Chapter 13

Across town Regina was just waking up, it seems her wakeful night spent in the throes of passion had taken its toll on her body leaving her feeling exhausted, but one she'd never complain about. The woman smiled as she stretched offering her muscles some much needed relief but noting that she was indeed very alone and feeling how cold the blondes' side of the bed was she had been for some time. Sitting up the brunette closed her eyes and let her magic find the woman her body and soul craved, finding herself been drawn across town and given the nervousness and self-doubt blooming from the blonde she found herself curious to what she was doing. As she got up, she noticed a note on her bedside table, reaching over she now understood the emotions she felt coming off her love, it seemed she'd paid a visit to her parents. Regina pulled her magic back from the blonde knowing if her love needed her she would let her know, something just needed to be done alone and Emma needed to find her own way of communicating with her parents and unfortunately given her past she probably wasn't the best to help with that.

As the Mayor worked her apple scented shampoo through her hair she thought over all the events over the past number of weeks. A smile graced the ruby lips as she remembered the face on the blonde when she dropped the beaker mixing the unidentified potions into each other, god her love was an idiot sometimes but she had to admit they had spent many moments enjoying that 'surprise appendage', Regina chuckled replaying the memory of the frustrated blonde and the straining cock pressing against her jeans. Biting her lip Regina mused that she would definitely have to teach Emma how to grow one of those when needed, the blonde was far too skilled for the brunette never to feel such pleasures again. Especially now that she had felt the true wonders one could give. The mayor licked her lips remembering the events of their night, groaning to herself Regina tilted her head back allowing the stream of water to run down her face how the blonde made her ache when not even around amused her. Allowing the blonde into her heart had been easier than she imagined, after all it wasn't like she held any control over it. One second Emma was a good friend and the next they were swept up in the rollercoaster of her mothers' curses. She'd never felt lust so strong and demanding, the curse fuelled the fire that was already burning to great heights but that still left that one unsolved substance, the silver liquid that drove her mad. The former Queen didn't like, not knowing every little detail and she was truly stumped with this one, what on earth did her mother have in that bottle!

Rinsing her hair and body from the bubble suds that coated her hair and skin, the brunette gasped. Her eyes sprang open, how could she have forgotten! There was one book of her mother's she hadn't checked and it had been her in her study all along! Months ago Regina wanted to try her hand at recreating one of her mothers' potions, with how the town was always under attack in one way or another, she thought it would be a good idea to try her hand and see what her mother had to offer. Needless to say, she never got around to it but the book was still there, untouched in the draw in her desk. The brunette shook her head at not remembering, she blamed a certain blonde for being very distracting as of late. Quickly finishing her shower routine she hopped out, dressed and made her way to study hoping that this book would give her the answers she sort.

Back with the Charming's, Snow came back out after quite some time throwing up her morning breakfast. "Sorry about that, morning sickness is a killer."

Emma awkwardly nodded agreement, "Yeah though I think something is going round, Regina herself has been throwing up a lot this last week. Refused to go doctors though, stubborn woman." Emma said innocently not noticing the way her parents watched her face light up as she spoke about their former enemy.

"Emma can you please explain how this came about, I mean what about Robin? He was said to be her true love last time I checked." Snow said in disbelief.

"Well he's not." Emma growled shocking her parents at the force in which she stated her words.

Emma explained all that had happened at the vault with her clumsiness ending with them being bonded and cursed, how they tried to control their urges but inevitably their needs got the better of them. She tried to keep it as PG as possible but a lot was implied and she even discussed her grown male asset much to her embarrassment. After what seemed like hours talking, she finally got them up to date leaving her openly staring at the blank expressions before her. "So yeah, erm she shared true loves kiss with me." Emma finished.

David startled her by talking first, "Can I see the tattoo?"

Emma nodded and removed her jacket showing the glorious tattoo imprinted on her forearm. Silence continued for several minutes both parents staring openly at the lion and its purple blazing eyes. "Emma did you use protection?"

Emma was floored by Snows' question, "Not what I thought your first response would be but to answer no. Why does it matter?"

