"Congratulations you are the 10th caller"a voice said on her phone making Tea squeal. She had been listening to the radio while she was studying when her favorite radio station offered a giveaway. Tea didn't even hear what it was for she just called knowing the station also gave out free concert tickets or meet and cool merchandise.

"What did I win?"Tea asked excitedly. She had never won something like this in her life and she had tried more times than she cared to admit.

"A dinner with Mr. Seto Kaiba"the woman said. Tea could hear the woman's excitement through the phone but her own smile fell. A date with Seto Kaiba, gross. This was supposed to be a prize not a punishment.

"Can I give it back"Tea asked meekly through the phone. The woman seemed choked up before she answered.

"Ma'am you must have heard me wrong. You won a date with the most eligible bachelor in Japan"the woman said. Tea sighed she had heard the woman loud and clear.

"Is it a nice restaurant?"she asked instead.

"Of course"the woman said, explaining to Tea the five star restaurant she would be dining at along with the private limo ride and expenses for a dress. Tea had always wanted to ride in a limo and even Kaiba couldn't make her turn down a free dress and a nice meal.

"Alright thank you"Tea said smiling before she hung up. The date was for tomorrow night and Tea needed to get her dress. She dialed another number this time and was shocked when Joey answered. She checked the caller id and knew she had pressed Mai's name.

"Joey put Mai on"she said as she bit her lip. She hadn't planned on telling any of the guys about this "date" especially Joey who still harbored a deep hatred for Kaiba.

"Tea"the woman's voice could be heard through the phone and Tea smiled.

"Can you meet me at the mall"Tea asked. Mai seemed shocked but quickly agreed. "Leave Joey at home please"Tea added which confused Mai.

When Tea saw Mai walk up she smiled. "Hey thanks for coming on such short notice"Tea said and Mai waved her off.

"I never need an excuse to come shopping, but why are we here?"Mai asked, raising an eyebrow. Tea sighed and quickly explained the contest misunderstanding to Mai who was laughing by the end.

"It's not funny"Tea said as her cheeks slightly flushed.

"Actually it kinda is, you are one of the only girls who would pass up a date with such a hunk. Not to mention he's rich"Mai added. Tea knew she was right and as much as she hated to admit it Kaiba was extremely good looking. If she hadn't known what a jerk he could be to people like Joey she might actually like the guy. And he had saved her life on more than one occasion so he couldn't be all bad.

"So i'm thinking tight and low cut"Mai said pulling out a purple sequined dress and wiggling her eyebrows at Tea whose whole face turned red.

"No way,"Tea said, shaking her head fiercely. Mai laughed, obviously joking. That dress looked much like Mai's style but not Tea's. Mai rolled her eyes when Tea grabbed a plain blue dress that fell to the floor.

"As your friend I cannot let you go out in something so boring, you're hiding you're body"Mai said, shaking her head. Tea looked at the dress and knew Mai was right. Blue wasn't her color, why was she picking something so unflattering. Could it be the fact that she was afraid to actually try for Kaiba? To actually try and look her best then be rejected. Then she shook her head, she was not worried Kaiba would reject her. She was Tea Gardner and she looked good. She confidently picked out a dark red dress. When she looked in the mirror she gasped. She couldn't believe she could look so good and neither could Mai. It was a form fitted red dress which hugged her in all the right places and even had a slit that went most of the way up her leg exposing her muscular legs. She had years of dancing to thank for that.

"It's perfect, Kaiba won't be able to keep his hands to himself"Mai said and Tea blushed. Kaiba was a calculating and calm man who was constantly followed by a throng of admirers. She was nothing special even with this dress, besides she didn't want to feel Kaiba's rough hand slide up her hip. Or as it continued to snake up her side skimming her breast and collar bone leaving chills anywhere he touched. She definitely didn't want to feel it come up to her face and cup her cheek as he looked at her with his steel blue eyes. No she did not want that and she wasn't sure why she even considered such a thing. It would never happen and she didn't want it to.

