Epilogue Part 3: Asante, Asante

Alright everyone, it's time for chapter 19 and the third part of this four part epilogue. Just one more chapter left to go after this and that bonus chapter at some point, which I'll start writing after I upload chapter 20/Epilogue Part 4. Before we get into it, I just want to quickly and safely give a regular guest reviewer a heads up just incase they missed last chapter. Derick Lindsey, I didn't get a review from you last chapter, which I uploaded the day after you reviewed the first part of my stories four part epilogue. I don't know if you forgot to do so or if you just haven't got to reading last chapter yet or if you just didn't notice it was uploaded. I just wanted to make sure that you knew it was uploaded since I understand that sometimes for guest reviewers it might be hard to realize when a new chapter is uploaded, especially when it's just the day after one was already uploaded though you've always done a great job with noticing. So, if you haven't read it yet than please do so and review it or if you just forgot or just want to than please give your brief thoughts on it for when you review this chapter, thank you and sorry if I seem a little pushy there, I just wanted to make sure you were caught up and I like to hear people's thought on my stories and I like how you dig deep into everything when you review, which you've done since my Scarred Pride story. Okay, everyone, it's time for epilogue part 3 and to meet Asante.

Gozi, most of his family members, his uncle's old Lion Guard and their friends, and his own guard made their way to the Outlands' watering hole. As they did, Gozi was still thinking about Busara's response to his offer to her to join the Lion Guard. He thought she was going to jump right onto it, but she hadn't, which was surprising. He also thought about her suggesting to ask Asante to join the Lion Guard. He wasn't entirely against the idea, but he didn't know if Asante would be perfect for the Lion Guard as it's bravest member.

Asante was a brave little animal, but she didn't exactly have the same bravery as Busara had. Busara was incredibly brave like her parents, with only a quarter of her parent's recklessness. Gozi had been told before that despite the reputation of the word, recklessness wasn't always a bad quality and that sometimes on a team you needed someone like that, one who sometimes acted before thinking and with the position of bravest member of the Lion Guard, he had a feeling that was someone he needed and Asante didn't have any recklessness in her. The second thing was that Asante was younger than Gozi and any of his other guard members. Gozi didn't think about his age much when it came to having to lead the guard, but he did think it was weird how his grown-up family members would allow him to do this so young like it had been done with his uncle when he first become leader of the Lion Guard.

He personally thought it would be a smarter idea to have him start leading the guard when he was in his mid or late teens after he'd been given some training in fighting and leadership skills as well as other useful ones. However, it was tradition for him to start leading the guard once he had discovered his roar and he couldn't question that tradition even if he wanted to. As they made their way to the watering hole however, Bunga and Binga had supported Busara's decision for Gozi to offer Asante the position first and Gozi decided to take it as advice, they were honey badgers, so they knew bravery best and Bunga was a Lion Guard veteran. When they made it to the clan's home near the watering hole, a cave with vines covering most of the cave mouth like a sort of curtain door, Kion and Jasiri called out for Madoa. Since they had planned to be gone for most of the day, they had put Madoa and her now mate, Nne in charge.

Madoa and Nne weren't there however, having taken out most of the clan to hunt, leaving Linzi in charge and Cheezi and Chungu to look after Asante. Linzi pointed them in the direction of one of the cave's few separate chambers, where the three were. As everyone came to where Linzi said Asante, Cheezi, and Chungu were, they heard young girlish giggling, which caused Kion and Jasiri to smile.

"Coochie coochie coo." came Chungu's voice.

Everyone came around the corner to see Cheezi and Chungu with a young, six-month old female striped hyena cub. Cheezi sat by with his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he watched as Chungu tickled the cub's tummy with his paw.

'Coochie coochie coo." Chungu continued to coo to the striped hyena cub as he tickled her.


Smiling, Kion and Jasiri looked at each other.

"Should we help her?" Jasiri asked.

Kion gave a happy sigh as he looked towards the two adult hyenas and the helpless little striped hyena cub.

"Till the Pride Lands-Outlands unity end, mom and dad defend." Kion said.

Kion and Jasiri took a few steps forward before clearing their throats, getting the attention of the three hyenas. As soon as the striped hyena spotted them, a large smile showing all her tiny teeth instantly pasted itself on to her face.

"Mama! Papa!" the striped hyena shouted happily.

The striped hyena rolled onto her paws and ran into the waiting forelegs of Kion and Jasiri. The lion and spotted hyena picked the striped hyena up, wrapping her in a hug while also nuzzling the top of her small, broad head. The striped hyena had grey-white fur with black stripes all over her body and legs, there was a large patch of black fur on her throat, there was also black fur over her muzzle and ears, she had beautiful medium blue eyes, and long fur grew from her tail, up the middle of her back, to the back of her neck and onto her head which formed into hair and bangs that kinda looked like Jasiri's, but it was smaller and not a thick as Jasiri's and was naturally more unkempt looking than hers. This little striped hyena was Asante, Kion and Jasiri's daughter; not their biological daughter for more than one reason, but their daughter none the less. Kion and Jasiri had been Asante's parents for the previous four months of her life and the story of how they came to be was an interesting one.

Almost five months after he left, Baliyo came back to the Pride Lands to visit like he had promised, but he wasn't alone this time. This time Baliyo had arrived with a guest, a nearly two-month-old striped hyena cub, Asante. Baliyo had told them that almost a month and three weeks after he arrived back home, a new animal arrived at the Tree of Life, a wounded and pregnant striped hyena who collapsed and fell unconscious from exhaustion as soon as they found her. They had instantly taken her in and Nirmala went to healing her. When she woke up hours later, the striped hyena introduced herself as Mstari.

She and her mate, Kupigwa, had heard stories about the Tree of Life and wanted to raise their child in safety since any and all striped hyenas where they lived were being hunted down and killed for suspicion of stealing animals from the homes of creatures known as humans. So, the two had made their way to the Tree of Life, but a few days ago they were attacked by a small clan of hyenas and not because they had trespassed on their land, but because their matriarch saw them as freaks and not true hyenas because they had stripes instead of spots. Mstari was injured in the fight and her mate stayed behind to give her time to escape. Mstari had continued to make her way to the Tree of Life running and walking on for a few days and nights, barley stopping to rest or tend to her wounds until she got there. Mstari assumed her mate was dead as he was injured far worse than her during the fight while trying to protect her and that he would have caught up by now.

The Night Pride had offered Mstari their condolences and said that she and her cub when it was born were more than welcome to stay at the Tree of Life. A couple days later, Mstari had given birth to her daughter and was the happiest she had been since she arrived at the Tree of Life, but it didn't last. The day after Mstari gave birth to her daughter, she began drooling uncontrollably and having coughing fits so bad that she coughed up blood. Nirmala examined Mstari, coming to the conclusion that her wounds had at some point become infected before she arrived and had given her some type of blood disease that doesn't show signs until it's too late and that she had only a few days, maybe a week at most to live. Mstari bitterly cursed herself for being too stubborn not to stop to quickly clean and bandage her own wounds as she made for the Tree of Life.

