Charter 1

Emma had been harbouring a silly school girl crush on Regina for some same time now. Yeah, a lot had happened over the years and it had been some time since Emma had let go of her anger toward the feisty Queen, she truly saw her for who she was now in this world. Truth was Emma really didn't know the old Regina. Yeah she was cruel maybe even evil, but it was still hard to think of her as ever being that woman when the one before her was so different. I mean yeah the Mayor was sarcastic, rude, bitchy and she always found reasons to belittle her parents. She would always call her an idiot at every turn, but all that added to the burning desire she had toward the former Queen. It wasn't like she would ever do anything about this, after all it was just a stupid crush right? She had her heavy eyelined witty captain and Regina had her annoying squirrel boy. Urgh what the glorious woman ever saw in that tree hugging naturalist she would never know, the man reeked like pine trees for fuck sake, he wasn't worthy of such a woman. Soulmate my arse!

"Emma! If you grip that any tighter it'll break, and I could do without fixing whatever magical mess you would cause today please."

Reginas' voice startled the young blonde into relaxing her hand. Maybe a little to laxed as the bottle with the swirling contents fell from her fingertips, straight onto a number of other glass bottles that held more unique substances in side, together they created a thick fog of red smoke that started rising quickly from the mess before the blonde.

"What did I just say!" Regina hissed as she used her magic to try and contain the pulsing cloud that was slowly engulfing the pair.

Within seconds the room was filled with a thick red sparkling mist which neither woman could help but breath in the magical cloud engulfing them.

"Shit, I'm sorry Regina it slipped."

"I'm fully aware of that Miss Swan, the level of your idiocy never ceases to surprise me!" She spat between clenched teeth.

Hours before Emma had promised the brunette she'd be careful as they catalogued her stuff in her vault, there was all manner of nasty stuff in there. Regina had wanted a record of all her items so it would be easy to obtain if the time ever arouse that they make a potion sharpish, and given the constant stream of characters that came through the town over the years it made sense to be more prepared. Emma had been ore struck when she first lay eyes on all the things in former Queens vault, it felt like a scene from Harry Potter with all the flasks of different substances she had along the walls. A lot moved with a life of it's own, it was intimidating to say the least but given how anal Regina was about everything being in its place, it wasn't that hard to make note of the substances and their amount with everything mostly named. The items that the blonde found unnamed she was putting to the side in a small pile for Regina to look at when she got the chance, but this of course was the reason for their current predicament. As it was said pile she had just smashed to pieces with one that was meant to join them that caused the obvious. chemical reaction.

As time ticked by the clouds started to clear leaving the pair coughing in its wake, Regina quickly looked herself up, down and around the area not seeing any clear changes as of yet. She felt the magic in the air, it prickled her skin and made her pulse quicken. Glancing at Emma she saw the woman hunched over slightly breathing heavily which made her throb at the sight.

Ignoring her bodies odd reaction she called out to her blonde friend, "Emma are you ok?" She asked in concern.

"That depends what you would call ok." Her voice sounded strained and rough making Reginas' body flush in need.

What the hell is going on with her! "Emma explain yourself, I don't have time to decipher your games right now. Clear answers are needed." Regina was quickly losing patience, it was her own internal reactions that sparked the reason behind her bite.

Emma looked up at the brunette, groaning through clenched teeth at the sight in front of her, the mayors breathing was shallow, her lower red lip was gripped tightly between white teeth and the woman's intense gaze from dark brown eyes was currently focused on her.
"I .. I seem to have grown an appendage that I didn't have this morning."

The former Queen felt liquid coat the inside of her panties, the throbbing had only intensified from that declaration. Emmas' body was turned slightly away so that the brunette couldn't get a peak of what would be a very noticeable bulge, in those extremely tight jeans the blonde was par shall to. Licking her lips at the thought Regina shuck her head, her bodies reaction was quickly clouding her judgment making it hard for her to focus on the problem at hand.

"Ok, it seems that the magical fog has indeed done something to us, to which I had hoped wasn't the case. I need to see the substances left near you so I can try and work out what was cast, could you please move further away as I feel that us being too close will only make the matter more unbearable."

Emma looked down at the squirming woman, her thighs were closed tightly and her legs looked like they would give way any seconds. "You don't look like you've grown something between your legs that has currently stolen most of your bodies blood supply." Emma said with another groan and then continued, "So how is this effecting you?" Even with a raging monster pressing desperately against her zipper she still managed to express concern towards the brunette, after all she had gotten them into this mess.

"I may not have had a sex change like you dear but I can promise I am fairing no better when it comes to these primal urges."

Even with Regina talking so clinically it still managed to make her new cock twitch with need, knowing that the Mayor was turned on as much as her.

