Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognise. A/N I know that this is an overused plot, but I love this idea and haven't been particularly satisfied with many of the fanfics I have read. So I decided to write my own version!

Sirius huffed and flicked his hair back. Why the marauders agreed to continue taking Divination, he would never know. They should've listened to Remus, so far the only interesting lesson they had had was a year ago. He grinned at the memory. Lily Evans had left the class halfway through after Professor May told her that she did not possess the 'inner eye'. Needless to say, James had hated the class ever since.

"Mr Black?" Sirius blinked and answered quickly.

"Yeah?" The teacher stared at him.

"I said, could you please be the first to gaze into the crystal ball?" Sirius nodded and sauntered to the front, winking at Hestia as he went, causing the other boys to shake their heads. Sitting down, he began to stare intently at the ball. Just as he was wondering what he was doing there, an image appeared. A blown up street, aurors, a holding cell and then Azkaban. He felt so cold. After what felt like hours the feeling passed, only to be replaced with a sense of dread as an image of his parents grimy house appeared. The vision finished with his cousin Bellatrix jeering at him and the feeling of a curtain brushing past his face.

Shocked, Sirius went back to his seat, not noticing the concerned look Remus shot at him.

Remus looked at Sirius with a mixture of confusion and concern on his face. He was about to ask him if he was okay, but was called up to the front of the room before he could say anything. He did as he was told. He didn't expect much, he was a werewolf after all, he would probably be killed the second he left Hogwarts. However, the second he locked eyes with the crystal in front of him a vision drew him in.

In front him was an empty, shabby room. It felt so lonely. The feeling of discrimination stained the edges. He stared at it for a long time, too long. Then, for a fleeting minute he was happy, pain free and joyful even. That ended soon enough. He was back in the shabby room again. This time, however, the lonely feeling was gone. Remus briefly wondered how that could've happened before he was drawn towards a grimy house. A while into this part of the vision two feelings struck him in the chest. One of a dizzying sea sickness he had never felt before, and the other, a hit of pure grief. Like a punch. Then despair and internal fighting in his brain. What this fighting was about, Remus didn't know, but it was important. Suddenly, a flash of pink clouded his vision, for some reason this made him want to grin. A fear accompanied with a flash of blue joined his unmistakable happiness. Soon the fear overrode all other feelings and the face of a harsh looking man smirked at him, a glimpse of pink, and then nothing.

Remus, as shocked as Sirius had been, returned to his seat.

Peter, now confused as ever, stared at the two of them. What could they have seen? It must've been real, otherwise neither of them would have reacted like this. "Mr Pettigrew." Called out Professor May. Peter stood up, and nervously walked to the front. Once he had sat down, it took him a while to be drawn in. The first thing he felt was fear and sadness. A mocking face glared at him. Soon, this faded into regret and years of nothing. This confused Peter even more. What was going on? The fear soon returned, along with the mocking face. Peter was forced to stare at this face for what felt like too long before he felt his wind pipe close up, like it was being squeezed.

Once the vision ended, Peter, now understanding why his friends had looked so distant, sat back down.

James was frustrated. He hated seeing his friends like this and wished he could comfort them in some way. His frustration showed as he walked up to the front of the class and sat down where the other marauders had previously. Unlike, Peter, it didn't take him long to be drawn in. He blinked. He saw nothing. As the vision ended, he stared confusedly at his teacher. She too, seemed shocked. "Your vision has already been completed?" She questioned him. He could only nod, dumbfounded by what he had seen.