start notes—
Marinette makes enchanted armor. Chat Noir destroys it. Things go about as well as expected.
my tellonym: milkisande
witch au
somehow i've fallen,
under your spell.
"YOU broke your armor… again!?"
The black iron-clad hero at least had the courtesy to look sheepish, scratching his head as the enchanted seamstress glared back; needle and scissors held in what seemed to be a threatening position. Surprisingly, Marinette had little to no qualms about berating the man: something that most wouldn't dare do, given that her customer was infamous throughout their whole kingdom— the Hero of Destruction, Chat Noir.
To her, though, he was the ever-so-annoying customer who showed up at her shop every week, asking (read: begging) her to make him a new suit of armor, because his had been destroyed in his party's most recent quest.
This had to be… the twenty-five-thousand-nine-hundred-and-thirteenth time since he had showed up with a new request? (She wished she was joking; really, she did— but it seemed that the boy, true to his title, had a penchant for destruction; not just the villain, apparently, but public property and his own belongings as well).
"Come on, Marinette!" Chat whined, following her as she disappeared into the back room. "Please, you're not just going to leave me out there defenseless, right?"
The hero pouted as the witch only rolled her eyes, offhandedly waving her hand as a pile of fabric and thread flew over to sit themselves neatly next to her sewing machine. "You can just ask someone else to make it for you! There are plenty of other seamstresses out there."
"Sure," he began, "but you make the best armor in the kingdom! Everyone knows that," Chat Noir stated matter-of-factly, a grin forming as he saw the girl look up from the corner of his eye. "Marinette's is supurrior."
As he talked, the hero walked over to her, taking a ball of yarn from the air, bouncing it between his hands.
Marinette only sighed in slight exasperation, snapping her fingers as the yarn flew right back into her hand. "You mean, it was superior." She pointed out, walking over to him to point an accusatory jab at his chest. "I had a 100% success rate for unbreakable armor until you came along!"
Chat Noir laughed, raising his hand in joking surrender. "Hey! That's because most of your customers don't go into life-or-death situations daily!"
"Really?" Marinette asked, eyebrows raised. "I make Ladybug's outfit too, you know," she stated, staring up at him (— he was a good few inches taller than her; something that the seamstress always heavily disliked). "And she's to ask me for a new outfit yet. Maybe a few alterations here and there, but nothing major."
Marinette pressed her lips together, then pointed at the pile of charred armor (though it was more… 10% armor and 90% burnt ash). "This mess, on the other hand; I can't salvage anything! I'd have to start from the beginning!"
"That's because Ladybug is a witch of creation!" Chat stated defensively, then pointed at himself. "I'm a warlock of destruction; it's part and parcel with my hero identity! Ladybug knows that, and she understands."
"Sure she does." Marinette only responded, recalling in her mind just how many times 'Ladybug' had told him to be careful with his armor.
Oh, if only he knew.
"Anyway, I'm fully booked for the week!" She continued, gesturing at the overflowing pile of fabric and metal plates threatening to topple and fall over at any minute. "There are plenty of other seamstresses and armorers who would love to create clothing for a hero as renown as you."
"But none of them are you."
Now that's not fair.
Chat Noir took that opportunity to step closer (much more than they already were), as he looked down at her— eyes a vivid green that seemed to draw the smaller girl in.
"Are you sure you don't want to reconsider?" He whispered, moving closer as Marinette found herself backed up against the desk of her sewing machine, his hands on either side of her waist.
She looked up at him, face lit up in a sort of challenge. "I guess I can bump you up… but it will cost quite a bit." Marinette smiled, mischief dancing in her eyes. "Know how to pay me, kitty?"
Chat Noir grinned. "I can think of a few ways."
He didn't need another moment, another snarky response, before capturing her lips in his with a searing kiss; hands snaking around her waist, as hers found their way to his chest.
Marinette loved the feeling. Reveled in it.
Kissing Chat Noir was a lot more magical than any spell or incantation she could conjure up with her powers.
So they stayed like that for a while, entwined, before the sudden sound of an ahem! force them to part.
"If you're all done with… that; Chat, we need to go. There's rumors that Hawkmoth was seen in the castle." A familiar blonde heroine interrupted suddenly, seeming to have no regrets at disrupting their moment.
Once she left, Marinette only glanced upward, hands still on his chest, mouth still out of breath, and face flushed as if she had just gone through an extensive workout. Smiling innocently, the witch suddenly pushed him back, allowing for some space between them.
"Guess you need to leave then, huh?"
Chat Noir smirked, taking in her disheveled appearance. "Are you sure you're okay with that, though?"
"Please," Marinette remarked, "you should see how you look."
The hero laughed, then walked back to her, bowing down to kiss her hand. "Well, whatever the case; thanks for a lovely time." He looked up. "I hope that's enough payment?"
Marinette grinned. "I'll have your armor ready by next week. Think you can hold until then, kitty?"
"For you, milady, of course. Can't have you meowsing me for too long." He winked.
She rolled her eyes. "Sure."
Then, before the door closed, he was sure he could hear it:
"Come back soon."
end notes—
i had so many more ideas for this au, so maybe i'll write more for it after this month (?). i just really love magic aus. and adventures. so i'd love to come back to this one day! this is also my first time joining a tumblr month, so please be kind. ;n;
thank you for reading! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~