She began to despair, worrying whatever disease she had caught had been passed on to her daughter and even if it hadn't who would take care of her after she died as there were no hyenas, striped or even spotted or brown at the Tree of Life. Baliyo feeling sorry for her had gotten the perfect idea. He told Mstari about Kion and Jasiri in the Pride Lands and if she turned out to have been born healthy, he would take her daughter to them, knowing they'd take good care of her. Mstari thanked Baliyo and accepted his offer, saying that the spirits had given her the strength to make it to the Tree of Life and to him so he could give her daughter two loving parents who could never have children of their own. Baliyo spent all his time with Mstari after that so that she could tell him everything about striped hyenas so he would know when Mstari's daughter would be ready to be taken to the Pride Lands.

Mstari died just under a week after that, but not before being able to at least see her daughter's blue eyes open for the first time. When she did, the Night Pride started to take care of Mstari's daughter, being forced to wean her far earlier than they were supposed to by feeding her tiny pieces of fish meat. When Mstari's daughter turned a month old and was now able to more easily eat solid food, Baliyo began to make his way to the Pride Lands, the journey being shorter than his first one now that he knew where to go, arriving after nearly a month of traveling. Kion and Jasiri were sad to hear that story, but they were more than happy to take Mstari's daughter in and raise her like she was their own. When they asked her name, Baliyo said that Mstari hadn't named her, not seeing the point in doing so since she was dying anyway, but on the brighter side of it had said that she wanted Kion and Jasiri to pick a name out for her, so in the meantime, Mstari and Baliyo had just taken to calling her Stripes.

Kion had decided to think of a name for her later and introduce her to everyone else. He thanked Baliyo for bringing her to them, using the word asante and once he did, Jasiri said that Asante was a perfect name for her. Kion agreed, but still asked if she was sure, because he was thinking more about naming her Sawa, after their song, but Jasiri said that Sawa sounded more like a boy's name to her. So, with that, Kion and Jasiri had both agreed on calling their adoptive striped hyena daughter Asante. She had even been the deciding factor to make the clan move back to their original home near the watering hole, not wanting to raise her in the volcano where she could accidently fall into a lava pit.

Kion and Jasiri stopped hugging their daughter, letting her fall into their paws, which were clasped together to form a makeshift swing. Asante held onto both of their forelegs as they swung her, gradually going faster and faster until they launched her out of her seat. Asante went flying, colliding with Chungu's broad chest. He caught Asante and cradled her in a foreleg, smiling down at her, chuckling. Asante smiled sweetly back up at the brawny hyena before hugging his thick neck and kissing his large round lower jaw.

Chungu chuckled at the kiss and turned his gaze away from Asante, embarrassed and the cub giggled at her uncle's reaction.

"Oh, one for me to?" Cheezi asked.

Asante obliged and kissed Cheezi square on his red nose. Kion and Jasiri smiled at the scene of Asante showing love for her two favorite uncles. Jasiri than looked at her daughter with a mischievous smirk.

"So, Asante, what was that you three were up to as we walked in?" Jasiri asked.

"Aunty Madoa and Uncle Nne went out to hunt and had Uncle Cheezi and Uncle Chungu look after me and we were just being silly." Asante said.

As Asante said that, Cheezi laughed crazily to get the little striped hyena's attention. When Asante looked at him, Cheezi stuck out his tongue, made eyes go cross-eyed and madly shook his head, which caused both her and Jasiri to laugh.

"See?" Asante giggled.

Jasiri remembered how she, Kion, Madoa, and Chungu always tried to make that funny face for Asante and while it always got her to laugh, they never made her laugh as much as when Cheezi did it. Kion once said that none of them just had the face for it, telling the others to look at Cheezi's 'dumb looking face.' Jasiri had laughed, agreeing, saying that maybe it was the bug eyes.

"So, we were just being silly and played some games. We were playing Bad Hyena and Meek Prey." Asante said.

Jasiri gave a small giggle, always finding the latter half of the name of that game funny for some reason.

"It was Uncle Chungu's turn to be the bad hyena. He caught me and started tickling my tummy." Asante explained.

"And now it's my turn to be the bad hyena and you're still… MEEK PREY!" Cheezi said.

Cheezi yanked Asante out of Chungu's foreleg and set her on the ground on her back. Cheezi than began to gently gnaw at Asante's belly with his teeth, tickling her.

"HAHAHA! NO! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!" Asante laughed as her back legs kicked out and she pounded at Cheezi's snout with her tiny forepaws.

Jasiri laughed before going to her daughter's rescue, gently pushing Cheezi off her.

"Alright, that's enough you furbrains." Jasiri said to make Cheezi and Chungu happy. "We got to talk to Asante about something important."

"Really? What is it? Is it about Gozi, did he form his Lion Guard?" Asante asked excitedly.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Kion said.

Asante looked behind her father to see most her adoptive lion family members, her mother and father's friends, and her friends come into the chamber. Asante's face instantly lit up as soon as she saw Umoja, Kweli, Mbio, but mostly Busara and Gozi. She ran up and hugged all five of them.

"Umoja, Gozi, Busara, Kweli, Mbio! I haven't seen you five since the day before yesterday, it's great to see ya." Asante happily greeted as she hugged them.

Mbio grunted a little as Asante hugged him. Even though the young cheetah was twice her size, Asante's hugs were bone crushing.

"Easy there Asante, you're hugging as if you haven't seen us for months." Mbio eased.

"Well, it feels like it has been, since I heard about the trouble Gozi and Umoja ran into yesterday so close to home." Asante said.

Asante than looked towards Umoja.

"How is your leg by the way Umoja?" Asante asked.

Umoja just gave a grin in response to assure his adoptive striped hyena cousin that he was alright.

"Meh. Those hyenas' bark was worse than their bite." Umoja joked.

Umoja than slapped his banded leg to prove a point, but just ended up hurting the wound underneath the leaves.

"Ow." Umoja said.

"Oh." Asante responded.

Asante walked over to Umoja, leaned down and kissed his bandaged leg.

"You're welcome." Asante said before than turning to Gozi. "Gozi, can I see your Lion Guard?"

"Sure, line up Lion Guard." Gozi ordered.

Asante watched as Gozi, Kweli, Mbio, Mtoto, and Ona all lined up, liking what she saw and was able to tell who had which guard position.

"Nice Lion Guard Gozi, but what about your bravest member?" Asante asked. "Let me guess, it's Busara isn't it?"

"No, I'm not actually." Busara said.

Asante looked at her best friend, shocked that she wasn't part of the Lion Guard.

"You aren't why?" Asante asked.

"Well, you're the reason why." Kion said.

"I am?" Asante questioned, looking back at her father.

"Yes, you're the reason we came here." Busara said. "Gozi asked me to join, but I gave him a better option."

"Yes, Busara suggested I should ask you to become my guard's bravest member and I agreed." Gozi said.

Asante gave a gasp of surprise at hearing that.

"So, Asante, I ask you to join my Lion Guard as the bravest." Gozi said.

