only a few older or close to her year saved her, along with her saving them)... Especially on Hallows Eve for all the years is where her worst luck of all occurred, including going through somewhat easy yet hard tasks to get the Philosopher's Stone to which she also didn't let the Headmaster destroy, but posted it back to the Flamels.

During her Second Year, she had to deal with a house-elf she eventually freed, spelled bullying, the mentioned Dueling Club to which she needs constricts to keep her aim steady for movement, her being dubbed as the "Princess of Snakes" alongside her being the one petrifying mostly Muggleborn Students until it began to also occur with Half-Bloods, and Pure Bloods as well, which were a few of her friends.

She also had to deal with a fake professor named Lockhart as he not only made things difficult for her, but he was able to obliviate Ron, but not her... Somehow, she oddly thwarted the spell back at him and also eradicating his wand in the process, and dealt with the Chamber of Secrets itself and quelling and managed to tame the one secret itself as her Second Familier by Ordered Conquest, to her Soul and Magic: The Basilisk once owned by Salazar himself. And also the fact that most of her friends were going through early or basic puberty, and she oddly enough, wasn't.

Last school term referred to her Godparents as such, and the reason why was that they escaped as Illegal Animagus. So Third Year was involved with rumors, still, with her also being bound to the school and dealing with false truths, lies, and also dementors alongside time travel to save her Godparents while also finding out Dumbledore knew they had no trial and was still not going to help them unless they turned themselves in, and also that the supposed man they slew and framed them, Peter, was alive yet escaped, and she also had to deal with other things as well.

But besides all that, there were good moments also: Friends, meeting and learning things about her parents, her Godparents (despite on the run, as mentioned), and those that were part of her parent's past, including a particular werewolf.

Anyways, back to what was currently going on within the story itself.

Harriet sighed as she finished plucking the last weed to which she hid a wince at how her hands were then healing themselves as they were thorn-based weeds, and risen while exhausted before she stilled before shrugging her shoulders of a melodious, yet mature female voice of her own, of sorts, began communicating within her head, "You shouldn't let them always do this to you. You're a Lady of the last House of Potter, also rich, and have better equals then they do."

Harriet, to cite this to everyone has spoken with this voice ever since she was four and a half years of age as she wanted a friend or even a sister of sorts to speak with, and not known to her back then, her magic confidentially took the opportunity to do so for Little Harriet back then to what she has also yet to understand, was a former fragment that she would have freaked out over, and spoke to each other as equals, and many other things actual sisters would do… Particularly since her friends were also accepting of her "Inner" sisterly figure. And to mention her friends, they were Ron, Neville, Hermione, Sally-Anne, Katie, Tracy, Daphne, Ginny, Luna, and Susan. And at times, was the bigger sister role within her life.

Yes, Velvet, but I just want to get these tasks done and over with as today is the day I at least get my mail. Harriet then answers back while she was carefully placing things back within the shed to feel her big sister within her simply shrugged without words as Harriet then wiped her feet on the outside rug before taking her sandals off outside to clean, later, and was met with her aunt: Petunia Dursley.

She firmly looked over before expressing firmly to Harriet, "Did you do your chore I told you to do?" Harriet bobbed before hiding her excitement as she got her letters from her aunt taking them from her, and completely waved her off as she ran quietly up to her room while evading a napping Vernon Dursley as her cousin, Dudley, was currently out with his friends.

Once she reached her room, she ignored all the junk they stored within her so-called room and gotten her secretive expanding trunk she took from within the old mattress she sleeps on, from Velvet's advice within her First Term, and read all her friends letters while at the same time, accepting the small gifts as she was glad they were going somewhere else than her own emotional hell here, at the Dursleys.

She placed Hermione's back into her Bound Expandable Chest to which contained also what's leftover her mother's things she grabbed from the rune-based trunk from Second Year's summer, and also The Bank she got access to for both parents, like possessions, and she was glad her sisterly friend was taking pleasure in her trip yet simply wondered what she meant when she found something out about what her magic might be related to yet was tight-lipped about it until she was face-to-face.

When she eventually got Ginny's Letter, lastly, as lately, she barely got anything from Ron at all as she then started to read it while, at the same time, feeding her Snowy Owl: Hedwig, and her shrunken to the size of a garden snake, AKA, the Hogwarts Basilisk: Marvina, as she did so.

Dear Harriet,

Mum sends her regards as I write this while Ron does as well… I think? So does everyone from the Weasley Clan.

