Welcome to the second book, enjoy!

Laughter was heard through out the newly named Heartlands. Walking along one of the kingdom's many paths was the queen of the Heartlands and the king of the Pride Lands. They were on one of their weekly lessons.

A young adult tawny lion laughed before moving his green eyes to the heavily pregnant golden orange lioness. "You sure you didn't name your kingdom after me."

The golden orange lioness laughed before playfully hitting the younger lion on the shoulder. "Don't kid yourself, Kopa."

Kopa laughed before looking away with a frown, this did not go unnoticed by the pregnant lioness. She gave him a comforting nuzzle.

"Is everything alright back at the Pride Lands?"

Kopa sighed before shaking his head. "Besides that everyone wants one of our brothers to rule. Than yes! Everything is peachy!"

The golden orange lioness frowned before giving her brother a lick on the cheek. "Who are all that wants Aadi and Kion to rule?"

Kopa sighed before looking at his sister. "Mainly mother and a few other lionesses."

The golden orange lioness rolled her brown eyes. "Don't pay mother no mind. She's just upset that she was caught in the wrong. "

Kopa looked away before looking at his sister. "Kiara?"

Kiara looked at the young king with concern in her eyes. "Yes. What's going on?"

"Do you think I was fair with Aadi and Kion?"

Kiara looked up to the bright blue sky and sighed herself. "No. But I felt bad about how things ended and talked to them."

Kopa had gained a look of interest as he looked at his sister. Kiara's gaze once again fell on her brother. "They are alright about not being king. They know it's a lot of work and said you deserve it."

Kopa smiled lightly at what his sister said. "Really?"

Kiara nodded. "I'm going to meet Aadi. You can come with?"

Kopa smiled brightly before nodding. The siblings made a right and went through some bushes before heading towards the Pride Lands.


Lying under a tree was a young adult Sherise and Rani. The young lionesses were having one of their daily chats.

"I decided to let my sibling rule..." the brownish lioness stopped talking when she realized her friend wasn't paying attention. "Sherise!"

The dark brown lioness closed her eyes and shook her head before looking at her friend. Rani raised a eyebrow in question.

"What was you thinking about?"

Sherise blushed and turned her head causing Rani to laugh and give her friend a knowing look.

"Who is it?"

Sherise blushed even redder under her dark cheeks before looking at her friend. "Jesùs."

Rani's brown eyes widened before she smiled. "Well...go tell him."

Sherise nodded before standing and heading towards where her crush normally be.

Rani sighed heavily before lying her head on her paws. To stand in alert from some one stepping on a twig.

Rani pinned her ears and growled with bared teeth. "Show your self!"

"Okay. Okay."

Out of the tall grasses walked a young golden yellow, reddish maned lion. Rani almost forgot how to breath from the lion's appearance.

"Who are you?!"

The golden yellow lion bowed to show he wasn't a threat. "I am Prince Kion of the Pride Lands. I wanted to speak with your queen."

Rani narrowed her eyes at the older lion. "I know who you are now. You are very lucky my mother forgave you. But I'll take you to my parents."

Kion stood straight and followed the brownish lioness. "I didn't get your name?"

Rani glared at the prince before looking ahead. "You didn't. But my name is Rani."

Kion raised a eyebrow with a smirk. "Queen?"

Rani growled and picked up the pace. Kion laughed lightly before picking up the pace as well.