Asante stood there for a few moments, her surprised look still on her face before a wide smile appeared on her face. She threw herself at Gozi and threw her forelegs around him, pulling the older lion cub into a hug.

"Yes Gozi, of course I'll join your Lion Guard." Asante said very excitably.

Everyone cheered at Asante agreeing to become a member of the Lion Guard, Bunga and his family most of all. Bunga walked over between Kion and Jasiri and nudged both of them with his elbows.

"This will really show Shabaha, huh you guys?" Bunga said.

"Yeah, it will." Kion replied.

"Yes, with Asante being the bravest, she won't be able to deny that she was wrong about her." Jasiri agreed.

Back when Baliyo brought Asante to Kion and Jasiri for them to raise her, Shabaha at some point asked Kion and Jasiri if they were sure they wanted to have a striped hyena as a daughter. Feeling offended, they asked her what she meant by that. Shabaha stated that striped hyenas are known cowards to the point they'll play dead to get out of dangerous situations. Rafiki had said that yes, striped hyenas are known to do so, but pointed out that they are also known to stand and fight when they have, Shabaha arguing that it's only when food is involved. Bunga had also come up to defend Asante, saying that as a honey badger, no one knew about being brave more than him and that he thought Asante had the potential to grow up brave, braver than her and that with parents like Kion and especially Jasiri since her name literally means brave, Asante will do just that.

Bunga even said that he'd help coach Asante to become that brave, Binga and Busara backing him up. Busara with her childlike eagerness and optimism saying that she bets that Asante will even become part of Gozi's Lion Guard one day. That part wasn't the reason why Busara suggested to have Asante become part of the guard, it was because Asante had truly grown to be brave in small or big ways. A few months ago, when Asante was starting to talk and get around to play with Busara, Gozi, Umoja, Kweli, and Mbio, they all had a sleep over at the clan's cave, except for Kweli since Reirei wouldn't allow her. Asante like her friends was still awake during night when the clan was asleep and suggested to her friends that they go out to play hide n seek in the dark.

Despite being younger than her friends, she flat out said she wasn't afraid of the dark or hiding alone in the dark unlike Gozi, Umoja, and Mbio still were. Asante had even joined Busara and her parents in some of the stunts they did, but was smart enough not to do the dangerous ones, showing she wasn't reckless. When her friends and her had their little wrestling matches for fun, she would ask them to make it more fun by all of them fighting her at once, saying she could take them all on. She was a fierce fighter and never backed down, but she could still never beat every single one of them at once. She did the same whenever she wrestled with her parents or hyena aunt and uncles, her mother and lioness Aunt Vitani being her favorites because they were the best fighters and that Vitani looked naturally scary.

There was this one time where a couple of lion cubs and their friends were bullying Kweli, who Asante hadn't yet made friends with, for being a jackal and related to Reirei and Asante had stepped in to stand up for her. A fight had broken out, a zebra calf trying to kick at Asante. The fight went on for a few minutes until Vitani and her guard had arrived, breaking up the fight. Asante had ended up with a few scrapes and bruises, having been overwhelmed by the older animals, but it was worth it for what she had gotten, Kweli as a friend. Asante's most impressive feat of bravery however was a couple weeks ago while playing tag with her friends, they had accidently ruined an old and cranky cheetah's hunt.

Mbio tried to talk him down, cheetah to cheetah, and Umoja and Gozi tried to use their prince statuses to frighten him, but the old cheetah was having none of it. It had looked like he was about to hurt them until Asante stepped in between the cheetah and her friends. Asante and the old cheetah went back a fourth, the old cheetah even using racist comments towards Asante being a striped hyena, but she didn't flinch, eventually getting the old cheetah to leave them alone, impressing all her friends and her parents when they told them about it. Those feats were just proof that Shabaha was wrong about Asante and she had broken the stereotypical view on striped hyena's being looked at as cowards, which is part of why Busara suggested Asante over herself. The lion cub and striped hyena pulled out of their hug, Gozi stepping aside so that Asante could stand by him.

"Alright Uncle Kion and Aunt Tani, this is my full, official Lion Guard. Asante the bravest, Kweli the smartest, Mbio the fastest, Mtoto the strongest, and Ona the keenest of sight." Gozi said.

Kion and Vitani came and sat in front of Gozi's guard to look at it. They smiled and nodded at what they saw.

"Kid, this is one impressive Lion Guard you've assembled." Vitani said.

"Yes, it's absolutely perfect." Kion agreed.

"Thanks, you guys." Gozi said. "So, what now?"

Kion glanced over to his friends and grinned.

"Gozi, I think you and your guard should face the trials of the Cave of Secrets." Kion said.

"The Cave of Secrets!" Gozi shouted, a slight bit of anxiousness in his voice.

"Yes." Kion nodded. "The Cave of Secrets is a way of testing the Lion Guard to see if they're worthy and it's to show them how to defeat great evils. I think it's only fair if you and your guard took it."

"Yeah, I agree." Vitani agreed with Kion.

Gozi anxiously rubbed the red spot on his mane as he looked around at everyone, especially his guard. He had been told the basics about the Cave of Secrets, but not what was in it. All he knew was that it was a difficult task that only the best and most worthy Lion Guards could pass. He just hoped that his guard was good enough to complete it, he had picked the best animals for the job and was certain they could do it, but he wouldn't know until they took the challenges. Gozi's guard members opposed to him all looked excited to take the challenges of the cave though.

It should have filled Gozi with confidence, but it didn't really. He had to complete these challenges and not let his team mates down. Gozi took a deep breath and mentally told himself that he could do this. Everyone gathered up as Kion led everyone out of the den, towards the Pride Lands, running into Madoa and her hunting party, consisting of Nne, Wema, and Tunu, and several other clan members just getting back from the hunt.

"Oh, Kion, Jasiri, Vitani. Hi, uh what are you and the others doing here?" Madoa asked, seeing the large crowd of animals behind them.

"Hi Madoa, we just finished assembling Gozi's Lion Guard, finishing it off with his bravest." Kion said.

"Really, and who is that?" Madoa asked.

Asante suddenly came up, ramming into Madoa's chest, giving her a hug.

"Aunt Madoa, you're back!" Asante greeted.

"Oh, Asante. You sure seem excited about something." Madoa said, hugging her adoptive niece back.

"Aunt Madoa, the coolest thing happened. You'll never believe it!" Asante said.

"Huh, try me." Madoa said, playfully tugging the striped cubs' ears with her paws.

"Gozi asked me to join the Lion Guard!" Asante revealed. "So, I'm going to be protecting the Pride Lands as his bravest member along with Kweli, Mbio, Mtoto, and Ona!"

"Really? That really is the coolest thing!" Madoa said.

"Yeah, and now were going to take the Cave of Secret's challenges to see if we really are a good Lion Guard." Asante said.

"Oh, I've gotta come and watch this." Madoa said eagerly.

"The more the merrier." Kion said.

Madoa looked towards Nne.

"Mind taking our kill into the cave and helping Wema, Tunu, and the others split it among the clan in my place?" Madoa asked.

