AN: Okay so the different fonts still aren't working. So what I'm going to do is Izuku's inner thoughts will be different now. Like the toxic one that always puts him down will be all caps. EX: HE DOESN'T WANT YOU. And the new voice that tries to reassure him will have apostrophes. EX: 'DON'T CUT, YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!' Okay! Sorry if it's confusing. Byeeeee.

I jolted awake from my nap and tried to look around. But when I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything. I started to panic, I reached up and grabbed what ever was on my face. It was...really fluffy? I pulled it off carefully and... I was met with Inu's less than happy expression. I scowled right back at him. We held a staring contest for a little while before Inu got tired of it. He wiggled and landed quite un-gracefully on the floor below. I huffed quitely and glanced at the clock. It was 11:26pm, I guess I should eat dinner after I shower. I hopped down from my hammock and stumbled towards the 'bathroom'. Which was just a toilet and a makeshift sink. I brushed my teeth slowly trying not to look at the mirror I had hung up. Once I did I instantly regretted it. WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER? IT WON'T MAKE YOU ANY LESS DISGUSTING. I shook my head vigorously, trying in vain to shake the awful thoughts from my head. Inu jumped up to the edge of the 'sink' and meowed. Successfully knocking me out of my head. It really was quite strange, it was like Inu could tell what I was thinking. I finished brushing and walked downstairs.

Walking to the mini fridge, I grabbed a can of wet food. Almost getting tripped multiple times by Inu. (Is it just my cat that does this?) I sighed and began mixing his wet and dry food together. Inu honestly eats better than I do. I usually eat things after patrol from dumpsters. Or whatever I can snag from the gas station. I know stealing isn't right, but the money I take off criminals can only go so far. I sighed and put Inu's food on the floor.

I ran up the stairs to get my towel and my vigilante outfit. On the way I also grabbed my travel sized shampoo that I refill with hand soap. Once I gathered all of my things into my yellow back pack I headed back downstairs. When I got there I found Inu already done with his food. He turned his dual colored eyes in my direction and meowed. "I'm going out again tonight buddy. So you need to stay here. And I mean it this time, no following me. Okay?" Inu stared at me for a moment, before turning and running. He took off up the stairs meowing. I sighed and turned to the door.

After a 15 minute trip, I made it to the gas station. Walking past the bored cashier, I made my way to the back. Technically the showers here are for truckers and people on long road trips. But, I don't have anywhere else to shower, so this is the bast I got. I had a strange feeling to day though, it was like nervousness and dread. But, there's nothing special about today, right? I slowly locked the stall and began to strip down. I kept thinking about what I could be nervous about, but nothing came to mind. Since I left the house at 11:52pm that meant it's not the 14th. Today is the...oh, today is my birthday. That makes sense then, I guess that's why my tally marks hurt.

Cold water rolled down my back, but I barely felt it. I was to busy stuck in my head. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO DO. But, that was what she did. I don't need to do that. YOU'RE 13 NOW AND YOU'RE MISSING 5 MARKS. 'BUT YOU SHOULDN'T HURT YOURSELF!' I've had this fight with myself every year since I left her. Should I do it? YES. I rinsed the soap out of my hair and finally caved. Reaching over a half wall I dug through my bag for a knife. Finally finding one, I walked over to the small mirror on the wall. I turned my back to it and tilted my head so I could see. There stood the 8 marks, each fresher than the last. Except for the first 5, which were given to me all at once. I remember in school when they would do the physical exams and scoliosis checks. They would have me wait in another room while the other children got checked. They thought it was unnecessary, because who would care about a quirkless child? Of course I was not quirkless, but my mother didn't want another like that mans registered. Snapping out of my thoughts, I brought the blade up next to the newest one. I dragged it down in a straight line, careful not to go too deep. But pressing hard enough for it to leave a scar. I did this 4 more times, each time I felt a little bit better. Once I finished the last one, dopamine burst through my system. Only one word echoing through my mind. GOOD.