Anyways, I found some things out only recently, and thankfully, I'm deemed safe about the new issue that I have to sadly wait and tell you on, as I have to oddly get approval to do so, and I also have to pick a patron… Whatever that bloody means. By Zeus' Bolt, it's going to be bloody complicated when I do get an opportunity to tell you and the others, as I want to involve them as well.

Besides that, Daddy is holding a secret or two from us as he does plan to do two things: The first is to take us to a cabin within a day's time for a three day weekend of sorts, but the other he said he was working on and continued doing so, afterward.

Occasionally it's bloody mental here a bit, Green.

Anyways, I hope that you have fun and stuff, and Luna is with me and sends her hugs and kisses like I do, and hope those horrid family of yours treats you better than last time.

With friendship evermore,


Harriet sighed to herself as she placed her friend's letter and hopes for her friends at having fun as she then paused yet placed her current belongings she managed to find earlier within the attic, into the chest, alongside whatever she left out, as she bloody well knew Dudley would have it seen to her uncle to have the items be trashed or burned.

Harriet just after she pocketed her chest around her neck as a non-removable accessory to her choker, she hid being jumped scared while hearing a sigh within her own mind by her aunt suddenly thumping on the door and stating firmly, to her, "Vernon wants a word with you, Girl, alongside me and Duddykins. Not sure for what true reason as to why though… Get downstairs within five minutes or no supper!" And so five minutes later, Harriet was certainly downstairs in the living room, warily, with Dudley just arriving back to his home and her aunt sitting in a chair by seeing his happy look she rarely sees as such.

"I have mixed news to share as The Girl has to join us for it." Vernon started with Harriet holding the urge to roll her orbs with hearing Velvet chuckle within her head as the other two members of his family gave him his full awareness, "I won a trip to visit Hollywood and it's fully reimbursed for, but…" here Harriet indeed rolled her orbs while holding back the urge to sneeze as he made her the center of attention, "We have to bring everyone else in our household as it's an obligation or it's void, thanks to my head boss."

"Well, Vernon…" Petunia proceeded to keep Harriet to herself in words as she got up and calmed her large whale of a husband, "There are some brilliant things that we could do at least, despite her coming with us." She then pulled Vernon away to talk over something quietly, as Dudley already ran upstairs to start packing as to Harriet, she felt an unusual, gut like feeling she would not incline toward whatever they have schemed by seeing their faces take on a greedy yet pointed gaze at her.

Later on that night, the Dursley's plus one (Harriet) was currently at the airport while not acknowledging that Harriet became a little feverish as they boarded up the aircraft for the direct flight to Hollywood for at least a day's journey.

Harriet halts though while behind her aunt as she felt like she was being watched and swiveled to see… nothing and that didn't settle hers or even Velvet's emotional nerves as when the Dursley's Car indeed headed to the airport, a person shimmered into existence while wearing a cloak made of silk mixed with skins of animals before seeing it was a young girl of sorts, and vanished before materializing and going into the home while staring at the wards that were illegal set up so long ago, and was given full access while closing the doors.

Sunday, May 4th of 2014; Around 10am in the morning within Hollywood, California, in a Hotel:

Harriet sighed as it was a day after their arrival to Hollywood and she did relish herself while for once being dismissed by her current caretakers and cousin, as they sightsee a few places while she was startled (like they were) as Hollywood held a mystical charm on its own.

What she didn't realize though was they intended something for her, and she didn't like their looks when she wasn't at all looking at them in hidden smirks of satisfaction as today, they all intended to head to a Studio that was Co-Owned by certain varieties as such, and is well recognized as Maroon Studios… In fact, said Picture Studios was remembered more in Hollywood than others, for some particular reason.

Harriet got around and stared at herself as she was, still that is to her mind, not desirable at all as she fully perceived due to her upbringing she would be small all her life, negligibly, and to her friends, they suspected she inherited James Potter's oblivious streak, but to her body, as she could get a guy if she wanted… But in reality, she didn't even like men at all and was too timid to even inquire of anyone out due to her own anxieties of being rejected and more.

She also decided to go out with the new outfit she recollected would grow with her as well as she ages, and was also enchanted to self-repair, adjusting, and was also a confidential gift from Remus alongside her on-the-run Godparents from the enchanted fabric they obtained from the Black House.

She wore a v-neck three-quarter sleeve dark jade green shirt with a light mesh see-through shirt that showed her chest decently with blue lightning bolts on the sleeves, her choker around her neck, light-colored faded blue Capri jeans with black stitching on the sides alongside bronze infused chains on the right side of said jeans up to her thighs, and wore basic black and white sneakers that have the stitching of snakes, on the sides, with grey short socks. She, especially the constricts, as usual, was on her arms.