"Um Tea, you ok hun"Mai asked, eyeing the goosebumps on Tea's arms.

"Huh oh yeah it's just cold"Tea said rubbing at her arms to get rid of the bumps. Mai nodded but knew that wasn't the truth, if anything the store was a bit warm.

"You did what"Kaiba practically yelled into the phone.

"Sir it's just a radio contest, you just go to dinner with the woman and then you may leave"the man on the other end of the phone said trying to keep his voice from shaking and failing miserably.

"Who the hell authorized it, i'll have them fired"Kaiba snarled vowing that whoever had made such a stupid mistake would never find decent work again.

"It was your brother sir, he called and said you yourself authorized it"the man said and Kaiba growled before slamming the phone down. Mokuba was gonna pay for this. He got up from the chair in his office and strode through the house until he opened up Mokuba's door.

Mokuba who was laying down listening to music sheepishly took his headphones off. He could tell by his brother's narrowed eyes and crossed arms he had heard about the contest. "Hi Seto what's up"Mokuba asked, still playing the innocent young boy he pretended to be sometimes but Kaiba obviously wasn't buying it.

"Why did you register me for a date?"Kaiba asked instead. Mokuba frowned, his brother was to the point as always giving him no time to think of a good lie.

"I thought you would have fun, besides it'll be great for Kaiba Corp and your public image"Mokuba said. He hadn't thought of his brother's public image when he did this, instead he just thought about the fact that his brother had never had a serious relationship. The only commitment he had was to his work but he deserved to be happy. Kaiba knew he couldn't refuse now, it would look terrible for his image and although he didn't personally care it would also affect his company and that he cared about.

When the limo pulled up outside her house Tea took a deep breath before grabbing her small clutch. Here she was about to get in a limo and go to dinner with Seto Kaiba. As she approached she was surprised to see Kaiba waiting by the door holding it open for her. When their eyes met his eyes widened and Tea knew he hadn't been told she was the winner.

"Gardener"he asked as she stepped past him into the limo. Of all the women in Domino City he wasn't sure if he should be relieved it was her and not some crazy stalker or shocked. Then he settled on shocked. He was not relieved to see Gardner no matter how good that dress looked on her. Wait was that a slit? Kaiba craned his head to look before getting in the limo beside her, he refused to look at Gardner in that way. He refused to be attracted to Yugi's cheerleader.

"You look nice"he said instead not looking at her but instead focusing on the floor.

"Um thanks, you too"she said instead putting her hands in her lap. Nice was an understatement, Seto Kaiba looked like a god. He wore a simple suit with a dark purple shirt which had the top few buttons undone giving Tea a view of the top of his chest making her gulp. She pressed her legs tighter together trying to stop thinking about Kaiba in such a way.

"If it makes you feel better I tried to refuse"she said instead and to her surprise he smirked.

"Always a charmer aren't you Gardner"he said instead making her blush before she spoke obviously realizing how rude she had seemed.

"I didn't mean it like that I-"Tea clamped her mouth shut when she saw the smirk on his lips. That jerk he was teasing her and she had fallen for it! She clenched her fists before taking another breath and smiling at him. Kaiba would not ruin her night.

Kaiba wanted to laugh when he saw her tiny clenched fists. It was always fun to tease Gardner and sometimes he would find himself thinking of ways to tease her next time he saw her. But when she smiled he was intrigued. So she was able to keep her anger in check, more that could be said for her blond friend. As they stopped at the restaurant Kaiba and Tea got out and were led to a small candle lit table. Kaiba wanted to roll his eyes and complain about the dim light but instead he sat down and crossed his arms as the waiter took their drink order. It was a younger man and he paid little attention to Kaiba instead looking at Tea and laughing. Kaiba growled, the man had ignored him and now had the nerve to check Tea out right in front of him. They were obviously on a date and here he was eyeing his woman. Then he stiffened no not his woman. Not his anything. He was just mad because the man had ignored him not because of the way he looked at Tea.

