Chapter 1

A Weird Mystery

(Disclaimer: This series comes after the events of Alpha the Wolf. If you have not read that story I recommend you read that first. Also some of the events will not be true to the actual game, but is how I believe this story should be. Finally, two characters come from the YouTube video SNT Forces by Project SNT, and Sonic Forces and the original Sonic characters belong to SEGA. Thank you and enjoy.)

I'm Alpha the Wolf, a super being created by Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, with the Triforce of Power. I was created to destroy Sonic the Hedgehog, but the Triforce shaped my personality as a person who seeks to bring peace. So Eggman tricked me into killing Sonic, but one month after I did, I found the truth, and set myself straight, defeated Eggman, and revived Sonic combining the Triforce with the Chaos Emeralds.

One year has now passed since I was created, and Mobius has enjoyed a time of peace and harmony. It took me a long time but with Blaze's help, I managed to earn the trust of all of Sonic's friends. During that year I had been serving as Blaze's personal guard in the Sol dimension, and it was quite a time, but I won't get into that. One day, something strange was going on.

I got up, showered, and got dressed in my black uniform with red lining (Blaze's personal tailor actually made it just for me which was really nice of him). My room was a small but comfortable room. It had a twin sized bed, with its own bathroom and shower, which was really nice. Both Blaze's and my rooms were in the center tower in the palace. So I didn't have to go far to get to her room, When I got there, I knocked on her door, "Princess, I'm here." I said, but she didn't answer. I waited a couple of minutes in case she was still taking her morning bath, but still nothing.

I then decided to take the risk and go inside, it was quite a nice room. It had a large king sized bed, with a private bathroom, and a balcony with the greatest view in the palace, I sometimes get a little jealous. But then again, my room had a great view of the sunset. I scoured the whole place, but the entire room was barren. I then found a note on her desk that actually turned out to be for me. It read, "Alpha, I decided to pay a visit to our friends back on Mobius, if you find this note, look for us at Green Hill Zone at noon. – Blaze."

You could probably understand that this had me very curious. I then walked downstairs to the main floor, and made my way to the throne room and found Fowler, captain of the royal guard, and a good friend of mine. He was a large brown eagle with a white head and yellow beak. He was standing at his post on the left side of the throne. He then saw me and gave a shout "Well good morning my friend."

"Good morning Captain." I said as I shook his hand. I then took my post on the right side of the empty throne. "I heard that Princess Blaze when over to Mobius, would you happen to know why?"

"Not really son. All she said was that she was 'going to Mobius for private matters' , then walked right through that portal over there." Fowler pointed to the right side of the large hall at the round portal machine. That machine was actually designed by Tails himself, but was built here by the scientists of the Sol Science Division or SSD for short. It would link up to the portal at Tails' workshop so anyone could travel from here to Mobius, but only Blaze and myself have the right to use it at our own pleasure. Others would have to be on business, or have permission from Blaze, so that it wouldn't be used by the wrong people.

"You see, when I was looking for her I found a note that said 'find me in Green Hill Zone at noon'" I said.

"Well I couldn't tell you why that is son." He replied

"Yeah, and it's only ten-thirty right now. So I have to wait about an hour and a half before I can find out what's going on"

"Well, I know a way that could pass the time, I was going to head to the courtyard once my first shift was done. How about you and I have a sword duel."

I relished at the thought of it. "I would love that!"

"It'll be just like old times." He said

"I can't remember, when does your shift end?"

"Right now." He then started to head for the left hallway, where his quarters were. "I meet you there in about five minutes." He shouted

"Right." I replied. So I went over to the courtroom to wait for my friend. Fowler was actually the one who showed me the ropes of being a royal guard, he was a very well skilled sword-fighter. He nearly defeated me at times. And apparently, before he was a guard, he was a very successful blacksmith. So he also taught me how to use a forge and not only, build a sword by hand, but also maintain one. So you could tell that when our swords clashed, memories where zipping back into our head's.