Snow and Charming looked at each other before turning toward their daughter. "Emma this is a big shock to us you must understand that, but we would never get in the way of true love. That being said you've made a comment that has left me wondering." Snow looked at the table, so much was going through her mind right now that she found herself unable to speak. Was the woman that was once known as the Evil Queen, her stepmother, really her own daughters true love? How twisted fate can be! But even with this shocking news she could still see how they could work well together. Emma was shining so brightly it would chase away any darkness waiting to consume their Mayor, but more than that she was the mother to her son, they already had a beautiful family connection even before the accident happened, and yes she nodded to herself they were each other's equal in every way.

A deep laugh brought Snow from her analysing and she looked towards her husband. "Well, shock aside, we now get to have a parent moment whilst we explain the birds and the bees to our daughter." The man chuckled at the horror stricken face his daughter wore at his words.

Back in Regina's study, the brunette sat comfortably nursing her coffee as she read slowly through her mother's spell book. It seemed the woman kept all her favourite spells in one place for easy findings, there were dark curses that filled most pages, but there were odd ones that made her question her mother's motives. Regina thought over her memories with her mother, she wasn't always such an evil woman, there were times' when the brunette swore, she saw affection shining back at her, but then it would be gone like it never was. Of course, now she understood, years with no heart made her ruthless and uncaring of any destruction she may cause to those around her, as she was so consumed in her own needs for the future she didn't care if she tortured her own flesh and blood mercilessly. A lone tear fell down the Mayors cheek as she thought back over a particular horrid time.

"Love is weakness Regina!" Cora spat as she watched her heartbroken daughter weep for the fallen boy she held tightly in her grasp. "I only do what is best for you dear child."

Regina still remembered holding Daniels' body for hours until his body became cold and heavy and she could no longer feel the beating of her own heart, so stricken by grief she felt as if her mother had ripped out her own as well as her loves heart. She had gotten closure over the boy she once hoped to spend a lifetime with when she had to end his life for the second time, but that time it really did feel like she was closing the book on her past and was now ready to start, and knew her heart and future lay with a beautiful blonde. The brunette wiped her tears and smiled sadly at her first loves memory still forever grateful for the warmth of love that young man gave her in a time where she felt none.

Flicking through the pages the Mayor stopped on when one drew her attention. 'True heart's desire - When brewed correctly a shimmering silver liquid will form. This is extremely potent, the stronger the dose the higher the heart's desire.'

Why would her mother craft this potion? Regina pondered, she understood her mother's need for knowledge and power but why offer their desires... Unless she would later take it from them? The brunette realised that's exactly something her mother would do, offer them the world only to rip it from them at a later date.

Dragging her thoughts back to her own situation, Emma had broken the whole flask of the potion, so it's potency would have been full force. Did this substance work with them or mould them in a way to fulfil its own purpose? If that was correct, like she believed it was, what did that all mean? The sex, the pain, the bonds. What was her own strongest desire? Regina gasped, a hand covering her mouth as she pieced together what had happened. Her own heart's desire was to find her true love, it had always been to find the one that would love her unconditionally. The substance had been the catalyst that weaved the others to get the quickest way of completing its purpose, that clumsy, beautiful idiot unleashed a turret of serious compounds that ultimate goal to get them together no matter what the consequences.

Regina openly shivered at thought, as the events that allowed them to become one could have been so much more dire, if she would have held out longer or god have mercy not accepted the blonde, then it did not bear to think what actions the curse would have taken. Their love would have been made from force and pain, not something she wished go through ever again. The Mayor was thankful that she didn't hold back from her feelings for too long. As her thoughts stopped taking a darker route, she again wondered what her love desired, what did the substance seek with Emma? Whatever it was it had been completed, after all, neither felt no curses forcing their hand any longer a fact she was sure on. So what was it? Did the blonde crave her true love as much as her?

Suddenly, Emma puffed into the study after leaving her parents engulfed in a light lilac smoke, which only confirmed their daughters words, the pairs magics had joined creating one power mix of dark and light.

"Emma! That's twice you've scared the life out me! You're one fright away from me making you wear a blasted bell!" The former Queen grumbled not happy that the blonde kept making her jump and the QUEEN was not easily scared.

"Love you too." Emma said in amusement but the smile never reached her eyes, instead those emerald eyes spoke volumes of fear, but the Mayor missed this as she started to explain what she'd found in her mothers' book.

