Emma Swan a 28 year old, quite attractive blonde woman huddled her arms around her slender frame. She walked down the familiar alleyway and plonked herself under the tattered sleeping bag she had acquired and lifted it above her head to prepare for the downpour of rain that was heading her way.

Living on the streets wasn't new to Emma, but only recently she had to resort back to them… Emma did things she wasn't proud of. She was in and out of foster care and never truly had a proper home. She doubted her self worth and sold her body for money. She never trusted anyone and kept to herself.

Unfortunately for Emma that mask was getting a little too worn and she recently called it quits on visiting certain gentleman callers which left her out on her ass again, to start anew. It wasn't going very well, but it was about to get a hell of a lot more interesting.

The rain began to pour as predicted and Emma held her body tightly, an unfamiliar sound caught her ear. The sound of high heels clip clopping across the pavement, followed by what she thought was a light scream that was quickly cut off. Emma quickly peered her head to her right and saw the terrified woman pinned to the wall with a knife to her throat.

The woman was older than Emma but not old. She guessed early 40's maybe. She had wavy dark hair that kinked at the side and she was extremely well dressed, blazer and pants suit… she was definitely not from around this part of town.

"Make another sound and your dead lady!

The scruffy fellow homeless man glared at the woman as if she had trespassed on his personal property.

"Please… please put the knife down. I apologise if I have caused you any inconvenience… I'm looking for the Mortenson building…If you would so kindly remove your weapon, I can be on my way.

The woman spoke with such confidence as the rain ran down her olive skinned face, that the man actually blinked hard. He realised she was no coward. Her voice was low and raspy and eerily calm. He immediately retaliated and lightly scratched her neck making her hiss as the blood trickled and at that moment something in Emma snapped. Before she knew it she was running from her sleeping bag and tackling the man to the ground and punching him in the face. She landed on top of him with a huge thud, pinning his arms down and grabbing his knife in her own hand.

"Don't think cause I'm some young girl… doesn't mean I can't use it just like you did"

The man huffed as more people began to pass the alleyway. He raised his arms in defeat. He turned to the brunette and blew her a seedy kiss as he grabbed his rucksack and walked towards the street. Emma exhaled as she dropped the knife. She was shaking as she glanced up at the speechless brunette. Their eyes locked.

"Run… Go get out of here!

The brunette acknowledged her with a nod and quickly ran the opposite direction. Emma watched as the woman disappeared from her view. She returned to her sleeping bag and attempted to warm up from the rain. Her clothes were wet and cold as she curled into the fetal position praying for the rain to stop.

Emma was awoken by the bright lights of a car that had seemed to have driven partially up the alleyway. She sat up to hear the same sound from earlier. Emma sat up wiping her tired eyes as the Brunette knelt in front of her.

"I never got to thank you properly for saving my life…

Emma gave the older woman a weak smile.

"Oh it's you… you never know who you are going to meet out here"

The woman sighed.

"Yes… of course it's me!

The woman sounded slightly insulted.

"I… I didn't think you'd come back after what happened… How's your neck? Did you go to the cops?

Emma pulled her wet hair out of her eyes to inspect the wound.

"Not slit deeply enough to do major damage thanks to your 's merely a scratch. Yes I did, they took a description"

The woman tilted her head to reveal a plaster.

"These streets are no place for…

The woman glared at Emma and interjected.

"Precisely... What on earth are you doing in a place like this?

Emma gritted her teeth and acknowledged that she didn't mean to sound so entitled.

"Look lady, we can't all live in castles and drive Mercedes and wear pretty clothes and look beautiful like you…

Emma gestured to her ragged, dirty plaid shirt and ripped jeans but the last part slipped out before Emma could stop it, however she was surprised to see the older woman blush.

"Well aren't you feisty dear… and quite the charmer"

Emma smirked.

"What I meant to say…

The woman cut across her again.

"Regina… Regina Mills"

Emma paused.


Regina smiled a big toothy grin. God she had a beautiful smile. Emma blinked hard.

"You were saying Miss?

Emma scrunched her face.

"Emma Swan"

Regina offered her hand.

"Thank you for saving my life Miss Swan. I sincerely mean that…"

Emma scrunched her face again.

"Yeah yeah whatever… god you really ain't from around here are you?

Regina re positioned herself against the wall and turned to face the blonde.

"Forgive me for appearing rather condescending… and I guess you could say a little more privileged than some...I apologise if my question upset you. I just cannot understand how a young woman such as yourself wound up in such an unsafe area?

Emma looked down.

"Well I guess I could ask you the same thing Regina, I mean you ended up here too right?

Regina chuckled.

"Nicely played dear, come your carriage awaits"

Before she knew it Regina was lifting her to her feet, Emma stumbled as the numbness in her feet was obvious as Regina quickly caught her and walked her towards the black Mercedes.

"Wait… hey, what are you doing? Let go of me"

Regina quickly loosened her grip on the wary blonde.

"Miss Swan, I'm sorry I didn't mean to force you… would you join me for a chat in my car, if it's not too much of an inconvenience to you?

Emma stood firm assessing the brunette, noting that she was indeed numb with the rain she opted in joining her.


Once inside Emma felt the sharp feeling of the heater as Regina hopped in the driver seat.

"Why are you doing this Regina?

Emma's eyes began to water and Regina gently smiled trying to calm the flustered blonde in her passenger seat.

"You saved my life Miss Swan… besides I cannot have one of my employees liable to be attacked by hellions on the streets now can I?

Emma looked puzzled and Regina simply chuckled.

"Regina… I think you overestimate my abilities… I don't even know what you do? Hell I don't know you… Except that your sense of direction is very wrong.

Regina started the car and laughed.

"And that my dear is why I need a new assistant. My last one is responsible for my sense of direction and conveniently called in sick so I went to tend to her job… myself, I had a spare hour and… here we are. Miss Swan the first step is trust… and I think we both share that already"

Emma smirked.

"I don't need your charity Regina, I'm perfectly capable of fending and looking after myself…

Regina held her hand up.

"I could see that dear, however I am in dire need of a new assistant and well I guess you would be helping me and not I helping you, if you must analyse the situation I suggest you think of it like that… of course I shall pay you but that's besides the point"

Emma bit her lip.

"Regina… I… I can't accept your offer, I barely know you, how do I know you aren't some crazy ass homicidal evil…

Emma gestured her hands up and down Regina's frame.


Regina pursed her lips and broke into a deep chuckle.

"Well dear, I have never been quite so insulted and yet oddly flattered in the same sentence… I, Miss Swan am no "Homicidal… evil…" You think I'm a queen?

Emma shrugged.

"Well… ummm… you look very regal and ummm"

Regina's eyes flashed as she noted Emma's red cheeks.

"You flatter me Miss Swan"

Regina gazed into her car mirror.

"Alas my magic mirror must be broken… or I think you need glasses because I do not see it, regal maybe…"

Regina looked Emma up and down. Emma gulped.

"Yeah well… this has been great and all but I think you can find someone better than me"

Regina hummed as Emma locked her eyes on Regina's brown orbs.

"Prove me wrong dear… One month… If by this time next month you absolutely hate your new position or choose to leave. I will absolutely return you to wherever you want to go…

Emma gazed out the window at the tattered sleeping bag and inhaled deeply shutting her eyes.

"Alright lady, you have a deal…One month…

Regina nodded and Emma smiled letting this new feeling consume her as Regina drove out of the alleyway.