Hey guys, I hope you like my new story. Its set in feudal Japan, however Kagome has lived their her whole life. So there is no well traveling or anything sort of like that. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


"Lady Kagome here is where we leave you." Kagome and the headmen if the village were standing in front of a shrine dedicated to the Lord of the West.

"I understand." Kagome nodded.

"It's your duty as our princess…" One of the headman began to say, but he couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence.

"To offer myself in benefit of the people." Recently there had been in increase of demonic activity. Many years ago, there had been a deal struck that in exchange for goods produced by the villagers, the Lord of the West would protect them. However the villagers have been attacked more than usually, and the presence of their protector has seemed to vanish. The human Lord who controlled the lands and the headmen got together and decided they must have angered the Lord of the West. They decided they would offer their most precious treasure, the beautiful princess to appease him.

"No one in the villages have met the new Lord of the West. They say he is a great and powerful demon, like his fathers before him. However unlike previous rulers, it is rumored that he is ruthless, won't hesitate to kill, and despises anything beneath him." One of the head men proclaimed.

"We do not know what will become of your offering. So please no matter what happens Lady Kagome do not anger the great demon lord more than he already is with us." A different headman explained.

"You must enter into the shrine alone. Someone will come for you soon." The first headman spoke again. They all bowed to the princess, knowing this was the last time they would probably see her. Kagome watched as the headmen headed back to the village. Once they were out of sight she braced herself and entered the shire. She kept telling herself to stay strong. Kagome knew this was for the good of her people, but no one wants to willing walk into their death. Inside the shrine there was a pillow to kneel on in front of a dog demon statue. Incenses where burning, candles had been lit, and the offerings that had not perished lined the shrine. Kagome kneeled on the pillow and began to pray for the salvation of her people.

It didn't take long before a demon appeared in the shrine. He had long silver hair tied back into a pony tail, and piercing blue eyes. His hankimono was dark blue with a silver pattern, and was clad in armor and weapons.

"What is the meaning of this?" The demon commanded.

"Are you the great lord of the west?" Kagome asked bowing to the demon soldier.

"No! The lord sent me instead." The demon was getting more irritated by the minute. "I am Mitsuyo. The right hand man of our great lord. He sent me to see why someone has entered the shrine."

"I am Kagome. Princess of this land. I am here to offer myself as forgiveness to the lord so he may continue to watch over our lands as he did before." Kagome bowed down so low her head was on the floor.

"We do not need a human offering. However it is not my place to deny offerings to the lord. I will take you back to him to do with what he pleases." Mitsuyo pulled Kagome up be her collar, feet barely touching the ground. In an instant they were transported out of the shrine flying to the great lord's castle.

Kagome was scared, terrified really. She didn't like heights, and here she was hundreds of feet above the ground. She could plummet to her death at any moment if he let go. Soon, thankfully, they were back on the ground in front of the gates to the castle.

"Hey Mitsuyo what do you have there?" One of the Gaye guards asked.

"The humans have offered us their princess. I'm bringing her to the lord to see what we should do with her." Mitsuyo explained.

"She's a pretty one. I bet she taste even better than she looks." The other guard laughed. "Let us know if there are any parts left to snack on."

All three laughed as Mitsuyo walked by. Kagome now knew how she was going to be sacrificed. She was going to be their main course tonight. Her only wish was that it would be quick and painless. Mitsuyo dragged Kagome to a room in the castle. There was some straw to lay on and a small window, nothing else. It was cold and drafty and kind of smelt. It seemed more like a prison than a room to Kagome.

Mitsuyo laughed as he threw Kagome in the room. "I hope this is to the princess' liking. Someone will come back for you when the lord is ready to see you."

Mitsuyo slammed the door, and Kagome could hear it lock. She sighed. She was alone in a place where the occupants hated her kind. She was going to die and not one warm heart was there for her. Kagome tried to see out the window, to see the beauty of the earth one last time. All she could see were tops of the trees and the sky. The window was too high and she was too short.

It took a whole day before someone came back for her. It was a different demon this time. He was dressed like a servant. He took Kagome to the throne room. Grand tapestries and statues lined the walls. Guards were standing at their post, generals conversing with themselves, and servants where in the background waiting for commands. At the front of the room was the great demon lord.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I have bought you the girl as requested." The servant bowed and moved to the back with the other servants. Kagome was left alone in front to face the great demon. His gaze was intimidating, and made her feel uncomfortable. Kagome kneeled in front of Sesshomaru, forehead touching the ground in respect of his statues.

"Great demon Lord of the West. I offer myself to you to appease the wrong we have caused you. So that you may once again protect us and our lands as you family has done before." There was silence after her declaration but she was too afraid to look up.

"And what am I to do with a human princess?" Sesshomaru finally spoke. Kagome looked up a bit to see his face. He was extremely handsome, but his piercing gaze sent shivers down her spine.

"Sacrifice me to appease your anger towards us." Kagome was able to squeak out.

Faster than Kagome's human eyes could register, Sesshomaru had appeared in front of her. He was holding her up by her neck slightly squeezing making it hard for Kagome to breath. He could see the fear in her face, yet she didn't break eye contact with him or shy away.

"So you wish to die by my hands?"

"If… that's.. what.. you… wish." Kagome struggles to get out.

Sesshomaru thought about it. He could snap her neck in an instant without a second thought and be over this ordeal. However if he broke her neck right now without continuing to protect the lands there could be an uprising which he did not have time for. He would figure out what to do with her later.

