Kyouka let out a sigh as she made her way down to the kitchen. She couldn't sleep. What was keeping her from finding solace in the world of dreams was one Midoriya Izuku.
Lately, everyone had noticed that something was different about the green-haired boy. When this was brought up to him, he would look at the others in confusion before saying they must be imagining things and that he was fine. The others would reluctantly accept this answer, but Kyouka couldn't. She just couldn't.
Something was wrong and the purple-haired girl didn't like it. She wasn't sure why this bothered her so much. While she could easily admit they were friends and respected each other greatly, they weren't that close considering she and Midoriya didn't really hang out together. It really should be Iida or Uraraka who should be worrying about their close friend and while they were, they didn't want to push him. If something were wrong then Midoriya would come to them…and Kyouka found that stupid.
Kyouka might not have been close to Midoriya, but she could tell what type of person he was. He was the type of person who if he saw someone bothered by something then he would do whatever he could to help that person. When it came to himself though, if something was bothering him he would keep in bottled up inside so others wouldn't worry. She wasn't a psychologist, but that couldn't be healthy.
It was then that her enhanced hearing picked up the sounds of footsteps and muttering. In the dim of the moonlight, Kyouka's eyes widened when she saw the subject of her thoughts head towards the dorm entrance.
'Midoriya?' thought Kyouka as she watched him leave. Forgetting why she came down to the kitchen, Kyouka went to follow after the boy.
She made sure to keep a safe distance from Midoriya, as she didn't want to scare him. Luckily, her enhanced hearing allowed her to keep track of which way he was going. She got nervous when she had to follow him into the nearby forest, as it gave her the creeps at night. Why would Midoriya go into the forest at this time of night?
The answer soon came when she heard the sounds of grunting and cracking, along with what sounded like a mantra.
"Must get stronger, must get stronger, must get stronger!"
That worried her. Peeking out from behind a tree, she saw Midoriya kicking and punching a tree. Was he seriously training right now?! When she saw him stumble a bit, she decided to make herself known.
The green-haired boy jumped at the sudden voice before turning around with wide, manic eyes. When they landed on Kyouka, he became tense.
"J-Jirou-san?! Wh-What are you d-doing here?!"
"I should be asking you the same thing, Midoriya," replied the girl, crossing her arms and giving him a worried look. "Why are you out here training in the middle of the night?"
"…That's none of your business," replied Izuku before turning back to the tree he was hitting.
That surprised Kyouka, mainly because of the tone he used. Instead of getting all shy and nervous like she expected, he sounded annoyed and angry. Something was definitely wrong, she was sure of it now.
"Go back to the dorms, Jirou-san. You need your sleep," interrupted Izuku.
"What about you? You need sleep as well."
His silence scared her. "M-Midoriya…you have been getting sleep, right?"
"…I can't afford to sleep right now."
The rocker girl rushed forward and grabbed Izuku, turning him to face her. Now that she was close up to him she could see the start of bags under his bleary eyes.
"Midoriya? When the hell was the last time you slept?"
He looked ready to collapse as he thought about it. "I think…I think it's been three…five days? I lost count."
Kyouka gaped like a fish as she stared at the sleep-deprived boy. "Wh-Why?! Why are you not getting any sleep?!"
"I need to get stronger," replied Izuku with a growl, getting annoyed.
"That is a bullshit reason and you know it!" hissed out Kyouka as she glared at him.
"It is not! If I don't get stronger, more people will suffer!"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"So many things have happened over the past year that could have been prevented if I were stronger," stated Izuku, his eyes wide as memories filled his mind. "If I were stronger then Kacchan never would have been kidnapped! If I were stronger then Sir Nighteye would still be alive! If I were stronger I could actually control my goddamn Quirk and not possibly hurt people! Don't you see, Jirou-san? I need to get stronger so I can keep other people from suffering!"
At the end of his little rant, Izuku was panting, completely out of breath. Unfortunately that used up the rest of his energy as he almost fell forward, had it not been for Kyouka catching him.
"You can barely stand anymore," replied the now teary-eyed girl in a quiet tone. She couldn't stand seeing him like this. Was he really suffering this long? Why didn't anyone notice earlier before it got this bad?!
