After we washed up and got back to class, Aizawa handed us a piece of paper.
"These are your electives. You have to pick one of them to pass the year. Every day, from the first homeroom to lunch period, you will go to the selected classes. If you wish, you can take extra lessons after school hours. You can leave when you select a class."
With that, he got into his bag and dozed off.
The paper had classes with the name of the teacher on them. I quickly glanced over it.
Management, pass. Impulse Control, pass. Advanced Counseling, pass. Religion and Hand to Hand Combat, pa-
If a person with a mental quirk was reading my mind, they could hear a tire screech. "Aizawa-sensei! Do you know anything about R&HH?"
"The teacher is the best in the academy for Hand to Hand. Do not take religious advice from him. He is the only teacher here who is quirkless."
Midoriya seems interested. "How did he get the position then?"
"He beat all the teachers here hand to hand, in a row. That man is a monster. If I did not see the DNA test, I would never believe him."
I knew what I had to do.
Walking through the corridors was not fun. U.A was massive and every hall looked the same. I had to ask an upperclassman for directions.
"Excuse me, do you know where the 'Church' is?"
"Just walk down this corridor and follow the music." What music- Then I heard it. A gentle but eerie tone flowing from somewhere. Is that fucking Church On The Hill?
"Wow, Ai-san. I did not think you would take this class." Midoriya is also next to me. "With how strong your quirk is, I thought you would go for an advanced combat class to get even stronger." He seems way too happy to walk into a potential death trap. "If he is who I think he is, this class will be the most useful for me." We enter through the elaborate doors.
I see him at last. His broad back facing us, clothed in black garb. His shoulder-length hair looks luxurious as ever. In his hands, a gold cup, filled with a red liquid. When he turns his face towards us, we see his smile. It is terrifying.
"Ah, heroes. Welcome, My name is Kirei Kot-"
"Yes I know, but why are you here?"
"I am not sure I understand youth? I am a teacher at this institute."
"What I am trying to say is, don't you have other things to do? Like sabotage Grail Wars or erase Humanity?"
His face shifts between different expressions. Surprise, fear, relief, and amusement.
"You know of my identity."
"But not your story," I call the cursed spear. "I would start talking. Unless you want to end up like UBW."
"Umm, Ai-san..."
"Shush, the grown-ups are talking."
Kirei starts walking in a wide arc. "You know about my life. Both of them. But I feel like an explanation is in order. I fully believed myself to be dead after my final battle with Emiya. But the Cursed grail and an Alien presence worked together to bring me to a new plane. My body was used as a mold for the spirit of Rasputin. You probably know the rest. I was tasked with weakening Chaldea. After that, I got placed to monitor the Russian Lostbelt. When defeat was certain, I got pulled back to HQ to prepare for the final showdown."
"Even with all the powers of the Alien God, we lost. In my last moments, I used my Noble Phantasm to its limits, shattering my Saint Graff. But I managed to live. And found myself in this world. No Order, no Association, and no Church. You could imagine my shock.
"The rest is as you see. I applied as a teacher here and lived a peaceful life." At this point Midoriya is just standing there, astounded.
"W-what are you guys talking about?"
"Ah, Midoriya-shounen. I forgot you were here with us. As you see this is sensitive information. It would be for your own good if you don't share this with anyone. While a dead U.A student might attract lots of attention, a lone woman dying in a villain attack is common."
A few sparks fly off from the enraged Midoriya. I intervene, Gae Bolg pressed against his throat.
"Midoriya, please don't attack the crazy priest." He somewhat calms down, still eying the man. "Now, what type of lesson are you going to teach us?"
"It depends on why you want to learn."
"I need some hand to hand in case I can't use my quirk in a pinch. Having the ability to switch to a completely different style would be invaluable."
"A-and I need to be able to fight without my quirk. It is good for finishers but it leaves my body broken when I use it."
The lesson ends with Kirei giving us some training regimen and a bible. What a nice guy.
"Umm, Ai-san. I was wondering, are the things you said... are they true?"
"Look, man, I don't want to talk about this right now. It is better if you forget about it. Or you may have to deal with a spear in your heart."
