I do not own anything. Star Wars and RWBY belong to Lucasfilms/Disney and Rooster Teeth, respectively.
[Read Author Note at the end for more information before starting the story]
This story is a work of fiction.
Prologue: Invasion on Utapau
Dust drifted across Grievous vision, aimlessly falling deeper into the canyon he watched over. The sound of blaster fire echoed in the walls letting know the presence of an ensuing battle known to all residents in kilometers distance. Droids bolted through the hanger to their stations. Utilizing the holdout's turbolasers and laser cannons to shoot out any incoming starfighters in distance.
AT-ET walker enforcers made way into the canyon side followed by LAAT gunships descending quickly dropping Clone Troopers. The base's defenses made quick work of all enemies who came close to the hanger the general resided in.
Grievous continued to watch the battle unfold before him wondering if he should relay orders to make quick work of these Republic slaves. The droids clearly had the upper hand at the moment, but that would surely change if reinforcements would appear, and he doubted they wouldn't. He directed his gaze to opening in the sinkhole there he could see figures of Acclamator-class and Venator-class cruisers engaging against Munificent-class and Providence-class frigates. The frigates shields rippled under the barrage of laser fire from the cruisers. Vulture Droids launched into combat their mechanical whirring filling the air. Sparks, blasts, and explosions filled the sky as battle continued in the sky as so on land.
Grievous turned away from the dock making his way to the holo-table in the center of the room. The battle could wait for now he had a call with the Sith Lord to attend to. He never liked Sith, Jedi even less, but it was means to an end. Dooku has garnered his respect by defeating him in combat and helping him enact his revenge on the Jedi. Their goals were aligned; assisting the Sith Lord would be of no consequence.
Then there was the master of the late Count Dooku, Darth Sidious. Grievous did not trust the scheming Sith Lord. No matter what occasion he always had something up his sleeve. Also, how he knew the Republics moves in the war before they were even made. He never showed his face through his transceiver and kept all details of the war under wraps. Didn't they want to destroy the Republic? Kill the Jedi? It would be best to share your information with allies to maximize victory.
The fact that many blueprints and factories disappeared over night during the war was concerning to say the least. Also, how the Republic easily found "secret" factories and destroyed them was to say there was collaborator with the Republic among their ranks. The answer was not as easy as it could be as in all droids were re-programmed to lose all memory if they are ever captured or bugged. They would be left a useless husk of metal. That only left the Republic has an organic on their side that has infiltrated their ranks. Someone with power and influence in the Confederacy. Someone in the council was the traitor was all the suspicion pointed to, but all of them were spineless cowards that would never betray a Sith Lord, or they will find a seven-foot cyborg there at the door to court them. They were cowards, but not idiots. To betray the Confederacy would mean death.
That only left the Generals of the Droid Army, which the only one left was him, and the Sith Lords operating the movement. Dooku has met his fate at the battle at Coruscant. An unnecessary sacrifice in the war in his mind, but it was all to the Lord's scheme. It was confusing and all rung alarms in his mind. Sidious had already sighted on new apprentice soon after the death of his previous. The general shook his head and tapped the panel on the holo-table.
A dark shrouded figure emerged from the table. This was Sidious himself, imposing and dark as always.
"Ahh, general soon to call me?" the old man entuned in his coarse voice." What brings this pleasure."
"The Republic has found the base on Utapau." Grievous wheezed out with coughs laid between his voice receptor. "I will leave the battle and entrust it to my Droid commander. I will reconvene with the council on Mustafar, there I will await further orders.
"No, you are to observe the rest of the battle unfold, my general. It is necessary for the war effort. No one can compare to the might of the Cyborg General of the Grand Droid Army. As for the councilā¦ I will entrust them to my new apprentice."
Grievous slit his eyes at the Dark Lord's comment. He could not help but feel unnerved by the underlying meaning to his words. "If I may, my Lord. Who is this new apprentice of yours?" Grievous questioned suspicion growing ever greater of his "master."
"You needn't worry General. For the end of the war is near and no one will be able halt what has been prophesied by generations of Sith. Not even the Jedi." A chuckle left the Sith's mouth as hidden meaning behind his words were left in the air. "Now is there anything else you require, general?"
"No, Lord Sidious, I believe my queries have been satisfied." Grievous left words unknown to the Sith Lord.
"Good, for a new era of the Galaxy will come about and it will not wait for no one." The transmission cut off leaving Grievous to think about what he has heard. It only helped his suspicions further than quell them.
He tapped the console in front of him thinking on what to do. Only his rhythmic tapping on the durasteel plating helped him keep his thoughts in check. After a few moments he tapped the panel on the holo-table. The image of a droid manifests in the center of table. The droid turned from its work to acknowledge the general. Its durasteel chassis laced with intricate cyan streaks between its frame. Three blue photoreceptors stared at Grievous awaiting orders. Its slight feminine features accented shape of its body. She was known as Commander Akela a Super Tactical Droid put under Grievous's command after the destruction of the Invisible Hand and Dooku's death. To help the tide of battle and administrate forces while Grievous was dealing with Jedi or other businesses himself. A replacement for the previous Tactical Droid he had in the war. This one more effective than the last according to Wat Tambor.
"Commander," Grievous started "status report."