She saw herself in the mirror while listening to Velvet state to her gently, "You look great. Just stop fretting and just be prepared for whatever they got planned for today." Harriet discerned that it was a compliment from Velvet, mixed with being cautious as in truth, Velvet wished to be by her side over the years yet couldn't by the explanations they both couldn't find out why, or how, they can do so.

"Girl. We are going out. Get a move on!" Vernon states through the other side of her room door within the large condo they were given at the Holiday Inn they got settled to stay at, and sighed to herself while preparing for the worst… For only a few hours later, be jaw-dropping alongside Dudley as both Petunia and Vernon were in incredulity by what they were seeing on the tour: Actual Cartoons or in similar relation was strolling around the studio with ease, mixed with real people.

Harriet didn't see Vernon pull Dudley to the side and whispered things to him as Petunia reluctantly went with her niece as they all went with the tour guide, and Harriet paid rapt interest to it all, particularly since they came to a studio in the progress of a show she scarcely saw, secretly, at times.

Later on, after viewing said show, she was eating alone and sighed while relieved they left her to be as they departed elsewhere to have more "Dursley Fun" in their books, and was chewing her veggie burger with a side of mozzarella sticks and a Coca-Cola when she froze and turned when a female voice she recognized stated to her then, "Is this seat taken? My friend and I hardly found anything else to sit at?" They were both cartoons of course, but she didn't believe she would see two of the various characters she fanned, confidentially, without Dursley's notice.

The first of the two females was a woman who is not only 5'7 in height but has her blonde hair tied up into a ponytail while also wearing a black and red clown suit of sorts that shaped her slim yet slender hourglass frame perfectly. She also has baby-blue eyes with a slim heart shaped face, and black lipstick. The other female has white skin, and is around the same height as the first, green emerald eyes, black lipstick, and red hair that reaches down on her left shoulder. Her outfit also consists of a dark green leaf chest plate as well as grass-like skirt, a green neck collar, dark green gloves, dark green high heeled boots, and the right side of a pair of dark green leggings down her right leg. They also both appear to be within their twenties.

These were the two Villainesses known from the Batman Animated Series that ended in 1995 and so other franchisees, onwards, as they were the same toons in them all. They both are well known as Harleen Frances Quinzel or Harley Quinn, and Pamela Lillian Isley or Poison Ivy.

"Seems she's speechless, Red." Harley snickered at Ivy who only shook her head while eyeing at the child, and sat down regardless of the young teen's expression. "Well, she might not even be from America at all, Harley." Ivy states while she saw the child was a vegetarian from the beginning, Harley who had an actual burger and was consuming a bite, wavered in her chewing, and did a full-mouthed questionable 'Hmm?' to her friend over the years before noticing the young teen girl shyly nodded at them.

Ivy then rolled her orbs as Harley astonished Harriet slightly while getting up close and personal, and noted while also analyzing her closely as, at the same time, she shoved a French Fry into her own mouth, "I can't tell the difference." Ivy though was confused by Harley's words then as the child did seem familiar to her, "She does look like someone we used ta know though, Red."

Harriet tinged at how close Harley was yet she managed to talk to them and, confidentially, stunned them as she saw them on TV whenever she got an opportunity and was one of the few fans of theirs.

Harriet was then enjoying herself after she said goodbye to them while not seeing Ivy's eyes widen at the sudden recognition of her birthmark she has on the palm of her left hand, as it was in the form of a spiral dragon of sorts when she uncovered it, without meaning to, since she was collecting her drink before she left.

Presently, she was holding an odd sphere given to her by Merlin himself, and after expressing she would oddly need it for later as it was a clear orb the size of a golf ball, and was now using it as a worry stone within her left pocket. The reason was that she ended up getting lost from the tour and was mainly wondering about while refusing help due to her shyness, and coughed into her hand as most of the day, she felt a mix of fine with feeling sluggish and concluded she might be getting sick, plus it doesn't help she gotten odd muscle convulsions as well, at night.

To explain the reason of Merlin and few others franchised characters being at Maroon Studios, is that it's a neutral soil as such for all types of drawn characters or other, and for them to make extra cash if they need it as well, or simply to be themselves at times, or even to improve their own shows.

She then hid a surprised yelp though when she felt a hand on her shoulder and swerved to her small annoyance as it was only Dudley who snickered at her as he boasted to her snidely, "What's the matter? Can't handle my presence?"

"Not that I can say to you." Harriet responded while suppressing her being frightened to make her cousin hide a scowl before he then placed a smile on his face. "I have something to show you, Freak, as it's not too far from here." Harriet was baffled yet followed her cousin to wherever he was directing her and ended up leading the way to a studio lot that was part of a specific set of sorts and he gave an indication to the closet, "It's in there as I was told there was a way to Toontown inside."

