The Family Quarantine

Summary: It was just supposed to be a quick trip home, but now nine adults are stuck quarantined together. Can this dysfunctional family survive, or will their forced time together break them beyond repair?

*Loosely based on the movie "The Family Stone"

*A/N: This is just a casual side project for me. Short chapters that I will update whenever I get to them. Because I really want to keep it simple, this story has NOT been through my usual pre-reader/editor, so there will be mistakes (sorry CJ). Thank you for understanding!

Chapter 1

"You're kidding, right?" Rosalie asked with incredulity. It was bad enough that she knew Edward's family hated her, but now he expected her to waste her precious allotted vacation leave on visiting them? "What about Jamaica?"

"You know with this virus stuff going down they have limited the flights out of the country," he pointed out. "Come on! You've never even been to my home before. It's where I grew up. It's a big part of me, and I want you to see it. Besides, it's my mom's sixty-fifth birthday; the whole family is going to be there. It's sort of a big deal."

"Being your mom's big special day is all the more reason I shouldn't go. The last time your mom and sister were in town, they made it clear that I wasn't welcome there. Or, have you already forgotten that?"

"I haven't forgotten that you told me you felt that way, but I still don't agree that's how they meant for it to come across."

"Edward, your sister specifically said, 'If you ever come to Forks, you probably won't survive'."

"She was joking," he said dismissively.

Rosalie crossed her arms and grimaced.

"Alice is just Alice. She has a skewed sense of humor," Edward told her.

"And your mother didn't deny it or encourage her to stop," Rosalie added. "She just sat there and smirked as if she was proud of her comment. And your dad just completely checked out of the conversation."

"We're all just used to Alice's antics. I'm sure my mom doesn't hate you. Don't let my bratty little sister stop you from coming home with me. You've never even met Emmett and Mikey before."

"And you know how nervous I am to meet Emmett," she reminded him.

Edward raised his brow in confusion. "Why? Because he's a stoner with no goals in life?"

"Huh? No. Am I thinking of the wrong brother? I meant Mikey. I'm nervous about meeting him."

"Because he's gay, or because he's deaf?"

"Don't do that! Don't make me sound like some bigot intolerant asshole. You know I don't care about him being gay."

"Then it's because he's deaf?" Edward questioned, still confused about her issue.

"Yes! You said he reads lips. I've always been told I mumble and my lips are strange shaped. I just don't want there to be any awkwardness."

Edward laughed once. "Life is full of awkward moments. You can't run from all of them. Come on, Rosalie. I want you to come home with me to spend a little time with my family. Why is that such a terrible thing?"

Rosalie huffed. "It's not… I guess. Just remember that I warned you about your mom and sister. I'm not crazy. You'll see just how much they hate me when I'm there."

"Well, I love you, so they will just have to deal."