This is a fic that is based off of an MCR song that is based off of a short story, and I think that's beautiful

Germania: Aldrich

Rome: Marcus

Jack and Sarah are ocs I made to be Alfred's parents, and Camila is an oc too

Marcus had never been faithful. Aldrich didn't know this until he was in too deep. He fell for Marcus face first into concrete and got himself a concussion. And he couldn't get up.

He hated it.

He hated the feeling of being helpless. He hated forgiving Marcus for every misdeed because he loved him. He hated that Marcus broke his promises whenever he said he was going to stop. He hated everything about the relationship.

"Aldrich!" Marcus' voice rang through the house. "Where are you?"

Aldrich sighed as Marcus entered the kitchen where Aldrich was at the table grading tests. "Where were you?" Aldrich asked without looking up.

"Out," Marcus said.

"Doing what?"

"Stuff. What's for dinner?" Marcus asked as he sat down across from Aldrich.

Aldrich looked up at Marcus and glared. "I've been grading papers all night. I haven't made anything."

"Well, are you going to?" Marcus asked.

Aldrich took a deep breath and said, "I'm grading papers. Why can't you?"

Marcus frowned. "I'm tired," he said. "I had a busy night."

"Doing who exactly?" Aldrich asked.

"Nothing. I-" Marcus started before stopping and blinking. "What did you say?"

"I said doing what," Aldrich said, focusing back on the tests. "I'll eat whatever you make."

"First of all, I never agreed to that, and second of all, excuse you! I am not a cheater," Marcus said.

"You're not?" Aldrich asked as he marked an answer wrong. "Since when?"

"I made mistakes in the past, but I promise you I'm moving past them," Marcus huffed. "Now can you please just make dinner? I've had a rough night."

Oh, I bet you have. "I'm busy," Aldrich said as he wrote the student's almost perfect score at the top of the page.

"Aldrich-" Marcus began.

"I said, I'm busy. If you don't want to make food, then order some."



"Just listen to me. I promised I wouldn't cheat again, and I didn't do anything tonight. Just listen-"

"Fine! I'll make the damn food," Aldrich said, standing up. He walked over to the pantry and grabbed some pasta and a pot, slamming the door shut when he was done.


"I don't want to hear it," Aldrich said. "Go lie down or whatever. I don't care." Aldrich didn't dare look at Marcus; he was scared to see the hurt look on his husband's face.

"Aldrich, I'm sorry," Marcus said. "I'll make dinner. You can finish grading papers."

"I won't accept your apology until you tell me what you were doing before you came here," Aldrich said as he gripped the edge of the counter with his hands.

"I was with friends," Marcus said.

"What friends?" Aldrich asked through gritted teeth.

"Jack and Sarah."

"What were you doing with them?"

"Nothing big," Marcus said. "We just talked about stuff."

"Don't lie to me," Aldrich said as his eyes wandered to the knife block sitting on the counter next to him.

"I'm not!" Marcus exclaimed. "I promise."

"You always promise," Aldrich said as he stared down the knife block. "You always promise."

"Aldrich-" Marcus started to say.

"You married me," Aldrich said as he reached for a knife.


Suddenly, Aldrich ripped a knife out of the knife block and spun around, shoving Marcus against the wall as he held the knife to his throat. "Would you die for me?" he asked.

Marcus' eyes widened with fear. "Aldrich," he said. "Please, I promise I'm not lying!"

"You always say that! I should kill you right now," Aldrich spat. "You deserve it."

"Please don't hurt me," Marcus begged. "I am not lying."

"Bullshit!" Aldrich yelled. "Tell me right now what you were doing! Tell me who you were really with!"

Marcus stayed silent.

"Answer me! I know you're lying, and continuing to lie will only make things worse."

Marcus hesitated before saying quietly, "I was with Camila."

"Of fucking course you were!" Aldrich yelled. "It's always her!"

"I'm sorry!" Marcus yelled as tears started to form in his eyes.

Aldrich, now more angry than ever, grabbed Marcus and slammed him against the wall again. "Shut up!" he yelled. "You're not sorry! You never are!"

"I am! I promise!"

"Shut up!" Aldrich screamed as he held back tears. "Stop making promises to me when you're just going to break them! Why did you ask me to marry you when you always do this?"

Marcus stayed silent again.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you," Aldrich said.

Marcus smiled sadly and said, "Because you love me."

That's when the tears broke free. Aldrich let go of Marcus and threw the knife onto the counter. He stomped into the living room and just stood there, trying to hold back his tears which didn't really work out that well.

Marcus walked into the living room and stopped behind Aldrich. "You can't hurt me because you love me too much."

"Shut up," Aldrich choked out. "I hate you."

"No you don't," Marcus said as he wrapped his arms around Aldrich's waist. "You love me so much. You love me more than anything. That's why you haven't left yet."

"And why I keep forgiving you like an idiot," Aldrich added.

"Mhm," Marcus cooed. "I like it that way."

Aldrich felt sick. Marcus knows exactly what he's doing, and he's doing it well.

"I'm going to leave for the night so you don't try to kill me again," Marcus said as he took his arms away from Aldrich's waist. He gently pushed past Aldrich and grabbed his coat. As he was putting it on, he looked at Aldrich and said, "I love you." He left without saying another word.

"I love you too," Aldrich whispered as he wiped away his tears.