Harriet overheard about Toontown from some workers and even the tour guide before, and it is home to an unlimited quantity of Toons or even Anime Characters as well, and wished to visit said place at some sense before she regrettably returned to England, and is not receptive of Dudley's goals, went inside and was peering all over the closet for the shortcut to Toontown and yet… "Dudley, I don't see a way- Hey!" He closed and latched the door behind her.

Alarmed, she began thumping on the door and stated in small yet growing panic, "This isn't amusing like the other times Dudley! Let me out!"

Harriet thumped the door for who knows how long until she finally gave up and sat down within the dark, enclosed walls of the supply closet near dressing rooms of the studio as she felt the small warmth of Velvet soothe her as her fears snared her to be unaware that of the world around her. Harriet then commenced to cry to herself as her one of many fears overtook the poor young teen girl: Enclosed Spaces was the common one she was experiencing, mixed with the darkness of the spot she was in, and there were others, but we would get to that for a later date.

Without warning, she hushed as the door opened up and saw to her astonishment, a Toon she saw earlier that day was blinking back at her, in slight surprise, along with a smaller Toon with her. It was Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, alongside Harley.

"It's you again! What ya be doing in there?" Harley stated as she reached out and easily pulled Harriet while seeing her state, sighed to herself before informing her then, "You do realize that this is the League Studio? Well… One of many that is as Warner Bros have the main one back at their place." Tinkerbell then made some chime sounds at Harley to make Harriet only confused, and Harley to blink and not see Tinkerbell facepalm to herself as she fluttered in annoyance, at the female's words, "What? What do you mean she couldn't get outta there as she was locked in?"

They froze and turned to Harriet as she sniffled while attempting to not show how scared she was yet as Harley being, well, Harley, she was a Toon Psychiatrist on her off period and saw the signs very easily… Despite being the way she was, in her soft words, "I… I was tricked by my cousin into the closet. He said… He said it would take me to Toontown."

The understanding was in their orbs as they led her away and saw Ivy and noticing her perplexed by at the child once again, made her narrowed her eyes with the hero, Batman or Bruce Wayne, glancing at her with thinking orbs then before she pardons herself as she needed to make a call before they resumed the episode, as Harley led Harriet to a guard while clarifying things to him, nodded, and left without seeing her blink as in her hands was a white rose with zebra stripes when Harriet sneezed.

Once at the entrance/exit of the Studio itself, Harriet saw how late it was and decided it would be best to travel back to her hotel room… Only to find out, to her inner horror, that the Dursley's left and took an early flight back to England, while also paying off the hotel and said staff sadly told her she couldn't stay while giving the young teen her suitcase she was given of what stuff she had, while here, and she sadly left with tears of surprised resentment and shock on her face.

To make things worse for the teen girl, she saw it begin to downpour cold rain, instantly, while at the same time, she was lost within Hollywood itself.

She covered the top of her head with her suitcase as it was still pouring down when she went into an alleyway that was covered by a rooftop and sat down while peeking at her outfit to see it was automatically drying itself alongside her, yet she sneezed as nearby, an ordinary cat became a tie-dyed cat as it took off with a yelp from seeing its reflection.

Harriet swore while she coughed to herself and was trying to keep warm, and she then sighed while eyeing at the weather outside the entrance of the alleyway and easily glimpsing families pass by alongside many other people, and then felt an emotion she had never felt before: Jealousy, mixed with grief. She dreamt of at times of someday having someone that cared for her, and wouldn't treat her as merely an object that they could just use whenever they wanted, and many other things that she didn't know how to explain to her friends back at Hogwarts.

But this isn't a good situation we're in, right Velvet? Harriet mentally stated to herself as she felt an unusual vibe within her mind that wordlessly suggested as acknowledging her before she stilled as, without any warning, she was soon grabbed by a male's hand and taken further deep into the alleyway while discovering she was held hostage by a group of thugs.

She froze as a pocket knife was skillfully held against her throat while made unmoving as the one who jumped her, stated firmly with a few laughs from the others, "Don't move a muscle… We just want to see what you have and if you're good, we might let you go." Harriet then saw they were going through her suitcase and was inwardly grateful for following Velvet's guidance of storing all their true belongings into her Choker Storage Necklace.

"Boss, this brat has no value in this thing." One thug told him while displaying to her captor the case itself with her non-valued things sprawled about while he shook her up and made face-to-face contact and declared firmly to her in a way she was frightened at, "What game are you playing here, Chika? No money or whatever value at all?" Harriet only stayed quiet before she cried out as she was jabbed in her arm by his knife a few times before once again being in her face, and barked at her then, "Where're your valuables, Girl?!"

