Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens and from this small drop of sun, grew a magic, golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured. Centuries passed, and a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom, it was called Tameran. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen, and the Queen Luan, she was about to have a baby, but she got very sick and was running out of time, and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. Or in this case, a magic golden flower.
The king Galfore, sent all of his men out looking for the flower, he went among them, desperate to heal his beloved. They searched for days, and he was beginning to lose hope when he heard an excited shout.
"Your majesty, we've found it!" He ran to the cliff side to see the guard in question helping another pull the beautiful flower up by the roots.
None of them noticed the shadow hidden by the trees, that the old witch hid behind. I will get my flower back, one way or another. With a swish of her cloak she disappeared to make her plans.
The royal physician made a brew from the petals of the flower, which still held the mystical golden hue.
"Drink slowly my love," Galfore held his wife tenderly as she reached up to take a drink of the healing brew. Her long red hair regained its luster as the she finished off the brew, she opened her emerald eyes and stared up at her husband for the first time not feeling as if she would faint from the strain.
It seemed the magic of the golden flower had healed the queen, and everyone present in the room rejoiced.
Soon a healthy baby girl, a princess was born, with beautiful golden hair. It stunned them a little to see her hair the same color as the flower.
"It must be the magic of the flower," Luan smiled as she gently touched the newborn's head. "What shall we name her darling?"
"Starfire, for she looks like all the fire in the sun," Galfore replied, smiling down at his beautiful girls. "In three months time, we shall have a celebration."
"Three months your majesty?" One of the midwives asked.
"When my queen has regained her strength," he nodded.
Three months later, when the queen had recovered from childbirth, they threw a celebration for her birth, and launched a flying lantern into the sky.
Galfore looked down at his people from the royal balcony, he held out a hand to quiet the cheers. "My people of Tameran, I would like to introduce to you, your princess Starfire!" The cheering erupted once more.
Soon the celebration died down as it got late, and the royal family made their way to their bedroom. Luan placed Starfire down into her bassinet, smiling down at her beautiful girl.
"Sweet dreams my angel," she kissed the baby's forehead.
"Come to bed now dear," Galfore urged, still worried after all Luan went through during her pregnancy and the birth. And for that one moment, everything was perfect.
Quietly the old witch had snuck into the chambers of the king and queen, quickly finding the bassinet in the corner. "Flower, gleam and glow, let your power shine make the clock re-" she gasped as she cut some of the hair, hoping to take it with her, only for it to stop glowing and turn red. She stared at her hand for a moment, before the decision was made. She grabbed the baby, who gave a startled cry. Glaring she made eye contact with the king, before disappearing over the balcony and into the night.
Galfore ran to the balcony, but it was too late the old woman was gone. He let out a roar, which summoned a few guards to the chamber. Luan stay frozen in bed, unable to contemplate what had just transpired.
"My lord," the head guard asked.
"The princess has been taken, I want all available men out and searching for her now." Galfore's fierce glare sent both guards out in a rush.
The entire kingdom searched and searched but they could not find the princess, for deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, the old woman, who was called Blackfire raised the child as her own.
A now five year old Starfire has been taught a song by her mother, which made her hair glow. Mother told her that it helped keep her energized and Starfire felt like she was helping her mother.
"Heal what has been hurt, change the fates design, save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." Starfire finished and her long hair glowed as her mother brushed it. Soon the glow died down and Blackfire smiled. She had found her new magic flower, but this time she was determined to keep it hidden.
"Mother, why can't I go outside?"
"The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with hateful, selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, flower?" Blackfire asked in a tone that gave no leeway to disobey her.
Starfire gave a small sigh. "Yes mommy."
"Good, now it's time for bed dear," Blackfire waved the girl away as she cleaned up.
Later that night when she knew her mother was sleeping, Starfire snuck down the stairs to the window which faced the valley opening. She gazed longingly into the night sky. Each year, on her birthday, she would see a million brilliant little lights dotting the sky. She wondered what they could be, they felt like they were important somehow. She closed her eyes and made a birthday wish. I wish that someday I get to find out what those lights are. She made her way back to bed before she was punished for being up after she was supposed to be sleeping.