I sigh as I walk down my usual dreary route home from school, the seemingly weeping in sadness as rain belted down from the heavens and upon the flimsy umbrella that I held gently above my head, though to not much avail as I was still getting drenched by the spraying winds that accompanied the sky in its sorrow. I could rarely tell the difference between the polluted clouds of smoke and the endless sea of storm clouds above my head, my thoughts distracted me from the bone-chilling cold that was shivering throughout my body.
After what seemed like an eternity of walking I finally made it to my home, while attempting to shake out as much water as possible I unlocked the front door revealing the desolate and lifeless house beyond. I quickly enter as the toxic and heavy air outside slowly begin to irritate me and think.
'I'm home' sadly as my cracked and fragile heart sheds a silent tear for the family that I never see.
It's been years since I last saw them, the last time being when I was 4 years old and on that day it was belting down with rain much like today.
'Coincidence' I tell myself as I prepare my shower for the day.
6mins later
I exit the bathroom with new clothes and head downstairs to prepare my usual meal, noodles because their easy to make and are bloody delicious.
After finishing the divine meal, I head upstairs to do the thing that I have promised myself to do and for the last time ever.
Yggdrasil, the game that I started years ago and made quite the reputation on, the game that made me friends and foes alike, the game that I wish I could remain, the game that I wish was my reality and although there is darkness shadowed behind the deceiving light I don't care because there is more in this despicable game called life.
I sit down upon my chair and enter the game with that wish still planted in my head, little did I know that it would be granted by some benevolent god.
Thanks for all the people that liked my other version of this and I'm still going to be continuing that when I have more ideas for it as well as get to uploading the other 6 stories that I've come to a halt on. Sorry for not uploading sooner, I just didn't have the motivation to do so.
Love you beautiful people, and chapter 1 will be coming in a few days.