Chapter 2
"Well color me impressed, you guys won but could you help me out?" Jirou said from the floor.
Momo's small smile receded as she was brought back to reality, "Oh sorry, got caught up in the moment," Momo walked toward her then stopped and looked at her, face in contemplation.
"What's the problem?"
"Well I actually don't know how to get that off of you, I didn't really ask much about his quirk," Momo pointed behind her where Mineta layed.
"Well go wake him up then"
Momo walked over to Mineta and created some smelling salts which she pulled from her wrist. As soon as she put it up to his nose it made Mineta jolt into consciousness and his eyes scoured the room for information.
"Huh what happened? Did we lose?" He looked up at Momo who held a small smile on her
"No we won, you did good but I need your help to get Jirou unstuck," Momo pointed at her classmate who blinked plainly.
"Oh that's no problem! thanks for helping me up" Mineta walked over to Jirou putting his hand between the ball and his finger on Jirou's face before she squirmed her body.
"Isn't there another less personal way for you to take this off?" Jirou put on an uncomfortable face.
"Why? Is something bothering you?"
"I don't really like the idea of you touching me," Mineta's smile fell a bit before growing back to its usual wide self.
"Momo can you come over here," Mineta took off his glove and handed it to her, "Just grab the ball and use your index finger to slowly get in between the ball and her skin, and make sure to be slow! Otherwise you'll rip off a bit of skin"
Momo's face shifted into one of worry, "are you sure it's fine for me to do this? I hate to have hurt my fellow classmate"
Mineta waved it off nonchalantly, "it's fine, the worst you can mess up is the equivalent of giving her really mean wax job. You're a smart girl, you'll be able to do it just be patient and don't get frustrated."
After five Minutes Momo had managed to set Jirou free, the ball tossed to the ceiling to prevent any further incidents.
"Thanks, would have been a real bummer if I was stuck there"
"No need to thank me, as a fellow student and hero in training I am glad that I was able to assist you," Momo gave the glove back to Mineta and they started walking back to the observer room.
"Just a heads up Kaminari accidentally got his foot stuck in one of the hairballs as well so we gotta go pick him up," Jiro said in a casual voice.
Momo's face changed to confusion as she looked at mineta, "I thought you didn't set up any traps?"
Mineta's eyes looked away from her, "Well... While you walked ahead I accidentally dropped a sticky ball while we entered the building. I was trying to practice my catching and throwing but I guess I still suck because one fell down, I didn't bother picking it up so I just kind of left it there... But it was right in the middle of the room, it shouldn't have caught anyone by surprise!"
Jirou spoke up, "well apparently Kaminari short-circuits his brain after putting out too much electricity so when we started walking towards you guys he just wandered ahead and got caught by it"
They walked around the corner and spotted Kaminari, his face was one of frustration as he had his hand and foot stuck on Mineta's hairball. Kaminari's face glowed when he refocused and spotted his fellow classmates, "Finally you guys are here, do you know how uncomfortable this position is for my back?"
"What happened to you? Last time it was just your foot that was stuck," Jiro said in an half-amused tone as she watched the ridiculous pose and scene he had made.
"While I was recovering from my short-circuit I tried to remove the ball by pulling on it, but I guess that just made things worse…"
"Here let me get that for you," Mineta walked forward and started scratching between the crevice of his ball and Kaminari's hand. "This might take a while," Mineta said as he bashfully scratched the back of his head with his other hand.
After another couple of minutes Kaminari was free, "Thanks little dude"
The two shook hands in respect to one another, "No problem, it's only fair I mean it is my quirk that trapped you."
The group walked forward heading towards the observation room while chatting about their battle and their experiences fighting an enemy they didn't see for most of the match. Momo and Jirou talked, both empathizing about their partners.
"Kaminari just walked into the building and said, 'better get back I'm about to win this round in a flash' then after a minute of discharging he just looks at me with this dopey looking face on him and giving me two thumbs-up"
"Mineta wasn't any better, as soon as we matched up he just kept staring at me while I turned away, thinking he was being discreet and as soon as I called him out on it he just stopped hiding it"
"Ugh boys, at least Kaminari stopped hitting on me after I told him I wasn't interested"
Kaminari and Mineta held their own conversation, lagging behind their female classmates.
"Wow so my indiscriminate shock didn't do anything to you? Going up against you was the probably the worst match up huh?"
"No way! I was so sure you guys were going to destroy us in the very beginning when you opened up with that crazy powerful attack! Plus when I pushed Momo onto my sticky balls I just got her stuck all game"
Kaminari nodded, "Well at least you still had a teammate, as soon as I got stuck I was pretty much dead-weight"
Mineta's face grew a dumbfounded look with a revelation dawning on him. He ran up ahead and faced Momo, "Oh yeah Momo how did you get out?"
Momo recalled with hesitance, "I simply created an item around the area that the hairball was stuck on so it would lose contact with my skin therefore setting me free"
"But some of my balls were stuck on your clothes…"
Momo's face became uneasy, "I did what I had to do to get out hence me wanting to get out only as a last result"
"Oh," Mineta curtly ended the conversation and slowed down to get back to Kaminari.
