So, I did have a prologue. BUT I was looking at it and I saw how HORRIBLE it was.

So here's the better version.

Thank you all for your nice reviews.

Yes, I am still alive.


Leo positioned himself on the metal dragon. Calypso had her arms wrapped around his waist, looking up hopefully at the approaching island. Leo turned his head and grinned at her sparkling dark eyes.

"Home-sweet-home, baby!" He exclaimed. Calypso smiled softly at her boyfriend's antics, burying her head into his back.

Festus made a series of creaks and squeaks.

Leo frowned. "What's wrong buddy?"

Leo did not get an answer. He didn't need one.

Out of nowhere, a boulder came hurling at the metal dragon. Festus dodged gracefully.

"W-what happened?" Calypso breathed. Leo could understand where she was coming from. Bodies littered the grounds of the ruins of Camp Half-Blood. Red pools were common and immense, covering rusty dirt. The big house was no longer large, reduced to ruins of walls with a black ash covering. There was movement in the last remaining room.

"Land near the big house, make sure to lie low." Leo ordered. Calypso stared at this sudden change of character. Normal Leo would have made a joke about the size of the house. Normal Leo hadn't been to war. Normal Leo had died slightly in those few moments of flying.

Festus landed near the house and Leo slid off the dragon. "Stay here, okay." It wasn't a question. Calypso, who had succumbed to the horror, was frozen in place and didn't respond.

Leo cautiously moved towards the last room standing in the house. Pictures littered the walls, almost all of them smashed. Seymour, the leopard head, was hanging in shame, soft tears trickling down the leopard's snout. There was a large body on the dusty floor.

"Chiron" Leo breathed. When Chiron's soft eyes met Leo's, tears finally started to rush down Leo's once rosy cheeks.

Chiron coughed. "L-Leo"

"What can I do to help?!" Leo asked desperately, kneeling down beside his mentor.

Chiron smiled softly. "Nothing, my boy. My string is to be cut." His face turned serious. "But you, you have a long way to go, I can sense it." Chiron looked sadly around the room. "You must end this."

"I can't leave you!" Leo cried.

"You must," Chiron coughed. "Please, don't betray this old centaur's last wish." He raised one finger to the only unsmashed picture. Leo stared at them for a moment before turning back to face his mentor. Chiron smiled. "Goodbye, Leo." He looked up into nothingness as his eyes finally lost their sparkle, the ghost of a smile still etched upon his face.

Leo stared down at the centaur's body. He did not care to brush the tears of his cheeks, letting them run freely. Leo closed his old mentor's eyes.

"Goodbye Chiron." He whispered.

Leo ran to the unsmashed pictures, grabbing the last picture off the wall. Leo knew what this was. A message from the Fates. His destiny in a nutshell.

Leo looked down at the picture that was never taken. It was the seven, Reyna, Nico, Thalia, Will, and Rachel. They were standing in a line, arms wrapped around each other. They were in the Camp Half-Blood landscape, but it was a building site instead. Each of them wore one glowing stone. Leo took the picture out of the case and placed the picture in his pocket.

Only the future can tell.

Annabeth cried silently, tears trickling down her face. Percy pulled her close, kissing her lightly. It was a miracle that both of them were unharmed by the blood bath. Their friends were not so lucky. Frank and Piper, an eye each. Hazel and Rachel, arms. Reyna, a foot. Jason, toes. Thalia and Will, two fingers, never to draw a bows again. Nico was paralysed in the lower half of his body. Around half their troops were killed in the battle. Retired demigods joined the legion once more. Millions of soldiers in the Elysium.

A shuffling noise sounded. Annabeth wiped the tears off her face and got ready into battle positions, pulling out her drakon-bone sword. And out of the darkness emerged.


"LEO!" Everyone nearly cried, all rushing themselves forward to hug the scrawny teenager. Piper punched him in the face.

"Ow! Beauty Queen!" Leo yelled.

All of the remaining leaders and senior campers took turns punching Leo Valdez, the survivor. Leo fell backwards with a bloody nose after the abuse was over and a girl from behind him stabilised her. The seven recognised her from the picture in Leo's cabin from the Argo II.

"Calypso" Percy breathed. Calypso gave him a watery smile.

"So basically, these last few years have been hectic. I died. Festus brought me back to life. I found Ogygia and saved my lady love. We took a couple holiday stops before coming here. Now what happened?!" Leo said quickly.

"Gaea wasn't the only primordial out there" Jason replied.

"Tataurus." Nico said from the corner. He was the only friend of Leo's who hadn't punched him. The temperature in the room dropped a couple thousand degrees.

"What about the Gods?" Leo asked.