Tea and the man both must have heard him growl because Tea looked at him full of concern and the man swallowed hard before rushing off to get their drinks.

"An old rival of yours"Tea asked. Kaiba was about to ask what the hell she was talking about when he realized he had growled out loud. And now she thought something was wrong with him.

"Don't trust him,"Kaiba said instead, which just seemed to confuse Tea more.

"Why do you say that he seemed nice to me?"Tea said, looking across the room where the waiter was filling their drinks. Kaiba wanted to shake her, everyone seemed nice to her. She was too trusting for her own good.

"Didn't you see the way he was looking at you"Kaiba asked. Tea frowned and shook her head but as the waiter came back Tea realized he paid little attention to Kaiba instead turning to her.

"Have you ever been here before?"Tea asked biting her lip as she looked at the menu, he knew she was just doing it because she was thinking but he wanted to groan. Didn't she realize what a gesture like that meant to a man. What it made him want to do to her. He clenched his hands in his lap, no he didn't want to do anything to Tea it was the wine talking. Even though he had only just taken a sip.

"Yeah, the duck is pretty good"Kaiba admitted and Tea nodded.

"Then I'll get that, I trust you"she said, giving him an innocent smile. He wanted to scream that she should never trust him. In fact it was the exact opposite of what she should do.

"So what made you decide to auction yourself off"Tea asked, taking a sip of her own wine. Kaiba ran a hand through his hair before looking back at the woman who was patiently waiting for an answer he wasn't sure he wanted to give her.

"It was Mokuba wasn't it"she said instead with a big grin on her face and Kaiba nodded.

"If it were up to me I would be working not sitting here spending money"he said.

"So you don't want to be here with me, we can leave if you want"Tea said instead. She wasn't sure why she had offered but she found herself praying he said no.

"I need the break,"he admitted, finishing his glass of wine. Tea wanted to tease him about his workaholic tendencies but decided against it. Kaiba was slowly opening up to her and she liked this Seto much better.

"You haven't quit dueling have you"she asked knowing it had been months since she heard of him in a duel. She told herself she just looked for his name to see if Yugi or Joey would have to face him but she had to admit she loved seeing him duel. He was always five steps ahead of his opponent and Tea was never bored watching him.

"Of course not, I've just been busy. What's wrong need me to beat some sense into the mutt"Kaiba asked and Tea narrowed her eyes

"Don't talk about my friends that way"Tea said, trying to keep her temper in check. She had been enjoying their conversation but of course he had to go and ruin it.

"Fine"Kaiba said, holding his hands out in surrender. He wasn't in the mood to fight so at least when she was here he wouldn't express his annoyance for her friends. Tea searched his face to see if he was joking but when she didn't detect the hints of a joke she smiled.

Kaiba's heart stopped for a second. She smiled all the time but seeing the genuine smile on her face and knowing he caused it almost made him want to smile. Almost.

Instead the waiter came back and made it easy to frown as he smiled at Tea. But this time Tea just ordered before perking up. "You guys have dancing here"Tea asked the man and he nodded. She smiled and turned to Kaiba who was ready to refuse.

"I don't think your date is up for it though,"the waiter said, shooting Kaiba, a knowing look that made his blood boil.

"Sure he is cmon Kaiba"Tea said, grabbing him by the arm. Usually he would yank away from anyone's touch but he wanted to spite the man. Plus he didn't really mind her touch.

"Why don't you go get my food?"Kaiba said, smirking as he went by the waiter. Even Tea had a slight smile which she tried to hide under her hair. She wouldn't normally support such treatment of a waiter but she had to admit this one was being really rude to Kaiba. Either he didn't know who Kaiba really was or he was a real idiot. But as he led her out onto a small dance floor Tea smiled.

Dancing was where she felt most comfortable and as Kaiba pulled her into a dance and rested a hand on her lower back she wanted to sigh. Being in his arms like this just felt right.

"I never took you as much of a dancer,"Tea said, raising an eyebrow as Kaiba expertly led her around the floor.

