Hello and welcome to my first fanfiction story! My name is TheLostEternity and I have no idea what I'm doing. Forgive me.

This is based off the Sonic Movie. It was my idea of… like… a third movie? Yeah? One with Shadow.

Again, please forgive me. Still figuring out how to do everything, heh. I will say more in the author's note!

Maria never would've thought her adopted family would condemn her to an entire three months with their family in Green Hills, Montana. But here she was, sitting at the airport waiting to be picked up. Her mother, father, older sister and younger brother were back at their house in Oklahoma getting ready to leave for Paris. And Maria was sitting in the middle of an airport. Alone.

She didn't look particularly special. Her hair, a pale blond, was short and pulled back into a ponytail. She wore round glasses, which brought focus to her bright blue-green eyes and her pale face, which had a splattering of freckles and slightly rosy cheeks. She wore a simple blue t-shirt, a black sweatshirt, jeans and black sneakers with red designs throughout.

"Maria!" The shout rose above the bustle of the airport. Maria's head snapped up, and she immediately searched the crowd for someone looking at her. A middle-aged woman pushed her way through the crowd, beaming at Maria. Maria vaguely recognized her. The last time she had seen her relatives, according to her mother, was five years ago. Maria had been eleven years old. It didn't make her relax any more to see her aunt, though.

Her aunt looked almost exactly like Maria's mother, with dark red hair that was slightly wavy, light brown eyes, and a face crammed to the brim with freckles. She wore a thin green sweater over leggings and some light gray timberland boots. She had a bounce to her step as she approached Maria. "Hey! Remember me, Maria? Aunt Lauren?" she thrust her hand out to Maria while speaking. Maria shook her hand. "Hi. I remember you vaguely." she said, forcing a smile through the steadily rising nerves in her throat. Lauren grinned. "I'm surprised you do. It's been a while. But look at you- you've grown so much! Beautiful as always. Do you need help carrying your bags?"

Maria looked down at her suitcase and backpack and shook her head as she grabbed her backpack and put it on "No, I'll be fine. Thank you, though." she said, grabbing the suitcase handle. "Okay! Let's be off! Atlas was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement when I was leaving. I hope she didn't destroy the house while I was gone. Dean's working today, and she promised he would behave."

Maria ran off the two names in the list in her head; Dean, Lauren's husband. Runs a lumber company in Green Hills. Atlas, their daughter. Ten years old. Bouncy and bubbly and energetic. Gives bear hugs even though she is tiny.

They climbed into Lauren's car. Maria had to struggle to find somewhere to place her suitcase. The whole van was crammed with interesting junk and regular junk. A half-eaten bagel sat on the dashboard. Once Maria sat in the passenger seat next to Lauren, she barely had time to buckle before her aunt slammed the gas pedal and they shot out of the parking spot like a rocket. "Okay! We have two hours until we're there, so let's talk! How are you?" exclaimed Lauren, taking her eyes off the road to beam at Maria, who was nervous about safety. "Uh, the road-"

"Oh, it'll be fine. The road gets pretty quiet about ten minutes from here. Most people are going south instead of north like we are." said Lauren, waving her hand like it was no big deal being a hazard on the road. "Tell me about how you've been."

Maria sighed. This was going to be a long two hours.

It was almost dark by the time they passed a sign that read Welcome to Green Hills, The Little Town with a Big Heart: Pop 1981 ELEV 3445 ft.

"Ah!" sighed Lauren. "Only ten more minutes to go!"

She was right. Soon they were driving through a very small town, where they eventually took a left turn into a long street with spaced driveways along it. Lauren pulled into one and Maria got a clear look at her home for the next three months.

The house was actually a good size. It looked to be three stories, and was painted a dark color between blue and gray. The garage door was a pleasant white, and it had a porch in the front with two chairs and a swing that could fit about three people or one person laying out on it.

Lauren stopped the car and waved Maria inside. "I'll take care of your suitcase. Go say hi to Atlas! She's been looking forward to this ever since it was arranged!"

Maria nodded, suppressing a sgh, and pushed open the door.

She was immediately greeted by a scream of excitement, and a moment later, someone had jumped into Maria and was hugging her tightly. "MARIA! You're here!" a voice exclaimed. Maria yelped in surprise, blinking as her eyes focused on the girl hugging her tightly. Atlas stopped and stepped back, beaming at Maria.

Atlas looked like a good mixture of her parents. Her hair, a beautiful copper, was shoulder-length and straight. Her eyes were a shimmering grayish-brown, and her skin was a little tan with less freckles than her mother, but more than Maria. She wore a dark purple shirt with lilac flowers, black capri pants, and neon yellow socks that hurt Maria's eyes to look at.

"Hi, Atlas." Maria greeted her, forcing a smile. "Good to see you."

"I am so excited that you're here!" squealed Atlas. She did look very excited. Maria raised an eyebrow slightly. "Thank you. Is your dad home?"

"Yes, I am!" called a voice from deeper in the house. Dean emerged from around a corner, smiling welcomingly at Maria. "Hey, Maria. Welcome to Green Hills."

Dean had dark blond hair, gray eyes, and a calm atmosphere compared to his hyperactive family members. He wore a blue buffalo plaid shirt and jeans. Maria figured the work boots on the shoe rack were his. He looked extremely string, but friendly. He held out his hand to Maria, who shook it firmly while looking him in the eye. He chuckled. "Good grip. I respect that." he said, just as Lauren pushed through the door with Maria's suitcase and a discombobulated look on her face. She immediately smiled at the sight of her family, however. "Hello, Dean." she said, kissing him quickly. "And you did an incredible job at not destroying the house." she said proudly to Atlas, who drew herself up as dignified as she could. Then she burst into laughter.