I can see he is visibly shaken. Good. He needs to learn how to act according to the situation. Otherwise, he will be taken advantage of when he is thrust into the world. Foolhardy conviction can only take you so far in life.
The next day, the class is brimming with excitement. Why? Because the next class is with All Might! The bell rings. Students sit down. And...
"I am!" Gasps of enthusiasm ran out from the kids. "Coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might bursts into the room. I tune out the babble. When the people get up and head towards the changing rooms, that is when Bakugo decides to poke me.
"Oi, get up." Time for battles.
"Team A- Katsuki Bakugo and Ai Bakugo.
Team D- Izuku Midoriya and Uraraka Ochako."
"Team A as Villains against Team D as Heroes! Villains you have 15 minutes of prep time!" Midoriya looks like a prisoner sentenced to death.
"Bakugo. I know you want to fight Deku." He sends a glare my way. "Which is why I will let you. But one thing. If he tries to talk about something, just listen for a moment. I am sure he has a great explanation for why he got a Quirk out of nowhere."
Bakugo walks out with fury.
"Ai-shounen! Are you sure Midoriya-shounen will be able to handle him?"
"Don't worry. If my guess is correct, he will get off lightly with a broken arm and some light burns. Heh."
Uraraka ran like the devil was behind her. Which was accurate, considering the state Bakugo was in. Midoriya-san said the bomb would be on the 3rd floor. It was not. She quickly ran to the 4th floor and found nothing there. Why would they put it on the roof? They knew about my quirk so why would they...
She finally saw him. Standing there with his arms outstretched. "This city is so pretty. I can only imagine its beauty when it is a burning pit!"
He turns to face her. "Oh? A hero, eh? Well well, I guess my useless brother let his rage get the better of him. No matter. I will take care of you on my own." He throws her a long metal pole. "Face me, hero! Face me or die!" He grabs a crimson spear. Uraraka feels the bloodlust rolling off from the spear.
"Have you been underestimating me since then, you bastard?"
They run towards each other.
"Detroit..." As Bakugo is about to slam his hand on him, Midoriya turns his hook into an uppercut. "Smash!" The air solidifies and breaks through the ceiling of the floor. And it keeps on going until it breaks through the roof. I have to believe in Uraraka-san!
The building shakes. Uraraka is still standing. She certainly is tenacious. Countless small cuts marred her body. But she still hasn't let go of the makeshift lance in her hands.
"So this is it! A roaring crescendo to our battle. Come on then hero! Show me your faith!"
The floor shatters under our feet. Countless fragments, big and small are in the air. She grabs a surfboard sized piece.
"Comet Homerun!" The move that took Iida out in canon.
She will find no such result with me.
-Thermopylae Enomotia!- 300 hundred shields form in front of me. The combination attack of Deku and Uraraka falls before the might of the Spartans. I have to give them credit where credit is due; the attack did destroy 2 shields.
"Time is up! Villains win!" As soon as All Might shouts Uraraka falls to the ground. I might have taken it too far. Eh, Recovery Girl can handle it.
"That was a -cough- interesting exercise. Who can tell me who the MVP was?"
"Sir." Momo raises her hand. "I believe that title belongs to Bakugo-san."
"Which one?"
"Ah, I meant Ai-san." She sports a small blush. Behold! My master plan! By having a brother, I force people into calling me by my first name, taking our relationship to the next level from the start! What? You are saying that Katsuki also has that advantage? He will never use it. He is already has that love/hate thing with Deku.
"Bakugo and Midoriya forgot the original objective and caused to much property damage. And while Uraraka did well, her last attack would have caused the bomb to go off if it had landed. Ai-san performed his role perfectly."
I sent a smile towards the overpowered girl. Did you know she is almost impossible to drown because she can create air in her lungs? Or that she can produce things like nukes whenever she wants to? Yeah, she is good.
Not as good as me. Not as good as me.
USJ is next. I was gonna say sorry for the delay but some people go for months without uploading so I am not gonna. Make reviews. And recommend a 4* servant. It will be the reward for USJ. Bye.