This is a collaboration with the writer ShinyUmbreonlover, therefore new chapters may take a while to release due to time-zone differences. As a warning, the main characters will be in a gay relationship. And lemons may come into play later on.

We do not own pokemon

It was early afternoon as an umbreon finally stirred from his sleep, opening his eyes to see the familiar cave he lived in, the same grey stone walls, the usual darkness, which did not matter to him, because his eyes and rings allow him to see fine in the dark, the rest of the family however, didn't venture too far into the cave, as they could not see anything. Shade slowly stood up and walked towards the exit of the cave.

"Mum! Where are you?" He called out. A voice replying from closer to the exit.

"I'm outside honey. There's some oran berries here for you." Shade's mother said.

"Okay. I'll be there in a moment" Shade replied, breaking into a brisk jog, there was still quite a distance to the entrance of the cave.

"Sammy boy, don't go too near the lake remember" Shade heard his dad warn his younger brother.

Who's dad to warn Sam? He's probably in the lake himself.

Who knows, uh, I mean woof?

Really? Voices in my head? Maybe I am going crazy.

But you're right about your pops. He's swimming in the lake, almost fully melted into the water though.

I forget he can do that.

"OOF" Shade shouted out, having ran into the wall where the cave turned as he wasn't paying attention. "Ouch. That was painful…"

Maybe pay attention to where you're going then? *clang*

What clanged? And I was focused on talking to you, whoever you are.

What clang? I didn't hear a clang.


"Good afternoon Shade, it's strange not seeing you all morning you know." Shade's mum said to him, as he exited the cave.

"Sorry mum, I can't help it though, the moon keeps me awake at night" Shade replied.

"You don't have to apologise honey, I understand that you're an Umbreon after all. We're opposites you know." his mother said.

"Yeah, I'm a dark type, you're a psychic type. I evolve from the moon, you evolve from the sun." Shade replied, munching an oran berry.

"You know Shadow, you should really act like you're less grumpy all the time. It's irritating." His mother said.

"Mum, don't call me that. And I'm 18. I'm always grumpy, it's a teenage thing." Shade replied.

"Shadow darling, I'll call you what I want to. I guess I could call you by your nickname, Shade from now on." His mum replied.

"That would be great," Shade replied, starting to eat another oran berry.

"Hey big bro!" A young voice shouted

"Hey Sammy boy, could you please not shout?" Shade asked his younger brother between mouthfuls of oran berry.

"Yeah, I can. How are you big bro Shadow?" The young Eevee asked.

"I'm alright lil bro. How are you then?" Shade replied, Sam being the only pokemon he was okay with calling him by his full first name.

"I'm doing great big bro. Daddy is in the lake swimming and I want to swim too," Sam said to Shade.

"Dad's okay to swim buddy, he can almost become the water. He's not letting you swim because of the big red snake." Shade replied, not wanting to say the correct name of said serpent, because he knew this would terrify the youngster.

"Oh right, okay. I guess that makes sense big bro Shadow." Sam replied, drooping his ears.

"Sam, don't do that, you're too cute when you do." Shade commented, forcing himself to look away from his brother.

"Aw, okay big bro, i'll stop." Sam replied.

"GAH! GUYS GET INSIDE THE CAVE!" Shade heard his dad yell.

"What about you dad?" Shade replied, looking everywhere for his dad, not looking right next to himself.

"I'm right here Shade," his dad replied, scaring Shade a little.

"DAD! You made me jump. Anyway, let's go in yeah?" Shade replied, sprinting back to the cave as a speck of red appeared from the lake.

"Yep. I'm with you, Shade my boy." His dad replied.

"Ow! Go on without me dad, I'll be fine." Shade said after tripping and falling on his face.

"I'm not leaving you son." His dad replied.

"Just go dad! I don't want that monster to hurt you!" Shade snapped, as his dad slowly walked away.

"Please be safe son." Shade's dad muttered to himself.

Shade was trembling in fear and pain as the massive pokemon loomed closer to him.

Arceus please let him have mercy. Shade thought to himself, he jumped as the Gyarados shrieked out in pain, he turned around to see a well electrocuted brute lying on the floor spasming.

"W-Woah, how did that h-happen?" Shade asked himself aloud, noticing yellow fur to his right.

"W-W-Who are y-y-you?" Shade asked the yellow figure.

The figure said quietly, but still audibly, " Voltaire."

"I-I'm Shadow" Shade replied, equally quiet. "W-What are you?"

"A Jolteon." Voltaire answered.

"W-Wait really?!" Shadow said, speaking a little louder as his excitement grew.

Voltaire nodded, staring at the twitching Gyarados, as he slowly inched towards Shadow.

Shadow tried desperately to contain his excitement, as his nerves took over, him now shaking in fear. "D-Did you do that to her?" he asked.

Voltaire nodded, still staring the red serpent down as he made his way to Shadow.