He then had an idea before snickering and the others chuckled, and she looked worried even more as without them realizing, they were being watched within the entrance of the alleyway as he stated in a suggestive tone while rubbing his hands on her thighs, "If you can't pay up… Then there are other ways to pay us then?"

She was suppressed then while splayed about in a provocative way she was uncovered, her pants undone and virginhood revealed as the leader was unbuckling his pants within moments before, without warning, a toonish vine clasped his throat and nearly cut off his air supply before he was easily thrown away behind his gang members, and they saw two females scowling at the men in utter hate along with the later of the two, grinning in a crazed smile.

It was Ivy and Harley once again as she had her mallet this time, and the members dropped the child severely to take them out, while the leader himself panted with an agitated look at the two Toons, "Get them!"

"Oh yeah! Take this you crazed maniacs!" Harley shouts in unexpected glee as she begins whacking with her mallet at each and every one of the thugs and even getting one in the groin. Ivy, on the other hand, was overseeing to a panicked Harriet as she was struggling her blindly in sickly attempts in her grasp, that she saw, and sighed inwardly while also enraged at comprehending her one Human Friends little girl, acting this way, and not only fixed her up but struggled yet was failing to calm her down.

"Die, Toon, from my specially made dagger!" The leader stated as she was mixed of uncertainty and resentment of a specially coated dagger he gotten out before he looked dumb, laughed, and fainted while dropping it when Harley whacked him into a nearby wall, and declared with a glare, "The only one who can touch Red, is me!"

Ivy resisted the urge to tint while still dealing with Harriet as the sphere the young teen was given rolled out of her pocket and was dimly glowing a slight red color of sorts from soaking up Harriet's Blood, and Harley smirked at the retreating gang members before looking at Ivy and was about to say something before blinking, and her trained side of her slightly came out as she identified a true panic attack when she saw one.

She gently took the child and impressed Ivy as the blonde woman began to wordlessly rock the child while singing a lullaby Ivy was amazed she recalled that their friend, Lily, sang to the child as Ivy was a fool to not realize the girl right away alongside her girlfriend, Harley.

Ivy, Harley, and a few others knew who her mother was as she visited Maroon Studios a few times in the past, and knew only a little about her husband she married yet met him, and the others as well.

Let's just say if they knew sooner, there would have been hell to pay, and also retribution as for you, the readers, these two were Lily's choice of Godparents as well, confidentially, as their Wills (which may or may not be kept at bay until said teen claims her titled family name) states it alongside a few others, and of course Sirius and Bellatrix themselves. Even James own Will states it.

"So it's true then, Red? Lily's sister ruined Little Har-Har?" Harley states softly after seeing signs of abuse to her girlfriend and Ivy sighed while wordlessly nodding before staring at the sphere on the ground curiously as before she could pick it up, they stilled as it suddenly started to glow a bright red before rolling away a few feet or so as if possessed, and it burst as a sudden, forbidding vortex appeared that they stood up with Harley, as strong as she was, easily picked up the young teen girl that fell asleep from being comforted and sick, before it began to suck everything within the alleyway into it.

They had no way to stop from getting sucked into it as all three were then sucked inside it as the two toons held each other while it closed up, and it was at this point Merlin popped into existence while eyeing into a shadowy part of the alleyway and stated solemnly to the person, "Tis done… I hope you are right about this, My Lady. Exceptionally what I saw how important the child will be when she ages to save us all."

The figure that materialized out of nothing while being fully cloaked didn't say anything but tossed an orb into his hands to which held several names he blinked at and saw her wordlessly nodded to him while stating in a dark yet majestic, and melodic female tone to him as he nodded, "Those people need to be found as from what is to come, things will be better for her in life as I hoped it would be now, then what was set by Fate years ago for her. Especially since I plan to be involved when the time comes, alongside her other mothers back then and her grandparent as well. I have a feeling things will change for us all when it does… Her true prophecy I was recently informed now active, and if it's true… She's our only hope, despite knowing how I forgot her in the first place until this point from the seal being removed by my mortal demon brother's accidental actions, and plan to have a stern talking to those two."

The female then left within the shadows to make Merlin sigh while gazing at the names and wondered how they would react to this, and poofed away.

May 4th, 1947; Within a park in Hollywood, California:

It was currently within the morning as there was, thankfully, no one within the park at the time when the same vortex appeared and spat out the two Toons at the said park.

