Lemon, mature audiences only!
The PAW Patrol return to The Lookout after a sub-par mission.
"What happened out there?" Ryder scolds, "You are all lucky no one was hurt. If I hadn't been there Mayor Goodway would've broken something!" "It wasn't our fault! Skye is the problem!" Chase growled. "Yeah, she was keeping us up all night with her whimpering." Rubble chimes in. "H-hey that's not tru-" Skye tries to reply, but is cut off "No, everyone's right, you didn't follow a single order during the mission." Ryder replies. "Well i-it just my th-thingy hurts!" Skye barks. "Hmm… we better see someone about this. I bet Katie would know what's up." Ryder says reassuringly. "Don't cause any trouble while Skye and I are out" Ryder insists "Tell that to Mayor Goodway!" Marshall says jokingly. Ryder simply sighs while motioning Skye to follow.
"Hi Ryder!" Katie greets cheerfully, "Skye's not due for a grooming for another few weeks. What's up?" "Well, I don't know how to say this… she's having… issues." Ryder replies shyly. "I can tell that by the way she's squirming. Is she hurt?" Katie says kneeling down to pet Skye, "J-just tell her Ryder!" Skye whimpers out. "No… she's having… girl problems. At least I assume they're girl problems, none of the other pup have has an issue like this." Ryder explains. "Hmm… I can take a look at her in the back if that'll make you feel better." Katie smiles sweetly to Skye, who just nods in agreement.
"Okay, now that Ryder's out of our hair, why don't you tell me whats bothering you." Katie says gently, "My t-thingy burns and itches a-and aches, I-I can't take it any longer!" Skye growls and whimpers as she squirms in her seat. "Oh my… I think I know whats going on, you're in heat!" Katie replies happily, "In h-heat? What does that mean?" Skye asks, "It means you're mature, and certain needs must be satisfied." "Can you… satisfy those needs?" Skye whimpers. "Technically no, I can't, but I know what can." Katie says, walking away to another room. "W-wait!" Skye yelps, "Calm down, I was just getting you this." Katie presents Skye a small pink vibrator, "Use this where it aches and it'll go away in no time! Just turn it on with this button, and turn this knob to make it stronger." Katie places the toy in a bag and gives it to Skye. "Oh! Before you leave… just keep this between us, and only use that thing in your pup house. Got it?" Skye nods nervously.
As Skye and Katie leave the back room Ryder raises an eyebrow and points at the bag, but before he can ask Katie says, "Don't worry about it, just a little… medicine." Ryder shrugs and calls to Skye "Let's head home." During the ride back Ryder tries not to question the bag, but he notices Skye smiling to herself, "What are you so happy about?" he asks, "Katie says this will help in no time!" Ryder's curiosity is peaked, but he decides not to asks any further questions. When they arrive the sun is already setting, the other pup are out playing, "Look! Ryder's back!" Zuma announces, "Really, where?!" Marshall yells before running into Zuma knocking them both over. Ryder pulls up and commands the pup, "Alright, it's getting late, everyone head inside for dinner, than it's off too bed!" The pups all head for The Lookout Tower, except Skye who heads for her pup house. "Where do you think you're going?" Ryder questions Skye, "Oh, umm… I'm not hungry." Skye responds, "Alright… just don't starve yourself." Ryder says before heading inside, "I won't!" Skye says cheerfully skipping to her pup house.
