Tommy hates sleeping at night.

Night is a special time when no one dares to disturb royal peace, except for the omnipresent draft. Night is a time when everything around is calm and so quiet that it seems dead.

The moon looks from the height of its tower and does not see anything, only the measured breathing of sleeping Humans. Her only companion is the pale moon, dimly flickering in the velvet sky and floating in the eyes of the princess when she looks at an unattainable height. Sometimes it seems to her that the moon is not Annika - her true sister.

The moon is something more - it is her home.

Night is a serene time, the salvation of tired souls for a busy day. Night is a blessed holiday guarded by a younger princess. Tommy thinks that the measured breathing of his subjects and a calm sleepy smile are the best reward for her labors. The inhabitants of Humans do not know nightmares, because their inner demons have long become the demons of a princess.

Night is an abode of tranquility for all but the ghosts of the past moon.

Sometimes the moon seems so close that it is worth spreading your wings - and in just a few flaps you will reach an uneven rocky surface.

The past will never let go. You can pull a noble smile, you can chase after children and catch them with wings, you can drive your thoughts and feelings deeper and reveal to the people the queen they want to see. This will not change the truth.

Every night, the moon hears a whisper of a thousand voices. They call, ask, pray to let go of other people's nightmares, which hiss inside the ball of worried snakes.

No war can be waged forever - especially with itself.

The moon often walks around the castle with a ghost, easily overcoming steps - hooves clatter their voices like drops of a waterfall striking stones: melodiously and silvery. The moon drives its demons away, but they wait for it at every turn, in every shadow, in every silence. Her demons are like a ghostly pack of hungry loyal dogs, inextricably following their master. No matter how far the Princess has run away, they will find her and pounce, joyful from the long-awaited meeting. The moon understands, but still tries.

There is no way to get rid of them, because they were born out of her fears, grew up on her pain and hatred and blossomed from her anger and rage.

The moon remembers how she lived in exile, but does not remember how she fell into this abyss. She remembers that boundless power: the slightest fright of any creature harbored the strength of not the Moon - Nightmare Moon. And the first time the princess felt so free and right, sharing demons with everyone who was in her power - when you are in the bottomless heavenly heights, your power is unlimited.

The moon remembers the feeling when everyone was tormented by nightmares and howled in horror - she only cast her shadow on the ground, and the inhabitants scattered, scared. Oh, how many daredevils that she had insomnia, the princess watched! But who, if not her, should know that it is impossible to escape from the nightmare, which had become yours, family and own, intertwined with bones and spread with blood, penetrating into the most remote corners of the soul?

Being an exile is a real gain, Tommy thinks as she looks sadly at her sleeping sister through an ajar door. Loneliness is the highest reward. The moon did not have to pretend to be a cute princess, to be in the shadow of her sister and continue to smile - of course, everything is in order, I am not at all offended. There are times when you want the most terrible torment of your loved ones - and in such moments it is better to be alone.

The moon does not think that she did wrong - it's not her fault that fate ordered it so, giving her sister the main role and becoming a universal favorite, and the younger Princess - an insignificant fate of the invisibility. The sun is life, but it is not perfect: it is so easy to burn yourself. The moon will shine with a soft steady light until the end of time. So why is the sun so revered? To rebel against injustice - isn't that what the sister teaches everyone?

It seems to the moon that she deserves to be the one and only queen: Annika does not know what unlimited patience and humility with fate is for many years, nor does she know that one can revel in force, keeping everyone in control with only one silhouette. Tommy believes that good tales are created for idiots, but everyone with a sinking heart listens to her sister, as if they did not notice what she is saying - a soft voice and a condescending smile have long tipped the scales to Annika's side, leaving Tommy to hate in the dark - and raise her demons.

Nothing passes without a trace, and the Moon smiles rather - grins - when she feels the outburst of a nightmare wrapping ribbons around the unfortunate victim. Fear and hatred go side by side: hating, she lived herself, and in other people's fear she drew strength. At a crucial hour of the night, the Moon stands at a huge fountain and sees a trembling reflection - not the youngest inconspicuous princess, but her true face.

Memories of his power are the most pleasant. The moon will diligently hide its forces, pretending to be healed, but a lie will never hide the truth. In each - and even in precious Annika - the seed of fear, nightmares: the same demons of the Moon, is sown. And the thought that she might wake them up, gives strength to repeat the rehearsed role infinitely many times.

Annika wakes up before sunrise and finds her sister on the balcony by the bedroom - excited by the echoes of the past. The moon squints and goes into the shadows, constantly thinking how long her sister has known about her thoughts. There is nothing to wait for sunrise - to watch how your only companion disappears in the darkness of darkness, is unbearable.

Annika is a personal poison that poisons the moon day after day. It is unfair that a sunny day is longer than a Tommy one; it is also unfair that Annika arranges receptions in her reign, while at night everything dies. There has never been equality between the two sisters, and the Moon finds this a good reason for disobedience.

Tommy hates sleeping at night. She never sleeps in due time - although she can, because the demon choir becomes unbearable. With her sister's awakening, she hides in the shadows of the castle, still hearing the sound of voices, similar to the sound of the surf.

The sun, which poisons it, becomes salvation: under the oblique bright rays, the demons hiss, evaporating, and the Moon does not know what it feels stronger: relief and anger.

She does not know that Annika finds her every day, exhausted and exhausted by her own brainchild, in the long corridor leading to the library. She also does not know that her sister always takes the Moon to her bedroom - and draws the curtains, although the sun's rays seep in a thin stream and play in the mane of the Moon, which seems to be part of the night sky. And Annika will not tell her that she lies down and covers her sister with a wide wing, puts her head on her neck and for a long time thinks about how to drive away the demons that torment the Moon every night. No guard will ever hint that the queen will not let anyone into the castle while guarding her sister's dream, because the well-being of the people is nothing if she cannot save the only creature close to her.