Chapter 1: Floor Number 1.

Tokyo City, year 20XX.

A human was shown climbing the Mountain Fuji, in the middle of climbing it he successfully managed to climb onto the top of the mountain, what he could see for himself was a deep bottomless pit.

The human doesn't seem to want to go inside as he thinks that it's time to go home but suddenly he slips his leg and falls, he lands onto a pile of golden flowers as he starts to open his eyes slowly and looks around.

"Huh, where am I? What is this place?" the boy stood up and looks around nothing else but a pile of golden flowers as he see infront of him was something that doesn't gives him a chilling way, it gave him a gaze of fear, right infront of him was a tomb.

"Wait, somebody live in this place" the boy walks near the tomb as he steps thru.

At the spectating room.

"So, it all began, the seventh human and also the key to free us all" said a voice.

When, the human was walking in the middle of the tomb suddenly he notice that there's a penguin that is standing right infront of him.

"Greetings my name is Éclair Ecleir Eicler, but you can call me E.E.E for short, right I'm also a Heteromorphic penguin that is the former leader of the cleaners in Nazarick" said E.E.E

"Um nice to meet you" said the human boy.

"Say, what is your name anyways?" ask E.E.E

"My name is Jay" said Jay.

"Jay huh, what a nice name you must be new here right Jay, well then let me teach you something" as everything around him suddenly changes into black, there was nothing except him and the talking penguin and a red heart on the chest of the boy.

"Do you see this heart on your chest that is your soul" said E.E.E

"But E.E.E what exactly does the soul mean" said Jay.

"The souls represent for your talents" said E.E.E

"Talents?" said Jay.

"Yes, talents each soul has it's own colors, blue is integrity, green is kind, purple is persuasive, orange is bravery, yellow is justice, cyan stands for patient, these 6 souls are really common to be obtain" said E.E.E

"What about mine it's red, does that mean it's special?" ask Jay.

"Exactly, the red souls are rare ones in fact nobody has ever had a red soul on them before, because the red souls represent for determination" said E.E.E.

"So what's so special about these souls" said Jay.

"Souls could also have special abilities, kindness are really pro at healing others, orange is good at causing more damage onto others, justice is good at shooting, integrity is good at dodging, cyan is good at restraining others using it's fable blue attacks" said E.E.E

"Then what about the red soul?" said Jay.

"The red soul represents for determined isn't it, which is why it's capable of helping you not to give up" said E.E.E

"You mean like I could reborn myself" said Jay.

"Yes, exactly but I don't think you should be having this information" said E.E.E

"So, what now?" ask Jay.

"Listen here Jay, in this world it's not like the world you've been in this world are full of human haters as heteromorphic races" said E.E.E.

"So, is there a way for me to escape this place?" ask Jay.

"Yes, is if you can beat the ruler of this tomb as Ainz Ooal Gown himself" said E.E.E

"So, is there anything else?" ask Jay.

"Oh right, listen there are other things you must be train in order to face against foes that are stronger than me" said E.E.E as he forms out a group of sparkles.

"There are friendly attacks that can heal you and bad attack that could deal instant kill onto you now this is a sparkle that can clean and heal your wounds move into it" said E.E.E.

As when the sparkles charges forward, Jay ran directly into it as instead of being cleaned the sparkles caused a very large injured onto his body, as E.E.E face changes from a normal into evil.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU IDIOT IN THIS PLACE IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED" shouted E.E.E as he starts to form a group of sparkles all around Jay and is about to kill him when suddenly an axe was been threw directly into him as he flees away as it shows a dark armored person that looks like she isn't friendly.

"A-a-a human…Ainz Ooal Gown gave us the order that any human who visit this place must all have 1 thing in comment execution GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" the dark warrior swings her axe rapidly.

The end.

To be continue.