"Let…go…Jirou-san," said Izuku with another growl.
"Not a chance, Izuku," replied Kyouka, not realizing she used his given name. "I'm getting you to bed."
"I can't!"
"You can! Izuku, how do you expect to be a hero who saves people if you can't even take care of yourself?" asked the girl as she put one of his arms around her shoulders.
"You don't understand…"
"You're right, I don't," replied Kyouka as she led him back to the dorms. "You've dealt with so much shit that I can't even fathom how you might feel, but I'm not going to stand on the sidelines and watch you slowly kill yourself because you refuse to get any sleep. Your health is way more important right now, dude."
Izuku could feel his eyes get watery. "I'm such a failure, aren't I?"
"You're not a failure, Izuku. You're probably the most dedicated of us when it comes to wanting to be a hero. It's just that you need to think about yourself once in awhile."
The two teens soon made it back inside and Kyouka led them to the elevators. Using one of her jacks, she pressed the button to take them up to her floor. She knew she should take Izuku to his room, but she wanted to make damn sure he got some sleep, so she would be taking him to her room for the night. Normally, the thought of having a boy in her room with her would cause her to blush and become nervous, but she had to push those feelings aside. Izuku needed her right now.
Arriving at her room, she led the boy inside and sat him on her bed. Luckily for her, Izuku hadn't changed out of his sleepwear, so all she had to do was take off his shoes before making him lie down.
"Jirou-san…" mumbled out Izuku, exhaustion taking over.
"Shh, time for sleep, Izuku," replied Kyouka as she lay next to the boy and pulled the blankets over them.
It didn't take long for the much-needed sleep to claim the boy, his soft snores the only sound in the room. Tears returned to Kyouka's eyes as she held the boy close.
"You don't deserve to suffer either, Izuku."
Laying her head on Izuku's chest, she soon followed him into the realm of sleep.
The next morning, the vibrating of her phone alarm woke up Kyouka. Luckily, she had set the alarm on low so only she with her enhanced hearing would be able to hear it. That was the main reason she brought Izuku to her room; it was soundproof, meaning no one would be able to disturb Izuku's sleep.
Sitting up, Kyouka let out a yawn and stretched before turning to look at the still sleeping Izuku. She smiled at how peaceful and adorable he looked when he was asleep. She blushed brightly at that last thought. Shaking her head, she decided to get dressed for the day before her thoughts started getting to her. Giving one last look at the cinnamon roll in her bed, she grabbed some of her clothes and slipped out of her room, heading towards the showers.
Once she was clean and dressed, Kyouka headed down to the commons room where everyone was most likely located. Lo and behold, everyone was indeed down at the commons room.
"Good morning, Kyouka!" greeted Momo with a smile. "Did you sleep well last night?"
"Hey, Yaomomo. And as well as I could, I guess."
Before Momo could inquire what her friend meant, Ochaco spoke up with a question of her own.
"Kyouka, have you seen Deku-kun? He's usually one of the first ones down in the morning," said the anti-gravity girl, worry clear on her face.
Kyouka grimaced at the mention of Izuku, looking at everyone before she spoke. Izuku would probably be upset with her, but this was something she could NOT hide from the others. "Guys, we need to talk."
"About what?" questioned Kirishima, he and everyone else confused.
"About Midoriya?"
That confused everyone even further. Iida was the one to speak next. "What about Midoriya?"
The rocker girl let out a shaky sigh before she told them what she saw last night when she woke up and everything she learned. When she was done, the others were clearly horrified by what they were told, except Bakugou who merely scowled in annoyance.
"Wh-Where is Deku-kun now?! We need to find him!" exclaimed Ochaco, looking slightly hysterical.
"He's sleeping in my room right now," replied Kyouka with no shame.
That stopped Ochaco in her tracks. Deku-kun was in Kyouka's room? No, she needed to push those thoughts away. There were more important things to worry over right now!
"Why did you bring him to your room, Jirou-san?!" demanded Iida, moving his arms in a robotic manner. "It is against the rules to…"
"What's more important, Iida?! Your rules or Midoriya's health?!" snapped Kyouka, glaring at the class president, making him flinch back a bit.