Walking back into the main part of the store, I was a little mad. I had already broke into the box of bandages that I bought yesterday. I decided I was going to buy more. But as I walked to the health aisle I stopped. Looking over at a table to my left, I saw cupcakes. Or what I assumed were cupcakes, I've never had any before. In a moment of childish weakness I snatched up the container and continued. I felt that it would be okay since it's my birthday. GOING TO GET FAT TOO HUH? No, I'll just have one, I thought as I grabbed the bandages. I should really come up with a name for my weapons. Cause' bandages doesn't sound very cool. I could call them wrappings? Or like bindings? Or...snare? Since they catch people and like trap them it would make sense.

"14.99, Sir?" I snapped back to reality when the cashier spoke. "Oh, yeah thanks man." I pulled out my wallet, and searched for the money. Luckily I had just enough. Slapping down the money and an extra 6 dollars, I pointed at the shelf behind him. "I need a pack too." I said, the voice changer making my voice lower and kind of gravely. Said cashier looked me up and down for a moment, before shrugging. "Yeah, Okay."

Snatching up my bag, I walked briskly out of the store. Heading deeper into the slums, where I patrolled most of the time. I scaled a building so I wouldn't be spotted. Moving leisurely over the rooftops, I found a tallish one. It had a good view, but wasn't so tall I couldn't hear. I sat down and opened my grocery sack. I picked the cigarettes up and studied the box for a minute. I had smoked before, numerous times, but I only really did it to calm down. I never really got addicted, I just didn't like the feeling in my lungs the next morning. But, you know it was a holiday, so it's fine. I lit up and took a long drag. Then another, and another, and another. Then I could feel it, the nicotine spreading through me slowly. Sticking it in the corner of my mouth, I grabbed the cupcakes. Opening the obnoxiously loud container, I grabbed one. They were chocolate, and they smelled pretty good. I took the cigarette out of my mouth and took a small bite. I gasped, what the hell?! Why is this so fucking good?! I took two more rapid bites, it was the sweetest thing I think I've ever had. Besides that candy bar I bought one time.

If I wasn't always ready for attack I would have jumped a foot in the air when I heard feet land behind me. Groaning dramatically, I shoved my mask back over my face and stood. When I turned I was met by the bored face of Dadzawa. Letting out another even more dramatic groan I sat back down. "Oh, it's just you. You're kind of annoying, you know that right?" I said, not up for fighting right now. He didn't respond and I just took another drag through my mask.


As I was patrolling I saw Guardian sitting on a rooftop. Obviously I went up there and stood behind him. He groaned and stood. I had to resist rolling my eyes as he turned to me. But, when he did my eyes zeroed in on what was in his left hand. A cigarette was held loosely between his fingers, half finished. He said something but, I didn't respond. Instead I sat beside him. He jumped lightly, and coughed out some smoke. "Why are you smoking?" I asked, turning my head from the sky to his face. He blew the rest of the smoke out and said, "Why not?" Not even glancing at me. Guardian continued to stare up at the sky before reaching over and grabbing something. He lifted his mask just enough for his mouth and took a bite of...a muffin? "Have you ever had a cupcake? They're pretty good." He said a little more enthusiastically than before. Did he say cupcake? "Umm, kid, I hate to break it to you but, that's not a cupcake." Guardian looked over at me quizzically. "What the hell is it then? I could've sworn this is what cupcakes look like." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Has this kid really never had an actual cupcake before? "Give me the box." A moment later a plastic box sat in my hands. I looked it over, the kid had bought chocolate muffins. I opened the box and grabbed one, it was almost rock hard. "Guardian, this is a 4 pack of muffins. And they are very stale." I told him. "What the fuck is a muffin?!"