Ivy and Harley blinked and saw they were still in Hollywood, but grew troubled as they acknowledged the young teen was not with them as the vortex closed up.

They then got up and began to search while finding out as they stole trench coats and hats, that they were not in their proper timeline as well, and discerned some of the old buildings and whatnot, and the papers to blink and realize they were before Toontown was free to Toons, and sighed while they looked everywhere for their charge.

With said teen, the vortex intentionally split the three up while she was blacked out, still, and was in an alleyway near the Acme Studio.

Harriet gradually began to wake up and blinked while holding a wince at her healing arm, but coughed still, and was dumbfounded as to where she was.

She struggled as she got up, and started to see she was near a studio of sorts before agreeing on to wander around, and ignoring mostly everyone's perplexed or bewildered looks at her attire as she was oblivious about theirs, and paused while seeing the reflection of a comic shop that her arm was all healed up, but it still burned, for some reason, as she walked around town… She began to finally take note of a few things while nearly misstepping over herself a few times.

The population and their clothing, older model cars, trams everywhere and not be limited, and even the date of the paper to which she reluctantly paid twenty-five cents for, and saw it was May 4th, 1947.

Ah crap. Was all Harriet thought with Velvet wordless giving out vibes of acknowledging with her before she listened to her stomach rumble, a little.

Despite realizing she was in the past somehow, she saw a bar nearby dubbed the "Pacific Electric Red Car Trolley Terminal Bar", and decided to head into there while not at all noticing a few more people were confused by her appearance as she went up the steps, and just missed Ivy and Harley as they strolled on past it on the opposite block.

She came inside while noticing some soldiers and workers were relaxing and other things to make her uneasy as before she entered, to her dismay, her wand was shattered in half as she forgot to stick it to her and had it in her pockets, yet the core itself was somehow absent.

She sat down at the back of the bar itself while ignoring the sudden looks others gave her before she almost tripped over herself as she heard a voice state to her busily, "Be right there just a moment." Harriet awkwardly waited for the waitress she guessed, to take her order, and was rather impressed at how inexpensive everything for food was back then.

Once she saw the waitress, she saw her hold back surprise before wording to her gently while not saying anything about her odd clothes, "Alright Hun, what will it be?" The waitress was a slender, brown haired, blue eyed, fair skinned woman around 5'9 as she was wearing a waitress uniform from this era.

This was Dolores Vanole, and she was merely working as usual until the teen girl showed up in the weirdest of outfits while looking sick, and chose to merely serve her as any other customer.

Harriet discovering there were some fried vegetables at least in the menu, wordlessly signaled to it while holding back the urge to cough as Dolores nodded while softly expressing to her gently as Harriet blinked before she had her small menu taken, and told her gently, "That would be seventy-eight cents, Hun." Dolores then briefly blinked at watching the young teen hand her a ten-dollar bill as she softly stated in a tone to know she wasn't from around here, alongside the few soldiers and workers as they tended to themselves, "This is all I have, Mam."

"That's alright. I'll just give you the change back and use my own tips for it then." Dolores gently told her kindly while Harriet reluctantly took her ten-dollar bill back and was given a glass of Coca-Cola to drink from, and simply waited for her meal as Dolores was intimately concerned as she heard the teen cough to herself.

Soon, Harriet got her order before devouring her food, and Dolores was attending to others while peeking at her direction now and then as later on, it was closing time and the child certainly used her ten-dollar bill for Dolores as she kept requesting the fried veggies and some treats to others for being a kind soul, and saw her blinking as she told her, then, "It's closing time Hun."

Dolores closed up shop when she came out while wearing a red coat, blinked in small alarm at seeing the teen girl was huddled up close and was trying to keep warm due to it being chilly tonight, despite it being practically summer. She looked lost, the woman debated and immediately decided as she saw the teen sneeze as not too far from them, a Toon Alarm Clock was running away from a mob dressed up like a weasel before a random frying pan materialized out of thin air, and smacked the Head Toon in the face, and allowed the clock to get away.

Harriet jumped while whirling to be shocked it was Dolores and was placing her coat on her shoulders, "Alright, come on." Uncertain as Harriet allowed her to lead her somewhere, spoke tiredly, and indeed was sick by the sound of her voice, "Where, Miss?"

"To my home nearby." Dolores informed her while they walked and in an odd coincidence, took an alleyway once again before they were jumped by a small group of mafia looking men and kept the tired and half-aware teenager beside her, in a protective way.

The leader accordingly stated to her firmly, and a gun pointed at them, "Give us your valuables, and no one ends up dying today."