"M-Midoriya's health of course, but…"
"Then fuck your goddamn rules!" replied the girl, still yelling. "I brought him to my room since it's soundproof, meaning he'll be able to actually get some goddamn sleep!"
Everyone was staring at Kyouka, wondering why she seemed to be so protective of Midoriya all of a sudden. Then again, if any of them had found Midoriya in the state he was in, they'd probably act the same.
"I want to see Deku-kun," stated Ochaco. "I want to see if he's alright!"
"I agree with Uraraka! We need to know if Midori-bro is okay!" exclaimed Kirishima.
"Not a chance," stated Kyouka in a deadpan tone, surprising the others. "No one is seeing him until he wakes up on his own."
"That's not fair, Kyouka!" exclaimed the resident fluffy alien with a pout. "We're all worried about Midori!"
"Ashido-san is correct, we're all worried over Midoriya," said Iida, pushing up his glasses. "But I can also see Jirou-san's point on this. That being said though, as Class President it is my duty to make sure that my fellow students are safe!"
"I agree," said Momo. "And as Vice President, I too must make sure everyone is alright. Kyouka, would it be okay if it was just me and Iida who checked on Midoriya?"
The rocker girl frowned at this. She really didn't want anyone bothering Izuku, but Momo could be trusted to keep quiet. Iida on the other hand…sometimes Kyouka wondered if he knew how loud he could get when he got into his duties. Seeing the looks on their faces, she let out a sigh as she relented.
"Fine! But ONLY you two! Got it?"
Momo just gave her best friend a beaming smile as she and Iida followed after the purple-haired girl, leaving behind the others.
"I hope Deku-kun will be okay," said Ochaco, tears coming to her eyes.
"Don't worry, Ochaco-chan! I'm sure Midori-kun will pull through this! He always does!" chirped Hagakure.
Class 1-A could only hope so.
Iida and Momo looked down at the sleeping boy, saddened over the fact that neither of them took action to prevent his condition.
"Why didn't I just push the subject the first time?" questioned Iida in a quiet tone. "I knew something was wrong and I didn't do anything about it."
"It's not your fault, Iida," replied Momo. "All of us were worried and any one of us could have brought this up to Midoriya, but we all chose to stay quiet. Right now though, we should be thankful that Kyouka was there for him. If she wasn't…I don't even want to know what would have happened if Midoriya was alone in the woods."
Kyouka couldn't help but shudder at the thought.
"Very true. For now though, we'll need to inform Aizawa-sensei about this when we get to class," stated the speedster.
"You two and the others can do that," said Kyouka. "I'll be staying here to keep an eye on Midoriya."
Upon hearing that, Iida whipped towards her to reprimand her, but before he could open his mouth an earphone jack was pointed right at his face. Looking down the jack, Iida met with glaring purple eyes as she pointed towards her door. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted. The class reps quickly exited the room with Kyouka right behind them and once the door was closed…
"What is the meaning of skipping class, Jirou-san?!" demanded Iida as he stared down the girl.
Kyouka glared right back at him. "Again, Midoriya's health is more important here! I'm the one who found him and I'm the one who got him to sleep, so I'll be the one to watch over him to make sure he gets better!"
"But Kyouka, Aizawa-sensei will most likely send over Recovery Girl to take care of Midoriya," stated Momo, worried.
"Don't care," replied Kyouka, turning back to her door. "Midoriya is my responsibility right now and I'll make sure to get him healthy again. You can tell the others that too."
With that, Kyouka reentered her room, closing the door on Iida and Momo. The class reps looked at each other in worry, unsure of how to handle this. With no other choice, they headed back downstairs to inform the others what their next course of action will be.
Kyouka hummed to herself as she sat at her desk in her room, writing down some new lyrics in her notebook. It had been a few hours since her "talk" with Yaomomo and Iida and she was surprised that Recovery Girl hadn't shown up yet. Surely if Aizawa-sensei knew what happened he would have asked her to come by, right?
Looking over at the sleeping boy, Kyouka could feel sadness welling up inside her. She wanted Izuku to get the sleep he needed, but she wondered just how long he'd be asleep.
"Why did you have to do this to yourself, Izuku?" asked Kyouka, even though she knew he couldn't answer.