"So please Emma step aside, or better yet please leave the vault. We have much to work out but at the moment distance may help a great deal."

Emma nodded in agreement, she didn't want this already embarrassing situation to get any worse so she turned heading towards the door, knowing full well that she was on clear display for the Mayor and my god if she couldn't feel those hazel eyes burning holes into her pants with every step, her cock certainly did as it seems to grow harder under the attention.

Emma didn't get more than two steps out the door before an unpleasant electric shock made her body tremble, taking another step the shock increased causing her to cry out and stumble to the floor. Clicking of heels were quickly heard rushing towards her, "Emma, what happened?" Regina leant down automatically to help the blonde, but the pulse that shot through her body when her finger glazed the woman on the floor made her rip her hand back sharply, squeezing her eyes shut tightly she allowed the tremors to settle. Opening her eyes she became locked in a gaze between herself and the bright emerald of the blonde, her heart was pounding viciously in her chest, her clit throbbed painfully and it took all her will power to slowly back away from the sheriff.

Emmas' body was causing her so much grief she didn't know if she could cope much longer, her cock was rock hard and pulsing, causing her to painfully grind her teeth. The electric shock that had rattled her senses had now become a slow hum like a subtle reminder, and her skin burned with need from only the smallest of touch from the brunette.

"Regina" she roughly whispered, "I don't know how much more I can cope with this, what is going on?"

Groaning at the desperate plea heard in Emma's voice, Regina didn't know if she could take much more herself. Biting her lip she allowed those needs to take over, crawling back over the blond who was still lying flat but propped up on her elbows, her skirt bunched higher up her thighs as she quickly straddled the blonde, causing a loud gasp which added more wetness to gather in her already soaked panties.
"Mmmm" Emma groaned as she felt Regina's pussy come in contact with her straining hardness.
"Wha… What are you doing?" The blonde gasped.
"We can't sort this out until we can think clearly." Regina stated as she started to grind against the hard cock that was caged in Emma's jeans.

"Fuck!" Emma cursed as she felt the front of her jeans starting to get wet from a mixture of their pleasures. The blonde knew she wasn't going to last long, she had been on edge ever since she first glanced at the brunette when all this first started, which to her felt like hours ago now. Emma gripped the Mayors thighs harshly as she now bucked her worth into the source of her pleasure, Regina above her was grinding back with equal brute force.
"Oh god Regina, I think I'm going to cum." Emma squeezed her eyes shut as bolts of pleasure tore through her lower stomach.
"Mmm Yes, Yes nearly there." Reginas' clit throbbed painfully, her body was heating up with the impending signs of release, her breath started to quicken and flashes of light started to appear behind her eyes.
"Oh god! Emma." Regina called out as her body started to shake from the orgasm crashing down, below her Emmas' own realise happened as soon as her name spilled from those ruby lips.

Both took minutes to calm down from what turned out to be a very intense orgasm. As Regina climbed off the blonde unsure how to feel about what had just happened but finally able to think more clearly. "I'm hoping that our maturity will come into play here Miss Swan, as I can't even express the seriousness of this situation." The mayor said as she left the blonde still flummoxed on the floor to go look at the source of all this mess.

Emma was left gawping at the retreating woman, she didn't feel shame for what they had done nor did she feel brushed off. After all she had known the woman long enough to know nothing gets in the way of her work, but that didn't change the fact that Emma was currently laying on the floor with a mixture of their orgasms coating the front of her jeans. For one she had never fully understood the displeasure from a guy's point of view of cumming in his pants, until this very moment. Yes it was pleasurable getting there, but now being left with the drying mess that was currently working all areas in side her pants left her feeling less desirable. What was more surprising mind you was that she was still hard, not pulsing mind you but hard none the less.

Emma groaned when her bones popped and her muscles protested as she stood up, she was getting to old for things like laying on a stone floor for however long no matter what reason. Taking a quick glance down at herself she couldn't control the flush of embarrassment that rose up her cheeks, the wet patch was highly noticeable but with a deep breath she followed after the brunette stopping not long later. She glanced at the woman that moments before was moaning wildly as she ground herself into her. Feeling the twitch in her pants she shook herself and walked over to the far end of the room, she could still see Regina clearly but her lower half was covered by the table she was propped behind.

"Any luck on working out what's going on with us?" Emma said as she watched the Mayor flick pieces of glass around taking in the different colours and substances. The look of concentration on her face made Emma bite her lower lip as the begins of arousal fluttered in her stomach.