Dolores thinking about the sick young teen, sighed while slowly going through her purse before she and the others were confused as a sudden orb of sorts appeared right before the leader, and he stated to himself as it looked like a black and red checkered ball, of sorts, "What the-" he was unexpectedly blasted by a blast of smoke as the mobsters wheezed alongside Dolores by the unexpected flash it let off before it went to chaos as sounds of whacking and a few men screaming from green vines abruptly overtook them all.

When the smoke cleared, Dolores was startled at seeing two Female Toons that effortlessly took care of the mobsters, and had them hanging upside down in vines from the fire escape nearby and the plant woman stated to them while looking at the teen in odd relief, "Are you two alright?"

Dolores, while suspicious of the two Toons she never seen before, wordlessly nodded as the crazed one wielding the mallet put it away while notifying the plant woman, "Geez, Red, these suckas are a piece of cake compared to home."

Eventually, Dolores permitted the two Toons to come to her apartment while she gotten to know them as Harley, carried the teen to which she found out was Harriet, and the blonde placed the passed out teen on the convenient couch while hearing a slight moan come from Harriet's lips to trouble her over while darting at the plant woman, Ivy, and stated it as well, "Red… She's getting worse."

Ivy came over and undoubtedly felt a feverish head of Harriet while Dolores not comprehending what to do, almost jumped when the Toon Female stated to her calmly and yet with an order to that of a worried parent, as she was caressing a hand through Harriet's hair, "Get a damp washcloth and if you have a rose or something, bring it."

As Dolores left the room to get her spare washcloth, it looked like Harley realized what she was intending and stated to her in bewilderment, "Are you sure about dis, Red? You remembered what would occur if ya do dis?" Ivy didn't say anything before she gave a look Harley knew all too well and told her softly and while still running her hands through the teen's hair, "If she has that sickness Lily had before the Magicals got to her before we… I was able to save her, then this would be a more substantial gift than a curse to her."

Harley nodded as Dolores came back with a red rose and a washcloth, and was perplexed by what Ivy was doing and told the woman firmly to which she was puzzled by yet only nodded, in cautious agreement, "I plan to do something that some people wouldn't agree on, and this is also the last resort as well… I prefer you wouldn't tell anyone about this as this can be a way to save someone as Harriet, here, has a sickness that needs to be treated quickly."

Dolores went wide-eyed at seeing Ivy hid a wince as she transformed the rose into a plant-like syringe of sorts while looking at Harley and made the Toon Plantmancer Female blink as she drew red ink from her arm before giving it to her, and was getting unsettled by their gazes as she stated in defense, "What? She's growin' on me."

Ivy shook her head as she wavered before also added her chlorophyll-like blood into the mix as the ink quickly swirled inside and became a pinkish color before gradually turning to a light violet color from some ingredients she had on her, was added, and lastly injected the tip of the rose syringe into the spine of Harriet's neck before she sighed while eyeing, as to stun them, the plant withered up before becoming dust, and fell away from her.

"Let's hope that she will pull through within the night… This was deemed to be a true cure to it from what I was told long ago, and this is going to make people be judgemental about what is to become of her."

Dolores, not liking the sound of that, kept her mouth shut before she blinked like Ivy did to Harley as she randomly stated to her, "So… How's it hanging?"

It the morning of May 5th, 1947, Harriet awoke on a couch within the one waitress' apartment while next to her, sleeping, was Ivy herself as Harley was on a recliner and Dolores was up and presently cooking breakfast for herself and probably the two Toon as she hardly slept by what she heard.

She didn't believe the two Toon Women from being in the future alongside the child, but some of the belongings they had (which Harley showed her to prove it), indeed wondered how a sweet child such as Harriet, ended up as she was.

Back with Harriet, she slowly woke up with tiny waves of relief from Velvet going throughout her body while at the same time, she felt very strange and heavy as from what Ivy did, she wouldn't see until she looked in a mirror. She though squinted and let out a silent yawn before looking in a hazed mind a few moments… Blinked, and then sighed at noticing she didn't dream it while at least thankful her clothes were still working.

She cringed as she was slowly getting up to alert Ivy, and was relieved and stilling Harriet in place by her words, "So my treatment worked at least." Puzzled by what she said, what Harriet states next made them both blink at each other as she was confused afterward: Ivy in shock, and Harriet not understanding why she stated it, "What do you mean, Mum?"

Harriet immediately narrowed her eyes to herself before she tried calling Ivy by her name, and at the same time, scrunched up her face cutely in a small alarm as Ivy also soothed her down while she was inwardly mixed at this result, "I-I-I… Mum, Mum. What the Bloody Hell, I can't call you by your name?!"