Setting her pencil down, Kyouka stood up and walked over to the bed before sitting on the edge, not taking her eyes off of Izuku. Without thinking, her hand reached out and ran through his hair.
"It's so soft!" she said in awe. It was then that she realized what she was doing. With a heavy blush, she let out a loud "eep" and jumped away. Not looking at Izuku, she started tapping her earphone jacks together as she tried to calm her fast beating heart. "Wh-Why d-did I d-do th-that?!"
Looking over her shoulder, she found that Izuku was still asleep. She let out a sigh of relief, but her relief was short-lived when she heard a groan. Looking back, her eyes widened when she saw Izuku sit up.
"Mm, where am I?" wondered Izuku, sleep still having a hold of him as he looked around. When his eyes landed on Kyouka though, he became wide-awake. "J-Jirou-san?!"
"J-Jirou-san, wh-where am I?!" questioned the distraught boy. Getting a better look at his surroundings, he realized that he was in Kyouka's room…and in her bed. With a heavy blush of his own he jumped out of the bed and ran for the door.
Or at least he would have had Kyouka not tackled him back onto the bed.
"You're not going anywhere, Izuku!" exclaimed Kyouka, glaring down at him.
"J-Jirou-san! Wh-What are you d-doing?!" yelled out Izuku, wide-eyed. Not only did Jirou-san just tackle him, but also she was now straddling his waist. What the hell was going on?!
"I'm making sure that you get some rest, you idiot! You purposely went without sleep for almost a week and were slowing killing yourself! And don't you dare tell me you did it to get stronger! Just like I told you last night, that is a bullshit reason!" yelled the girl, still glaring at the boy.
Izuku knew what he did was stupid, but he was desperate to get stronger. He needed to get stronger to protect people. And yet he failed…he fell asleep. Speaking of which…
"Jirou-san? How long have I been asleep?"
"From when I brought you here last night to now, a little over fourteen hours."
The boy felt like he was choking on air. "F-Fourteen hours?! How could I sleep for fourteen hours?!"
Kyouka glared at him once more. "Are you seriously asking that?!"
"B-But J-Jirou-san!"
Before they could continue arguing, Kyouka's phone started vibrating. Picking it up, the rocker girl found that she received a text from Momo.
"Come on, Izuku," said Kyouka as she got off of him and pulled him up. She started dragging him towards the door.
"Wh-Where are we going?" asked the nervous cinnamon roll.
"Recovery Girl is here to see you."
Izuku looked down in shame as the old woman chastised him. What made it worse was that All Might was there as well, looking disappointed. Why did Jirou-san have to tell people about what he was doing?
"Young man, I can't even begin to describe how stupid it was to forego sleep like you did!" exclaimed Recovery Girl, giving Izuku a disapproving look. She then pointed at Kyouka, who was standing next to the boy. "If it weren't for your friend here, who knows what could have happened to you!"
"I'm sorry."
"Young Midoriya, why did you feel the need to do what you did?" asked Toshinori. "You know better than to overdo your training like that."
The boy was silent, afraid to speak. It was only when he something soft grab his hand and give it a light squeeze did he gain the confidence to tell his mentor.
"I'm…I'm too weak to protect people."
He continued to tell All Might and Recovery Girl the same thing he told Kyouka the previous night; about how he could have prevented Bakugou's kidnapping, Nighteye's death, and people getting hurt by his own Quirk if he were stronger.
After hearing Izuku's words, Toshinori let out a sigh and placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Midoriya, my boy, it's not your fault for everything that happened and unfortunately, what's done is done. We can't change that."
"I know, but I want to be able to prevent similar situations in the future," replied Izuku, shaking slightly. "I don't want anymore people to suffer."
"No one wants to see people suffer, Izuku," said Kyouka, butting in. "But that also means we don't want to see you suffer either."
"Young Jirou is right, young Midoriya. You have many people in your life that care about you and do not wish to see you hurt yourself," added Toshinori. "I believe your mother would be quite upset if she found out what you've been doing."
Izuku let out a whimper at the mention of his mom. He didn't want to hurt her or make her worry.
