
Why God? Just tell me why. I thought we had a deal? I would try to stop fantasizing about him so much, but in return you would only send him out in one of those ugly white coats so I don't have a chance to peep those tasty buns?!

I have never been boy-crazy in my life. Or is it man-crazy when you're a grown up? Whatever. I'm not the woman who is easily seduced by a pretty face or the charming man who knows all the perfect things to say. Nor did I think I was particularly high up on the libidinous scale, but just a look from Dr. Cullen can shoot me straight to the top. It's infuriating.

For the past year I've seen him nearly everyday in the hospital we work, but not together. Despite the proximity, my interactions with him are minimal and perfunctory. So minimal, in fact, that there is no reasonable explanation for the sheer number of daydreams that run through my head about him. Even if his ass in scrubs is a most glorious beacon.

Regardless of how annoying I find my attraction toward him, I can't shake the desire or the feeling that I'm supposed to get to know him. Hopefully he'll be game too…I just need to get his attention first.

Get ready Edward Cullen.

A/N: Oh I have some surprises in store for you! Lol.

Hey everyone! It feels so good to be writing again. This little plot bunny jumped into my head a little while ago, and since I have free time due to a certain world event, I figured why not set that bunny free?

Hopefully it will amuse you :)