"Sure thing Spotface." Nne assured.

"Thanks, you masked bandit." Madoa said.

Madoa and Nne quickly kissed before she joined everyone towards Pride Rock. As they neared Pride Rock, Asante took a moment to go and talk with Busara.

"Hay Asante." the honey badger greeted.

"Hay Busara." the striped hyena greeted back. "Hay, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?" Busara asked.

"Well, it's just that, why did you suggest Gozi choose me as the bravest member of the Lion Guard over yourself?" Asante asked.

"Simple, because contrary to belief, you are one brave striped hyena despite being younger than the rest of us by at least three months." Busara said.

"Thanks for saying that Busara, I am brave, but still, you're braver than me. You're kinda like your parents, but just not brave bordering on stupid… uh, like Aunty Kiara says." Asante said awkwardly towards the end.

Busara snickered at Asante.

"Thank you, I'll try not to be offended." Busara said jovially. "But in truth Asante, bravery isn't the only thing for why I suggested Gozi to pick you over me."

"Really?" Asante questioned.

"Uh huh. Out of the seven of us, you have more of something that's better than bravery." Busara said.

"Wow. What is it?" Asante asked, intrigued.

Busara took a moment to look over to where Gozi was walking.

"I won't tell you exactly what it is, because I think you'll find out soon enough and it's something Gozi is really gonna need I think." Busara said.

"What does it have to do with Gozi?" Asante asked.

"Well, look at him and tell me what you think." Busara said.

Asante did as Busara said and looked towards Gozi. Ever since he stepped into the cave back at the Outlands watering hole where she was with Cheezi and Chungu, he had a confidant look on his face, but it changed when the Cave of Secrets was mentioned.

"Well, he looks anxious." Asante said. "Mom and dad even told me about how he was a little anxious earlier today. He could be worried about the Cave of Secrets' challenges or do you think there's something else to it?"

"Yes." Busara agreed.

"What else do you think it is?" Asante asked.

"I don't know exactly, but I have a feeling it's more than we can probably guess." Busara said.

Asante gave Busara a quizzical look.

"How can you tell stuff like that so well?" Asante asked.

Busara gave Asante a small smirk.

"It's like I told ma and pop earlier, I'm more of a thinker instead of brave bordering on stupid like them." Busara joked.

Asante and Busara both giggled at the joke.

"Well, all jokes aside Busara, whatever else it is that could be bothering Gozi, I'll help him through it." Asante said.

"Yeah, he'll be needing you for it. I just know it" Busara said.

Everyone soon came to the entrance of the Lair of the Lion Guard. Gozi felt the anxiety inside him grow as they entered the lair.

"Wow, I'm definitely not always going to be able to fit in here guys." Mtoto said, having to duck to enter.

"Don't worry big guy, we'll have guard meetings outside the lair when you become unable to fit through." Ona assured.

Everyone finally made it down to the main chamber of the lair and Kion led them to the entrance of the Cave of Secrets.

"Alright Gozi's Lion Guard, line up!" Kion informed.

The six animals did as they were ordered. Kion began to walk in front of them like a general addressing his troops.

"Alright you six, this is the entrance to the Cave of Secrets. A cave designed with obstacles to test each guard member of the trait they represent: strength, sight, bravery, speed, and fierceness." Kion said.

"But there's no test for the smartest member since this cave was here before you made the position Kion, right?" Kweli asked.

"Yes, you'll have to prove that on the job unfortunately Kweli, but we all have faith in you." Kion said, giving an assuring smile to the young jackal. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, this cave is to test the trait you represent for your position on the Lion Guard to see if you're worthy to be the Lion Guard and to know the knowledge of how to defeat great evil. We've decided to have you all take these tests as my Lion Guard and other guards before us have. Now, all I must ask of you is, are you ready?"

"Yes sir!" Mtoto replied immediately, standing at attention and grinning confidently while saluting with his trunk.

"This will definitely make up for Gozi making me lose the hundred lap race to mom and dad earlier anyway. So, look out Cave of Secrets challenge for fastest member of the Lion Guard, cause here comes Mbio!" Mbio said.

"I wouldn't have accepted being asked to join the Lion Guard if I wasn't up to the challenge." Ona said.

"I may not have a challenge awaiting me in that cave, but I'm ready to help you all face them and offer encouragement from the sidelines." Kweli said.

"I'm not afraid of these challenges. If my dad and his guard could do it, we can do it." Asante said, before turning towards Gozi. "What do you say Gozi?"

Gozi didn't answer, seeming zoned out.

"Uh, Gozi?" Asante asked after a few seconds of silence.

Gozi still didn't answer.

"Gozi?" Asante asked again, shaking Gozi by the shoulder.

This got Gozi's attention and he looked at Asante.

"Are you ready for this?" Asante asked.

Gozi looked around at everyone, who were staring at him with concern, having noticed his long silence. Gozi didn't address it and just gave Asante a small smile and nodded slowly. Asante wasn't sure, but took Gozi's gesture for it.

"Alright dad, we're all ready." Asante said.

Kion looked at Gozi for a moment, being the most concerned about his silence. He brushed it off as Gozi feeling nervous about the challenges and he didn't blame him, he had been through that as well. Kion looked down at his daughter and nodded.

"Very well, good luck all six of you." Kion said.

Kion stepped aside to allow Gozi and his guard into the Cave of Secrets.

"Leader and fiercest member of the Lion Guard first." Kion encouraged, looking at Gozi.

Gozi stared at the entrance to the Cave of Secrets, the feeling of anxiety in the pit of his stomach feeling larger and becoming more overwhelming. It made him start to question himself if he and his guard could do this, if he picked the right animals for his guard, because these challenges would prove if he did or not. Gozi took a deep breath and stepped forward, telling himself that he had picked the best animals for his guard and that they could do this. He felt confidence that they could, that he could, but once he took his first steps into the entrance to the Cave of Secrets, the anxiety completely overwhelmed him and he stopped in place, causing his guard members to bump into each other.

"Gozi, why did you stop man?" Mbio asked.

Gozi didn't respond and just turned around and rushed out of the Cave of Secrets. He had a heavily anxious look on his face and gripped his forehead with one paw, the fragile confidence he had been showing since yesterday finally breaking

"I can't, I can't, I can't do this." Gozi said anxiously, shaking his head.

Everyone looked at Gozi shocked to see him suddenly having a nervous breakdown after seeming so confident about this whole Lion Guard thing. Gozi sat down and anxiously rubbed a paw over his other foreleg with his eyes shut tight. Kiara's motherly instincts kicked in and she went over and placed a comforting paw over her youngest son's back.

"Gozi, tell us what's wrong?" Kiara gently encouraged.

"I can't do this mom. I thought I could, I tried to, but I couldn't." Gozi said, talking too fast from his anxiety letting itself out.

Kiara told Gozi to slow down and repeat what he said. Gozi did so, even though it was hard to with all the anxiety rushing through his body.

"What do you mean son?" Kovu asked, coming over to his wife and youngest son.