"Now young man, I hope this will mean you will train more responsibly in the future," stated Recovery Girl. "Luckily, since your friend caught on to what you were doing in time, there is no irreversible damage to your body. Despite that, I am ordering you to refrain from training for the next few days to allow your body to get the rest you denied it. I will be informing your homeroom teacher about this. Do I make myself clear?"
"Y-Yes, ma'am."
"Good. Now rest up, dearie," ordered the old woman. She then turned to Kyouka. "Will you help make sure he gets the rest he needs, dear?"
"Do you really have to ask?" replied Kyouka, glancing at Izuku with a narrowed look. The boy tried to avoid eye contact.
Recovery Girl smiled slightly. She liked this girl. She had a good head on her shoulders and was someone Midoriya needed to keep him on the line.
"Glad to hear that, dear. Now I must be off and see if anyone else needs healing. And remember, Midoriya, no training and get some rest."
After that last order, Recovery Girl and All Might said their goodbyes and left the two teens to their own devices. With the adults gone, Kyouka turned to Izuku.
"You heard what she said, Izuku. Now go sit down."
"No buts. Now go sit down while I go and make some food. Seeing as how you've been asleep for fourteen hours, you're probably hungry."
Izuku was about to protest, but his stomach betrayed him when it let out a growl. He blushed brightly as Kyouka smirked in victory.
"Y-You don't have to do this," said Izuku, unable to look her in the eye.
"I want to. Now go sit down and watch some TV. I'll be done before you know it," replied Kyouka, her smirk turning into a smile.
Releasing his hand, she made her way into the kitchen to start cooking. Izuku headed towards the couch, blushing even more when he finally realized that a girl was holding his hand that whole time.
As he watched TV, Izuku must have lost track of time, as the next thing he knew was a bowl appearing right in his face.
"Gah!" yelped Izuku with a slight jump. When he got a good look at what was in his view, his eyes widened. "Katsudon?"
"Yup," replied Kyouka, as Izuku took the bowl from her hand. "I remember hearing you mention awhile back that it's your favorite, so I figured what better first meal on your road to recovery than your favorite."
"Y-You didn't have to do this, J-Jirou-san," said Izuku. He blushed when she sat right next to him with her own bowl of Katsudon.
"I already told you that I wanted to, Izuku," said the rocker girl. "Now let's dig in!"
She watched as he took hesitant bite, worried that he might not like it. Her worries dissipated when she saw his eyes light up.
"Wow, Jirou-san! This is pretty good!" exclaimed the cinnamon roll.
"Glad you like it, Izuku-kun," replied Kyouka, happy that he liked her cooking. She didn't cook often and was afraid that he'd hate it. Now that she knew he liked her cooking, maybe she'd cook for him more often. She blushed at sudden thought.
The two teens ate in relative peace as they watched TV, making various comments on what they were watching. When their bowls were empty, Izuku grabbed them and headed towards the kitchen.
"Izuku-kun, what are you doing?" questioned Kyouka, watching him.
"Ano, well I was going to wash the dishes," replied Izuku, looking away nervously. "I figured it's the least I can do after everything you've done for me."
Without another word, Izuku got started on the dishes. Kyouka continued to watch him, frowning as she did. He looked so normal now, but the memories of how he was still lingered. She stood and made her way over to Izuku. Since the green-haired boy was so focused on his task, he didn't noticed Kyouka coming towards him and tensed up when he felt arms wrap around him from behind.
"Do you have any idea how scared I was when I found you last night?" asked Kyouka in soft tone, leaning her head against his back as she hugged him.
"Jirou-san…I'm sorry," said Izuku, relaxing his body. "I know what I did was stupid, but I felt it needed to be done. And the reason I didn't tell anyone is because I didn't want anyone to worry about me."
She tightened her hold on him. "You need to stop doing that, Izuku-kun. Why is it okay for you worry about others, but no one is allowed to worry about you?"
"…It's just how I am, I guess. I don't like making people worry over me."
"We're going to worry about you regardless, Izuku-kun. Everyone was worried when we started to notice that something was off with you," said the shy rocker.
This caused the cinnamon roll to let out a groan. "Great. I can't even do that right."
"Don't be like that. If people worry about you then it just means that they care about you."