"The Gods-" Hazel broke off. "Leo, the Gods are gone."

"Gone?" Calypso asked, barely audible. "H-how?"

"Faded." Percy stated grimly.

"It was awful." Piper said, leaning into Jason. Silence spread through the room like a disease before;

"What do we do?"

"We've lost half our army."

"Half our good friends."

"Our weapons are rusty and the monsters keep coming back."

"We could run?"

"Maybe we'll make it to the other side of the world and live longer lives before the world ends."

"We have to make a plan. We have to fight!"

Annabeth sighed, rubbing her face warily. "I don't know what to do. Piper?"

"No ideas here." Piper said. "This-this could very well the demigods' last stand." Silence erupted all throughout the room.

"And we'll go out with a bang!" Thalia said, standing up. She looked readily around everyone. "That's what we'll do, isn't it? We're Greeks and Romans. We don't go down without a fight!"

"I second that." A voice said from the corner. Out of the shadows, Reyna stepped on a mechanical foot. She looked around. "Are we unprepared or have we been fighting our entire lives?" A murmur or agreement sounded throughout the group. "Are we children with weapons or are we battle hardened soldiers?!" The rumble got louder. WILL WE SIT BACK AND DO NOTHING OR WILL WE AVENGE OUR FRIENDS?!" There was a chorus of screams of agreement.

"Tartarus" Jason said. "We kill or put Tartarus to sleep and the monsters will regenerate like normal. Then we finish off the remaining troops and we've won."

"But first of all." Leo said, all eyes swerved to him. "We need to get some weapons and body parts for you people!" Leo shoved on the table Archimedes's plans for weapons.

Nyssa stepped forward. "Archimedes." She murmured. She looked into Leo's eyes, grinned, then turned towards her Greek and Roman siblings. "Let's get to work!"

Percy smiled. A cold smile. One that was so unlike Percy. "Watch out Tataurus. We're coming."

Percy looked through the trees to where the monsters were honouring their sponsor, Hell himself. Him and Calypso were on scouting duty. Percy turned to look at Calypso, who was obviously avoiding his eyes. He sighed.

"Look." Calypso jumped at the sound of his voice. "I think we should clear the air." Percy sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't make sure the Gods kept their end of the deal. I just got distracted with the next war and I forgot. I'm not making excuses, I think you and Leo would be good together, I'm here for you Cal." Percy gave her a small lopsided smile and surprisingly Calypso smiled back. "I do have one question though." Percy continued. "Did you curse me?" He said in a smaller voice. "I would totally understand why, I was a jerk." He rushed on. "but did you?"

Calypso looked down slightly in shame. "I grew tired. I thought I was finally going to be free, but when nothing happened, I was angry. A-at you and Annabeth and the Gods." She paused. "Yes I cursed you." She finished in a much smaller voice.

Percy looked down slightly but took a deep breath, looked at Calypso and gripped her arm. "I'm sorry." He said. A moment of silence passed and an understanding was formed between the ex-lovers.

They knew that they would be there for the other.

The Thirteen, as people now called them, stood over a sea of black sand. This is what remained of the surface of Tataurus. Tataurus was asleep. He would be asleep for the next milenia if they were lucky, but the point is he wouldn't be waking up soon.

Out of the sand erupted thirteen stones. (These all are real colours that I think represent their personalities btw)Ruby red, fire orange, gold, lemon yellow, emerald green, sea green, sky blue, royal blue, amethyst purple, Indian red, cream white, silver, black. They seemed to float out of the sand and towards each of the Thirteen. Leo took the crumpled picture out of his pocket and smiled. He tore it in half.

"The only thing that matters is right now."

Over the years. A lot of changes happened.

Percabeth, Solangelo, Theyna, Jasper, Frazel, Caleo all got married and had children. (Children will show up in later chapters)

Camp Legend was built. It had a mix of Greek and Roman culture, merging to create their own. (Again, will appear in later chapters)

The Thirteen were treated like Gods.

Jason became Pontifex Maximus and honoured all of the late-gods.

Piper became an actress, like her father.

Hazel and Frank became World-Class archeologists.

Percy became a famous marine-biologist.

Annabeth became a famous architect.

Leo opened Valdez Repairs Shop.

Calypso became a singer.

Reyna won Gold in the Olympics.

Thalia opened and became the CEO of Hunter Industries.

Nico opened a famous italian restaurant.

Will became a doctor.

Rachel took her place as CEO of Dare Enterprises.

All was well. That is before;


Hello peeps!

Your ideas are amazing, and I will use a lot of them

Don't forget to R&R

Thank for checkin' in

Dexter out!