Skye enters her pup house and quickly closes the door, she throws the bag down and rips it open. Her eyes fixate on the bright pink toy, the itchy, burning sensations get more intense with each passing moment. She feels a cold, wet sensation on her thighs, her pussy is dripping. She places the tip of the toy against the lips of her pussy and slowly begins to grind against it, "Ahh… t-that feels nice." Skye moans to herself. She then remembers what Katie told her, about the button, she reaches down and paws at the button, turning the toy on with a low rumble. She gasps sharply and moans loadly, "Oh fuck!" her legs get weaker and she sinks lower on the toy, "M-my god! Somethings coming… I-I feel it!" The pup is already approaching her first climax, her breath gets heavier with each passing moment and her pussy sinks lower on the toy. "So… so full, I'm… so close!" Skye final drops down, the toy bottoms out in her pussy, "Ahaaahhh!" Her pussy trembles and clenches as her body begins to convulse, she loses her footing and falls backwards, but this doesn't stop her climax. "Nhaaahhh!" Suddenly her pussy gushes out a flood of juices, forcing the toy out, although she doesn't notice. Skye lies back on the ground, trembling with aftershocks of pleasure, the vibrator still buzzing gently, her breath coming in heavy pants. As her senses return, Skye begins to feel the familiar burning and itching, "Wait… b-but Katie said it would go away!" she growls to herself. "More… I need more." Skye grabs the still buzzing toy and lines it up with her leaking pussy, "Fuck! That feels good, but… I need more!" she snarls before plunging the toy into her hole. "Ah! Yes..." her body instinctively begins to pump the toy in and out of her pussy, the tight hole grips the toy with surprising resistance, "Ghaah!" The pleasure grows, but its different than before, her climax isn't coming. Frustration begins to boil up within Skye, and she pumps the toy faster, "Please, I need this!" she begs in vain. Katie's words echo in Skye's head, "Stronger… Yeah, more power..." her paw blindly shoots down to the toy, when she finds the knob she quickly turns it to the other side, unknowingly maxing the toy out. "OH MY F-FUCKING GOD!" the vibrations are so strong Skye immediately begins to shake and thrash around, her pussy is ejecting streams of juice as her climax quickly approaches. "T-TOO FAST! IT HURTS… B-BUT I'M SO CLOSE!" She throws her head back violently while her back arches sharply, "AHAAAH!" Skye screams in pleasure as her orgasm washes over, her pussy clenches tightly around the toy locking it firmly inside. "TOO MUCH!" She shouts, fumbling for the toy, the tightness of her squeezing pussy make it too difficult to remove with her paws. Skye has no choice, she reaches down and grabs the toy with her maw before pulling it out violently. Her pussy throbs as another flood of juices gush out, she throws the toy aside, still trembling and gushing continuously. Skye, still shaking violently, begins to regain her senses, tears slowly stream down her face, "Owww… that hurt… but it felt...so good." She looks at her pussy, it's swollen and sensitive, her first instinct is to give it a soothing lick, but the moment her tongue hits her, pussy it jumps and throbs, "W-what? No… No more!" The sensations of heat begin again, and she begins to frantically search for the toy. When Skye finds the toy on the floor, she nearly dives for it. Her pussy is so sensitive she is extremely gentle while inserting it in, the familiar pleasure grows inside her, but somethings missing, "Oh no, i-it's not vibrating!" She fumbles for the button, pushing it frantically, "The battery, it's… dead." The realization fills her with dread, tears begin to well up in her eyes, and she begins to sob.
Outside The Lookout, the rest of the pups are heading to their pup houses. "Do you guys hear that?" Chase asks, "It sounds like Skye… she's crying." "Well, serves her right, she got us in trouble." Rubble responds. "What's going on?" Marshall pipes up, "It's nothing, lets just go to sleep." Chase commands. Marshall rolls his eyes, but follows the rest of the pups to bed. Chase enters his pup house, but knows what he must do. He waits a few minutes before leaving and heading too Skye's pup house. Chase knocks on the door, "Skye, are you alright?" he asks, "Go away!" she responds, "I just want to help." Chase pleads. Skye thinks for a moment, this may be her chance for relief. "Ok… but you have to promise not to tell anyone." Skye demands, "I promise" Chase reassures her. The door opens and Chase enters, "Skye?" he asks looking around for her, The door quickly shuts behind him revealing Skye standing next to it. "What's going on?" Chase demands, "I… I'm in heat." Skye answers, "Heat? What does that mean?" Chase asks. Skye blushes and turns around slowly, "My pu- um… my thingy is… how did Katie put it? In need… it needs to be… satisfied." Skye shows her pussy to Chase, still being young, he's not quite sure