Hi! Wow, I am on a roll for stories. I've been waiting a long time to get my Sonic Forces story out there.

So yeah. This is Sonic Forces: Age of War. This chapter is simply the prologue, but man I am excited to get into the rest of it. I've been working on this for a pretty long time.

Without further ado, let's get into it!

"D-D-Dr. Eggman, s-sir?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"W-well, sir, the citizens of the town, are r-rebelling against this attack. We're losing, sir." The messenger winced onscreen, as if afraid the figure could kill him that far away. "Where is General Kiis? He is more than capable of handling a hundred townsfolk." Said the figure, more than entertained seeing the messenger tremble in fear. "H-he's been taken down, sir, and that's why we're losing. There's a rumor that Jules himself is down there-" The figure shot to his feet. "NEVER say that name!" He roared. "THE TROOPS ARE IDIOTS! JULES HIMSELF HAS NO IDEA ABOUT THIS ATTACK!" The messenger was terrified. "Y-yes, sir. We'll try to win his sir. It's just that there are these two hedgehogs down there taking down all our troops. They're fast, and have a daughter, and we don't know what to do." An idea began slowly pulsing through Dr. Eggman's head. He grinned, something terrifying to see. "I'll be there soon. Hold them off until then…" He said. Then with a ZIP, he turned the connection off. Walking down the hall, to his ship… Eggman took off to the battle. He smiled as the plan unfolded in his mind…

Olympia wasn't sure how much longer her and Dalt could hold Eggman's forces off. Most of the citizen's fear had been replaced by anger, but the seventy-five townsfolk couldn't get a break from the oncoming waves of robots. Olympia wasn't powered by her anger, though, and she knew Dalt wasn't either. They were both thinking of Ring, their daughter, and the other younger kids, and how they needed to win this so they got the chance to see another sunrise and grow up.

Then she saw Eggman's ship.

Her and Dalt froze as the ship soared over Kraze Mountain, like an egg with the top half sliced off, the bottom half painted red and made into a deadly seating area. However, the robots didn't wait, now fighting with renewed enthusiasm. Now the defense on Bell Town quickly crumbled, and the citizens soon retreated. It hurt Olympia to see all the life sucked away. Soon the remaining sixty-four people crowded around Bell Tower. Twelve people, including Ring, were hidden away elsewhere in the town. Olympia refused to think about the others. No, they were gone, because of Eggman, and she needed to fight for her life to help everyone. Through the panic of fighting, she noticed Eggman's ship was unoccupied. Where is he? She wondered, but then she realized.

He knew where they were.

The twelve hidden away in the city.

Each alone.

And Ring was there, alone.

"RING!" Olympia screamed. "RING,RUN! HE KNOWS! RUN!" She fought, trying to find an opening to go save her sweet hedgehog girl. But the robots were relentless. Every time she hopped on one and freed the brainwashed, trapped animal inside, two more took its place. Finally, her and Dalt were the only ones left, but looking into Dalt's eyes, Olympia could see the fighting spirit still there. Now they were fighting not just for Ring, but for the memory of Bell Town. For their friends. For their family.

For their lives.

Then a voice rang out over the battlefield."HALT, ROBOTS!" The robos froze like they were paralyzed, but Dalt and Olympia did too.

One step.

Another. Another.

Towards them, walking calmly, was Eggman. Dr. Eggman, though Olympia didn't know anyone who actually called him that. But behind him, two humanoid robots had their arms clasped around a little silvery-blue figure between them.


"RING!" Before Olympia could process that, Dalt shot forward from her side, but she quickly grabbed him. "Dalt, stop! They'll kill her!" She cried. Eggman cocked his head, studying them. "So YOU are the ones who have been fending off this attack…" He said. "And this is your daughter… I guessed right…" Olympia stood up tall. "Leave this city, Eggman." He threw back his head and exploded with laughter. "Even when there is no one but you, you still fight? I admit, it's annoyingly impressive. You remind me of that filthy rodent Jules. Which is why, like him, you deserve to die, annoying fighters." With startling speed, two more humanoid robots came to sudden life and seized Olympia and Dalt. "MOM! DAD!" Screamed Ring, squirming with all her six-year-old might. "Shut up, midget!" Roared Eggman, turning on her. "You will grow up to forget them! I will be your everything!" Most grown-up people shivered and looked away when Eggman stared at them. But little Ring stared him in the eye with icy blue eyes, her small red bandana sitting against her neck like a rebellion sign. "NUH-UH." She insisted, eyes shooting daggers at Eggman. Eggman twitched, and then, to Olympia's horror, he slapped her. Hard. Ring's whole body shuddered as the blow hit her. But then Ring twisted away from the robots, then kicked them hard. "RING, RUN!" Dalt screamed. "YES, RING! RUN AND DON"T STOP UNTIL YOU REACH ANOTHER TOWN!" Yelled Olympia. "We love you!" Ring nodded, then raced away. She's safe… safe… "NO!" Cried Eggman. "Go after her!" Two robots across the square jerked to life and immediately raced in the direction Ring had gone. "She's safe," Said Dalt calmly. "And you won't get her." "YET." Eggman growled. "But she's still watching, and you can't stop me from breaking her spirit…" The robots seized them again. "On three…" Said Eggman. The two robots who had been holding Ring now raised their arms with blasters. "One…" "I love you." Whispered Dalt. "Me too." Olympia whispered. "Two…" Don't let him break your spirit, Ring. Olympia thought. "Three!" The robots shot three quick blasts, and Dalt screamed, while Olympia felt an unbelievable amount of pain… and then everything went black.

"MOOOOMMMMMYYYY! DADDDDDYYYY! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The cry rang out over the square. A slow grin spread over Eggman's face. He slowly looked up, up, up, up to a rooftop, where a small, silvery-blue, six-year-old hedgehog was standing there, mouth gaping open at the motionless figures of the two, dead parents laying at his feet. "Get her." He hissed to the robots, keeping his eyes trained on the child. But that snapped life into the little hedgehog and in an instant, in a silvery-blue blur, she was gone. Eggman growled. It doesn't matter, He thought. She'll die out there alone. She's meaningless. Then, riding away on his Egg-Mobile, he laughed. "I am unstoppable." He said to himself. "No one will be able to oppose me!" Eggman laughed, and then, with a sound of distortion, he disappeared. A figure sighed in triumph. "I've perfected that. Now to put my plan into action…"

Mwahahahaha… mwahahahahah… MWAHAhahahaHAhakeferkkb *choking noise*

I don't know about anyone else but I cannot do an evil laugh. Hurts my throat. So that was the first chapter! I might do more later today, I have a lot written out already, maybe, I dunno…

Tell me what you thought, Fanfiction! I really like Sonic Forces despite what some people think, I think that despite the many flaws it was a fun game. I'm a sucker for character customization.

Read! Review! See you all next time!

Infinite out-TheLostEternity