"…Yeah, you're right. To be honest, I'm not used to other people aside from my mom caring about me. I…didn't really have any friends growing up," explained the boy.
"Well things are different now, Izuku-kun," said Kyouka as she released her hold on him so she could stand next to him. She reached up to grab his face and moved it so she could look him in the eye. "You have me and everyone else in class as your friends and you can trust us, so please don't bottle everything up anymore, okay?"
The two stared at each other for a moment before Izuku could feel tears in his eyes.
"Th-Thank you…K-Kyouka."
"You're welcome, Izuku-kun," replied the girl with a smile. She then stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush brightly. Her own face was no different as she started tapping her earphone jacks together.
"H-Here, l-let me help you w-with these d-dishes," said Kyouka, wanting to change the subject.
The two resumed their chore, both still red in the face after that impromptu kiss, and yet instead of feeling awkward over it they both found themselves in a comfortable silence.
The students of Class 1-A were making their way back to the dorms, classes having ended for the day. Ochaco in particular was hurrying to get back.
"Uraraka! Slow down!" called out Iida as he and the others followed after her.
"I need to see if Deku-kun has gotten better!" replied Ochaco not looking back.
"But he's not going anywhere!" said Kaminari, earning a glare from the anti-gravity girl.
The students reached the dorms and Ochaco quickly entered. When she did, her eyes widened at the sight in the commons room. The others followed soon after and were just as stunned by what they saw.
"H-Hey, Uraraka," said Izuku, waving at the girl. He was sitting on the couch next to Kyouka as the two of them watched TV. They had turned to look at the door when they heard it open.
Seeing that Deku-kun was awake, Ochaco could feel tears building up in her eyes. "D-Deku-kun…"
When Izuku and Kyouka stood to go meet their friends, Ochaco launched herself at the green-haired boy and hugged him tightly, causing him to blush brightly.
"Midori! You're awake!" exclaimed Mina as she joined in on the hug. Hagakure, Kirishima, and Aoyama soon followed her and made it a group hug.
"Midori-kun, how could you do that to yourself?!"
"You really gave us a scare, Midori-bro!"
"Oui! Please don't do that ever again, Midoriya!"
Izuku could feel the waterworks start up as the rest of his classmates came over to check on him. They really did care.
"Everyone, I'm so sorry for making you worry," said Izuku, wiping away the tears.
"As long as you're okay now, that's all that matters," stated Shouto, glad that his best friend was okay.
"He still technically has a ways to go," said Kyouka, making her way over to stand next to the cinnamon roll. "Recovery Girl wants him to get some rest and not train for the next few days."
"I feel that it's a bit extreme though," said Izuku. He flinched when Kyouka turned to him with a fierce look.
"And that's why Recovery Girl wants me to keep an eye on you, Izuku-kun! To make sure you don't sneak off, especially at night, to train! So if I have to sleep in your room with you to make sure you get some rest, I will!" exclaimed the rocker girl, focused solely on the boy before her.
"N-No! Y-You don't have to do that, K-Kyouka! I p-promise I won't sneak out!" stuttered out Izuku, a nervous wreck at the thought of having a girl in his room. He let out a yelp when an earphone jack was suddenly pointed directly at his heart.
"So you weren't planning on sneaking out tonight to train, Izuku-kun?" questioned Kyouka. He broke out in a nervous sweat when he realized what she was doing. His silence was all the answer Kyouka needed as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Congratulations, Izuku-kun. You're going to have a new roommate tonight."
She turned and made her way down the hall, most likely to her room to gather her things for tonight. Izuku gaped like a fish as it finally processed what was happening.
"K-Kyouka! Y-You don't n-need to do th-this! Kyouka!" called out Izuku as he gave chase, leaving behind a group of greatly confused UA students.
"…Did we miss something today?" asked Kaminari.
"Kyouka-chan has a lot of explaining to do~" sang out Mina, bouncing in excitement as her inner romantic bubbled up.
"Iida, should we do something about this?" asked Momo, turning to the Class President.
"Normally, we should," replied the speedster. He then grimaced. "But I do not wish to stare down an earphone jack for the second time today."
While the others were trying to figure out what the hell was going on between the resident shy couple, Ochaco's brain shut down at the thought of Kyouka and Deku-kun sleeping together in the same room again.