"Dinner's almost ready. Atlas, can you bring Maria to her room, please? Then we can eat." said Dean. Atlas nodded and grabbed the suitcase like it weighed nothing, leading Maria upstairs. "Come on," she sang. Maria frowned and followed.

She expected a small room that would be perfectly liveable enough. Somewhere that at least all her things would fit. But Maria didn't expect Atlas to lead her to the middle of the upstairs hallway, stop, and open the ladder to the attic. She shoved the suitcase up and hopped up, leaving Maria to clember after her in a very confused way.

She poked her head into the attic and her jaw dropped.

The attic had been renovated completely. A comfortable-looking full-size bed sat in one corner, with a nightside table and lamp next to it. Two bookshelves were filled to the brim with books, which delighted Maria. She loved books. In another area, a desk sat with three jars filled with pens, pencils and markers. A pencil sharpener sat on it. The only thing that indicated that it was an attic was some boxes that filled up a far, shadowed corner. They took up a big space, but Maria didn't care. This was much better than she'd expected.

"Like it?" Atlas asked. "It was my idea."

Maria chuckled. "It was a great idea. I love it." She climbed up fully and realized there was a window in the roof, almost like a sunlight. It illuminated a spot in the middle that had a table and a comfy-looking beanbag that was a dark blue.

"You didn't have to do all this for me." said Maria. "But we wanted to. Believe me, there's nothing Mom and dad love more than renovating the attic they don't even use. And plus…" Atlas uncomfortably rubbed the back of her head. "We like you. We want you to like it here."

Maria's stomach unclenched. "That's really nice." she said quietly. "Thank you."

She really hadn't expected this. "Where did you get this idea?" she asked, trying to break the tension. "From Sonic's old room."

Maria raised an eyebrow. She'd never heard of someone named Sonic before. "Who's Sonic?" she asked quizzically.

"Ladies! Dinner time!" called Dean.

"We'll have to talk about that at dinner." said Atlas cheerfully. She climbed down the ladder. "Coming, Dad!" she exclaimed.
Maria took one last look at her new room before smirking a little to herself and descending down the ladder. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

"Mom, Maria wants to know about Sonic."

That sentence seemed to stop dinner. Dean and Lauren set down their silverware and exchanged looks. "Really? It's a little hard to believe, even a few years later." said Dean cautiously.

Maria was now positive that she was not going to like this information. She swallowed. "Er, if this is something you don't want to talk about, that's fine too."

Lauren shook her head and sighed. "It's not that, Maria. What Atlas is talking about is something… odd. People who don't witness it will probably think we're crazy."

Dean laughed. "They'll definitely think we're crazy."

Lauren raised an eyebrow at him. "Not helping, Dean." Then she turned to Maria. "We'll tell you, but I warn you that you will definitely think we're all mental."

Maria raised an eyebrow, going silent for a moment until she finally nodded. "Duly noted."

Lauren inhaled, then began speaking. "Two years ago, we had a huge power outage. Huge. It knocked out power through Montana and many states around it. It was later the next day when large forces appeared in Green Hills. Apparently, the power outage happened here. It was about a day later at night when, as best as I can explain it, a blue alien hedgehog appeared through a portal with a human in a ship chasing him. The alien hedgehog was Sonic. After defeating the human with the help of our well-known police officer Tom, who knew the hedgehog, he settled in with Tom and his wife Maddie. Sonic has been in this town ever since he was about five. He can run at a supersonic speed and has some sort of lightning powers. Six months after he made his existence known to all of Green Hills, an alien fox, known as Tails, appeared looking for Sonic. Three days later, an echidna named Knuckles appeared looking for Tails, saying his energy trails led to here. We don't know much else other than Tom and Maddie took them in. And six months after that, a female hedgehog named Amy Rose appeared. We don't know much about her."

Maria blinked, then blinked again. Her eyebrow hurt from raising so high. Then she said, "Your town probably has hallucinogenic gas in the air and you all should be brought to a hospital because you're suffering brain damage and it will become permanent unless you go to a hospital."

The family winced. "Yup. She thinks we're crazy." chuckled Dean.

"It's true, Maria! I've met Sonic and the others! They're nice and Sonic is really good at baseball! Tails is really smart, Knuckles is grumpy but nice, and Amy gives good hugs and is nice. She's one of my best friends." protested Atlas. Maria sighed and rubbed her nose. "Hallucogenic gas is very dangerous. You should really go see a doctor."

Lauren sighed. "I know this seems hard to believe, but we're telling the truth." Then she snapped her fingers. "I know! There's a game of baseball going on tomorrow! Sonic's team is competing against another team. If we go and watch, you can see that we're telling the truth."

Maria sighed. "Fine. Okay. Just to be clear, though, I think you need to see a doctor."

That night, Maria had bad dreams. She didn't understand the meaning of any of them, but the reoccurring sight was two men, both staring at her, but somehow not, almost through her. "It's looking great, Doctor." said one man. The other grinned, in a way that was a little mad. "It's evolution, Stone. It's evolution."

A/N: Hello and welcome to the end of the chapter! I hope you liked it! Please read and review! I am still learning, so forgive me if this sucks. :)

Will eventually eply to review in each chapter, so yeah. I ope y'all enjoyed and I'll see you next time!

Infinite out-TheLostEternity