Disclaimer: All the characters are of SM

Bellas cafe

Bella smiled to herself as she iced the words "Happy birthday ,Emma " slowly on a large black forest cake. Once she had finished the writing, she checked once more time over the cake.

She slid it toward Kim after she was satisfied with it . Kim took it and carefully put it in one of the premade boxes ,sticking the label of Emma on the side of the box .

She then gave the man the customized cake and wished him a good day before he left.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if he came in here?" Bella squeaked to her friend Kim as they were having lunch. It was so beautiful with view of beach from their window of the cafe.

Kim smiled and shook her head "You are obsessed, Bells. I don't want to scoop you off the floor when you melt into a puddle at the sight of Black . He has better things to do than to come on here to read a book and drink your coffee. "

" Whatever " she said irritably, resisting to flip Kim off. She was annoyed because she was right.

She didn't have words to describe her feelings towards Jacob Black.

She sighed as she remembered how she became his fan. She had been in the middle of trying to think up a name for the cafe and book store, that Kim and she had been in the process of setting up

She had found first his music on the internet when she was searching for lyrics of a song. Getting curious by the cover she had clicked the YouTube link.

In the video, Jacob was sitting on a upturned crate , in his garage just playing his acoustic guitar.

He had silky black hair that he had put in a ponytail. He was singing with a beautiful voice that was a gorgeous mixture of velvet and huskiness.

Bella smiled as she had become so engrossed in his voice that she had listened his complete playlist ssongs while adoring him like he was .

He was a pretty boy with golden skintone ,she had never seen anything like it. He had sharp jawline with a stunning black eyes and sensuous full lips. Intrigued to know the beautiful singer, she had clicked on his profile that directed to his website.

His name was Jacob Black and was two years older than her and lived in Iowa. He loved writing his songs and dreamt of becoming a big musician one day.

She had downloaded all his songs and after few hours ,his music had became her obsession. Her little brother had whined when she used to hum his songs all day.

Poor Kim had to listen the full play list of his songs on repeat with her when she had introduced his songs to her.

Bella had named her cafe 'Don't say Goodbye 'after listening the breakup song he had released that time. She had liked the music and on her insistence, Kim agreed to keep the name of the restaurant

Kim andBella were proud of everything they had achieved with their little store and worked hard to keep it a nice place to be in .Seven years had passed since then and ' Don't say goodbye ' had developed hugely.

They were nearly always busy and loads of people came on their cafe to read books and drink coffee.

Four years after Bella had found his music, Jacob Black was starting to shoot to stardom within the U.S.

Everyone loved his voice and she bought all the CD's as soon as they released.


So when Bella recieved a Google alert informing her that Jacob was planning to visit San Francisco for his birthday getaway.

She had freaked out on reading it and fell of her chair in excitement .He was flying in today 10 th Jan ,his twenty seven birthday.

Kim retrieved a magazine she had kept under the counter through the glossy pages to see what the celebrities were wearing as she waited for her boyfriend to come at the store.

It was nearing closing time and there was one customer Mrs Cali who was leaving now after making her purchase.

Bella grabbed her copy of Pride and Prejudice and started reading.

She had read less than a para ,the bell rang signaling a customer.

Kim and Bella looked up simultaneously, it was twenty minutes to their closing time. A big grin spread on Kim 's face ,it was her boyfriend .

"Jared " Kim sang happily ,skirting around the serving desk to leap into her boyfriend arms of four years.

"You ready to go, baby? " Jared asked her quietly, his brown eyes pushed a hand through his hair. " No sorry, we have only got 15 minutes till we get off? Do you want something while you wait?"Bella waved a hand at them.

" Go Kim, I can clear up myself. It's no trouble"

"Are you sure ,Bells "

Bella insisted to Kim "Go ...have fun" she beamed at her.

"Okay " Kim hopped out of Jared's arm " I will be right back."She ran up the stairs after pecking on his cheek .

"Do you want a drink while you wait ? You know how long will it take " Bella offered Jared as she gestured towards upstairs . Kim and bella shared a rather spacious apartment above the store.

" No,its fine ." he refused as he leant casually against the desk .

" So ,Bella I heard that your lover boy is not far away. So how are you feeling right now ? " she flushed embarrassed 'Um..."

"Excuse me ." she was cut off by Kim .

" She squealed at first when she received the Google Alert on her phone that Jacob Black was planning to visit California on his birthday. She squeaked quietly while we had lunch as she read out to me that he had wanted to visit Orange County since he was little.

After finishing her lunch ,she shrieked and fallen off of her chair in excitement cause he's gonna ..."

Bella cut of her "if you don't mind,can you both go out and have fun."

"Okay ,I am ready .Are you sure you will be okay by yourself. I can help in the cleaning before I turn out." Kim asked her while trying to suppress her laughter. She could see her friend was getting embarrassed and was trying her to make her go away.

"Yeah ,sure .Please go before you want to pull of embarrassed me puddle from the floor in front of Jared "Bella whined ,making Kim and Jared laugh on seeing her sulking like a shy child.

"I think you can shut up shop early, to be honest. I don't think anyone else is gonna come ya ,soon " Jared commented as they went out .

It had turned quiet after they had gone . Bell plugged her iPod into the speaker system we had under the desk, scrolling to her Jacob Black playlist and sticking it on shuffle. And then, she turned it up until the music was blasting through the speakers; but not loud enough to be heard outside.

Collecting together the bits of the coffee machine that needed washing. She carried them to the kitchen and propped the door open so that she could hear the full blast of the music.

Bella was so lost in the music that she almost didn't hear the bell ring as someone stepped inside.

She groaned as she realised that she had forgotten to turn the 'Open' sign to 'Closed' again.

She shut off the water, drying off her hands before going to tell the customer that they were shut.

"I'm really sorry, but we're…" Bella tailed off as she walked through the open door .

His eyes were trained on the plaque on the wall and, though his back was to her , she knew who he was.

Then he turned around and saw her staring at him. He smiled a little, looking kind of nervous. "Hi."

He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously "I'm sorry are you closed? I can go…"

"No!… no, we can be open for you. ."She hurried round the desk and silenced the music. "Um… I am Jacob Black . I am ..." Oh my God, she had forgotten her own name.

"Bella?" he suggested, one perfect eyebrow raised.

"You know my name?"

"Uh… no… it says on your… name tag." He gestured to her as his husky voice reduced her knees to jelly.

"Oh." Right.

A/n : So how did you like it? I will try to finish this story seen .Stay safe everyone and take care