"I'm an expert at most things,"Kaiba said smugly and Tea rolled her eyes lightly hitting him on the chest. When her hand made contact with his chest she didn't pull it away instead resting it there feeling his muscles flex beneath his clothes. She wanted to move to the opening in his shirt and feel the warm skin beneath her hand but instead she looked up at him.

"Gardner"he said in a husky voice that sent tingles all the way to Tea's toes. Her eyes met his blue ones and for once she saw a softness in them beneath the usual edge. She smiled, having a feeling she was seeing the real Seto Kaiba.

"Yes Kaiba"she asked, making him swallow hard. The innocent look paired with her hand on her chest made him want to pull her closer. He wanted to lean down and brush her lips against his own but he didn't dare. He wasn't even sure why he had called out to her but it was a mistake. He needed to get away now before he did something rash and very un-Kaiba like.

"We should probably head back"he said and she nodded moving away from him. He could have sworn she was blushing but he ignored it. It must have just been the light.

As they sat back down they ate Kaiba looked up and saw Tea beaming as she put another mouthful of the duck in her mouth. Apparently she loved it and it was interesting to see someone so happy from just a bit of food. Tea seemed to realize his stare because she looked up and stopped chewing.

"What do I have something on my face"she asked as she tried to wipe it. He must think she was totally uncivilized as she pigged out, but the food was delicious. He just smiled and shook his head before lounging back in his chair.

When they left they got back into the limo where Kaiba sat next to Tea and draped an arm over the seat behind her. She tried to keep the blush away swearing he hadn't meant it but as they came to an abrupt stop Tea slammed into Kaiba's chest. She blushed as she realized her hands were resting on his chest again and this time one of them had managed to touch skin. Her throat dried and she swallowed hard as she felt the warm skin underneath her hand. She looked up into his own eyes and noticed that he was looking down at her with the same intensity. He looked at her lips one more time before speaking.

"You ok"he asked and she managed to nod, not trusting her voice. He couldn't resist any longer. He brought a hand down to trace her jawline before stopping at her chin tilting it upward as he leaned down.

When their lips met Tea hesitated from the shock before she pressed closer to him deepening the kiss. She even rolled over to straddle him. Kaiba willingly leaned back and brought his hands to cup her bottom as the makeout session intensified. Kaiba kneaded her thighs as his tongue stroked her own before he heard a phone ringing. At first Tea ignored it but as it continued to ring she pulled away and answered her phone still sitting on Tea's lap. Kaiba growled but sat back looking at her as she answered the phone.

"Tea where are you, Mai told me you were on a date. Why aren't you home yet"Joey practically yelled through the phone. Tea frowned and pulled the phone away from her ear to get away from Joey's yelling.

"Joey i'm fine, i'm almost home"Tea said instead before hanging up. She looked back to Kaiba who was stroking her thigh with his thumb.

"I guess I should go"She said, getting off of his lap. She wasn't sure how long ago they had arrived but she noticed when she was on the phone with Joey that they were not moving. Kaiba wanted to pull her back down but instead he nodded.

"I'll walk you"he said instead adjusting his pants and jacket before stepping out of the limo followed by Tea. She blushed when she saw his ruffled hair where her hands had been tangled in and reached up to fix it. As they walked up Tea stopped at the door.

"Um thanks Kaiba tonight was…...nice"she said trying not to think about the feel of his hands on her skin or his lips pressed against her own.

"Goodnight Tea"he said brushing a strand of hair out of her face. Tea couldn't help it she stood on her toes bringing her lips to his own again. She pulled away much sooner than Kaiba would have wanted but he didn't pull her back. The last thing he needed was to be caught ravishing a woman outside her apartment.

"Goodnight…..Seto"she said before walking inside. When she got inside she closed the door and leaned against it putting a hand on her lips. She couldn't believe she had kissed Seto Kaiba. And he had used her first name, he never did that.

Kaiba stuffed his hands back into his coat as he walked back to the limo. He had made out with Gardner and he had wanted to do so much more if Wheeler hadn't interrupted them.