"I tried to think of how to pick a good Lion Guard dad, but I couldn't. I thought I had it when Aunts Jasiri and Vitani and Uncle Kion helped me, but I didn't. I didn't pick a good enough Lion Guard." Gozi said.

"Huh? But Gozi, you choose some great animals for the Lion Guard. You're Lion Guard is a good one." Kion said.

Gozi just shook his head.

"No, I only chose Mbio, Mtoto, and Ona and tried to recruit Busara because they had some relationship in some way or another with your Lion Guard, not because I thought they'd be the best for the job. My ideal Lion Guard is unoriginal and uninspired." Gozi said, some tears starting to leak out of his eyes, thinking he was hurting their feelings by saying this. "I'm sorry guys!"

"No Gozi, it's okay man, really." Mbio said, trying to assure his friend.

"Err. You're just saying that to try and not to make me feel bad." Gozi said.

"No, he's not, we're not. We know this is a stressful thing being laid out on you." Mtoto said.

"Yeah, and besides, your reason for choosing us is not a bad reason." Ona said.

"Yes, we all think you picked a great guard Gozi." Kweli said.

Everyone voice their agreements, saying Gozi's guard was great and that there's nothing wrong with his choice for picking them. They were all attempting to make Gozi feel better about his choices and he appreciated them, but it didn't help. Kion walked up to his nephew and placed his paw under his chin, lifting his head up to look at him.

"Gozi, take it from me the most out of anyone when I assure you that you picked a great Lion Guard, you picked the perfect animals for it. Asante is the bravest, Kweli is the smartest, Mbio is the fastest, Mtoto is the strongest, Ona is the keenest of sight, and you as it's leader of are the fiercest." Kion said.

Gozi just shook his head when his uncle called him fierce.

"No, uncle. Weather my guard is great or not, I'm not fierce." Gozi said.

Vitani couldn't help but give a small laugh at that.

"Not fierce? Kid, do you realize who you are?" Vitani asked. "You're the son of Princess Kiara of the Pride Lands and the former chosen one of the Outsiders, Kovu. You've got Outlander's blood in your veins kid and we're the fiercest lions there are."

"Well, I don't feel that Outlanders fierce blood in me, I never have, not even yesterday when those hyenas attacked." Gozi said. "I didn't feel brave or fierce at any point, I only just felt scared."

"Being scared in a situation like that isn't a bad thing Gozi. You don't have to be brave from the get go, it's about being able to overcome fear in a situation like that is what's brave." Kovu said.

Kion glanced at Kovu as he said that. Kion also looked towards his sister, friends, and then at Jasiri. He was starting to think that maybe Kovu was right about this from the beginning. Maybe Gozi wasn't ready yet and just needed to live out his cub and most his teenage months before he took the Lion Guard responsibility.

"Gozi, the offer we made you still stands. If you feel like you aren't ready for the responsibility of the Lion Guard yet, you can wait till you're older." Kion offered.

Gozi looked back up at his uncle as he said that.

"I'm sure your guard members will understand." Kion assured.

Gozi's guard all agreed, saying that they did understand and that they'd wait until Gozi was ready for as long as he needed. Kion looked back down at his nephew, giving him a reassuring smile.

"See Gozi, there's nothing you have to worry about for right now." Kion said.

Gozi just shook his head in disagreement.

"No, you just don't understand. None of you understand." Gozi said.

Before Kion could ask what they didn't understand, Gozi turned and bolted out of the lair. Everyone just stared as the young cub ran off, still in shock by his sudden nervous breakdown. Asante looked over to Busara.

"You see what I was talking about?" Busara asked.

"Yes, I do." Asante said. "I should go talk to him, shouldn't I?"

"Yeah, you should." Busara agreed, nodding her head.

Asante began to make a run for the exit to follow Gozi. Kiara, Kovu, Kion, and Jasiri had all tried to follow Gozi, but stopped when they saw Asante already on it. When Asante was about to exit the main chamber, she ran into her lion grandparents, who had arrived with Rafiki, Makini, Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa.

"Oh, Asante, are you okay?" Simba asked, leaning down towards his adoptive granddaughter who was on her back.

"I'm fine grandpa, but excuse me. I have to go after Gozi." Asante said.

"We just saw him run out of the lair." Nala said.

"Yeah, the kid seemed sad about something, what's the matter?" Pumbaa asked.

"Everyone will tell you what." Asante said as she ran past them and out of the lair.

Asante looked around, but couldn't see Gozi anywhere in sight. He didn't leave any tracks since the dry season's midday sun dried up the ground, but he still left a scent trail for her to follow. Asante inhaled deeply around the entrance of the lair until she found Gozi's scent. It was jumbled up with everyone else's scent, but she was able to pick out Gozi's and follow him. Asante's tracking went on for about half an hour until she finally found Gozi.

She came up to a hill and looked down to see a large field. Asante knew this field since her father and his guard members, the first four at least, had showed it to her before. This was the field where they saved Kiara from that stampeding heard of gazelles years ago and first fought Janja and his clan when they were still the bad guys and Gozi was sitting in the middle of the field. He wasn't doing anything; he was just sitting there. Asante quickly looked around, seeing that there were no other animals around before she made her way down to Gozi.

Asante expected to hear soft crying from Gozi as she got closer, but didn't. Gozi just sat there hunched over with his head slightly lowered and his ears drooped. Asante didn't talk or make a sound and just went over and sat by Gozi's side. Gozi sensed her sitting next to him, but didn't say a thing or even turn his head to her. The two cousins sat there in silence for a while before Asante finally broke it.

"So, do you want to talk about it, about what happened back there?" she asked.

Asante hoped that Gozi would want to talk about it with her, she was his cousin and his best friend and they always told each other secrets or if something was upsetting them. The older lion cub sighed before he spoke.

"I can't do this Asante. I don't want to, not yet." Gozi said, shaking his head.

"If you don't want to lead the Lion Guard now, then why are you?" the stripped hyena asked gently.

"Because…" Gozi said, pausing. "Because I feel like I have to."

"But Gozi, on your dad's request, you were given the option to wait for the responsibility of the Lion Guard for when your older." Asante reminded.

"I know that, but it doesn't take away the fact that I feel… pressured into doing this." Gozi said.

"Why would you feel pressured into leading the new Lion Guard?" Asante asked.

"Because everyone expects me to take this responsibility and not just the pride or close friends. It's the whole Pride Lands that expects me to." Gozi said.

"Okay, I agree with you, we all do, but no one will hold it against you if you want to wait till your older. You're still a young cub after all and should deserve being one while it lasts." Asante said.

For the first time since Asante sat beside Gozi and started their conversation, he looked at her.

"It's more complicated than that. It's not just about how I feel or how everyone else feels." Gozi said. "It's tradition. Tradition for a new Lion Guard to start once a cub blessed with the Roar of Elders discovers it."

Asante just scoffed.

"Not to sound disrespectful to Pride Lands culture, but screw tradition." Asante said firmly. "Discovering the Roar of Elders shouldn't automatically determine you ready to lead the Lion Guard, it should be up to you to determine when you're ready Gozi."

