The problem was that 2000 years ago Qetsiyah created the other side so she needed something immortal and invulnerable or invincible that would last forever and Amara fit her bill she wanted her to feel the death of every supernatural creature for eternity so she turned Amara into stone and made her the Anchor to the other side so now every supernatural creature who dies passes through her to other side and she feels each and everyone of their deaths

So now if I drain her Immortal powers she won't be invincible enough for the other side to hold and it will start destroying itself the fact I want it to be destroyed as it was in vampire diaries season 5 finale

Only now I am thinking on different ways how can I benefit from this situation I am writing my calculations on my black notebook qetsiyah got for me and yes I couldn't because apparently the plot of vampire diaries season 5 where travellers come to mystic falls to wreak havoc has started already Nadia has found Katherine and with her all of travellers are hunting me as we speak Yes apparently some mystic falls gang member Matt most likely spilled the beans and told Travellers through Nadia about me so now they are looking for me to help them complete the Magic purification spell Qetsiyah was already keeping tabs on these travellers from the other side with the help from her decendents and on our way back she was contacted by her decendents to warn her to about the bounty hunting for me so in atypical protective girlfriend fashion she has me now on a lockdown in our house I was not to leave the house until this danger passes she really is possessive and overprotective, she is now preparing my lunch of my favorite Indian foods she really spoils me rotten and when I try to protest she just kisses me deeply and says it's one of her duties towards me and she wants to take care of me so I let her be

Yes we have returned with Amara boxed in coffin with us to Qetsiyah's or to be specific our home

On the way here we talked about many things about but mainly I wanted to ask her how did she knew it was me anant of her previous life and ofcourse there is a plot twist there is another prophecy about my resurrection or more specifically my deeds and it goes like this

Prophecy of BV

With the death of the last of trinity

The world shall become his prison

In this last life Enemies will he inherit many

Broken free atlast he will find his identity of this life

To become stronger

Hunters Thrice, Hybrids and witches four times thrice

The Enhanced Hunter and the first immortals

All will fall by his might

Worshiped, served, aided by Bountiful nature through her pure love and devotion and adoration

He will rise again

As the powerful warrior

So That's it Another fucking Prophecy about me clearly it says about my deeds even before I committed them. I don't even know what the hell BV means or in the previous one OI meant I mean who writes them

it's all self-explanatory here The Trinity here are my mom Rachel, Alexa and my Grandma and with their deaths I would be imprisoned in the Prison World

Another thing which is more important and more terrifying is this is my last life here why and for what reason I don't' know but am sure Nature knows and I would know soon enough either way but more worrying is the line stating I will inherit many enemies which I knew because duh! I am son of original Hybrid Klaus and anyone Close to Originals is a target for their enemies to use and manipulate but now I know I would also inherit many enemies from my past life as well it has made me wary and more paranoid the list of my enemies keep on growing exponentially when I hadn't even done anything which is not good for me

I know what you are all gonna say so what you are super powerful but one thing you are missing that with enough threats or enemies proper preparation and god forbid if they all join forces and attack me simultaneously strategically even I can be brought down so yes I don't like threats and enemies I am collecting I now look at my notebook and I am not impressed.

Enemies from This Life (with Threat rating and status)

The Originals (Potentially)

Joshua Parker and Gemini Coven(Absolutely)

Supernatural Hunters (dealt with, only Jeremy Gilbert remaining)

Mikael (Absolutely)



The Strix (Absolutely)

The Sisters (Absolutely)

Tritian and Aurora and Ayanna (Absolutely)

Lucian Castle(Absolutely)

Marcel Gerard (Absolutely)

Vincent Griffith(Potential)

Greta Sienna and her Cult(Absolutely)

Sofya Voronova (Absolutely)

The Ancestors(Absolutely)

The Nine Covens of New Orleans(Potential)

Deveraux Sisters(Absolutely)

Sabine [ Celeste ] (Absolutely)

Davina Claire (Potential)

The Hollow

Rayna Cruz The Huntress (Absolutely)

The Everlastings (Absolutely)

and other enemies my family gathered in 1000 years to be continued

'Great, just Great' I thought, here potential threats are the ones that I am not sure about and can be trusted in right circumstances and absolute ones are the ones that I need to get rid of with no qualms of course this list can be edited and updated on basis of circumstances but I doubt it looking at the list meanwhile looking at the other list of enemies of my previous life I smiled at the much smaller list but it was filled with powerful players

Enemies of my previous life (Threat rating and status)

Silas (dealt with)

Amara ( Still in the process)

Gemini Coven (Absolutely)

Travellers (Absolutely)

The Armoury (Absolutely)

Sirens (Absolutely)

Devil Arcadius (Absolutely)

among others to be continued

'I really have a long way to go' I thought looking tiredly at the both lists.