"Seems the side effect of you being young may have caused… A slight hiccup." Ivy states while recognizing the teen had to go, helped her to the bathroom as Ivy saw the physical changes, but winced as when Harriet was done, the teen girl saw herself in the mirror, blinked, and even startled Dolores as she sighed while concluding to make another plate by Harriet's shouted words, "What in Merlin's Name happened to me?"

Harriet went under treatment of sorts that she saw, as she had indeed changed while still being the same… Of sorts. The teen saw her outfit adapted as she paid the seamstress back in Diagon Alley, back then, did its permanent enchanted job as she was inspecting herself all over while also noticing things from special cloth that was specifically ordered by two certain participants.

Firstly, she grew a few inches in height, from 4 feet evenly, to the height of 4'4, due to her malnutrition issue from being a pseudo-vegetarian as she nonetheless eats seafood. Second, she gained cute elf-like ears and her skin took on a lighter olive color then it was before, with her birthmark now giving a green-like color as if it was an inflamed tattoo, then that, while her scar was gone from her chest. Thirdly, she gained gentle yet easily noticed curves as her body frame became from petite, to a still-developing slender yet top-hourglass figure (seeing she has some developing curves) and the reason for that was she gained an actual chest size as formerly, she was flat as a board and she was now around a Mid B-Cup. That was the normal factor of her body... The abnormal aspects that she gained were sharp teeth with elongated fangs that were natural light green, in color, alongside her inner mouth also being like the plant, Audrey II, within Little Shop of Horrors Movie (when it began to start speaking), but her tongue was also forked and closer to a snake's. She also has attained faint traces of plant-like leaf patterns of sorts on her skin as well. Her eyes were even more noticeable while still resembling closely, facially, to India Eisley. Her sclera was no longer pure white, however, but grayish, and her emerald irises glowed when the light hit them. Lastly, her hair proved to have highlights of both crimson and bleached blonde mixed with her original, alongside there being some skin-toned tiger lines of sorts on her cheeks, up to three, in pale lavender colors.

Harriet jumped while glancing at the door briefly before gazing back at herself as Velvet was also boosting her new looks and was trying to be supportive, by Ivy asserting to her from the other side, in concern, "You alright Harriet?" Harriet didn't know what to say but she hesitated but softly spoke back to what she stated in a way it felt simple to her or in point, the title, "I guess… I think so, Mum."

She didn't flinch when the door opened as Ivy came inside while looking at her before making Harriet turn to her in uttered surprise by the abrupt info dump she briefly confided her, then, as they heard Harley was up, "Lily knew about us Toons as she arrived in America several times… Exceptionally when you were just four-months-old. She somehow managed to contract a rare virus from what I guessed, was merely contained and not ministered by passing it into you, as it annihilated a few others that were unfortunate."

"What virus?" Harriet warily implored as, by the tone of it, it was terrible as they were all in the kitchen with Dolores hearing this, was also paying attention as they were serving themselves some food, primarily Harley and the waitress getting a regular one, and both Ivy and Harriet getting the vegetarian ones she also made.

"She was abducted around her early twenties before you were born, and Harley, myself, and a few other Toons managed to halt yet fail of her attaining it," Ivy began as she attended to herself a cup of coffee with the virus that would slowly make the person stagnant and incapable to do anything, and would even have a chance to slow the heart or cause breathing difficulties for the lungs… I was privately told by not only Merlin himself, but by a cloaked person as to how to cure her, and yet before I can do so… She was taken back to England and was receiving treatments that were at least concealed and containing the virus, but not killing it."

Harriet looked down while messing with her fried squash, and sighed while sadly regaling Ivy and Dolores by her actions, but made Harley understood as she ate her food with the gusto of the young teenager's manner then, "Why does it seem Fate likes to mess around with me?" They turned to Harley then as she only shrugged while shoving a sausage into her mouth afterward with a large smile, "Fate does tend to do dat I guess? Not sure, otherwise, me and Ivy would be goners if it wasn't for Crimson herself."

Perplexed, she was about to inquire what she meant before they turned to Dolores as she saw the time and swore to herself before quickly drinking her cup of coffee, and expressed to them then, "Alright. You three could stay here for now, but don't invite others without my permission, and also don't damage anything."

The three girls watched her leave possibly to her job, before Harriet decided to ask while gesturing today herself, and made Ivy sigh while Harley looked like she too wanted to know, "What was the cure for the virus meant to do?"

What she told her then made Harley state a loud, what, to her comically, and Harriet to faint in utter shock, by Ivy's words of what Harriet is now, "It was supposed to cure you while making you a Halfa or in terms, a Half-Toon."