Asante's words were meant inspire Gozi and he was grateful for them, but they didn't inspire him.

"That's part of the problem Asante. I feel like I'll never be ready." Gozi admitted.

Asante couldn't hold that against Gozi since there were times in your life when you're faced with a daunting challenge like the Lion Guard and the Cave of Secrets and it would cause so much anxiety that it'd make you feel like you would never be ready for it. However, Asante could tell that this wasn't just about Gozi being scared of failing the Cave of Secrets or fearing that he didn't pick the best animals for the Lion Guard, but what was it. Asante thought of the hyenas that had attacked Gozi and Umoja yesterday. Asante knew about Gozi's fear of bad hyenas and wondered if that fear along with probably having to fight them and Gozi not being a gifted fighter like her father was making him think that way.

"Gozi, is it the hyenas that attacked you yesterday making you think this way? You're scared to fight them, is that it?" Asante asked.

"No, it's not about the hyenas or me being not as gifted a fighter as your dad. I know I can be a great fighter with training from him and Aunt Vitani." Gozi said.

"Then what is it? I heard everyone else talking about despite showing some nervousness yesterday and today, you were confident about this whole thing and all were proud of you, but what changed that or what have you been hiding? Come on, you can tell me." Asante encouraged.

Gozi took a breath before speaking.

"It's like I said back at the lair. The leader of the Lion Guard is supposed to be the fiercest, but I'm not fierce like your dad or Aunt Vitani are. I'm only leader of the Lion Guard because I'm the second born and so have the roar, not because I'm fierce." Gozi said. "It's like it was with Aunt Vitani, there are lions in the pride who are much fiercer than me and can lead better even without the roar."

"So, you feel like you'll never be ready to lead the guard because of that? Because you're only leading it because you have the roar as the second born, but aren't fierce like my dad or Aunt Vitani?" Asante asked.

"Yes." Gozi said.

Asante thought she had her answer, but then Gozi contradicted himself.

"I mean no. I mean, yes, that is part of it, but it's just that… uh, uh." Gozi tried to explain.

Gozi mumbled on a bit before sighing and telling Asante to just forget it, but Asante wouldn't allow him to. She thought back to what Busara had said earlier and could see that she was right about something seeming to secretly greatly bother Gozi and that it was something beyond what they could guess, but Asante now knew that it concerned the Lion Guard and the Roar of Elders, but how exactly?

"Gozi, don't try to tell me to forget about it. Whatever it is that's bothering you, we've already talked this long about it. So, we might as well get it over with and maybe you'll feel better about it in the end." Asante encouraged.

Gozi just shook his head.

"No, you'll think it's stupid." Gozi said.

Gozi felt Asante place a paw on his shoulder and he looked to see the striped hyena smiling up at him.

"Come on Gozi, you know that you can tell me anything." Asante said.

Gozi wanted to further push his wish not to talk about the way he felt, but he just couldn't resist Asante. He looked away for a moment, closing his eyes and sighing before he began to tell Asante what exactly it was that was bothering him.

"I don't want the roar Asante." Gozi said.

"Why?" Asante simply asked.

"Because, it's exactly what Scar's spirit said it was to Uncle Kion when he defeated him, it's not a gift, it's a curse." Gozi said. "I'm not worried about possibly turning evil like him, like Uncle Kion feared. I'm worried about going through the same things that Uncle Kion went through."

"The same things that my dad went through?" Asante questioned.

Gozi nodded.

"Yes, like being tricked like he was into using the roar in anger to summon back some great evil or for someone to manipulate me into becoming their mate or something, like Baliyo, that lion who brought you here's sister, Rani did to Uncle Kion because he had the roar." Gozi said. "I don't want the roar or to lead the Lion Guard, because I'm worried about all that happening to me like it did to Uncle Kion. I'm worried about being used and manipulated by others for their own selfish desires in one way or another because I have the roar."

As Gozi explained that, he looked embarrassed to admit it, because he knew it sounded stupid. Just because those things happened to his uncle didn't mean they would happen to him, but the possibility that it could happen frightened Gozi. In truth, he wasn't all that different from his uncle during his time. Gozi was scarred of what happened with the previous generation of the Lion Guard happening to him and he was worried that when animals saw him, they only saw the roar and what it's powers could do, not what Gozi as an individual could do. It was like with the burden of having the roar, Gozi despite being somebody was basically a nobody, just a vessel for something that was far more important to others than himself, something that others would want to take advantage of.

Asante could see all of that in Gozi's eyes and hear it in his voice.

"Gozi," Asante said, placing a paw on his shoulder. "Do you really think all that will happen?"

Gozi shook his head.

"No, I don't think it'll happen, but you never know." Gozi said. "Besides, I'm nothing like Uncle Kion. Even with the roar, I just don't think I can do this by myself."

Asante looked surprised when Gozi said that.

"Whoever said that you had to do this yourself?" Asante asked. "Gozi, you're putting too much pressure on yourself thinking you gotta do this yourself, because you won't have to do this by yourself. You'll have the spirits of your ancestors to help you, like your great grandfather Mufasa and Askari, who helped my dad, who will also help you. You'll also have Aunt Vitani, your parents, the rest of your family and friends, you'll have your guard, and you'll have me."

Gozi looked at Asante as she said that.

"And I'll never let anything that happened to my dad, happen to you." Asante assured.

"But, what about the expectations everybody else has for me on taking the responsibility of the Lion Guard and the pressure I feel because of it?" Gozi asked. "It's another big part of my insecurity over it to, you know."

Asante took a moment to lightly laugh.

"Gozi, no one expects anything from you right now, but if you want to feel like someone expects something of you right now, then you should feel like I'm expecting you of something." Asante said. "I'm expecting you to know all that I said and will continue to say is true. That I expect you to at least try being leader of the Lion Guard and not worry too much about what happened to my dad happening to you, but only when you feel like you're ready, even if you never feel like you're ready and if and when you are ready, know that others don't see just the roar when they look at you, and know that you don't have to change who you are to lead the guard, fierce or not you just have to be yourself, because that's all anyone can do."

Gozi stared down at Asante wide-eyed and his mouth slightly agape due to her little speech. Gozi was three full months older than Asante and he should be the one to give inspirational pep talks to her, but here they were and Asante had just given him one. He looked away for a moment, going into deep thought over what Asante had just told him. A full minute of silence passed between the lion cub and striped hyena pup before Gozi turned back to Asante and smiled down at her for the first time since she sat next to him.

"I think I now understand why Busara suggested I make you part of the Lion Guard over her." Gozi said. "It's not just because you're brave, it's because you're like your mom. You always know what to say and you also have a lot of heart, more so than anyone in my guard and we really need someone like that."

Asante smiled back up at him, glad to hear that.

"And you know what Asante?" Gozi said. "I think I'm ready to try now."

Asante was beyond happy to hear that Gozi wanted to try to lead the Lion Guard now because of her pep talk.

"Really? Are you sure?" Asante asked to make sure he was certain.

