Super short Chapter.
"Shit, god damn it, my thoughts were right after all, I always know that my death was inevitable after I entered the world of Killing Bites, I should've know that it was a bad idea from keeping my true talents away from the real world" said Nomoto in rage as he pulls out a vial from his desk back at his apartment.
"It's time for me to show them what true horror looks like" said Nomoto as he injects the vial into his head as his eyes starts to glow after when his eyes turns back to normal, his expression starts to change from an angry man to a really cold and doesn't care person as he starts to pull out some sort of gun and opens a green jelly portal.
As he crosses the portal he enters the dinosaur worlds and found a dinosaur that are the smartest among all dinosaurs, as he sneakly successfully extract some of its blood out and runs away, finally he starts to combine it's DNA along with materials across the galaxy he's been too and then he forms it into a strange red vial as he injects it directly into his heart, suddenly his wound starts to recover.
As when red flashes starts to glow from the inside of the apartment.
The end.
To be continue.