What the fuck am I doing? Guardian and I were now standing in front of the only cafe open at 1:00am. Apparently Guardian has never had cake or a cupcake. "Wait, how have you never had cake before? What about birthday parties?" I had asked him. "I've never had a birthday party. Are you supposed to eat cake?" He asked me still smoking. I slapped it out of his hand and crushed it. "Stop doing that shit. Now come on." And now here we are at a cafe. I pushed the door open and walked up to the counter. "You know you didn't have to slap it out of my hand. That pack was five bucks." He whined. I shot him a glare before ringing the bell at the counter. A short woman appeared a moment later with a kind smile. "What can I do for you two?" She said happily despite the hour. "Um, two coffees and a slice of cake. What flavor do you want? Chocolate or strawberry?" I said turning to look at him. He looked very shocked. "Uh, I don't- I've never had a strawberry before. So, uh, I don't know." He reached in his hood and scratched just below his ear. My jaw nearly dropped, what? He's never had a fucking strawberry?! The woman behind the counter gasped, and hurried away. Shuffling was heard before she came back with a strawberry. She practically shoved it in his face. He flinched, and took it from her. Lifting the mask quickly, he shoved the whole thing in his mouth. Me and the woman stood there staring at him in shock. He just...ate the entire strawberry. Including the leaves. His eyes still lit up and he said, "This is great! I'll take the strawberry piece!" He had seemingly swallowed it. "Uh, why are you guys staring at me? What did I do?" He looked between us rapidly. "You-you ate the leaves." The woman stuttered out.

After we got over the fact that he ate the whole thing, she gave us the order on the house. We sat across from each other him with cake and coffee. And me with half a coffee, because I drank a lot already. He stabbed a piece of the strawberry shortcake slowly and brought it up. Quickly he pulled the mask upward and shoved it in his mouth. Pulling it back down, he chewed for a second before his eyes were blown wide. His eyes seemed to sparkle with a child like wonder I had never seen. "Oh my gosh, this is so good!" He practically yelled. Oh my gosh? Wouldn't he normally say something like, 'holy shit this is great!'. He looked down at the cake bouncing up and down. Cake is good, but damn he was acting like a little kid. He looked up at me and his eyebrows furrowed. I raised an eyebrow back. Guardian looked around him, seemingly confused. "You okay kid?" I asked cautiously. He seemed to snap out of it as the sparkling left his eyes. He blinked multiple times and his hand clenched and unclenched. "How did I never know cake was this fucking good 'raser!" Guardian continued on like nothing had happened.

The kid was about halfway through his cake slice already. "Hey kid I meant to ask, why were you eating muffins and smoking anyways." I took another gulp of coffee, finishing the cup. "Oh, well,'s my birthday?" It was said kind of like a question. his... birthday? Oh, shit. "Happy birthday, I guess kid." The kid almost choked on his cake, good thing it was sprayed all over the table. Otherwise he would have. "Oh, shit! I'm sorry EraserDad. Fuck, it's just no ones ever said that before." He hurried to the counter and grabbed napkins. "Don't call me that in public." I grumbled. "Oh, sorry dad.~" he called over his shoulder. I choked on my own air. Over my harsh coughing, I heard two people cackling. One was Guardian, and the other was the cafe worker. I glared at him, activating my quirk. "You know that doesn't work on me." Guardian said glaring right back with his own red eyes. We both got tired at the same time and blinked. The lady laughed again. "What?" We said in unison, only making her laugh harder. "You-you guys are the cutest father and son I've ever seen!~" she exclaimed. "What?! We both shouted again. "My-my dad...well my real dad...I never knew him. She always said I looked just like him." He got a lot quieter at the end, touching the left side of his face. Everyone was silent for a moment before Guardian spoke again. "Well, thanks for the cake you two I had a good time. But I should go now, bye I guess." With that he walked out briskly.

I heaved a sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose. Standing up, I also made my way to the exit. "Eraserhead, do you know?" I turned back to her. "Know what?" I said gruffly. She gave me a large smile but sad smile. "I'll let you figure it out yourself then. Just promise me...take care of that boy." She gave one last smile before disappearing into the back. I stood there for a moment. She'll let me figure out what? I shook my head and walked out.

Little did Eraser know, her quirk was she could see who was related. It was a string that connected people. Pink for mother and child, purple for siblings. Green for aunt or uncle, yellow for cousins. Orange for grandparents and great grandparents. And blue, is father and son. The string that connected Shouta and Izuku was blue. The brightest she had ever seen.

AN: there's another blocky short chapter for you guys! Please don't comment rude things on my story. I appreciate constructive criticism, but being rude is uncalled for. And for the record, this is not a real book but a fanfiction. Therefore, it will not be written like a traditional book. Thank you~ :3