Gozi didn't respond, he just raised his paw and placed it on Asante's left shoulder. She felt a slight burning and soothing sensation as a small bright light shone around from under Gozi's paw. When he took it away, they both stared in wonder at the roaring lion's head that was the Mark of the Lion Guard on her shoulder.

"Asante, you're the bravest member of my Lion Guard." Asante declared.

Gozi took a few steps back to let Asante admire her Lion Guard mark. As Asante did, she couldn't believe more than she already had when Gozi first asked her. She was part of the Lion Guard, a group of the Pride Lands' best animals that her dad once led and her mom worked with more than once and she now had the mark to prove it, was the first one of the new generation to receive it as well as the first hyena ever to receive it, and it had been given to her by her adoptive cousin and best friend. After about a minute of admiring her Lion Guard's mark Asante threw her forepaws around Gozi's neck, pulling him into a hug. Gozi gave of small gasp of surprise at first, but soon hugged his adoptive striped hyena cousin back.

After hugging for half a minute, both cousins pulled away while still holding onto each other.

"Asante." Gozi said.

"Yes?" Asante asked.

"Oh, no, no, no. I didn't say asante to address you, I was just using it to say thank you." Gozi clarified. "You know, asante, Asante."

Asante laughed and was about to hug Gozi again until they heard a gentle laugh. Spooked, the cousins slightly jumped and looked towards the tall grass from where the laugh came from. From out of the tall grass came a hyena, a female hyena. Asante could see that this hyena was much larger and muscular than her mother, she had mixed light brown and grey fur with a heavily spotted coat, a long orangish brown hyena's mane that turned into thick hair on her head with a single lock of it hanging over her forehead just above a distinct triangular marking of black fur on her forehead that reached down over her broad, but slender muzzle, she had sharp, clear, hooded dark brown eyes, and three scars on her left cheek. Gozi and Asante felt intimidated as this strange hyena slowly walked towards them while still gently laughing, which they could tell wasn't friendly.

When the hyena finally stopped laughing, she spoke in an accented voice that to Gozi and Asante was full of savageness while also having a certain sweetness to it, which sent chills down their spines.

"Now, that whole conversation was very touching. It was without a doubt the sweetest thing I've ever heard." the hyena said.

The hyena took a moment to wipe a tear from her eye before her face became intensely serious.

"But it's making me sick!" the hyena said.

Gozi and Asante felt even more unsettled by the hyena's state.

"What are your two little ones' names?" the hyena demanded.

"Uh, I, I'm Gozi and this is Asante." Gozi introduced in a shaky voice. "Who, who are you?"

"Hatari." the hyena simply answered.

Gozi immediately gasped at the hyena revealing her name to be Hatari. Hatari was the name Umoja said he had overheard the hyenas talk about yesterday and that he had backed up into along with the scarred hyena. Asante didn't know any details about the hyena attack on him and Umoja yesterday other than the roar and Umoja's wounded leg, so she didn't know about Hatari, but she guessed from Gozi's gasp that Hatari must have been a hyena of the clan.

"What are you doing in here in the Pride Lands, Hatari?" Asante asked, able to keep her composure unlike Gozi.

The tiniest grin appeared on Hatari's face as Asante asked that.

"I promised my newly acquired mate that I'd come here to the Pride Lands to help him with some unfinished business of his and he's also been DYING to meet some of his old friends and their little ones." Hatari said.

Gozi and Asante just continued to become more nervous the more Hatari talked, especially with how much emphases she put into 'dying.' Hatari began eyeing Gozi.

"I believe you've already met him, little cub." Hatari said. "Ash grey fur, one yellow eye, the other white due to the scars over it, walks with a limp, multiple scars over his body?"

Gozi's eyes widened as she described the scarred hyena from yesterday. Almost as soon as Hatari finished, Gozi and Asante heard an evil chuckling that was familiar to Gozi. They looked around Hatari to see another hyena with one good yellow eye and one white eye with scars over it pop his head out of the grass and look directly at Gozi, a creepy grin on his face.

"Hello there." the scarred hyena said.

Gozi loudly gasped at the sight of the scarred hyena from yesterday.

"Asante, that's the hyena that bit Umoja's leg yesterday." Gozi managed to whisper to Asante.

"Oh no, not good, not good." Asante quietly replied.

The scarred hyena slunk out of the grass next to Hatari, still creepily eyeing Gozi. Gozi was unable to hide his fearful shaking at the sight of the hyena that had attacked him and his brother yesterday.

"Uh, I'm not the cub you're looking for." Gozi said fearfully, somehow thinking it would get him and Asante out of this situation.

Hatari finding Gozi's fear somewhat amusing, chuckled, being sure to show off all her yellowing bone crushing teeth.

"You hear that love; this isn't the cub we're looking for." Hatari said amused.

"Hmmm, that's strange, because I'm sure he looked exactly like one of the cubs the others and I tried to catch and bring to you yesterday." the scarred hyena said. "Auburn-brown fur, a brown mane tuft with a patch of dark red on it, and reddish-brown eyes. Oh well, I guess we outta move along."

Gozi and Umoja both quickly backed up, about ready to turn around and make a run for it until they heard rustling from behind. The two looked to see more hyenas slink out of the tall grass behind them as well as from the sides. Gozi also recognized the scarred hyena's six companions from yesterday, Hatari's brothers, Gombo and Nyoka, Kamari, Azizi, Ulimi, and Gereza come out and stand by his and Hatari's sides. Gozi and Asante fearfully looked around to see that they were completely surround by a total of thirty hyenas with no means of escape. Seeing this as well, the scarred hyena chuckled evilly.

"You and your little friend aren't going to get away from us like you did yesterday lion cub." the scarred hyena said.

"Especially not while I'm here to make sure of it." Hatari said.

Despite her fear, Asante bravely glared up at Hatari.

"That's what you think lady." Asante said.

The scarred hyena scoffed and looked at Asante, somewhat astonished by her appearance, having never seen a striped hyena before.

"And that's what you think, you little… what are you exactly. You look like a hyena, yet you have stripes. Why, did your mother bang a zebra?" the scarred hyena asked.

Asante growled, insulted by the scarred hyena's ridiculous question.

"She's a striped hyena." Hatari said, giving Asante a nasty look. "Another type of hyena, inferior to the true hyenas, us spotted ones."

Both Asante and Gozi growled angrily at Hatari's statement about striped hyenas being inferior.

"We killed a pair of them shortly before you joined. Well, one actually since the other managed to get away." Hatari said.

"Oh, well it seems you can make up for that loss with this one." the scarred hyena said.

Hatari smiled at that as she advanced on Gozi and Umoja.

"Yes, we originally came into the Pride Lands to find and kill the second born cub of the future queen and king that you all lost yesterday, before he can discover his roar and we not only find him, but a young striped hyena. What an unexpected surprise." Hatari said.

"'Before he can discover his roar'" Asante thought, repeating that statement of Hatari's in her mind.