Shadow decided to lie down, just in case his excitement reached a certain body part of his, he didn't want to gross out this friendly newcomer. "S-s-so, uh, what's your family like?"

Voltaire simply winced, still looking at the Gyarados.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry" Shadow hastily said, realising that something wasn't right.

Did his parents die somehow? He thought to himself.

Dude, shut up.

Voltaire, still looking at the serpent, questioned Shadow "You gonna sit there or get back?"

"What do you mean Voltaire?" Shadow returned with a question, looking confused

The Jolteon continued "I didn't KO it, it's just paralysed."

"Oh right, makes sense, although uh, they're really weak to electricity you know." Shadow replied. Glancing behind him, seeing his brother barreling towards him. "I suggest you don't get too close Voltaire, my younger brother's running over as fast as his little legs will carry him" Shade said

Voltaire backed away a bit, immediately looking away from Gyarados and looking down.

Shadow yipped out in pain as the shiny eevee slammed into his side. "Bro, your headbutts are really strong you know. H-Hey Voltaire, you alright?" Shadow asked, noticing Voltaire's shyness.

Voltaire backed away a bit more, muttering "I… I gotta go now."

"O-Oh. Huh? Hey bro, could you go back to dad and let him know I'm alright?" Shadow asked the young Eevee, who quickly vanished back to where he came from. "Sorry about him, Voltaire," Shadow said.

Voltaire shrugged "It… It's fine. What is your family doing so close to a Gyarados anyway?"

"This was the only place we could find to live, we didn't know that a Gyarados was here." Shadow replied, nervously chuckling.

"That's a bit more than an oversight, maybe it evolved after you guys moved in?" Voltaire suggested.

"Maybe, who knows?" Shade replied, slowly sitting upright.

Voltaire looked away for a second, back at the Gyarados as it slowly slinked back into the water. "I-I'm gonna go now. I only helped cause I happened to see."

"W-Wait, don't go, please. W-what if she attacks again?" Shadow replied, looking nervously behind him and seeing his dad, slowly walking over.

Voltaire replied "I… I can stay for a bit longer, but… I have somewhere to be."

Shadow looked sad, "Okay, thanks Voltaire." Shadow quickly moved his front legs in front of his belly, as he realised he was a little excited.

Voltaire started towards the Umbreon again, stopping a few feet from him and sitting down. "Uh… How many family members do you have?"

"Just my parents and my little brother. What about you?" Shadow replied, wanting to lie down, but deciding not to.

"Oh… Are they evolutions of Eevee to?" He questioned.

"Yeah, my mum's an espeon and my dad is a purple Vaporeon. And you saw my brother already" Shadow replied, deciding to leave the topic of Voltaire's parents.

Voltaire shuddered, "I'm not good around others… I don't know how Im even talking to you right now."

"I'm the same Voltaire, I can normally only talk to my parents and my bro." Shade laughed nervously, his legs moving away from his belly.

Voltaire nodded "I get you… I hope I won't be bothering your family by staying a bit."

"Nah, they're fine with it, probably happy that I'm speaking to someone else" Shadow replied, and as if on cue, received a soggy slap on the back from his dad, splashing Voltaire a little.

Voltaire winced back out of reaction, rapidly attempting to wipe the water off of him.

"Really dad?" Shadow asked rhetorically, helping Voltaire wipe the water off of his back.

Voltaire pulled further back at the contact. "Please don't touch me…" He asked.

"O-oh. I'm sorry, I was just trying to help" Shadow replied, quickly moving his paw away, and playfully slapping his dad. "C-could you go back please dad?" He asked, to which, his dad laughed and ran off.

Voltaire calmed down a bit, still slightly on edge. "It… It's ok."

"A-are you sure Voltaire?" Shadow asked.

Voltaire nodded. "You.. You were just trying to help."

"Y-you've still got water on your back, want some help?" Shade asked.

Voltaire shook his body, sending the water away. "I got it. But thanks for the offer."

"Gah! You got me wet again…" Shadow complained.

Voltaire replied "Sorry…"

"It's fine. Don't worry." Shadow replied, shaking himself dry, splashing Voltaire again.

Voltaire simply sighed. "I'll just leave it there and let it dry."

"I can wipe it off if you'd rather. I don't mind, I'm used to it actually" Shadow asked.

Voltaire thought for a second. "Fast. Do it fast, I don't like physical contact."

Shadow wiped the water off as fast as he could, and gave Voltaire a very brief nuzzle. "You said that before. I'm sorry, I've never seen a jolteon before"

Voltaire nodded. "Not many want to evolve into a Jolteon."

"C-can I g-give you a hug?" Shadow asked, blushing slightly.

Voltaire blushed as well "B-but why?"

"I-I just…. To be honest, my dream mate has always been a jolteon, so I'd just like to hug one y'know?" Shadow confesses, blushing a lot.

Voltaire blushed a bit more as well. "S-Sure?"

"T-thanks a lot Voltaire, also, you can just call me Shade," The umbreon said, hugging Voltaire tightly.

