I've decided to dedicate this page to the main characters of this story, just so I can try to ease any confusion. The powers they posses and abilities they have. What type of Monsters I used and the powers they possess, When I made my monsters in my head, they looked like the animations of Monster High and the PPGD bleedman comics and they lived like normal humans, With cars electronics and things like that. It's a Modern Twist on mythical creatures. Description of the characters will be in the story itself! So, I hope you guys take to it

Bubbles: Can suck the life out of someone with a touch. If they are a mutant, she also borrows their abilities while touching them, but has to be careful she doesn't hold on too long and kill them. With the Power of Water. Half Demon

Buttercup: has toxins in her blood stream that make her touch deadly and allow her to be immune to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. She also has displayed a power of charm, which puts people under her influence. Ivy also possesses the power to make plant life do as she wishes. Half Demon

Blossom: Telepathic and Telekinetic abilities. Half Demon.


Vampires: Legend's most charming bloodsucker that come out at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth. (HIM, Brick, Boomer, Butch)

Demon: Malevolent spirits of Hell who battle humans for control of their souls. (John)

Werewolf: Human by day, wolf by night (Mitch)

Medusa: A disciple of Athena who was turned into a gorgon. She had the hair of snakes and could turn men to stone with her gaze. (Sedusa)

Mermaid: Sea creatures with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a fish (Ms. Bellum)

Siren: Man-eating beautiful women whose song compels men to them.

Wendigo: An evil spirit that possesses humans and turns them into cannibals.(Dexter)

Fairy: A small, flying humanoid with magical abilities.(Robin)

Griffon: A creature with the body of a lion, the tail of a snake, and the head and wings of an eagle.

Dragon: Giant, flying, fire-breathing lizards who often guard treasure.

Manticore: A mythical beast with a lion's body and a human's head.

Zombie: The living dead who feed on human flesh.


Mojo: can manipulate magnetic fields and any type of metal.

Berserk: Can shapeshift to look and sound like anyone she wants

Brat: telepathic ability, and is also capable of transforming into an organic diamond state with enhanced strength and durability which suppresses her telepathy.

Brute: Can manipulate the weather anyway she likes

Sandra: An Omega level mutant power to control all four elements. Earth, fire, water and Air.

Princess Morebucks: Shadow cat's powers- She can phase through solid matter and can send people's minds back in time into their old bodies

Fuzzy Lumpkin: has enhanced, animal like strength and acrobatic abilities

Bell: Chaos Magic Reality Warping: Main power is the superhuman ability to manipulate chaos magic,

Ace: a mutant with the ability to think and move at superhuman speeds, and has enhanced agility and reflexes. He is able to run beyond speed of light, accomplishes feats such as creating cyclones out of pure speed, running up walls and above bodies of water.

Mandark: Can shoot optic blasts from his eyes

Grubber: He can jump really high. He has a long, elastic tongue he can grab things with, and he can spit some kind of mucous than hardens on contact and can trap people.

Lil Arturo: can't create flame but he can manipulate it, so he carries a lighter around to have ready access to flame

Big Billy: He has nearly indestructible skin.

Snake: ability to generate powerful seismic waves from his hands, creating highly destructive effects.


The year of 1977 was the year everything changed for human kind. They fell victim to the World War M. The year Monsters and Mutants made themselves known to the human world… Years ago Monsters and Mutants lived together in the shadows, but over time each side tried to prove their superiority, thus resulting in War. The war went on for the next 15 years, countless lives lost, families torn apart, endless bloodshed was dealt. The two rulers finally came to an agreement and decided to split the earth. Realizing that each side was powerful enough on their own, they declared it law that this was the best solution. Monsters and Mutants lived separately, their lives resuming as they decided to keep their distance. Law soon followed that Monster and Mutants weren't allowed to mate, a monster and mutants power alone could shift the balance of the infrastructure that they fought for so long to maintain. The next five years went along peacefully, until the dreaded day a Monster fell in love with a Mutant…unknowingly to the two lovers their love was the beginning of a change in history.

I hope you guys continue on with my story!