Sesshomaru dropped her on the ground. "Makio. Take her back."

Kagome followed Makio back to the small room rubbing her next. She was confused. He didn't kill her or mention anything about eating her. She was to be his offering, but he didn't seem to care. So why was he keeping her around? When they arrived back at the room Kagome didn't know if she would see anyone again so she took this time to ask some questions.

"Is he going to eat me?"

"Lord Sesshomaru doesn't eat humans." Makio was waiting for Kagome to enter the room so he could get back to work.

"Will he kill me in some sacrificial way?"

"It is not for me to say what Lord Sesshomaru plans to do. Now I have things to do." Makio shoved Kagome into the room. She was becoming a nuisance to him. He locked the door, then added. "Someone will bring you something to eat later."

Kagome heard his footsteps grow faint as he left her alone again. She began to wish that he would have just killed her rather than keeping her in a small cold room by herself.

Someone did eventually bring Kagome food, rice and water. It was a female servant about Kagome's age. She appeared to be half demon. Kagome knew that half demons are strong and confidant in their powers. However this girl seemed timid, shy and not sure in herself.

Kagome had expected the servant girl to leave once she was given food. But she waited patiently in the room for her to finish. It was nice to have some company although she wasn't taking. Per her upbringing, Kagome found it rude to eat in front of a person without them eating as well.

"Would you like some rice?" Kagome asked.

The servant girl looked startled by the offer. She kept her eyes in the ground and head bowed. "Lady Kagome this is the only food you've had in two days and you're offering to share it with me?"

"Yes! You seem tired. Maybe some food would help you." Kagome offered.

"I must decline lady Kagome. Please eat!" The young girl sat quietly until Kagome was done.

"Thank you…" Kagome said as the girl picked up her dishes.


"Thank you Natsumi."

"You're welcome Lady Kagome. I will be back in the morning." Natsumi left locking the door behind her. Kagome sighed. She was alone again. She was used to having her friends to talk to or walking the gardens to ease her thoughts. Here she felt like a prisoner that no one cared about. Kagome watched through the window as day turned to night. She could hear noise outside that sounded like people battling. She listened to them until sleep consumed her. The bitter chill of the night made it hard to stay asleep. Winter was coming soon, and if she was still in this room when the first snow fell she would not make it very long. If only she had a place to put a fire or warmer clothes.

Like promised Natsumi was there in the morning with more rice and water. She looked even more tired than before.

"Did you sleep well Lady Kagome?" Natsumi asked.

"Yes thank you for asking." What was Kagome going to say? No it's freezing and I'd like to go home. She was here to be killed or eaten or something. She was sure her comfort was not on anyone's high agenda. "How about you Natsumi?"

"Me?" Natsumi looked shocked again by the courtesy she was receiving. "Yes Lady Kagome I slept well also. You're very kind for someone who's here to be… offered."

"Do you by chance know when or how I'll be um offered?" Kagome played with her rice.

"Unfortunately no. Lord Sesshomaru doesn't share his thought except with his generals." Natsumi sounded sad for Kagome. She sat quietly until Kagome was done eating. "I'll be back later to check on you."

Natsumi collected the dishes and left locking the door behind her again. It went on like this for a week. Kagome got to know more about Natsumi during their visits. She had learned that Natsumi's father was an officer in Sesshomaru's father's army. Out of respect and obligation of her late father, who died in battle. they kept Natsumi as a servant. Natsumi's mother had passed a long time ago, being human and all so the castle was all she knew. She wasn't the only half demon around. Since Sesshomaru didn't like half demons, they were given the grunt work and worked long hours. Natsumi herself, besides tending to Kagome, cleaned the bath house morning and night. She tended to the animals, cleaning stalls and pins, feeding them, and keeping them clean. When she was done with that she was to help in the fields until she was needed to clean the bath house again. Kagome was shocked that she had so many task. Yes she was a half demon, and had more energy than a human. But that was a lot for one person to handle. Of course others assisted her, but it was still a lot for one person.

This morning Kagome was expecting Natsumi like always but it was Makio. He didn't have food with him. Instead commanded Kagome to come with him. He took her to what seemed like a war room. Sesshomaru was standing by a map table surrounded by his generals. They all sneered up their noses when Kagome walked in disgusted by a human in their presence.

"Lord Sesshomaru." Makio bowed and stepped to the back of the room. Kagome stood there silently and uncomfortable while everyone continued to work ignoring her. Eventually he spoke.

"It seems your offering is needed in a different way." Sesshomaru said without looking up.

"Yes anything." Kagome bowed.

"What we are needing will be buried in snow soon. We will wait until spring. Until then you will be moved into a room where you won't freeze to death. Someone will be assigned to you to attend to your needs until then."

"Natsumi?" Kagome asked. She bowed even deeper when Sesshomaru glared at her.

Makio came back up to retrieve Kagome. He took her to a new room. With an actual shikibuton to lay on and a window she could see out of. There was a shoji screen for the window to block out the cold and morning light. There was a small pot to light a fire in to keep the room warm. There was a screen for her to change clothes behind. And a separate area divided by another shoji screen with a table, pillows to sit on, and a patio divided by another shoji screen. It was very luxurious compared to the small room from before.

"Someone will be by shortly to bring you lunch. Do not leave this room unless told to do so." Makio left. A shoji separated her room from the hallway so there was nothing to lock. She was still alone but at least in better conditions.

End of chapter one. I hope you liked it. Hope you have a great day.