Hi all! I absolutely love the pairing of Mal and Carlos and I wish there was more fanfiction on this pairing! i am hoping to inspire some more Marlos!

Mal P.O.V

I woke up content, warm and feeling safe, with two strong arms wrapped around me. This was the only time I ever felt truly happy on the Isle, laying in our hide-out with Carlos beside me. I knew it was wrong on every level. VK's should not be happy, VK's are never safe and must always be watching their backs and most importantly VK's cannot love… Love is weakness. But being in love with Carlos was not something I chose to engage in, it crept up on me so slowly I cannot even recall the exact point in time things changed between us.

As Carlos lay sleeping beside me, I looked at how much he had grown into his body over the last 12 months. His gangly frame has filled out with light, toned muscle and he had let his hair grow long enough to start falling into his eyes. His face was still covered in a smattering of freckles which I had grown to think of a purely Carlos and I loved every intricate detail of them.

"Mal?" came the groggy voice of Carlos beside me "Your thinking so loudly the AK's can probably hear you?"

"Just trying to figure out how one person can make me so content in life" I reply. At this I see Carlos open one eye and start smiling. He grabs my wrists flipping me underneath him as he sloppily kisses up my neck to my lips. This is the position we find ourselves in when Evie walks into the hide-out.

"No mum I have not seen Mal today, well tell Maleficent if Mal has gone into hiding it is probably…" she trails off at seeing Carlos and I naked in bed together "what, no mum I… I have to go"

I pull the sheet higher up my chest as I try to explain "Evie, look it's…" I had no idea what to say. It's not what it looks like would be to cliché, it was exactly as it looks. At this point Carlos has realised the time and that we had fallen asleep after our escapades last night. "Shit Mal my mum is going to kill me!" Carlos jumps out of bed and stumbles around the room getting dressed, causing Evie to squeak in surprise and turn her back to the naked Carlos. Carlos and I have been meeting up late at night to have sex for around 4 months without anyone's knowledge. Both of their parents have forbidden relationships and therefore we would always ensure to sneak back home before the sun rises, although on this occasion it appeared, we had missed our early morning deadline.

Carlos awkwardly runs his hand through his hair looking between Evie and myself, I just shake my head to indicate no I don't need him to stay. Carlos avoids further eye contact with Evie as he runs out of the hideout, inevitably trying to get home before his mother notices. My mother is wicked and cold but Cruella De Vil is downright cruel and abusive towards Carlos.

"So… you and Carlos? Why didn't you tell me?" Evie starts

"E, it's not that I was hiding this from you but you know what it is like here, on the Isle. Not to mention what my mother is like, or even worse Carlos's. We just haven't labelled what we are doing as I think we both know this can't really go anywhere. We're close and I don't think either of us want to ruin that." I conclude sadly.

"M I get your fears and I agree that this will not end well, especially when Maleficent finds out, but with that being said… I have never seen you smile like you were with Carlos when I entered the room. I don't know about you but if I found that, especially here on the Isle, I would risk everything to keep it" Evie smiles gently at me while saying this. "Now how about you put some clothes on and we go steal ourselves some breakfast

I return home around 11am, trying to close the front door quietly as to not make my mother aware of my arrival. "Mal, come to the den immediately" I hear my mother call as I start towards my room. I had left Evie shortly after we 'acquired' some apples for breakfast feeling nauseous and tired, probably just worn out from the night before, smiling at the memory of Carlos and I and all the surfaces at the hide out that we were against.

I enter the den, white in the face and clearly wearing the same clothes as yesterday. "Mal, where have you been?" "I left early hours of this morning to meet up with Evie" "Not according to Evil Queen… who told me Evie was home until at least 9am…" her voice fades out and the room starts to spin before everything goes black.

When I come to, I am in my bed at home, with my mother leaning against the windowsill with a tube of purple liquid in her hand.

"Oh good your awake Mal. It's time we had a mother to daughter chat" My mother stated without looking towards me. "Do you know what this is?" She asks whiling swirling the purple liquid in her hand.

"I am assuming a health potion, you would have done one after I fainted with my blood" I note in a bored tone. While magic couldn't occur under the barrier, health potions were chemical reactions on blood and something Maleficent had become known for on the Isle. I had been trained in administering them from a young age and was very familiar. Blue was an infections, Green was a spell, Purple was pregnancy, Red was healthy… and then it dawned on me. Purple was pregnancy. No it couldn't be, Carlos and I had been so careful I thought. Apparently not careful enough.

I look up and see my mother staring at me as my face changes to the realisation of what she is holding. "who's is it Mal?" she asks in a voice that sends shivers through to my core. I look down at my blanket without answering, knowing if she ever knew about Carlos that she would kill him. "WHO HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING?!" she screams at me but I again don't answer.

"You know what Mal, I have been more than lenient with you. Allowing you to run the streets with your weak friends, not enforcing that you learn the craft and become the villain you were born to be but THIS, THIS is the end of the line. This child is evidence that you do not take your evil side seriously, but you will now. Your reluctance to tell me anything shows that you care deeply about the father which was your first mistake. The second being the hand you have subconsciously placed over your stomach to protect the child, showing you care about the thing growing inside you. You are weak, LOVE IS WEAK, and now you are going to learn this the hard way." The vial she was holding is thrown across the room, smashing above my head as the purple liquid spills down through my hair before she leaves the room locking the door from the outside.

I curl into a ball around my stomach as silent tears start to stream down my face. I have so many questions and no answer, no plan and no idea what to do next.