It sounded like Hatari thought Gozi didn't have his roar, but that made no sense. Gozi had roared all the hyenas away yesterday, with only the scarred hyena escaping it. That was unless Hatari wasn't with them and they hadn't told her for some reason. Asante smirked and looked towards Hatari.

"So, you know about the Roar of Elders, huh?" Asante asked.

The scarred hyena looked nervous as Hatari looked towards Asante as she addressed her.

"Yes, I know about it and I know your little friend there doesn't have it yet from what my clan told me." Hatari said.

Hearing this, Asante laughed.

"Well, that's where your wrong lady, because he does and he used it to roar all your friends away yesterday." Asante said. "Right Gozi?"

Though he was still scared by being surrounded by the hyenas that had attacked him and Umoja yesterday, he felt braver with Asante backing him up and reminding him about his roar that he had forgotten about in his fear. He looked towards Hatari and the nervous looking scarred hyena with a stern look.

"Yes, I do and yes, I did." Gozi said.

Hearing this, Hatari looked back at the scarred hyena who cringed back in fear.

"You all told me that the cub didn't have the roar yet and that he and the other cub simply escaped you yesterday! You lied to me!" Hatari angrily accused.

"But we didn't, we told you the truth. He doesn't have the roar." the scarred hyena said. "Who are you gonna believe Hatari, me, your mate and your loyal clan or a bunch of stupid kids, especially a privileged, royal lion cub brat?"

"When it's the 'privileged, royal lion cub brat' who wields the power of the roar and one of his Lion Guard members, I'm afraid I'm more likely to believe them." Hatari said.

"Ugh. Well, we didn't lie, but either way don't give him the chance to even try. Kill him!" the scarred hyena encouraged.

"Fine, but don't you ever tell me what to do!" Hatari growled.

Fiercely snarling, Hatari shot forward, heading straight for Gozi. Gozi shouted in fright at the charging hyena, his fear once again causing him to forget about the roar.

"Gozi, use the roar!" Asante reminded.

Gozi, nodded as his only way to thank Asante for being here to remind him. Gozi firmly placed his paws on the ground as he got into a stance, ready to roar. He took a deep breath, growled in his throat, and dug deep, getting ready to roar. Hatari saw this and fearfully skidded to a halt as Gozi let out his roar. However, when Gozi roared, all that came out was a squeaky, cub like roar, which caused both Gozi and Asante to gasp.

Everything was silent until the scarred hyena started to mockingly laugh at Gozi's attempt to roar, which was soon followed by Hatari and the rest of the clan, except the unlaughing, stern faced Gombo. Gozi and Asante fearfully looked at each other, no idea of what was going on. It didn't make since to either of them, especially Gozi. He had perfectly used the Roar of Elders yesterday, but now for some reason he couldn't and he had no idea why. Still laughing, the scarred hyena came up to Hatari's side.

"You see Hatari, I told you we weren't lying. This cub don't have the Roar of Elders yet. All that talk from these two milk suckers and that attempt to roar was just to try and scare us into backing off." the scarred hyena said.

"Yes, I guess my suspicions were wrong and you and the clan were telling me the truth." Hatari admitted.

"Of course, I'd never lie to you, Hatari." the scarred hyena said.

"Yes, after all from the first day you became my mate, you've been so truthful with me about the roar, the Pride Lands, about your oldest enemy Kion, and Jasiri the one who you wanted so badly to be your mate until she betrayed you for that lion." Hatari said flirtatiously. "I have no reason to not trust you… Janja."

Hearing that name that they knew so well from the stories along with Kion and Jasiri's names, the Pride Lands, and the roar, Gozi and Asante gasped as their spines turned to ice. They looked at each other fearfully and then up at the scarred hyena. The scarred hyena had an evil grin across his face so wide that it literally reached his ears.

"How's my old, beautiful, should have been mate, Jasiri and old, best pal, Kion doing these days?" Janja asked.

Gozi and Asante began to back up, more scared than ever, but there was nowhere to run with being surround. Hatari and Janja were crouched low to the ground as they edged towards Gozi and Asante. Gozi tried to roar again, but nothing came out. Hatari and Janja cruelly laughed before lunging at Gozi and Asante.

And that ends the third part of the epilogue, which will lead us into the fourth and final part. Will Gozi and Asante escape Hatari and Janja, will the rest of Gozi's guard arrive to help them, what's wrong with Gozi's roar and will he be able to use it and will Hatari find out Janja lied to her, you'll have to wait and read next chapter to find out.

It seems Gozi is pretty insecure about leading the Lion Guard, which you all might have noticed from the small hints I put throughout the previous two chapters, especially last one and we figure out here where exactly it comes from, but some encouraging words from Asante helps him. Now, a little trivia on how Asante came to be. She's a character who I came up with some time last year. You see, I had a hard time coming up with names for a KionxJasiri cub, adopted and/or somehow magically conceived. That was until I came across a comic on DeviantArt called Sawa of Harmony where Kion and Jasiri have lion-hyena hybrid cub who they name Sawa and it hit me, Sawa was the perfect name for a KionxJasiri cub and it was hidden in plain sight this whole time, I just never thought of it until than. Soon after, I thought of another name for a KionxJasiri cub and that being Asante. There are other names that would be good for KionxJasiri cubs, but I thought Sawa and Asante were the perfect ones, because they're both Swahili words that have an important significance to their relationship and one also pays a respectable homage to a character these two, Jasiri specifically these two were based on. So, I created Sawa and Asante. Sawa, I think works better with a lion-hyena cub for Kion and Jasiri and it sounds more like a boys name and than there's Asante, who I made a striped hyena because an adopted cub who is a lion or spotted hyena is too obvious and we've never see any striped or brown hyenas and how they'd be looked upon compared to spotted hyenas, so why not make her one of those and I went with striped hyena because of an LG theory I once read that suggests Jasiri and her clan are actually striped hyenas since striped hyenas are known to scavenge more than spotted ones and Jasiri, Madoa, and Tunu have more stripes than spots. Hmmm, either that theory is true or maybe those three are actually hybrids. Nah, probably not, but it was an interesting theory. Okay, so with this story being more realistic, I decided to obviously take Asante and put her in this story and leave Sawa for my other LK stories related to my Scarred Pride universe, which Asante will also being in and Kion and Jasiri become her parents in a similar, yet very different way. You all might notice a slight change to Hatari's appearance, well that's my bad. Back than when I was first writing this chapter, I thought about how I made Hatari basically Shenzi's 2019 counterpart in appearance and personality and thought I should have added something more from the classic Shenzi we all know and love. So, I decided that at some point, Hatari might have run into a lion or some other big cat and got scratched on her cheek like Simba did to Shenzi as a cub, but unlike with Shenzi, the wounds didn't magically heal instantly and actually gave Hatari scars. I forgot to write that into last chapter back than, but I went and edit that trait in while I was editing and spell checking this chapter.

Alright, everyone, that's it for this weeks chapter and I'll start working on the next one soon to get it out as soon as possible. Until than though, good day/night, please don't forget to leave a review and also do so for my other fics whenever you read them, stay safe and healthy out there, and God bless.