"From what I can tell, you've managed to mix a lust potion with two different bonding substances. I am unsure of the last substance though... a silver liquid that shimmers... I don't remember acquiring this, must have been from my mother's collection." Emma recognised when the woman was about to begin one of her lectures, she smiled at the woman that no longer cared if everyone was listening. "The lust is easily explained, we both have experienced that already but could the bond have been the cause of your pain when we to distance from each other? Well have to do more testing to see if this is the case but then why did you only experience pain? Could it have known you were the one walking away? And If that is only one of the bonds at work what would be the second?" Regina at this point he began to pace, her eyes darting everywhere as her mind was swirling with questions and conclusions. "So, either the other bonding spell had something to do with your new friend or it was that silver substance that I know nothing about." Regina massaged her forehead in annoyance and hoping to cure the oncoming headache.

Glancing over at the blonde Regina felt the tell-tale signs of the lust potion crawling back to life, "Seems we have a lot to discuss Miss Swan."

Emma gulped at the woman in front of her, the Queen was defiantly shining through in this moment. Her shoulders we're back, her chin slightly raised and her eyes darkened with rage or desire of which Emma was unsure. "Erm what is we need to discuss Regina." Emma hated that her voice sounded so little, she was already aware that she had stuttered on more than one occasion in the last hour.

Regina smirked at the blonde, loving the feeling of power washing over her, she was making the other woman nervous and oh if she wasn't enjoying it.
"Well my dear, firstly this ..." She said pointing between Emma and her "Isn't going to end anytime soon, as I don't know all of what's involved I can't break the curse."
Regina closed her eyes as she just realised something or should she say remembered someone. "Robin" She whispered loud enough for Emma to hear and if she had her eyes open, she would have seen the mix of emotions from anger to sadness but as it happened, she didn't. Regina was to focused on how she could have forgotten him up to this point, guilt overwhelmed her as she remembered how she had been not only unfaithful to him, but never even given him a passing thought. How could that be? He was her soulmate, her true love, how could she not think of him?

Emma watched as the strong-willed Queen she had just seen moments ago turned insecure and guilt ridden. "Regina, you had no control over what happened between us before, fuck neither of us had a chance in controlling it."

Regina's blood burned hot as she opened her eyes and looked enraged at the blonde "What right do you have to say on this? You weren't the one who was unfaithful to their soulmate because they had an itch that needed scratching." The former Queen spat.

Emma flinched at her words but knew the woman was still beating herself up inside and using her as an outlet, but it still stung to think that the moment meant nothing to the brunette as for Emma it meant… Well she decided not to go there right now. Regina was right about one thing; this curse wasn't going away anytime soon and they had a lot to sort out. "You can use me as your emotional punching bag later, as for now we still have a lot to sort out. I prefer not to be barbequed from the inside so would it be ok if I stay in your guest room until all this stuff is resolved? It'll give us a chance to work out what ever else is going on between us too."

Regina was reluctant but what could she do, she still had no idea how dangerous these bonds could be but one thing was for sure, the desire she felt burning inside along with the bond was going to be a problem. "Emma what happened before..." Regina said calmly all her anger had gone leaving her feeling quite drained, "It can't happen again, I can't do that to Robin again! We most control ourselves."

Emma bit her lip as the pulsing between her leg increased at the memory, she knew it was going to be difficult and she was pretty sure it wasn't going to be as simple as the Mayor made it seem. But she couldn't be the reason to cause such a negative emotion from the woman, not over that green fingered fart anyway. The man had no idea how lucky he was.

"I understand Regina, I will not make this anymore difficult for us than it already is, I promise."

With a gentle smile Regina turned, ignoring the dull ache coming from her clit as she walked to towards her mother's book collection. "For now I suggest we do some research, there has to be something in one of these that will tell us what that silver substance was." She said picking up a book from a shelf.

"I agree with the research completely but is there anyway we can do this at yours." Emma said with a slight tinge of red flushing her cheeks.

"We could but I don't see why when everything we need is here." Regina never took her eyes from the pages before her as she spoke back to the blonde.

Emma growled in frustration and stepped out from behind the table that was covering her decency, "Well you maybe ok in working in wet panties but I am not, I desperately need a shower and I guess I need to sort this out." Emma bit her lip in embarrassment as she felt those hazel eyes burn into her skin once again, she felt a shiver run down her spine as she watched Regina lick her lips whilst intensely staring at her hardened member and their now almost dry pleasures stained on the front of her jeans.

Snapping out of her trance, "Oh yes, of course let me just grab a few of these books to keep us going for a few days and we'll head back." Regina turned quickly away from Emma but stopped to allow herself the chance to catch her breath, her clit was throbbing just as intensely as before and she could feel the fresh coat of her wetness already seeping into the material that kept her desires hidden. There had to be a way out of this mess and she had to find it soon!