" it was here all along. It's called True Heart's Desire and mixed with everything, no wonder we became so consumed in our lust and need for each other, but my love your fears can finally be put to rest because my heart's desire was always to find my true love, that was what compelled me so much to you." Regina said ending in a soft smile leaving no doubt in the blondes mind that she was loved and truly at that. It actually made what she had to say to brunette that much easier.

"What I still can't put my finger on is your desire. At first I figured it must be you wanted to find your true love also but then you experienced things differently to I so I have to ask, Emma, what is your heart's desire?"

Emma paused, she'd known what she truly wanted, it was something she had watched people been given freely and yet something she had always struggled to find.

"Family." The blonde whispered making Regina let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding. "I have always wanted a family, a place I felt loved, a place I could call home." Tears now fell from the greens eyes as she gave her love a watery smile, "One in which I have found here, in this ridiculous town filled with fairy tales but one I could never imagine not being a part of, in a house that never in my wildest dreams I could have imagined living in with my son and his mother which I have literally felt every emotion for, but has stolen my heart all the same. You are my family Regina, you, our son, this home and our baby that grows inside you."

Silence filled the room, tears continued to fall at the heartfelt speech but the former Queens face flipped from looks of love to ones of heartache. After several excruciating minutes where the blonde was starting to twitch with the need to cut the tension Regina spoke. "I cannot have children Emma, I made sure of that years ago." The brunette was unable to look her love in the eye, feeling shame wash over her, dread filled her heart as she waited for Emma to say something.

"Prove it!"

Regina's head snapped up at the blonde, eyes showing mild irritation, the feelings of remorse were gone, instead swirls of anger raged in her belly. "Why would I do that? Do you wish to torture me? Give me a moment of hope only to see what I already know! I am barren Emma!"

The blonde knew this would be hard but she needed to see it for herself. "Regina, my heart's desire was to have a family of my own, which is why I grew a dick and filled you so many times' with my cum and then one day it was just gone!" Emma raised her eyes as if what she said made perfect sense. "So as hard this may be will you please do the test so we can at least be sure."

Regina felt winded, could there be a chance? But it would be impossible! Wouldn't it?! With a slight nod the brunette stood up from her chair and walked over to her the blonde, "It'll take me a few hours to make the potion."

"What, can't you just swish your hand over your stomach or something and see?" The blonde said in surprise.

Regina tutted, "Our magic isn't like the Harry Potter Miss Swan." The brunette was starting to get a headache from all these emotions.

"Right yeah because we can puff around the place and you can bind me to a door but finding out if you hold another life inside you is me being silly?" Emma rolled her eyes, "Well fuck the potion, I'll just get some muggle pregnancy tests." Emma said with a wink.

A quarter of an hour later Emma paced the bedroom as Regina requested to keep some of her dignity and not have the blonde watch her as she peed on a stick. The door opened and the former Queen stepped out holding the stick in her hand "I guess now we wait." The pair nervously sat on the bed waiting as time slowly ticked forward. "You never told me how it went with your parents." Regina asked trying to get her mind off the current situation.

"Oh, they took it well I think, I mean there was a moment then Snow ran out because she was going to throw up, but after the initial shock they seemed be ok. It was Snow that actually brought up that you could be pregnant to which they took a lot joy in explaining the birds and the bees to me." Emma shook her head as a slight pink tinge flushed her cheeks.

Regina laughed, "So you told your parents that you've been screwing the Evil Queen and you didn't allow me the decency of witnessing your mothers face? How very selfish of you Emma." The blonde shook her head in amusement at the woman.

"Times up." Regina whispered. She nervously flicked over the stick and read the results. Tears swam in her eyes and her heart pounded in her chest, turning towards the blonde she saw nothing but love and devotion staring back at her making her breathe deeply. "I'm pregnant."

The End.

Well guys that's it and I'm sure people will want me to continue but like I said this was only a quick fun story for me. I'm currently working on a couple of others but I'm not going to start uploading them until I have written more. I want to thank you though for all your comments, they do help and keep my spirts up, I do find it very easy to lose my way when writing so your words of support and kindness really do fill me with pride!

Take care guys and see you next time!

XxX Solo