Kyouka hummed to herself as she made her way to Izuku-kun's room to turn in for the night, looking forward with her time with him.
Earlier in her room, she was blushing up a storm and hiding her face in her pillow when she had realized that she pretty much invited herself to sleep with Izuku-kun in front of everyone. Why did she do that?! Why did she do a lot of things to Izuku-kun?! She ran her hand through his soft, fluffy hair. She gave him a kiss on the cheek after hugging him from behind. And now this.
As she thought about it, her blush increased when she realized that she did all of this without thinking, as if her body was on autopilot. Thinking about it even further, she made an epiphany.
She liked Izuku-kun. REALLY liked him.
She questioned how that could be considering she barely talked to him before this incident, but she couldn't help but like his determination, his personality, his adorableness, and it was like this ever since the Sports Festival. She had to hide her face in her hands to hide her blush, despite the fact she was alone in her room. How had she never realized this until now?
But then the memory of her finding him in the forest came back and she shivered in fear. She could have lost him before she figured out her feelings. She needed to tell him…except he might get scared off because of the sudden confession. No, she knew what she needed to do.
She was going to use this opportunity to get to know Izuku-kun better over time and hopefully they can become more than friends.
Which is what led to this moment, as she stood in front of Izuku-kun's door. Gathering up her courage, she knocked on the door and opened it to go inside…only to gain a blank look when she found Izuku lying on the floor with an extra blanket and pillow.
"H-Hey, K-Kyouka. I f-figured if y-you were g-going to sp-spend the n-night here, y-you can have m-my b-bed!" stuttered out Izuku, unable to look at the girl.
Kyouka could feel her eye twitch in annoyance. If this cinnamon roll really thought he could deter her, he had another thing coming! Making her way over, she knelt down and slipped under the blanket, causing Izuku to go stiff as a board as she snuggled up to him.
"I already told you what was going to happen, Izu-kun," mumbled out the purple-haired girl. "Now you have two choices. Either we both stay down here or we both share the bed. What will it be?"
"K-Kyouka, you don't n-need to d-do th-this!" said Izuku in a slight panic. He felt her snuggle closer and grab onto his shirt with an iron grip.
"Yes I do," replied Kyouka, her face in his chest. "I already told you how scared I was when I found you. I just want to help you through this, Izu-kun, so something like that never happens again. For fuck sakes, you were planning on sneaking out tonight to train!"
"Please, promise me that you'll never do that again, Izu-kun."
He could feel tiny tremors coming from her body and a slight dampness on his chest. He frowned when he realized that he caused this. What kind of hero is he if he caused someone pain? He wrapped his arms around her petite frame and held her close.
"I'm sorry, Kyouka. I'm sorry for hurting you like this. I promise to never sneak out at night again and I promise to never lie to you. Please forgive me."
Listening to his heartbeat, Kyouka found that every word he spoke was the truth. She could feel her own heart swell with happiness. "Thank you, Izu-kun."
After a few brief moments of silence, Izuku stood up, taking Kyouka with him. Seeing her confused look, he explained with a slight blush.
"I figured the bed would be more comfortable."
With a giggle, the shy rocker followed the cinnamon roll to the bed and under the covers, where she snuggled up to him once more and he wrapped his arms around her protectively. She then reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek, getting him to blush once more.
"Good night, Izu-kun."
"Good night, Kyouka."
It didn't take long for the two to head off into dreamland. While Izuku snored softly, Kyouka smiled in her sleep as she dreamt of a possible future with the sweet boy next to her.
You ever get an idea and then when you write it down it ends up being longer than you expected? This one-shot is an example of that. I actually started writing this on the 24th and wanted it to go up sooner.
Anyway, I wanted to do something a little different with this one. As you saw, Kyouka has feelings for Izuku, but didn't quite know about them yet. It wasn't until she found Izuku slowly killing himself did her subconscious take over at various moments. By the end, she realized what was going on and accepted her feelings for the boy and while they might not be together officially yet, Kyouka will use this time to become closer and get to know Izuku a bit better.
Fun Fact: The world record for most days without sleep is eleven days. Imagine Kyouka's reaction if Izuku actually tried THAT.