legendaryNOT: No, Tsuna won't becsuse unlike Junko, he can cure his boredome for short periods of time.

KHR is not mine.

Constuctive Criticism is welcomed.



Tsuna felt very cold. Why was he cold? Where was the warmth? What had happened to it? It was also dark. No matter which direction he turned to, he can't see anything. Before this, there was always a soft orange glow that enveloped him. Almost as if there was fire within him that had been snuffed out.

He shivered to himself, arms crossed in order to trap some extra heat. He looked around again, hoping to see something within the distance.

He can't see. He felt cold all over. What was happening to him?





'Grandpa Nono?'


Where were they when he needed them the most? After waiting for a bit, he couldn't take it anymore. It was too cold.

So, he picked a random direction and walked forward. As he walked, he felt his head getting heavier and more dizzy. From below, he suddenly felt his legs suddenly gave out as he fell down into a neverending void.

He shrieked in fear as his hands clawed tge air to find something to grab on. But he kept falling...

...And falling...

...And falling...

...A n d f a l l i n g...

Until the darkness fully took over his sight and choked him.

From the kitchen, Nana was cooking some breakfast for her and her son. After the events of yesterday, her husband, Iemitsu, was forced to fly back that evening to his job along with his boss, Timoteo. This saddened Nana but she understood since someone has to provide for the family.

After kissing him goodbye, she went to her son's room and tucked him in. He was already asleep when they brought him in from playing outside. He must've been exhausted.

Flipping the eggs, she turned to look at the clock at the wall. 7:46 a.m. Thankfully, today was the weekend so she didn't have to worry about him waking up late.

She still has to wake him up, though.

Sliding the eggs into a plate, she turned off the stove and placed the plate onto the table. Then, she went straight to her son's room. Halfway up the stairs, she heard a crash, followed by the sound of screaming. Instantly, she ran up the stairs and opened the door to Tsuna's room.

There he was, on the floor as his hands clutched his head, crying. She rushed next to him, kneeling. "It's ok, Tsu-kun. Did you have a nightmare? It's ok, Mama's here." Her hands circles him, encasing him in a hug.

He hates the cold.

It's insufferable. He constantly feels it under his skin. Not that his classmates could ever understand his misfortune.

Because of the cold, Tsuna couldn't walk without tripping anymore. He takes in things that he learns more slowly than the rest. He isn't as active anymore. He HATED it.

After a few years, he was still so, so cold. The difference, however, he was used to it. He can balance himself better, having him walk flawlessly without tripping. He can absorb information again with calculated precision. His body is slowly yet surely healing. (Thank God for that). He thanks the purple fog for that. Despite it worsening the cold by a minor percentage, it kept him alive.

During his early childhood, he was Dame-Tsuna or No Good Tsuna. But now, he was just Tsuna, Mean Tsuna (Okay, so he insulted some people to tears. But they were his bullies so it was justified) or Sleepy Tsuna (Not his fault that his daydreams are more interesting than school).

Today was like any other day. Tsuna woke up at 6 am before he took a shower and wore his uniform. Mama would already be awake to make breakfast. He would go to the kitchen after he finished dressing and they would eat breakfast in silence. Afterwards, Tsuna would start for school.

"Ah, Tsukun. I found some new classes today! What do you think of architecture?" There it is. He looked up from his breakfast with an eyebrow quirked at his mother, signalling his curiosity. She giggled at his expression before pulling out a flier that she printed out and handing it to him, which he accepted. His eyes scanned the flier and handed it back to her with a smile. "Sure."

She then started to talk about other things, mostly to fill in the silence with Tsuna adding a few things here and there.

He then stood up, walked to the sink and washed his plate before he gave his mama a kiss on the cheek. "See you after school, Mama." She smiled at him before she began gushing about how well mannered her boy was, despite him being a bit of a troublemaker. He rolled his eyes in amusement before leaving to walk on his usual route.

Despite the road being empty of people, he felt eyes following his every movement.

When arrived at the school, he was greeted by the sight of the Disciplinary Committee. While they checked the other students, he slipped pass them and went straight to the roof.

Pulling out a Bento box from his school bag, he opens the door, peering through the opening.

Hibari was sleeping as usual. A few minutes left before class, he places the Bento next to the sky lark as a peace offering. (He dreads the days where he gets dragged to spars with the prefect) Then, he runs back down the stairs and back into class.

School then proceeded as usual. (Though the eyes still follow him. He's taking some guesses on who it is.) Classes were boring, PE was mildly amusing, Hibari, thankfully, left him alone when he went to eat on the rooftop and his walk home was uneventful. Except when he went to the hardware store and bought a small ice pick.

Once again, he cursed the nagging voice in his brain. 'Something big is gonna happen,' it says. 'Prepare yourself for a change.' As the result of on-a-whim choices, he bought an ice pick.

Hopefully his aim hadn't gone rusty.

His smile widely to himself. This was all so entertaining to him. Two hours before he got out of school, the Prescence had left him, which warrented some curiosity. He ran the rest of the way home with the ice pick in his school bag.

He opened the door with a bang and ran up to his room after he took off his shoes. Tsuna had a small, itsy, bitsy suspicion that the Prescence was going to at the house soon.


The ice pick was the embedded onto the wall next to the...

..baby with a fedora..?