A few Minutes later they got to the underground bunker that was the spectator room. They went through the door and saw monitors displaying what seemed like clips of the Hero & Villain teams countering one another each displaying a highlight from each member. Their classmates turned to see them coming in, almost all with a jovial expression imprinted on their faces.
"Wow that was amazing Kaminari! When you let out the bolt of electricity it looked so cool!," Uraraka cried out.
"You were amazing Momo, even though you had to get naked to win," said Asui with a plain tone and a straightforward face.
"That was cool Jirou; I felt the vibrations from here," Koda signed quickly before hiding behind the crowd.
Each student came out with a similar compliment in hand until All-Might cleared his throat loudly to signal the class's attention, "That was a great match newbies, everyone did well but can the class tell me who was the MVP of the match? Yes you, young Iida!"
Iida put his hand down, "Sir it was clearly Momo!"
"Care to explain?"
"Yes sir, Kaminari knocked himself out within the first few minutes of the match by using his quirk until he was drained and not thinking about the possibility of his failure. Similarly Jirou suffered from overconfidence as she underestimated Momo's ability by not going straight for the weapon as well as her unheroic behavior by gloating in front of the villains. Mineta didn't prepare despite being given time while Momo Conversely prepared despite not knowing their counterpart's quirks"
"Perfectly said Iida now w-"
"Wait sir but Mineta did most of the work," Kaminari exclaimed
"Care to explain your reasoning Kaminari?" He asked in a surprised tone
"Well sir, he did most of the work, no offense Momo"
"None taken," she responded
Kaminari continued, "Mineta used his quick thinking to save Momo from being knocked out by my electricity and he stopped me from even getting close to the weapon"
All-Might responded, "I think your judgement is being clouded by the fact that he was able to counteract everything you did but if you look at this exercise overall he didn't act like a villain but more as a student doing the minimal amount of effort to pass a class"
Momo stepped up and spoke, "All-might sir I would have to agree that while I prepared the most, what I did didn't help us, in the end our victory was possible because of Mineta". She turned to face Mineta to emphasize her point and realized that he was staring at her with a lewd gaze drifting towards her rear.
Momo's face quickly transformed into one of anger displaying the shortage of her patience, "Really? After all this you're still staring at me!"
Mineta shook his head to clear the lewd image from his mind and made eye-contact ,"Look I don't know what you want from me, I'm not just going to be buddy buddy with you because we fought together one time. All-Might is right I just got lucky that I trapped Kaminari, I got lucky that my boots were non-conductive and I got lucky that I got you as a teammate so that you could get out and actually do the work"
The room stayed still for a moment as everyone processed his words, the air slick with ire to the grape themed hero. All-Might spoke up interrupting the collective pause, "Well yes, a little harsher than what I would have said but true, this match showed that attitude was worth more than effort even if in the end you didn't contribute the most to defeating the villains! As a hero it is important to make sure to be vigilant about your goals and how to reach them."
Everyone turned to look at Mineta waiting to see what his response to the number one hero's lesson was. Mineta, with a carefree tone responded, "Well that's that, anyways All-Might can I go to the bathroom?"
With a tone of hesitance and surprise he responded, "uh, sure. Anyway team F, it's time for you to shine! Team E make sure you prepare for the trial ahead of you!". Koda and Sato walked out of the room and headed towards the counterfeit city while Mina and Aoyama prepared by making sure that nothing on their costume was out of place.
Momo moved over to Jirou and they both watched Mineta walk out of the room. As soon as Mineta was out of sight Jirou whispered to her, "How did a pervert like him even pass the UA test?"
Momo was taken a bit aback by Jirou's harshness, "While I wouldn't have phrased it that way, it is troubling to me that he's in the most prestigious school, among the most talented students and he carries in such a manner"
Mineta walked down the hallway and pushed in the door to the bathroom. He immediately went for the sink and splashed water in his face, he took a deep breath and stood there, "Jeez this is way harder than I thought…". He looked at the door making sure no one followed him and then he looked at himself in the mirror staring into his own eyes with a pondering gaze, "remember I'm born lucky and my life is a fluke. I'm born lucky and my life is a fluke". He repeated the phrase each time more quietly until his words were unintelligible. He spun around and pointed finger guns to the mirror, "And damn I'm a lucky man!".
He made a shit-eating grin that felt all too natural for him to put on, he nonchalantly walked out of the bathroom full of confidence and swaggered on back to the class.
AN: Thank you so much for picking up my little story! I really appreciate all the support and motivation you gave me with the first chapter! I'm sorry I'm a day late, had to do some school stuff so I got a bit distracted. Anyway please leave a review telling me how to improve; I felt like my dialogue was very clunky and that my descriptions were awful but I guess that's what I get for barely starting. I also doubled in word count from 1,000 to 2,000 in this chapter so hopefully my word count goes on an upwards trend so I can provide more content for you lovely people though this week has made me realize that I'll probably post a chapter every 14 days from now on and hopefully I won't have to keep you waiting anymore. Anyways, much care;