Voltaire blushed again "Volt. That… That's my nickname."

"That's a really fitting nickname." Shade said, still hugging Volt.

Volt pulled back from the hug, his blush fading. "I… I haven't ate in a while. Could I have something to eat?"

"Sure, If you wouldn't mind eating with my family. We have plenty of Oran berries" Shade replied, standing up.

Volt's stomach growled loudly. "I'm so hungry I could eat a Mudsdale."

"I'll take that as a yes to my family then?" Shade asked, his stomach following suit. As he walked towards his cave.

Volt nodded, following Shade.

"Right, here we are, welcome to my humble abode Volt." Shade said, as they reached the front of the cave, greeted by Shade's family.

"Mum, this is Volt, he's a little shy like me, but he's hungry and saved my life." Shade said, introducing the last member of his family to Volt.

Volt waved a single paw, looking down.

"Hello Volt, here, have some oran berries," Shade's mum said, pushing 15 berries in front of Volt. "You too Shade"

Volt began greedily eating the berries. "Thank you, these are delicious!"

Shade giggled as he also ate his berries. "Johto oran berries are amazing right Volt?"

Volt nodded. "I never realised berries tasted different in different regions."

"Me either, I only had a few back in Galar. They were nowhere near as nice as these though" Shade replied, Volt now noticing his rather strong accent.

Volt nodded. "The ones in Alola tasted more sour."

"You're Alolan? That's amazing!" Shade announced, his brother face-pawing.

Volt nodded again, keeping silent.

Shade finished his oran berries and went to leave. "You want to stay the night Volt?" he asked.

Volt thought for a second. "Do you have an empty room in this cave?" He asked quietly.

"We should have one, it's quite far in though" Shade's dad replied. "You could stay in Shade's room with him, his rings will allow you to see"

Volt thought for a second. "That's fine… Strangely, I've got used to you guys already."

"Yeah, you want to sit outside for a bit first?" Shade asked Volt.

Volt nodded. "Sure. I haven't really stopped to appreciate nature in forever."

"Me either, I'm normally awake at night, and just wander around aimlessly." Shade said, heading back outside.

Volt sat down on the grass, staring at the setting sun. "Wow. I was right when I said I havent appreciated nature in a while. It's so cool."

"Yeah, look at the lake too, the reflections are amazing" Shade said, leaning against Volt softly.

Volt pulled back slightly again, gasping at the contact.

Shade chuckled softly. "My bad Volt, I can't help it"

Volt shook his head, saying "It… It's fine."

Shade, chuckled again. "Hey, we should probably head back inside the cave, it's getting late, as much as my body wants me to stay out here, I can't leave you to headbutt walls in the dark."

Volt nodded, sitting up. "Well? Let's go."

"Alright. Follow me then Volt" Shade said heading back into his den.

Volt followed Shade all the way to the room.

"Well. here we are, my room. You'll have to sleep either on the floor, in the small hole there with me, or I'll sleep on the floor," Shade said.

Volt answered "I'll sleep on the floor. I'm used to it."

"I think we should stick close together. It gets really cold back here sometime Volt, I don't want you to freeze" Shade replied

Volt said "But you aren't frozen, right? And my heart pumps pretty fast, and me being an electric type means I generate a bit of heat."

"I'm not frozen because I sleep on leaves, Volt. The cold stone floor will not help." Shade replied.

Volt replied "Well I'm an electric type, like I said I make my own heat a bit. And besides, I'll only take up space."

"Remind me of the one weakness electric has? Oh yeah, ground. And you'll not take up space, we'll help each other stay warm" Shade replied, sounding a little angry.

Volt sighed. "Fine." He started towards the bed.

"See, I know you dislike physical contact Volt, but I can tell you like me" Shade said, teasing Volt a little.

Volt shook his head. "I don't know you though. It's just a necessity."

Shadow laughs, "Tell that to your brain"

Volt shrugged, climbing into the bed and curling up, trying not to touch Shade.

Shade puts a paw on Volts back, "You don't have to pretend, I saw it Volt, you like me, so don't be shy eh?"

Volt sighed. "I only feel comfortable talking around you, nothing else. I don't really know anyone."

"Sure, whatever ya say Volt, You uh, might want to look down though" Shade said, still teasing the timid Jolteon.

Volt looked down, before insanely blushing and jolting from the bed. "I-it's nothing."

"Hey, I don't mind Volt. I-If I'm honest, I have the same problem… but let's just sleep it off, eh?" Shade says to Volt

Volt slowly paced back over before climbing back into the bed, facing away from Shade.

"Hey, I'm sorry Volt. I was just teasing you." Shade says giving Volt another light hug

Volt nodded. "It's fine. It's probably just because I don't have much contact with other Pokemon."

"Yeah, same here. Plus my dream has partially come true, I've finally met a jolteon. I actually know what they look like now" Shade replied, beginning to fall asleep.

Volt nodded, his eyes slowly closing as he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter end.