what to do, but a strange scent wafts to his nose. "That smells… nice." Chase says, "H-hey don't say that." Skye stammers with embarrassment. Chase pays no attention to Skye's requests and brings his face close to her pussy with a deep inhale, "That smells… awesome." Without hesitation his tongue lashes out at her pussy, lapping along the slit, "Ahh!" Skye gasps in surprise. "Skye my, thingy is getting all stiff." Chase lifts his leg, Skye turns to see Chase's penis begin to poke out of it's sheath. "Oh wow, it looks so… angry." Skye comments on the bright red color, this doesn't stop her from leaning in close to lick it, "Skye, that feels great." Chase moans, Skye giggles, she's never heard Chase sound like that. His cock grows larger, throbbing rhythmically with Skye's licks, she doesn't notice Chase reach around her. "Oh!" Skye jumps in surprise ask she feels Chase's wet tongue penetrate her pussy, "Chase, I… I need you… NOW!" Skye demands, Chase moans in pleasure at the taste of her pussy juice. their eyes meet and Skye instinctively raises her rear, Chase knows what to do and he mounts from behind, resting the tip of his penis against her pussy lips, "Skye, I want you so bad right now."Chase moans, "I want to too." Skye moans in response. Chase pushes his cock into Skye's pussy, "S-slowly… your a lot bigger than that toy." Skye whimpers, "Sorry, you just feel so good!" Chase responds. Skye attempts to giggle but the pleasure overwhelms her, "You feel g-good too!" Skye moans as Chase bottoms out inside of her. They moan in sync with each other as Chase begins to thrust in and out of Skye's, now sloppily dripping, pussy. This is what she needed, but to completely cool her heat Skye needs Chases semen deep inside her. Skye Spreads her legs further and arches her back sharply, her climax starts to well up from deep inside her, "Chase… fuck me harder!" Skye moans lustfully, Chase only growls in response, his hips bucking harder and faster, "That's it, that's my good boy!" Skye teases reassuringly. Their breaths come in sharp pants now, both are approaching orgasm, Skye feels a hard bump slamming against her opening with each thrust, Chase has a sizable knot at the base of his penis. "I feel something… something good!" Chase moans loudly, Skye moans in encouragement "I feel it too!", she wants him to empty his balls inside her. Chase begins to press his knot hard against her pussy, Skye pushes her pussy back into the knot, "It's coming!" Skye screams in pleasure, Chase steadies his footing and with on final push plunges the knot deep inside Skye's pussy. With a load bark Chase's cock erupts, shooting jets of hot semen deep into Skye's womb, Skye can't help but scream as her pussy clamps onto the knot from her own orgasm, squeezing even more semen into herself. They both collapse, breathing heavy and trembling as the pleasure keeps coming in aftershocks. Their eyes meet and they lean into a deep kiss with each other, they break their kiss with soft giggles, having regained their senses, the mutual pleasure leads to warm, happy feeling between themselves. "That was-" "Amazing!" Skye cuts off Chase, "I was gonna say awesome, but yeah, amazing." Chase says before giving Skye a kiss on the forehead. Chase attempts to stand, but feels a pulling on his penis, "Um… Skye, could you let me go?" Chase asks nervously. Skye pulls away, but Chase groans in pain. "Uh oh… we're stuck." Skye whimpers, "You think?" Chase responds, an annoyed tone is clear in his voice. They think on their predicament for a minute before Skye pipes up, "Maybe… you can just sleep here? I'm sure it'll go away by morning." "How are we going to explain that to the others?" Chase asks, "We'll just wake up early. No one will know." Skye reassures. Chase thinks for a moment, but can't find another solution, "Fine, just… don't make this any weirder than it already is." Skye hides her excitement, but lets out a gentle smile. After some awkward maneuvering, they end up on Skye's bed. "Goodnight." Skye says pulling the covers over them both and back um into Chase's chest. "Y-yeah… goodnight." Chase responds, he hesitates for a moment before giving in and wrapping his arm around Skye, kissing her forehead and pulling her close.
The next morning, Skye awakens early to the sound of chirping bird. She notices Chase, still asleep but holding her tightly, she snuggles into his embrace. "Chase, you need to wake up." he lightly stirs, squeezing Skye gentle, "H-hey, not too tight… it does feel kinda nice though." Skye says, causing Chase to squeeze tighter, Skye giggles and looks at Chase, "Come on, I know you're awake." She say nuzzling into his chest, Chase can't play any longer and chuckles softly before kissing Skye's cheek, "You caught me." he says. "We better get up before the others do." Chase says moving the covers off, "Wait!" Skye interrupts, pulling the covers back over them, "Could we snuggle a little more?" Chase just sighs before pulling her close and kissing her deeply.