"Of course, General Grievous." her feminine synthetic voice sound through the holo-table's speakers as she gave a short bow. "The Republic's forces have been unsuccessful on breaching our defenses. Enemy carriers have been damaged and all ally frigates are in working condition. Minimal casualties, but my transceiver has detected a distress signal coming from the main Republic flagship. Reinforcements will soon outnumber us, and our chance of success would lower from 94% to 54%. Only taking count sheer numbers." Akela reported in matter of fact.
Grievous stroked his chin with his metal hand weighing the odds in his mind. He was only running on instinct and suspicion at this point. But his instincts have never failed him in this war so far. He decided on going with it not letting his life in the hands of a conniving Dark Lord of the Sith. "That would not be necessary, Commander. For I have a new order for you." The general could not believe what he was suggesting. For he only retreated when the odds were insurmountably stacked against him. But this was all to give him a chance at survival and force so no one could stop him. "I issue for all droids to retreat and reconvene on these coordinates: -413.014, 245.642, 367.189; Grid: G-7; Sector: 7G. Only on my command."
These were the coordinates for the frost planet of Ilum in the Unknown Regions. A Jedi planet he discovered through torturing the Jedi he captured during the war. It was a vast region of mass deposit of kyber crystals. The crystals Jedi used in crafting their lightsabers. To defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy. A common quote in the tide of a battle and one of great practice. "There you will build a holdout and rebuild our troops. All Droid factories are out of commission as the Republic destroyed or captured them. You will use the planets mines and natural kyber crystals as you see fit. Do not let anyone find the planet and stop my order. Relay this order to all remaining Droid Commanders. On my signal you will al retreat and hide on the planet, regaining the might of the entire Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Is this possible Commander?" He could not believe he's relying on a Droid, but he had to make do with the power he currently held.
"Yes General, for my databanks have stored the schematics of every droid and frigate we hold under our banner. To restart the movement would be a pleasure I could never dreamed of before. We would use the kyber crystals as our main influx of credits and resources. A droid powered by kyber crystals? Possibleā¦" Her mind started analyzing all different scenarios at once and how to make it better. It was her duty to predict and adjust to all outcomes. But there was one problem to this order. How will they retreat without the Republic blasting them off the sky?
"General, there's one issue I have with your order. How will we be able to retreat with the Republic forces blocking our path?" She knew one way but wanted to hear it from the general herself to see if her programming is faulty.
"That's my duty commander. First, I want you to lock on the Soulless One's magnetic signature. Then I will start up its beacon. You are to keep all this information yourself. We are what is left of the Confederacy. Darth Sidious has betrayed the movement and sold us to the Republic. You are not to take any order's except directly from me. Understood Commander?" Grievous looked around him seeing all the droids running about preparing for retreat. He breathed in and felt immense ease wash over him. Perhaps he was wishing for his death, but he will not rest until he lays waste to all Sith and Jedi for enough turmoil has happened during his life. "Now, I will distract the Republic from our forces. Once I take off you must be ready to leave atmosphere and jump to Ilum. I will hide until the rest of the war is over. Once you have restored the army you are to locate my whereabouts with what I have given you."
She was worried to say the least. To lose a high-ranking commander like Grievous was unacceptable. His chance at escape unharmed were at least 40%. But she had to give her faith to the General for the stake of the entire Confederacy was weighing on his hands and hers. She made a decision and accepted the General's terms. "Roger roger. Good luck general." She finalized steeling herself for what is to come.
The transmission cut off and Grievous was left staring at the center of the table. What to do? What to do? He had to find a planet on which he could hide in until this war ends. His best bet was his homeworld of Kalee in the Wild Space. No one traversed Wild Space entirely. It was madness for those who lived inside the Galaxy. But for those who lived in Wild Space it was a way of living. He turned away from the console and motioned his Magna Guards to follow him out of the hangar.
He made it halfway to his Tsemeu-6 wheel bike before a thump was heard behind him. He motioned his Magna Guards to move away with the movement of his hand. A short man with auburn hair was standing across from him. The man looked up and his lips parted.
"Hello there."
"General Kenobi."
[A/N] So here I am a fan deciding to write something about two series they like. I love Grievous and his character and couldn't help but also come up with scenarios if he was stuck on Remnant. There's going to be a plot and it isn't going to be him just running around doing stuff. It will follow the story to certain degree, but will deviate from canon a bit, because it's a crossover. I do not know the entire canon of Star Wars so I might end up retconning some stuff here and there by accident. I know that RWBY has some difficulties with its world building and plot but I love their characters so I might change the World of Remnant a bit. Like some certain crystals that power up everything on their planet.
This entire chapter was set-up for me to start making on how Grievous lands on Remnant. I will use most characters from RWBY and make them have more prominent roles like Cardin, because they just make up characters and just end up not using them. What's up with that?
Well, anyways, I hope you like what you read and post a review if you like it or not. Give some criticism so I can make this story better. Oh, and I might use some songs to identify with characters emotions and to clarify what's happening. But for this chapter you can just use Grievous's Theme and it'll work.
Chapter's will have irregular updates until I get used to writing frequently. Grievous' personality would be more on par to his Legend's counterpart. The cool and scary one. On a side note: English is not my first language so errors and grammar issues may be prominent. Thanks, for reading! 'Til the next time.